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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. Yes the one that alwyas makes me laugh is on their front page online there is an ad on the top right that reads

    Image Pattaya

    travel and property invesment They misspell investment on the front page in big letters or is it just my computer that it comes up like that

  2. lovelomsok , just about everything you say is the opposite of what living in Canada is , in reality , what a bitter and twisted person you have become , it is one of the best countries to live in overall , with all kinds of things to do and sports to partake of .

    Should lieing through your teeth make you feel good , so be it .

    so where you from ? I amnot used to being caklled a liar by someone who doesnot know me . Iam just telling it like it is you must live in a vacuum

    Or are you just another canuck living in denial

    Please be polite enough to point out where you think I am wrong. You are quite right about sports I used to race my sailboat regularly and cruised all the way up to Alaska was active on the water a lot but sports donot make a complete life sorry to say.

  3. I am confused here Why would anyone use a credit care at an atm. Wouldnt that mean paying interest on the money? In this day and age atm can draw directly from your bank account saving you interest payments. Boggles my mind. What a waste of money.

  4. I am a retired canuck living in Thailand. I wouldnot move back to Canada for anything.I was a single man there outside the loop here I am a single man who is made a part of anything going on. In Canada single men like me are left out to dry no one cares a sh#t about us. Work all our lives pay tax get no respect. If we marry in canada the wife divorces us takes everything and everyone says serves you right you are a man.

    In Canada I had sailboat on the salt water,powerboat on the lake ,ocean view property on Vancouver island , could see Vancouver from my living room window,on 1/2 an acre of land, new car in driveway all paid for debt free. Money in tha bank.

    Here I drive a nissan pickup but mostly a honds wave. Rent a 2 bedroom townhouse.

    I would never return. Thailand has brought laughter back into my day, it has brought sharing and caring as everyday events.I am so happy here. I cannot remember when I was as happy in Canada,it was so long ago.

    Canada is smoke and mirrors. The land of followers. The land of the living dead. Schools and hospitals being closed all over the place and taxes going up. All social programs are just employments centers for government workers the public gets nothing.

    Unemployment insurance would rather pay a lawyer to fight you in court than give you your benefits,same goes for workers compensation. Try to get an xray in a clinic or hospital you will be there all day and come back another day to see the with your doctor.

    Political correctness and womens lib handcuff you.

    Corruption is the king and to survive most associate and become corrupt or be left out side the loop. Violence is everywhere,tough guys rule. It is said in some BC communities one 1 in 3 residential houses is a grow op of some form for cannabis not all communties just some.

    so do you like my rant so far?

    Enough said but I love it here.

  5. I use a personal banking card not visa or credit card. My monthly bank statements show the amount in dollars and thai baht easy to check rate they gave me. Also exchange in atm to my understanding is should be higher than dollar rate, bangkok bank here told me it should be the t/t rate online,which is usually a better rate. Still many times atm willnot give me money 15000 baht for $500, when everything points to it being easy math. Also with my bank statement the 150 baht fee is separate.

    The atms in Thailand I have used have never shown me their rate,they just do the exchnage or not, no written exchange rate posted.I check before leaving the house online or ask a teller to look it up, so am quite confident it should be valid exchange.But often if exchange rate is rising i think atm stays at old rate.

  6. I have same problem. My daily limit is $500 , which is 15000 so I always go for that amount. When baht is over 30 to the dollar on the internet I try atm. If the exchange is going up ( like from 29,5 to 30.50) I cannot get the baht machine says funds unavailable contact bank. But if exchange is dropping ( 31.5 to 30.5) no probelm. In both cases the internet shows 30.5 but I think machine isnot upgraded. Atm also gives amount in account in thai baht when i receive slip. I convert this at home using present value and it always work out less in canadian than my account has, so I am positive you are right the atm and posted values arenot the same. TIT This has been going on for years.

    Another way to check is on the day you receive the money jot down the posted rate at the bank that day. When you recive your bank statement check the atm withdrawal that day. It either will have rate or you can convert your canadian amount with posted to rate to double check,if they match. Most probably willnot match unless exchange is dropping like I stated in previous paragragh.

