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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. Hi Crusty

    You make some very good points. I wish to add something that is totally my observations and have no study base.

    I amnot sure how long you have been in Thailand, so you may already know all this. If you go back 20 years most of the Islands that are tourist based now, where natural reserves. These reserves were taken over by developers illegally. They simply built resorts without any regard to law or preservation. This attracted naieve tourists who didnot understand or didnot care to understand what was happening. Then some foreigners liked it there and became expats living there, making it appear even better.

    What you are seeing now is simply the supplying the demand for exotic destinations for selfish new rich middle class. Who are more interested in going back to their countries and tell of their decadant holiday on an island.

    Thirty years ago Crusty all you would have got on these islands were bamboo huts no tv and cold water baths. Is that your lifestyle there or are you in condo by the sea? This isnot said to be mean just for reflection and understanding.

    And in closing it would be very nice if your concerns for the islands were everyones concerns.

    One last thing I lived for years on Vancouer Island and watched development change it. It was often said people arrive and like it and change it. then are first to complain when someone else arrives likes it and changes it. It is ok for them but not others.

  2. What blows me away with this countries logic is no loss of face for total incompetence. This guy was so worried about losing face he did nothing. I cannot wrap my mind around this. Personally if it was me I would be so embarrassed I wouldnot be able to show my face in public. But here the logic is I did nothing wrong because I did nothing. Simple as that

  3. I always go to my thai friends. I have found foreigners just confuse me.I often find out when discussing things with foreigners they aremore interetsed in appearing to be knowledgable, than they actually are and often give answers to questions with no real understanding.

    in short they bul-shit.

    Now I have enough thai friends simple phone call and they take over and clear everything up dealing with thai situations.

    The problems I have is with foreigners who are criminals and paranoid of my presence because they cannot get anything on me and see themselves as vulnerable. These guys will stop at nothing to get rid of what they think is a threat, real or imagined. With them there is no where to go but take them on, face first.

    A guy was killed here about 2 weeks ago, he fit my description, Everyone here knew some brits had it in for me and many thought they had got me. Now the murder is hush hush and big coverup saying no not foreigner. My thia friends spoke to the guys who retreived the body they say definitely a foreigner. Now my thia friemds think it was meant for me but hitman got wrong guy.

    So I just wait to see what the future holds.Donot tell me to run I am willing to die now these guys are sh-it, I have done nothing to get to promote this My attitude is bring it on I have had a good life better than anyone of those scumbags and if killing me they get caught maybe it will help others hae a good life because they will be taken out of society and put in jail.

  4. I heard a rumour that from tomorrow 1-10-09 a farang can have his/her name put on the blue book along with their Thai spouse as 50-50 co-owner and it's not going to cost anything.

    Anyone know any truth about this??


    why 50 -50just put it in your name all my vehicles are registered in my name. Did someone tell you you cannot register it in your name?

  5. Is this a 5day 5night trip?

    If it is most of what you will see will be through the winshield i think.I was in Isaan last year and a couple of young thai guys in the family drove it in 22 hours straight one way. So if it was me I think you are looking at 2 days just driving.2 days none stop.

    one day for getting there one day for coming back. that is 18 hours of driving each way. but this was Nong Khai province. So stay Burriram and southern Isaan. Maybe Mukdahan is farthest you want to go. But these areas arenot the same as the true northeast believe me. If you want real Isaan go to Seka. Or around that area.

    Hope this helps.

  6. The only thing that would truly drive me out of this country is if I had to come into contact on a daily basis with so many of the d7ick head farang that live here on tourist visas.

    Thank God I can live my own life here and boy do I love it. No one bothers me and I bother no one, just the way I like it. I will die a happy man here if this continues.

    My first trip here was 1991 I fell in love with Thailand in the taxi coming from the airport. I still love it here. I feel the same as bravingbangkok, so moved up to a small city.Still meet those farang now just avoid them.

