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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. Had the same problem before with a kawasaki 650 my problem was the wiring under the seat was rubbing medal against medal when seat was down. It bared some wires and kept shorting out. If it only goes a short distance before a fuse goes making it difficult to get to mechanic, try putting some insulating material between seat and rest of bike., to get you to mechanic. Or lift seat start engine and look for bared wires or wires that look like they get ccompressed when seat is down.

    Depends ccould be elsewhere also. Any where there is movement and wires.

    Good Luck

  2. dude, we're not rocket scientists here, we live in Thailand and drink beer. and one thing we most certainly do NOT do is, hang out with eachother so there is no way we know what anyone else is experiencing during these trying times :)

    cannot see the humor sorry

    sucks to be you. you should try lightening up instead of assuming Thai Visa is going to be your intellectual depot of the day.

    I was only joking
  3. What you decribe was the reason I retired early and moved here. For years I came here for january and february. That got to be to long to go , so I startedcoming jamuary and july that wasnot lonng eonough each time. So I sold everything and retired here. Been here three years and went back home twice each time I couldnot wait to be back in thailand.

    I should add I donot live in Pattaya or krung thep. I live in a small amphur, but life is so simple and easy and absolutely no accountabil;ity. Life here is as easy as you make it. I will only return to Canada in a box as a permanent resident.

  4. Everyone needs a good vent once in a while. And I appreciate it the way you approached it as a thread in itself instead of damaging someone elses thread. Its the people who vent on a good threat and get it closed that are a little less appreciated by me. Also your vent may of had many thruths to too

  5. I apologize if my last post appeared unhelpful. It just so happened today I went for lunch with one of my lawyers wifes,and daughter . He wasnot able to give an opinion because of his absence but she stated to get an ethical lawyer isnot difficult. Her suggestion was sit down with some thai friends discuss it and they will probably point you in the right direction. Or if you already have a lawyer discuss it with him.

    She felt anyone who advertises may be a disappointment. Her beliefs are if they get clients from the advertising their prices will be very high or they are perhaps the unethical ones. This is all I got from her sorry. She strongly suggested get lawyers through associates and friends. With that said maybe you consider thai visa members friends.Then ask for pm with names of firms.

    If I am not being helpful I apologize and hope it doesnot effect this thread.

  6. The firm depends on your needs please be more specific. Most lawyers in Thailand know Thai law but are low on foreign law knowledge or internetional law, knowledge. In the past I have gotten all my recommendations from thai associates. Have always had good results and paid only what was quoted at the begining. Try asking some thais you know.

  7. I would talk to a lawyer quickly. Is the marriage registered at the embassy or in UK?

    I divorced my thia wife just 2 years ago. She tries so hard to get the marriage registered with embassy so she could use canadian divorce laws and get good settlement.

    I had my lawyer apply for divorce and he informed me after that the wife made counter claims for divorce. My lawyer informed me it was good I applied first for the judge threwout her counter and I was informed if her papers had gone through first it would have been big problems for me.She made some very wild claims about our relationship.

    So talk to a lawyer protect yourself.

    My divorce lawyer cost me 25,000 baht and we never made it to court she signed everything the day before court date. Thia divorce courts are usually avoided by thai women. They ask questions you would not believe about your sex life everything.

  8. Need a lot more info. Not sure how condos work I have townhouse. Doyou have a meter? If you do simply check the reading each month alculate your rate and check it out.I had a problem in the past where the past meter reading wasnot being updated bills kept increasing in amount.I kept all my meter readings refused to pay till they got it right.Finally fixed it havenot paid a satng since last april.

  9. Oh forgot one that was the strongest fish i ever had the pleasure of catching. It scared me and my buddies it was so strong.It was an 80 lbs spring salmon up in dickson entrance near alaska This fish was so powerful it tipped the boat to whichever side it went and we were in a 50 footer. The water turned white when it was on top the water. when we boated it the hook came out ,the force of its pullimg had straightened out the hook and it was a huge commercial hook. Its belly was as solid as a rock. I have never seen any like it before or since.