  7. I would like to have a convertible in Thailand but seem hard to find any that I like. So now I would be happy with a replica of one made of fibreglass. Does any one know of any places here that make them or sell them as kits? If there are none I would them look for fibreglassing shops that build boats maybe they can build a car replica too. So I will take info on those too,for I will probably build a fibreglass sailboat soon also. But first the car replica.

  8. If there is more than one person just take a taxi. Have your hotel get you one or make arrangements yourself. Go taxi hotel to hotel. The questions you are asking are best answered right outside your hotel when you talk to a taxi driver or at the hotel desk. You panic with 4 weeks to go wow doesnot take much tto panic you.

  9. Yeah ok .... your filling all the libraries , feeding whole schools ! Buying sports things? lol ..... But you not trying to be an expat showoff ? ROFL don't kid yourself batman

    No, he's being a decent guy and helping out the community.

    He's not ranting about how much it costs to import cheese or letting everyone know he couldn't spend less than 50, 100 or 200k a month, unlike many here.

    You honestly think that?? :D

    Using my Mystic Meg capabilities I somehow know that he is married to (probably) an Isaan woman, has built her a lovely house, has built her parents a house and is now giving lots of money to her community. Meanwhile he has no doubt they all love him 'cos he is so wonderful. :)


    I am single I was married to a thai woman high school teacher 7 years younger than me but we divorced I rent a townhouse,drive my honda wave most places much to the concern of most my thai friends who think I should use my Nissan pickup more. I live simple thai life. So your mystic powers are failing you.

  10. I can only speak for myself but Thailand is so cheap. I havenot paid a water bill in 2 years all free, for 8 months my electric has been free. My rent is anually only twice what my house insurance was in Canada never mind taxes and upkeep. I came here to enjoy Thailand not because of costs, but I feel if you enjoy Thailand and assimulate it is very cheap. My costs per month for everything is so low I have to go out and make an effort to spend, I buy rice for poor families every month, help fill libraries for small rural schools of poor families etc. I buy sports things for schools even take meals out to poor schools for all the students in the school.I donot have enough time in the day to spend my income.

    In Canada I saved but I budgettted to do it here just cannot spend it all. I could mind you if I wanted to live like an expat showoff coming from a developed country and flaunting what I have, I could spend it all easy. But I live in a good neighbourhood and have good thai relationships and average thai costs. I came here because it is Thailand and I want it to stay Thailand. I willnot support the foreign lifestyle here or embrace it.Love it or leave it alone is my feelings.

    I feel many guys here never made it in their own country so here they wish to establish themselves and finally have things they never had in their own country. I feel they try to build their world here in mirror of what they wanted at home but never achieved. But this isnot their home country this is Thailand

    I apologize if this sounds like i am ending in a rant, but it is very hard to put in type what I am trying to state about cost and Thailand.

    Thank you Thai Visa for the opportunity to voice my opinion

  11. In all honesty I feel he crossed the line to traitor status when he took the finacial advisor job in Cambodia.I used to compare him to Tommie Douglas in Canada and his fight for medicare in that country. I used to feel he saved Thailands economy when he came into power and the baht was depreciating quickly. What I saw there remindered me of what happened in Mexico when the peso fell ,it took Mexico decades to strengthen their currency. When Thaksin took power he stabilized the baht in les than 6 months.In my mind this was no small feat.

    Then he brought in 20 baht medical services that saved peoples lifes I felt Thailand had finally got leadership from a man who was willing to give back to the country that had taken him from modest wealth to riches. I really saw him as a man persuded by parties interested in their own gain.

    But now he went to Cmabodia I see him as making the fight personal and wants to win at any cost. If his goals as a poitician were ever to bring real democracy to Thailand and do good things for the people as a whole I feel he has left that and now is on a path of personal revenge against the persons or parties that have attacked him in the past and present

    I also wonder what has the coup accomplished?.

