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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. A friend of mine who lived and worked in Chiang Mai for his whole working career, before retiring to Canada ,when they where logging teak with elephants wrote a book and had it puiblished here in thailand. It was called "Logging with Elephants " I think.

    It would be out of print now. He died a few years ago so cannot get from him. Lost contact with his son who works for HKB.

    Would like to find for memorial for our sailing fleet he was our secretary for 25 years.

    How do I go about locating something like this. It would be great to have a copy in our yacht club. It also in my opinion is a piece of thai history.

    I now this is s difficult task so need good advice if I can get it.

    Thank You in advance.

    Would that happen to be Henry Marshall's book "Elephant Kingdom"? If so, 17 copies available via www.abebooks com

    UK published, tho.

    The obit, below, sure sounds like a match. Great turn of phrase here: "After a full career in forestry, he raised another sail and became a contributing member of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club,where he happily skippered his Cal 20 to many hard-fought last place finishes."


    Oregon State Univ, Forest Engineer, 1963, but never got around to working as one


    M A R C H | A P R I L 2 0 0 3 A Publication of the Association of British Columbia Professional Foresters


    Henry Neil Marshall RPF (Ret) #375,Life Member1926-2002Harry Marshall wasborn November 16,1926 in Nelson,Lancashire, England and passed away on October 4,2002 in Victoria.

    Harry graduated with a degree in forestry from Bangor, North Wales in 1947 and then spent eight years working in the forests of northern Thailand. While there, he wrote and published Elephant Kingdom that chronicled his many adventures, including logging with elephants. Harry and his wife Morforwyn (Morwyn)emigrated to BC in 1958 and he began working with the BC Forest Service, posted to Prince George, Kamloops and Vernon before settling in Victoria in 1963. There he worked with the planning division before becoming director of the new recreation branch, the position he held up to retirement in 1985

    Harry became a registered professional forester in 1961 and was made a life member of the association in 1987. Harry's contributions to forestry in BC are many, with a special one being his establishment of the successful forest recreation program in 1971, in spite of very limited budget and staff. The program included forest landscape management, which was ahead of its time as a part of integratedforest management.

    After a full career in forestry, he raised another sail and became a contributing member of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club,where he happily skippered his Cal 20 to many hard-fought last place finishes.

    Harry is greatly missed by Morwyn—his wife of 48 years—his three children, Richard, Lorna and Ann, and his five grandchildren. His humour, presence and love will be missed by all who knew him.

    - Contributed by Harry Drage, RP

    Thats him thank you very much. You really made my day.Yes Harry wasnot first across the finish line but was well loved by all who knew him. My club and I shall be so happy to read hid fine writing.

    I canot say how happy I am and so pleased to have gotten help with this.Thank you again

  2. A friend of mine who lived and worked in Chiang Mai for his whole working career, before retiring to Canada ,when they where logging teak with elephants wrote a book and had it puiblished here in thailand. It was called "Logging with Elephants " I think.

    It would be out of print now. He died a few years ago so cannot get from him. Lost contact with his son who works for HKB.

    Would like to find for memorial for our sailing fleet he was our secretary for 25 years.

    How do I go about locating something like this. It would be great to have a copy in our yacht club. It also in my opinion is a piece of thai history.

    I now this is s difficult task so need good advice if I can get it.

    Thank You in advance.

  3. Have you failed to tell us something?

    Are these all native english speaking teachers.

    Or is it many different groups some native speakers some not?

    Is there a probblem with undermining authority, or lack of respect for leaders?

    Please tell us more I am interested?

    I see by your post you are Filipino yes.

    Is this s Filipino issue with the school?

    Please give us more info.

  4. A green home to me is an earth house.

    They have many advantages. They have natrural insulation, storm proof winds and rain cannot destroy them, they cannot burn down,the plants growing on them helps prevent flooding by absorbing the rain instead of flowing it away. Materials are easy to get and inexpensive.

    Disadvantages are there will likely be some curved walls due to structure strength needs.

    forgot one thing a very small footprint on the globe.

  5. A green home to me is an earth house.

    They have many advantages. They have natrural insulation, storm proof winds and rain cannot destroy them, they cannot burn down,the plants growing on them helps prevent flooding by absorbing the rain instead of flowing it away. Materials are easy to get and inexpensive.

    Disadvantages are there will likely be some curved walls due to structure strength needs.

  6. You may not have known before, but you can't honestly say there weren't some strong hints:

    :)post-37101-1256561392.jpg :D

    This thread helps me understand why communiccation online is so difficcult. People read what they think is there not what is written. This site is clearly named


    But how many times have people posted on this forum without ever reading the full name.

    Probably for ever it seems.

  7. Being a Canuck and not havinbg a clue what it means I took it to mean

    He cannot survive he cannot fly he has no feathers.

    Meaning he is a loser and willnot survive around here.

