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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. I definitely would go with nissan. Thay are known as the strongest truck and in my opinion have the best interior. I own a nissan frontier diesel 5speed and love it all my thia friends say it s a very dtrong truck they say izuzu and toyota are soft. My foreigner friends say they are work trucks but they all drive toyotas.

    Bought mine basically for the interior if I have to sit in itfor long periods of time I want to like what I see when I am in it.

  2. I really enjoy all theses witticisms posted here but what I got mostly from that article reading between the lines the authorities are going after illiminating the bar fine. When I first came to Thailand there was no barfine. Perhaps the Thai way of seeing things is take away the upfront costs and attract more customers.Also change it back to Thai owned bars.No barfine no problem. The thai mamasans will have the girls coming right back quickly and everything will be Thais helping Thais.

  3. I personally would never own an automatic. It is my understanding they donot have a neutral. So if a time arises when you must rev the engine and not wish to go forwrad you must have the brake on well increasing the rpm. Also automaticas donot allow you to gear down to use the engine to help slow you down. All the thais I know willnot buy an automatic because they fear going downhill on one and losing control because the only way to stop the bike is with the brakes cannot down shift, they fear the bike will gain speed downhill and become uncontrolable.

    I like the gears of dream or wave I also have my new phantom arriving the 15 of february they said it has to be built none in stock. Why not buy new dream?

  4. During my working career back in Canada I worked with a few guys who took their pay cheques home and gave them to their wives. The wife got it all and gave the husband money as they saw need. My younger brother is one of these guys. So are they paying for female companion ?

    In Thailand I know many thai families where the husband is responsible for giving the wife a set amount of money each month be it 10,000 baht or what ever. I know one thai man gives his wife 125,000 baht a month to take care of home and family.

    It ia all about do you get what you want (at the end of the day)out of the relationship.Meaning are you happy the way things are.

  5. I want to say I am happy this topic came up.

    If my memory serves me right in the 1990s there was talk of relocating the capital for various reasons and there was a place already picked out I will research for that later.

    The big reason i find this so interesting is I think this 2010 rainy season will be a big test on Bangkok viability to keep the water at bay. Up country where all the floods happen there has been extensive work done at dredging the rivers and digging away at the banks of the rivers making them deeper and wider so the water flows south and doenot flood the northern areas.

    All the water during flood season that in the past was absorbed by rice fields, jungle rural areas etc is now going to keep flowing south and end up in Bangkok.I feel this will be a real test. I actually wanted to make a post about this but was unsure how to approach it.

    I will leave it at that and go searching for info on where it was they had discussed moving the capital too in the past.

  6. Boats--- says it all Break out another thousand & I don't mean baht. I would be very hard pressed after being silent partners in Hawaii to go in on anything here as they rarely catch jack sht worth mentioning. If you like many 6" fish cool but its a one time gig to kill time at least in the Pattaya to Sattahib region. You would probably make more hiring some local boys to take out farangs on a netting adventure. At least it will pay for upkeep & crew on the boat-ship.The fishing here is absolutely pathetic. At least in Hawaii I sold tons of Tuna to the Japanese market. MahiMahi & ONO to the restaurants & Ono & caught marlin on a regular basis.Since 2004 when I moved here I have only heard of 1 marlin caught.

    For a days enjoyment one or 2 times to piss away 600 baht for a boat ride yes. But invest in a boat or ship here would be better to open another beer bar or restaurant or beauty salon in Pattaya. I passed on a couple propositions here that just seemed like pipe dreams after entertaining the thought by going out on the Boats & was not impressed art all with the catch. Even in Hawaii when you had a 3 fish day down to a skunk your patrons get pissed hence no return business or recommendations.

    Fishing charter business in my book is more of a hobby for you to catch fish. If you make money cool. You will probably make more on the beer you sell. Sometimes in charter business you are stoked to make expenses to pay for upkeep.

    If its a hobby for you I would say do it Game fishing is one of my favorite pastimes. Indonesia at least have some minor to big doggies left amidst all the garbage in the water. As they say in Thailand . Up to you. I think your odds are as good as going up to Poipet & laying out on the casino table what you are willing to part with.Besides you get to really take a bath when you turn your boat into cash. they say in boating & yachting :The 2 best moments are buying & selling .All the rest is expense & headaches. And when your ready to turn your boat you usually can't wait to get out of it.

    You summed it up perfect only one thing you missed A boat is a hole in the water where you throw money.

  7. I lived on Vancouver Island for years the fishing chrters were either part of a lodge deal owned by the lodge or private charters owned by guys who could fish but couldnot afford the boat(or wife wouldnot let them spend the money on a boat). Both situations were basically break even at best and most didnot make money.

