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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. One last thing and it is not a rant it is  a lecture.

      What is missed here is the baby and family.


      Women are protected by society. . We have rape laws so protect them from physically being forced  to have sex. Society cannot be with them at all times but can get justice for them if they are raped. 

      When women have sex out of wedlock they should be responsible  enough to use protection (condom.pill etc). or say NO. Society has done every thing they can to save women from having babies till married and starting a family. If the man a woman wishes to have sex with does not want protection she does not need to have sex with him then simple as that. the law protects  her. 

     If a woman does have unprotected sex then she is very very selfish. Her actions may bring a person (child) into this world. A child with out  a family unit to assist in the  child's development. How much does a woman like that care about her own body and offspring. Very selfish indeed. 

      Society has given them rape laws to protect them, Created condoms,the pill ,the morning after pill. What else can we do to stop women from having babies outside of the family unit. It is now up to the women.and many fail the reality.test. 

      Children should be born in a family. To blame the man is really not the answer. Men only take what is given. If the women would have stronger morals and stand by them the men would have to learn to adjust and live with it. Or go to jail for rape.

    the laws are there so yes this is yesterdays answer.But if the laws were used it would be today's answer also.

      Women are  in charge of their body just many forget their bodies give birth and those people they give birth to deserve a good life not come into a world fractured by poor choices made by their mother.

      I have great sympathy for the child limited sympathy for the mother sorry


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  2. 1 minute ago, DM07 said:


    Men will have the same rights, when they carry a baby to term for nine month, deal with morning sickness, weight gain, swollen feet and legs and have to answer the question "cut or tear", when they are delivering!

    And when after they gave birth, they find themselves left alone, by a greedy selfish @$$hole wife, who by now, has fathered another 3 children with another 3 women!


    Do you see the difference now?

    Do you?


    Cry me a river you are the perfect example of cherry picking female.

      We are equal until.

     Get a grasp you are presenting ancient women to  men battle of sex's  material


    5 minutes ago, DM07 said:

    And when after they gave birth, they find themselves left alone, by a greedy selfish @$$hole wife, who by now, has fathered another 3 children with another 3 women!

    What crap this digression of the thread to a very low level have you even read anything in this thread?

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, DM07 said:

    No, "they" very well don't!


    You are 100% right they can go on being irresponsible, bring people into the world with no home,no love no future. We cannot make them do anything they are free agents. Or they can get abortions as caretakers of the body.which is also their right. It is their life do as the chose. 

    But when they ask for charity because of their follies they may not get it. That is others choice.

     So in all equality men should have the same rights huh. 

      Men may not feel the same but hey if it is good  for women then it is good for the men right. We are equal right.

    • Like 1
  4. What a lot seem to miss here is the equal rights involved are not equal .

      If a woman has unprotected sex she and gets pregnant if she wants the child  she wants the man responsible also. If she decides to abort the child it is her privilege and hers alone she then takes the stance it is her body and no one can dictate to her what she does with her body,the man has no say. It is her body 24/7.  Why do they not understand it is her body when she takes the risk and taking the risk is her responsibility no matter which way it goes after. Women have to learn you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

      They cherry pick where they want equality . Child responsibilty is a very good place to teach them if they want equality they must go the distance and take all responsibility not just the ones they want. If it is in their minds their body solely when it comes to abortion then it is their body solely if they take child to birth. .If they were children it would be called tough love, do people here remember tough love.  Children should mean family but women seem to miss that now.

      Many men are tired of the double standard laid out in these times and are ready to fight back. No more mister nice guy attitudes.Women have to wake up they made their bed on equality now live with it.

    • Like 2
  5. 37 minutes ago, Henrik Andersen said:

    Wow to all your nice men out there 100% responsibility for women only it is so bad thinking 

    Equally 50/50 is right 

    And if your nice men don't want your lady to getting pregnant so use a condom it is your responsibility too

    Men there thinking as you have no morals and no respect for ladies and your babies 

    If you get a baby you need to take your responsibility too and pay money to your child 

     quote Men there thinking as you have no morals and no respect for ladies and your babies  unquote

    Do not know how you came to that conclusion

    I seem to have more respect for ladies and babies than my step daughter Since the baby came out of the hospital my wife and I have taken care of it and probably will till she is on her own in life. The daughter well her friends miss her so she has to go sorry for the child.

