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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. 4 minutes ago, Spock said:

    I don't think the alternative to a public flogging is ignoring the theft. There are less barbaric, more enlightened methods to discipline children.

    Of course there are other ways every one knows that tell us something we do not know.

      But I am fairly confident this got the message across about stealing and probably influenced a few of their peers about choices concerning theft.

  2. My wife likes to relate a story to me how she taught her son to be good.

      One day the son went to a friends and played computer games all day and did not come home. The wife said she went to the house brought the son home and spanked him with a wire clothes hanger. She never had a problem with him after that. He did as he was told and grew up with out problems of stealing.drinking drugs etc. He graduated from university this year  as a medical technician. The attributes all this to the one time she laid into him. I was not involved with her at the time this was long before I came into the picture. I should mention I think he was around 6 when this happened.

      She really does believe what she did saved him from being a problem person. The daughter well she is another story. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    I did not vote since the acceptable option was not listed:


    "rounded up, vaccinated and neutered, then released"

    I think that is good but  would be too much work so it will never be done.



    Why doesn't the survey include a spay & release choice?

    And still have possible rabies-carrying dogs, loose on the street . . . where they might bite people. Would you like to be bitten by one of a bunch of soi-prowling mutts, knowing that failure to get the rabies medication might end up with your death certificate? Think about it!

      I think the idea here was that the numbers would be reduced .

    • Like 1
  4. I did not read all the posts so do not know if this has been mentioned already .

      I was told pumps must be on the line that exits the tank not the line that fills it. I was told it is illegal to have the pump before the tank. The reason I was given for this was that the pump will take all the water and reduce the water pressure in the main that services every one else.

      With this in mind if I was you I would check the neighbours pump placements. If any pumps are before the tank you may have found the problem.

      Some may have a pump and no tank that pumps on demand that too would effect water pressure I think.

  5. I did not read all the posts so do not know if this has been mentioned already .

      I was told pumps must be on the line that exits the tank not the line that fills it. I was told it is illegal to have the pump before the tank. The reason I was given for this was that the pump will take all the water and reduce the water pressure in the main that services every one else.

      With this in mind if I was you I would check the neighbours pump placements. If any pumps are before the tank you may have found the problem.


    • Like 2
  6. My first marriage in Pitsanulok,the house had a large water tank. Every saturday when we did laundry and cleaned the house the tank would go dry. It would take till monday afternoon before I heard the water stop dripping into the tank. I could hear it . It was just a trickle.Our neighbours used to complain because well we were filling our tank there was no water in the system for them. I always pleaded innocent and played ignorant.   

    • Haha 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    You do realize that it's Trump lawyers who are pushing the narrative.  They're thinking that a threat of a massive multi-million dollar lawsuit would cower the opposition...as it typically does in the past.  But Trump is a high profile figure and Stormy's lawyer is loving this.


    [If Trump’s lawyers follow through on the threat, discovery and depositions could result, pushing Trump further into the middle of the legal fight over the allegations, on which Trump has avoided commenting in public.]




    I'll bet Trump's lawyers advised against this, but it was Trump himself pushing for the lawsuit. 

    It is like I said who cares. No arquement here I do not care who has sex with who. Or who goes to court over sex it is crap news tabloid at the best.

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    • Thanks 1
  8. I have very mixed emotions about what you are doing here. And it appears you are determined to  get involved.

      If you are right in your assumptions I feel sorry for the children that they went through what they did. And hope they get a new home that is safe.

     If you are wrong and it is simply an under funded place for children that no one else is doing anything for,then I am very sad and concerned you have taken away the only support these children have. They may be left with no where to go.Good kind people may have to give up on caring for children who no one else cares for.

      Either way you going to find out huh. You appear hell bent on doing it with out further research and there is nothing any one can do to stop you..

      I get the feeling you do not even know how an anuban school is ran. You mention sleep as part of the abuse. In all anuban schools the children eat lunch brush their teeth then lay down on their mats and sleep for about 2 hours in the afternoon. Then they get up clean up and have free play time till their parents pick them up. Govt schools all schools do this.

     I plead with you do not act till you are sure . For you will affect many young life's with your actions . As they say only fools rush in.

  9. I used to feel the tide would take the waste water away. Until I lived in on an Island that people  ran their waste water into the rain drainage that ran out to the ocean. This was illegal now but was done long before the law came in that they could not do it.

      I am now of the mind that the waste water just flows back and forth with the tides and toxins just multiply in the water. The water does not get cleaned.

      I used to catch crab near the outlet for this waste in the ocean.Did not eat them just checked them. Many had burn holes in their shells.The toxin had burnt right through their shell. The fish that were local  like cod had open sores on their bodies.like an open blister.This was from decades of solvents and detergents and cleaner coming into the water. Thailand has only only been used all these chemical home products for a short time so cannot see the effect quite yet. But the way they treat the problem give it 10 or 20 years and it will show drastically.

      From what I have seen in the past by community leaders nothing will get done and things will just get worse. The world is turning into one big sewer and garbage dump.

    • Sad 1
  10. 13 hours ago, lovelomsak said:


     The white suv was in the correct lane the whole time. the bike should not have been in that lane. A few inchs to the left and he would have not been in suv lane and safe.