  12. I simply cannot believe how neieve some people can be to post where they ask a bar owner if he pays off anyone and he says no never has.Of course he will say that most people willnot admit to being corrupt unless they are perverse and see it as a something to be proud of. Also any bar owner at present will deny it also it is in their best interests not to let anyone know. They look at it like it is no one elses business. Even in foreign countries asians pay for protection in their communities or have problems.

    With no insult or judgement intented I am amazed how many of you here survived as long as you have really.

  13. straight dave hit the nail on the head Thank you I have been trying to help here because I understand a mans feelings and as you said the husband or father in this case also becomes victim of his own emotions. My heart felt feelings go out to him also and hope he can resolve this inside himself . I have seen men destroyed by their emotions after dealing with such things by violence.

    I am looking forward to your future posts on keeping children safe. And hope they help some people.

  14. Got another story to relate on same subject.

    In the 90's I met this man who had been a politician in thailand. In his house hed pictures on his walls of getting off the plane in the US and shaking hands with the president and sitting eating with the president. Well that was history. His life had changed.When those pics where taken he was sucessful, he owned a chain of small stores similar to 7/11 all over Banmgkok. Plus other interests. Well things went sideways for him. he lost it all in 3 months.Whe I met him he was living in a small village,in a 2 bedroom house which he later lost too,with his 4 daughters one wife and grandson.I think all daughters where from different wives,but only one wife stayed with him after he lost everything.

    Last I heard he was in Isaan making and selling cheap whiskey.. He felt he was lucky to be alive.

  15. I want to relate something i witnessed about 15 years ago in thailand. A thai business man was doing rather well in the restaurant business and opened up a large shopping area renting small shops to other business's. He soon started to have probelms with renters just up and leaving, shops sitting empty. Then he went into excile no one could find him.To ontact him you gave the message to his brother and maybe got a reply.

    His shopping area had an open space in the center of it where they did fashion shows etc. One night 3 men from bangkok sat down at a table in the middle of this space, the owners brother showed up and was told to sit down opposite them. The men then started to explain to the brother what had to be done to save his brothers life and get him out of excile. They made it quite clear. The brother of the man just sat there sweating like a waterfall and nodding his head in agreement. After about 45 minutes a business woman came up the men introduced her, she gave the brother her card, she was made the contact for them. The men left. Two months later the whole place was shutdown all business's gone, the owner came out of excile and went back to run his original restaurant. The shopping complex sat empty for about 10 years before being bulldozed down and rebuilt and at the time this happened the owner had just finished building everything was new.

    My feelings are the man the op describes was just terrbly naive or just thought it would never happen to him.

    Success can be a double bladed axe.

  16. Just reading between the lines here, but my quess the girls already planned to celebrate together that night and she expeccted you to just come along, as planned by them.

    Seems odd to me sister calls just when your planned eveninng is to begin. I personally would be miffed that our LoyKrathong evening was disrupted. The woman I loyed with tonight explained it to me that loying our krathongs together brought us closer together as a couple. My feeling are your gf lost face for you.by not going and loying with you and going partying instead. I would question her priorities.

  17. My better half and I are just about to go down to the beach here in Pattaya to float our Kratong.

    We thought it would be a nice gesture to wish all members and visiting guests best wishes and good luck for the coming year.

    Best wishes to you and good luck in the coming year and all other members.

  18. I have made sticky rice many times here in norway (before I got food allergies). I have bought a sticky rice steamer like this 91101.jpg

    On the sticky rice package it says it should be in water for 2-10 hour and then steamed for 20 minutes.

    But after 20 minutes the rice is still very hard so I need to steam it at least 1 hour and sometimes more. I have put the rice in water over night.

    Why does it take so long time?

    Is it because the rice in thailand is fresher it don't take so long time?

    From whatI have been told by thai girlfriends is fresh rice is soft and only needs a short time to soak before cooking, about 4 hours and 20 minutes to steam. Old rice is hard should soak at least overnight and cook about same time but not cook an hour rice most be soggy after that long. Also flip it once in the steamer we also cover ir well steaming

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