  10. I am not sure if I am acclimatised or not , but I had to stop using a/c and fan at night becuase I got terrible headcolds when using them.So now I seldom even use a fan in the house, just cross breezes,at night sleep with bedroom outside door open and all windows open.Electric is free I use so little.I shower whenever I feel to hot , the odd thing is sweating is no longer an issue for me it feels ok.

  11. I amnot sure on this one I have 3 favorites actually. One 135 lbs swordfish in Mexico because of its strenght and lenght of time it took to boat it. Another mexican catch a 15 lbs Dorado shear flurry when clearing the water and loved the colour changes from blue to gold when dieing. Last a 5 lbs rainbow trout in Elk River bc Canada ,best fight for pound .

  12. The best way to make and keep influential friends is to never need them and never use them. You don't treat a friend like an asset or flaunt them. Sort out your own problems. Any guy who brags is just that, a bragger.

    You say things well I like and appreciate your wisdom. You have a good understanding of human social interaction. To ask an influential person for help makes the person asking a liability and petential problem. I agree make your own bed ad sleep in it.

  13. Quite recently, someone posted on a particular 'local' forum, asking whether all expats were a fair representation of the types of people deciding to live here in Thailand. The threads turned into the usual bunfight by the usual suspects and the threads were terminated.

    I've thought about this before, and have to say that although there's some useful, and much erroneous, information here on this forum, I'm very happy I hadn't come across it before deciding to relocate here.

    Would you have relocated anyway? And if not, why not?

    I was aware of it before I located here. I never joined till a couple of weeks ago. First forum I have ever joined. I donot wish to incite any anger or get this thread closed but I find internet info as a whole quite ill informed. I donot kknow why but I go to the internet to add to my knowledge and find that the ones usually publicly stating things on the net are terribly ill infromed or I am beginning to believe are trying to miss inform., or are giving wrong info for financial gain from the ignorant.

    I travelled all over thailand for my first 5 years visiting here to get first hand knowledge. Then i came to internet for association with expats and find little of value.After years here I cannot believe what people post as fact. But sometimes there is something of value so I enjoy what is offered and use what I can.

    When I am home alone it is something to read.

  14. I compare the OP with "rich farangs in Thailand saga". All those rich guys who are talking about how much money they have... I've met many "millionaires and billionaires".

    They even couldn't afford to pay their restaurant bill. People with money will never talk about thei assest and people with real tough connections will never reveal it.

    How many times did I hear "do ya know to whom I have connections?" Utter BS in most cases.

    It`s not the well connected Farangs that concern me, in fact it`s the opposite.

    The Farangs to avoid are those that are living in Thailand on a shoestring budget. As these can be found in any bar, teaching at schools and may even approach you in the street. The more affluent criminal types or those with so called high profile connections normally keep within they're own clicks.

    The desperate, these are visa runners who do not have the funds or incomes to meet the requirements of obtaining a 12 month visa here, or those who have a much younger high maintenance Thai girlfriend using most of their funds to support her, others that are scratching around for any kind of work, legal or illegal in order to support themselves and those living in Thailand with no visa at all.

    Some take to pushing drugs, behind the scenes begging, working at low paid jobs without work permits or poncing off they're mates.

    These are the Farangs to avoid. Associating with these losers can cause one major problems.

    another profound and knowledgeable statement

  15. Anybody who talks about how rich he is, isn't rich. Why would a rich person boast about his wealth, especially in a place like Thailand where personal safety and security can be problematic, to say the least.

    Anybody who talks about all the connexions he has, has none. Why would influential people associate themselves with braggarts?

    couldnot have said it better

  16. Hi

    I amnot sure where you can go to take lessons in thialnd. But if you have never sailed before starting at laser level could be difficult.. I would suggest going to Royal Varuna Yayht Club and renting a davidson first. They are simple and easy to sail.You must first get to know where the wind is. A davidson is safe and forgiving. After you are comfortable with the davidson then if you wish go on to laser.