    In Canada I was comfortable , had a oceanview home 1/2 acre land ,new car no debt, sailoat ,power boat etc. But unhappy. Sold it all came here no regrets.

    I am another singleman who will not live his life in an old folks home. Here I feel I can afford personnel care when time arises. Also I donot care if something happens and am unable to take care myself, let me die or keep me in vegetable state as long as I amnot aware of what is happening, what does it matter. In Canada old folks home check the income and just charge whatever the old guy has coming in, feed them crap and store them in small rooms ,white collar thieves. Whats the difference.

    Medicare is a joke back in Canada patients are cash cows. Treating the problem is secondary to doctors milking the system. Here I walk into hospital resolve the problem ,on with life and is affordable.I set aside $10,000 canadian a year for future health care more than enough

    I was lonely in Canada I am lonely here, but here life is simple on the surface people are friendly and as a single man ,women are still interested in me. Being touched by people is somehting that didnot happen in Canada.. Men shouldnot have to live like that. Single men there are so discriminated against there

    Sorry for rant

  7. I live on Vancouver island for 20 yearswe had what was called mud sharks. They were a problem for fidherman of other species of fish. There were so many at times they would be on top of each other under the boat.No one wanted them just a problem. They were abundant. Maybe someone found a market for these scavengers. If you want a real cause go after salmon fishing. most natural stock is gone the all the farmed fish released into nature is done by volunteers and funded partially by governments. Without these volunteers salmon would be history alresdy.

  8. @ lovelomsak

    you still did not mention what exactly these 3 Brits said to you.Why do they threaten you and what did they tell you they want to do to you.This story sounds very weird.

    See the quoted text in post 28

    did it really happen like this?One side of a story.

    let interpol decide now thanks to all of you for your help

  9. Clearly the Op knows too much .

    On the other hand I would feel morally guilty if I knew what he knows , this is a very serious issue .

    How would you feel if one of your own kids would attend on this school with such dangerous individuals ,

    who should get life sentences or as in Poland get castrated if proven guilty ....

    I would feel such guilt for those poor souls the OP should report those bastards , report it to the Police or and

    international agency for possible child molesters who they will investigate , try to get protection and move out of the area

    very quickly but not before the report , I 'm very serious , who thinks the same ?

    Yes. Go to Interpol.


    interpol is the answer then thank all of you

  10. more in fo for the curious ok

    I was offered a job at a school. I went there to check it out. Went to english department. Met 2 of the guys, the 40ish guy refused to even say hello wouldnot even recognize my presence ok so I leave him alone no want conflict donot need it. Second guy 50ish says right off he has been there the longest and is in charge ok a guy on power tripI willnot interfere. He then goes on to tell me he used to manage a crew at heathrow airport afternoon shift. He tells me he is a pilot etc. Some female students come in he has been videoing he says for school project. What he says next blows me away. He states get this exact quote." there is just something about seeing those small school uniforms laying on the floor."

    I decide right there I want nothing to do with these guys or the school. I go find the thai person that offered me the job and politely state that I amnot interested in working and donot want to change my visa, i will stay retired thank you. Good enough I thought. I just want to go home forget this ever happened.

    I rent a townhouse in the city the school is in. And continues on with my life. One day the 50ish guy meets me on street, asks what do i want he can get it for me. I reply I am ok thanks nothing at the moment. He tells me come to Oasis friday he goes there every friday around 12. I didnot go. We meet about 4 days later he says not to play with him or he will come to house to deal with me. First threat simply because I avoid him. He then says wifes cousin is a policeman and he will assist him no problem.

    I am told by other foreigners in the area the second guy the 40ish oh i forgot to add he is the tough guy of the 2,., is waiting for the opportunity to give me a good beating, because he cannot stand me.

    After that new Bitish guy gets hired as teacher. Within 1 week he starts following me and thats where it is now.

    I willnot go into the stories I here about them bragging about police contacts and bar owners in pattaya because I get this from other foreigners they talk too.