      I feel women who get pregnant and cannot take care of them are the ones with no respect for babies. The enjoy the act but refuse  or cannot take care of the baby. Selfish to the core.

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  6. 24 minutes ago, djayz said:

    No, I want to punish the man for sending the general in without protection. 

    He should also share the financial burden of raising a child. It's unfair that the mother be left high and dry with a young infant to care for, medical bills, school uniforms and books, etc.

    People make mistakes, we all have, but it's time for people to grow up and take responsibility for their actions. 

    So it is all about punishing the male . Where is the love in that.

     I feel men should help also that is my personal feelings, but not as punishment. 

     But what I am saying and I think others here are saying if we are equal pay the piper if you want to dance.

      We are not saying if we were in that predicament we would not help. Just saying women have to be aware in these times if they want equality there are risks that go with it and deal with so behave accordingly..

       That is why I went to prostitutes all my single life. When it is over it is over.


  7. 3 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    She was 100% responsible for agreeing to sex (Nobody is claiming rape)

    She was 100% responsible for not using a condom (She could have said no without)

    She was 100% responsible for not taking the morning after pill (40bht from any pharmacy)

    She was 100% responsible for not choosing abortion in the first trimester.

    She was 100% responsible for her choice to have a baby.


    But according you you it's Somchai's fault, even though he probably wasn't consulted at any time.

    It like the old saying goes 

      With privilege comes responsibility.

     Men and women have the privilege of being equal and each must be responsible for themselves with  that privilege.

  8. I am thinking of buying a condo in Pattaya. 

      I already have a yellow book and pink id card for my present residence. So it is my understanding can only has the yellow book and pink card for one residence.

      With this in mind if I go from my present home to the condo for a week is it necessary to tell immigration ?  Does not  make sense to do .sense both places are my residence. 

  9. 15 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

    I'd say that most problems the country is facing are somehow education related. The pregnancy of an 18-year-old might not be the topic if school teachers would teach sexual education early enough. 


    There are girls who don't even know that sex with ladyboys can also lead to pregnancy. Who said that it's all the fault of a man? A lot of girls wouldn't end up pregnant with three kids when 17 if they'd be educated enough on how to prevent pregnancy. 


    18-year-olds are considered adults, but not all 18-year-olds in Thailand can be considered adults. People in Thailand are lacking important parts of knowledge and that goes from languages, over geography, to sexual education. 


    What a load of crap how can you write this stuff and feel you believe it.

    The   sex with a ladyboy  statement where did you get that info did you do a survey?

     Three kids at 17 and do not know how to say no and keep the legs together give me a break.


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  10. 2 hours ago, RickBradford said:

    My point is that demonizing people purely because of the colour of their skin is a bad starting point for any attempt to work out solutions.


    This has been conclusively demonstrated by history. Repeatedly.

    Where did color come into this. No mention of color by me stay on topic if you want to criticize my posting please. I simply pointed out a well known reality. Asian is not a color sorry.

  11. 41 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    The South president is being played and he will be quite shocked when he finds that the North  goes back to nuclear weapon testing and crimes against humanity as soon as the Olympics are over.


    It's easy to talk peace and the need for dialogue when one has the luxury of 25,000 US personnel in harm's way acting as a deterrent.  The USA should reduce its presence and let  South Korea deal with the issue on its own. Both Australia and Canada have deployed assets to assist in  documenting the Chinese and Singapore  busting of UN sanctions now going on. Yet, no one hodls China accountable. Instead both the Australian and Canadian PMS are on their knees begging the Chinese for trade and being played.