    I would say do it as hobby if you wish but certainly donot look at it as a money maker. If you can recover your initial investment well doing business your profit will come when you sell your depreciating asset the boat.

  8. I am fairly certain they are aware of the address they gave you Thais know their areas around them very well because everything is named. Who was the guy who hit you earlier in the morning? Was any blame put on him? Did he appear to be a person of position? Maybe they are telling you something. Have you done anything in the past there that can come back to haunt you?

  9. Thanks again steveromagnino.

    I looked at all the info you gave and now I think I will look for a walker bay.I am in Petchebun province andwant something i can carry in my nissan piakup the walker bay sounds ideal. I will go to Bangkok and go to Nong Bon and see if they can tell me where to purchase one. I cannot find anything online as to where I might buy one.

    The 16 footer looks good but I wish to stay away from trailers if possible

    Thanks again and maybe I will see you on the water someday.

  10. thanks steveromagnino for your interets and reply.

    I was hoping for something like a flying junior something easy to sail I am 61 and have sailed only keelboats till now I saw a cal 20 forsale in thailand but couldnot figure out where to moor it so decided on dinghy instead.

    Hobie cats donot interest me at the moment. I find they have a tendency to stall in tacks or maybe its me not understanding mullihull skippering.

    420 and 49 is just to technical for me my sailing has been on cal20, thunderbirds,mini12s for racing one design and ranger26 and catalina 27 for cruising, .

    The trailering classic 16 footer sounds interesting, just towing it in Thailand could be a chore not sure if I wish to attemt that at this moment.

    What do you think of optis in my club we use them for junior training thats about all. But being 61 now maybe that is all I can handle ha ha ha.

    All that said I am open to advice and help in any form so thank you again.

  11. This is maybe not the worst room but certainly the most rats I ever saw in a hotel. The malaysia hotel in bangkok intriqued me because its history so I decided to stay there one night.After dark I looked out the front window to see rats everywhere running head to tail in line on all the walls outsaide. thousands of them. I then went into watch the thai woman singing in the nightclub. The curtains behind the singer were alive with rats running up and down them,I felt one rub against my foot and looked under the table to see rats all over the floor running around hundreds of them. The room had no windows and the rats ran around in it all night.

  12. Go South Ma Boy. Live in the Jungle for free , all the free food you can eat , Insects snakes monkey meat , free rain water for drinking , showering washing, Die Young. And a free funeral , :) , Try Rural Thailand, like one poster has said you need to speak a little Thai.Without speaking Thai its not realistic because you will need to communicate for every day things , and what happens when you have a problem . Go learn Thai .

    As for Traveling Thais , have you seen how they live , Many Falang could not live or sleep like Thais , Have you slept on the floor with nasty Insects crawling around at night, Or Washing in rain water, checking that there are no leaches in the water or around the old 45 gallon drum thats the water butt.Its not all fantasy island stuff .

    Then there are the Thais with money , they probly live better than you and me . Traveling in air con cars , Staying in top Hotels ,

    here is another guy that does not understand the concept of wealth. Cheap people are rich, staying in top hotels is what the working class does because they think that is what it is like to be rich.

    it is what you do with the capital that you already have that makes you rich, not how good of a " job " you have.

    You are so right it isnot what you make it is how you spend it that makes you rich. Also wealth only broadens your ability to do as you wish, When you are truly rich you have freedom of choice and donot neeed to be influenced by what others may see as their symbols of wealth.

  13. My suggestion is buy a lonely planet. It has budget hotels listed for many places and as far as food goes buy on the street. I travelled thailand for years on less than a thousand baht a day. All I used was lonely planet to get an idea where low cost questhouses where and then went there and searched for one I wanted to stay in.

    Sorry to say but here you will get little info, do some homework out of a book. I still have my original lonely planet book and still use it . Costs go up but general areas are the same relatively.

    Thailand is as cheap as you are smart. If streetwise and alert and willing to negotiate and willnot be intimidated you get everything you want or need for very cheap. If you spend little time informing yourself and think cash is king it can be expensive. It is up to you.

    you shouldnot look at any particular place rather look for places everywhere you go that suit your budget.

  14. I personally donot understand why people other than those with no time use an agent. It is not rocket science it is simple fill in the blanks paper work. When I applied for my retirement visa the immigration officer told me everything I needed then gave me 5 days extention of stay in thailand to accomplish it. Also gave me her phone number so when I came back the next day with everything done I called her and skippped the lineup and went straight to her desk and had it done.

    If I had to do over again I would go to immigration ask see an officer ask what was required I bring when I apply and then just follow instructions.

    Agents are people even trained ones make mistakes so there are no quarantees. Like I said before I feel only people with no time to do it should get and agent. But also like the op said it is a personal choice and so be it.

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