    I would suggest davidson then perhaps small keelboat 18 to20ft around 1500 to2000 pounds weight with 500 lbs of that keel weight.Have an experienced skipper with you because they donot have brakes.

    If you are 40 or older definitely donot go to laser, go for davidson. Your stomacch muscles wouldnot handle a laser,you would be in the water a lot.

    Hope this helps

  17. Ok I get the picture I must be the most misunderstood guy in the world.I read all your replies and to be honest see l;ittle in them relating to what was on my mind when I started this thread or the last one. So I willsimply give up trying to make sense with you guys .

  18. This is a tricky balance. Bonobo, even before he was a moderator, was my favourite contributor. I cannot mention and don't mention his reason for stopping your last topic. Indeed I am not allowed to do so. But I want you to note that you were not 'targetted' by your topic being described as trolling.

    He made a hard call. I don't think you are necessarily of evil intent in posting what you posted, but I fear it goes down such an obvious series of narratives that you it is doomed to drop into a rant. Had you reframed your position it might have stood a chance. As it was you did this:

    You problematised the type of women that farang men marry in Thailand (why did you choose to do this?)

    You appear to associate women's desparate need for resources as a form or moral failure (an arguable position)

    You used the conceptual framework of class (you seem to have not noticed you used two meanings of class: 'classy' and 'class of social status' )

    You assumed a preference for the middle class, upper class girl (and assumed they are superior)

    You assumed the vices are the problems of the lower classes only

    You naively assumed Thais who marry up the social ladder do not suffer such vices (since they told you so)

    You were inviting a narrative that is inherently insulting, since your assumptions are twisted away from reality. I just never seem to meet these men who are falling off bar stools trying to take in their next drug trip, who then stagger home, to have SM with their barn chicken, before exploding from the gluttony they suffer as a consequnce of marrying a woman of low morals. I just keep meeting gentlemen with nice wives who quietly get on with their lives.

    I would like to thank Ian Forbes and your self for assisting me here. But amnot clear on some of the issues that Gaccha makes about my post.And feel he issimply taking the high road to rationalize my post being stopped.

    I was discussing bar girls marrying farangs which is common and not "problemiatised the typeof woman"

    No where didI mention moral failure or need for resources.At no time did I state anything derogatory towards women.

    Yes I did mention class thatis what the thread was about marrying within your class,would it be better i said peers of equality

    Sorry if you read my statements as vices. I was thinking more of behavior patterns that influence everyday life

    On the final statement he makes I can only reply on the thais I associate with,they tolerate such behavior but donot partake themselves.

    So I am correct in assuming the thread hit a little to close to home for some here.

  19. Just a qustion here so I donot make the same mistake twice.

    What is a troll?

    I posted a topic on why guys marry bar girls and it was stopped because someone called it a troll, What is a troll please?

    And what can i do to restate the thread so it is accepted, and not discontinued.

    Because I feel it is a very real topic and should be discussed.

    Or did the topic hit to close to home for a lot of people here?

  20. After discussing why farang marry the bargirls with Thais.These are my conclusions.

    I donot drink or smoke so all my thai friends arenot bar scene people.

    I ask them would a good thai woman marry a thai man who drank everyday ? Of course the answer is no, I ask would you marry a thai man who smoked a lot? Again the answer is no.Would you marry a thai man who goes to prostitutes? Again i get the no reply.

    These are middle class thais with shops or careers and come from decent families.I have found these to be the majority of thais. They willnot marry drinking smoking thais why marry farang, with those bad habits.

    They have a class structure same as us. So in reality most drunk farang marry bargirls because that is their class. Most just donot realize it, or willnot admit it.

    Here a lowlife farang can have a lowlife lifestyle no problem, as long as the money holds out. But his accessability to good thais is limited. And he is kept in his class and doesnot grow out of it.

    Next time a thai ask you why farang marry bargirl just say they marry within their class.

    I am sure many will dispute this with stories about thai men and families. But their observations will be from their associations and again that comes down to class.

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