    The next time  the South has a war it can fight it on its own. Tens of thousands of US nationals,  with hundreds each from the UK, Australia, Canada and France died to keep the South free. Now the USA and especially Canada, since the nuclear missiles will mostly likely detonate over Canada are at risk because of the madman in the North.  The South Korean's president way of repaying the sacrifice of the North Americans is to now collaborate with a despot  nation that runs concentration camps and torture  prisons.

    Peace is what it is all about. American's have this mind set that they can settle every thing with a war. Asia will defeat USA with Asian style diplomacy. And Kim their front man for if we have to even a small Asian nation can kick your ass. Though they do not  want war it is just noise.

     Asians are more inclined to seek power,with money..Asia will buy up the world first. Then dictate how the world turns. Soon USA trade will not be needed or vital. The middle class emerging in Asia can easily sustain themselves for generations. They have strong military influence in their governing but that is pretty well where it ends.,They show their military but seldom go to war.

      You are so tight about countries being played by China ,but hey we voted these numb nuts in and we got the leaders we deserve. 




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  12. 11 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

    Before you get all carried away with how wonderful this "poster boy" much smaller nation is, you might go and watch online captures of the execution by anti-aircraft gun of the former defence minister, for the crime of falling asleep during a meeting. Or you could read up on the story of Otto Warmbier.


    Personally, I'll take the USA and the rest of the west, with all their many flaws, over North Korea, any day.

    I would take  the USA and the rest of the world also . That is what I know and have lived with all my life.

      But reality is not what we want it is what life gives us. 

     Asia has no problem once the tide has turned showing their total lack of respect for the USA and any other nation that are not Asian. Asia has no problem kicking some one when they are down. When they see the tide has turned get ready for a good kicking.

      The poster boy will be a major player and all his effort and time will pay off.



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  13. America is being taught a lesson by the a much smaller nation. One that has the guts to take the USA on and not blink.

     America may be an ethnic mix,but Asia is Asia.

      Japan in this situation stands alone with the USA

     The tide comes in the tide goes out. This could be the tide turning point. Asia is now the as a group is the driving force of most economies. and do not need America to keep their economies going. America now can be subject to heavy pressure from Asia to do their bidding in Asia's interests not USA interest's

      North Korea is small but is the poster boy nation for how Asia feels towards the USA. And soon the USA  will be marching to the tune set by Asia. 

      Trump is the only USA leader that see's this is trying to slow it down cannot stop it now it is a run away train. But if USA listen's to Trump they can salvage some and remain some level of power.

      Asia with poster nation Korea is going  VINI VIDI VICI  

  14. 6 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

    Perhaps you should go back and read the article.

    "A 2017 report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine found that 5.5 percent of immigrant households with children received cash assistance, compared to 6.3 percent of native households. Four percent of immigrant households used housing assistance, compared to five percent of native households. And about 46 percent of immigrant households used Medicaid, compared to 34 percent of native households."

    I feel it should be zero assistance for immigrant  households  so there would be no need to compare

  15. 10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    The modern issue isn't so much about being white but as rising white right wing hyper nationalist movements in the U.S. and parts of Europe including Poland. These movements are cousins of Nazism. Sometimes explicitly so.


    Sent from my [device_name] using http://Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    I understand what you are saying but it is not that simple.

      I feel I am not a racist. But a culturist. I grew up in an environment that was what I would call North American home bred culture. I lived in a community where we could live without ever locking a door on our house for years not hours. The keys for our cars were left in the ignition all the time. We had community areas for community functions. women were safe  any man would protect them. Children could play outside safely.

       Last visit back to Canada the house I was staying was burgalarized one night when we were sleeping. That is not the culture that is native to where I was born and lived sorry. But being white when the people were caught could not even bring in to the conversation these thieves were not native to my country  or city.If some one was to ask where were they from I could not answer for fear of race card being thrown in.

      I want the future generations to have the same quality of life. I watch it being destroyed. a person who wants to maintain a decent lifestyle for all. 

      Now  a days it is to easy to call some one rascist and be PC and do more harm than good.

      So yes I believe white now is a burden we are the subject of ridicule and abuse because we let it happen.

      I  hate the nazi's more than you can believe their legacy effects lives like mine in a negative way to this day.




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