    Or he hasnot made friends as in feathers are friends. and is on his own.

  8. You got it from the nation newspaper ??

    Can you clarify that ?? Are my posts republished outside this site ??

    The Nation online newspaper has a webboard that is connected to thaivisa I was reading the Nation saw this thread and replied , thinking it was in general forum didnot check sorry.

    Some posts are presented outside this forum yes. Check the Nation online.

  9. Has your friend driven much in Thailand? If not this could be quite the adventure. If it is his first time please keep us informed ok. I would like to hear how it goes.Personally I would hire a driver and rent the car when i got to HH.

    Goodluck and have a good time.

  10. I live in a reasonably small amphur in northeast thailand. It is near isaan but not isaan.I chose this place afteryears of coming to Thailand and travelling around the country.

    I chose this place for many reasons.

    (1) It is still Thailand has many of the qualities of thai life here which I feel is lost many other places People still wai here. (2) No franchise stores .One 7/11 , a very new small kfc that I think willnot last hopefully

    (3) Life is sabai sabi and mai pen rai. There is no pressure here. Life is simple and pleasant.

    (4) No expat community. No guys wanting cold heinekin and burgers or whatever european food they expect.

    (5) Can go in to local shops sit down and chat the day away with any and all who come in. This is possible in many shops. Locals encourage me to do they enjoy the social aspect.

    (6) Cost of living is very low .I save tens of thousands a year and want for nothing.

    (7) Only 5 hours from krung thep when desire for city excitement arises.

    Could go on

    I didnot mention the name because I am selfish and donot want it spoiled with an influx of expats and see it change sorry.

  11. I was thinking about that recent article in Forbes about the desirable retirement spots, #2 of which is Thailand, and began to wonder where I would go if I had to leave Thailand for some reason, like a dramatically devalued $USD. I thought about Panama (also on the list), but then started to think further about what I would do differently based on what I've learned by retiring and living here for a few years.

    I would certainly avoid at all costs letting a woman get her hooks into me early, but to live an Ian Forbes type existence and maintain my freedom.

    I would also travel the country thoroughly to sample the various locations, etc.

    What would you do differently based on what you have learned/experienced?

    Before retiring to Thailand I came every year for 2 months,for 17 years travelled all over the country, now live here single and free to so as I please. Cannot understand guys coming here, marrying, buying houses etc. Even now I think sometimes of trying somewhere else and know I can go in a matter of days or weeks, just sell the truck and motorcycle and give everything else away And there are many places out there with lots to offer also.If I go I will stay single there too,why give up retired freedoms for anything.

    Many South America countries are great and language is must easier to speak.

    So from my experiences I would change nothing. Life is good and at the moment I am in Thailand.

  12. I check everything before i purchase I believe it in BUYER BEWARE Things an be on wrong shelf,mistake in pricing old prices etc.

    Last week I went to local market for sunscreen , picked one up off the shelf on the way to cashier saw a display of same product. One I had was 140 baht , one on display was 115 baht changed items went to cashier checked price when paying got for 115 baht.

    Went to tesco lotus with a thai friend bought some items he had them scan a barcode card he had I got 6 items for 1/2 price I didnot ask questions.

  13. I live in a small city sort of northeast not quite isaan. A vast amount of the women are robust. The slim ones come from the mountain villages were I live, and their diet is mostly vegetables and rice., they cannot afford more. They walk everywhere also.

    But the small city where I live everyone drives to where they need to go. 10 year old kids ride motorcycles everywhere never walk. Only old women still ride bicycles.The kids ride to the internet shop and sit on computers all day.Our first fast food a kfc came here 5 months ago. But obesity is on the increase I see it as too much snacking no exercise, a sedentary life same as rest of the world.

  14. I donot know about US but Canada you would need to have meet all their requirements before you ccould register it. A few guys are buying Japanese mini vans and bringing them to Canada for hugh profits. Japan is the place to base this from. Fill a mini van up with bikes and try it. If nothing else sell the van and get your money back.

    I know someone will ask can you register a right hand vehicle in Canada and the answer is yes. Lots of my friends import minis from england and friends have these Japanese mini vans.Great resale value also.

  15. I would say daewoo covered just about everything. Good job. One thing I would like to add is I tell all my friends to buy a Lonely Planet book on Thailand. That is all I had to go with 20 years ago on my first trip it was all I needed.It breaks down Bangkok into areas because there is no center of the city. Each area it tells of hotels restaurants etc. It gives location of tourist sites or sites of interest. How to get around everything you need to know. It worked for me.

  16. I am going to be careful here so easy to offend some it seems. But it appears to me if someone says anything here about associating with decent thais in their own country instead of foreigners they have nothing in common with they get bashed. I am amazed at how people can distort someones having a life without women and booze as being offensive to themselves. I am not wishing to creat any contraversy. But it seems to be a commonplace here and I support bonobo for stepping in on thia thread and trying to stop it.

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