    Any other questions?

  11. This is an old thread but I wish to reply anyways. I am a single man soon 61 I moved to Thailand with the intent of staying out of oldage homes.

    For the same cost as being herded around in an oldage home, eatinng instututional food, dealing with impatient staff or just dealing with staff period. I can have my own home. A private live in homecare worker 24/7. Live worry free and still be independent

  12. thailand seems to draw its fair share of expat misfits here,people that would be the same back home.If it was me having your problem i would up and leave,move somewhere else................easiest way to remove the threat.

    sorry willnot give in to such thuggery acts as stated before Iam old and will die first

  13. Good topic I have quite a problem with 3 Brithish guys up where I am. I am retired and live alone. I donot drink or smoke or do drugs. For some reason this angers them. 2 of them have threatened to come to my house. One follows me around and constantly challenges me publicly by interrupting me whenever I talk and never letting me finish a statement in public constantly trying to provoke something. Every time I go out of my home is less than an hour he is around me.When I visit thais he doesnot know he sits across the street and watches us and when I leave he follows me. They are all teachers at a local school and give me the feeling their acts are acts of paranoia. All three brag about connections with bar owners in Pattaya and their police contacts, as to sound like they are connected gangsters and thugs. I mind my own business but they harrass me constantly.One guy is 40something the other 2 early 50s. I think all wannabes but dangerous as hel_l.

    When they have threatened me they make it appear they have the police in their backpocket so as to say no where for me to seek assistance or help.They have told me openly their wifes relatives will do crimial acts cheap. I am old enough I willnot give in to thugs would rather die first. So welcome to my funeral.

    One last thing as teachers I donot see how he can be away from school so much to watch me?

  14. I know most guys ccannot live in a smaller city but I do and here are my costs. for where i live.

    2bedroom 2 bath townhouse 2500

    internet 700

    electric and water right now has been free for months when not free not more than 500 combined

    diesel for truck gas for motorcycle 1500

    eat out all meals 4500

    entertainment 8000

    total 17200

    my 65000 baht a month budget lets me travel to bkk or pattaya whenever i want or go phil or vietnam or where ever.

  15. Why anyone wants to go to Phuket is beyond me. Scam capital of Thailand. Sure take holiday where taxi drivers abuse you. Food is more expensive than restaraunts in your home country and not as good. Thais treat you like sh-it. Everyone is rude to you unless you spend as much or more that they expect from you. Have fun I think after 2 weeks there the happiest part of holiday is getting

    on plane home.

  16. I would say Pitsanulok

    4 hours by bus or train to bkk

    tesco bigc macro topland

    train planes and bus service

    2 bedroom townhouse 2 bathroom tile floors nice big eating area inside(kitchen) air con 6000 baht include electric and water and about 46 channels on tv.

    Houses not far from big c 1.3 million 2 bedroom 2 bath

    suppossedly the most restaurants per capita in thailand.

    has 2 university

    River flows through center of city has great nightlife at night along river Market,restaurants things like that not western style.

    Manypeople speak english

    hope this helps

    forgot one draw back appears to be one of the hotter places in thailand

  17. Sorry if i am mistaken here but is this the Udon in the north east part of Thailand?

    I have a freind just built a gorgeous house 6 bedrooms,7 bathrooms on a mainstreet in the city. As we all know main street land is the most expensive here. This house would be suitable for California, nothingdone on the cheap. It has 9 airconditioners etc etc. Total cost minus land 2 millon baht. Land off main street very cheap,

    Oh I forgot to add this included high walled fenced and beautiful ornate metal gates.

  18. but paradise is another place i spend afew weeks a year but i wont be telling any shark property developers where.

    I am with busybee on this one for sure. ! have travelled the world for the last 40 years finding places that wherenot taken over by greed and tourism. Each one got found and changed. Now I no longed mention the good spots,keep them my secret.

    that said I must take some blame too,I used to love to brag about the new paraduse I had found, Live and learn.

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