      I  am not sure but I think that is why lanes were invented. invented 

    I had to come back to correct something. The bike yes can be in the same lane I stated it wrong. He cannot be in beside the suv in the same lane

  11. 20 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    You are saying it fine to abuse, hit, keep caged and starve children because of lack of money.


    Not having money is no excuse for abusing children.  It does not cost anything not to hit or be cruel to them!


    And what are '' (sp) problems''?  


    Have you done work for these orphanages?  Do you know what goes on there under the disguise of helping 'orphans'?  I have, and I have spend many a night in some squalid hill tribe village hut with some of the most poor people you could meet.. who are supposed to be getting help, but are nothing more than money making tools to be mistreated and played with my the people who are supposed to be helping and supporting them.  Where the villages are virtual prisoners and are afraid to even wear they traditional clothes of practice any traditions in case the anger the good people who are helping... and be left with nothing and no way to support themselves.  









    I have seen this too. Christian zealots trying to bring christianity to them by denying them their heritage. This was done a lot when Thailand first started to try and stop the tribes from being nomadic.30 years ago I was there saw that too. I  knew people who where brought in to teach them new farming methods so they did not could settle in one country. They were nomadic with no borders. That is another topic though

      Did you read the OP. If you know what you say you know then you realize how much of a drama queen this OP is. What he calls abuse is poverty.

      He even states the place is ran on donations some times as small as 20 baht. If you know and have seen what you say you have tell me how far 20 baht will go to food and water a kinder garden for a day..

     It is not by the OP admission a government school.but private. Hence no funding.

      My wife taught at 3 kinder garden schools in her time she never saw what the OP is saying is happening at his school. 

     Read his post if you know Thailand and hillside tribes you will know of what I speak he is out of touch with the reality of life for these people.He simple discribes a private school trying to help the poor with no financial means to do it.

      Read the OP and I am sure you could place this school in any hillside tribe environment and it would be welcomed.



  12. 33 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    At the risk of prolonging this unhelpful dialogue , the people running this place  are causing the suffering, that's the whole point. Its not  lack of money that means no water, it is lack of care.  For Gods sake, water is 4 Baht a bottle here, just around the corner.  How much are a few plastic toys.  How much does it cost to take a kid out of a cage and walk it around a bit, answer, nothing at all.     

    You really do  not get it do you. Come out of your ivory tower and see the real world.

      4 baht is a lot of money if you do not have it.It can be 4 baht more than they have.

     I have to be brutally honest here you have no idea what is going on there so leave it alone you will probably do more damage than good.

      You have no concept of the poverty and dysfunctional life these kids may come from.. Many of them that I have seen at young ages already have deep emotional and physcological (sp) problems from all the abuse and neglect. Have you ever even been to a real hillside tribe village?

      For many just to have a safe place to sleep at night is more than many are accustom too. 

      The people running the place are probably doing a lot more good for many of the children than any one else has in their lives. And the people are probably doing it for room and board at best..Perhaps even paying their own way from work outside the school or relatives helping.

      You are right this is a unhelpful dialogue from the very start. 

     I suggest you go talk to a worker there and tell them you and friends wish to provide a full meal for all the children on a certain date to celebrate a birthday. Set it up bring lots of food get to know the workers find out exactly what is going on.Would  take  little time to find out if it is funded by local donations or a church or overseas foundation etc.

      For food all you need is fried rice,chicken soft drinks,and fruit. Enough for all the children. Talk to the workers while there and find out how it is funded. If it is by local donation I suggest make a donation and move on. If it is well funded by an outside source yes then you have a reason to be indignant.and do as you see fit.


    • Sad 1
  13. 8 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

    Of course it is possible that there IS money available for these needy kids, but someone is stealing it.

    Not unheard of here.

    I agree but before some one goes marching around on their high horse may be they should have more info so as to know which it is.

     Poor people trying to survive or a scam. But to run off at the mouth with just imagination about the problem really gets me when I have seen the struggle in some areas of this country people just trying to get a better life  and working with nothing but dreams.

     I have witnessed the problems with in hilltribes  and have been to some of these schools/orphanages.  

      Many of these children have came from a life of hell. with druggie parents,neglect,abuse you name it.

    Thailand it self does little or nothing for most. so they are very dependent or the good graces of others. Not everyone trying to help has access to money need donations. As the donations come in they can do more as the donations drop they do less.

     Many of these children are better off with a roof over their head and safe at night even if all they had was a bowl of rice for dinner.and no toys.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    So its all alright then is it? Its Thailand so whats the point, is that it?  So , kids suffer here, just do nothing?  So what do I do then, whats your advice?  Just walk away?  The teachers have no responsibility for their treatment of the kids then?  So the  fact that Thai teacher students are appalled by this carries no weight then?  So lack of ,money excuses everything, is that the point you are making?  

    You really miss the point here.

     So my suggestion is if you can do better with nothing but good intentions than these people .give it a go.

      It appears you do not understand how doing the best you can with what you got comes in here.

      It appears you would prefer they do nothing and leave the kids on the street to fend for themselves. 

    Lack of money is not an excuse it is the reason,there is no water there is not books there is no rice.Just people that are doing their best with what they have to work with. Money doesnot grow on trees or were you not aware of this?

     quote So , kids suffer here, just do nothing?  So what do I do then, whats your advice?  Just walk away unquote

    The people running this school do not walk away .They try to help and ease the suffering.

    • Confused 1
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