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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. Moon is also scheduled to hold a summit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, during which they are expected to discuss the North Korea standoff and the sensitive issue of "comfort women", a euphemism for girls and women forced to work in Japan's wartime brothels. 

        I like the above quote.

      What a way to put it politely( that are men and we are good men,we protect our women,family and even our country) and you the Japaneses owe us. The Olympics is sports so we will be sports but do not forget you need to be sports too. So listen closely to North Korea and side with Asian interests not American.

  2. 1 hour ago, oldhippy said:


    I am sure lovelomsak will clarify his post, as it is not really clear to me what he means - I am not a native English speaker.

    Perhaps My english leaves something to be desired also. Sorry about that

      What was I tried to ask or point out was that the count of refugees in the countries done by unhcr  was a count of legal refugees. I feel if the count included illegal refugees or illegal  immigrants( that say they are refugees ))many of these countries would not even make the list,in the top 20

  3. 11 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    How long will the german children and the polish children be forced to suffer for the sins of their ancestors. 

    The present day Germans have done nothing wrong, and yet they are continually abused and ridiculed for simply being born in the country of Germany. 

    As the article says polish Jews and polish nondews were killed. 

    When is it going to end. 

    Get over it already. 

    I agree with you about the children today are not responsible for history.  Let it die in history books. Today if you are even just white you have to walk on egg shell's when it comes to race issue's of any kind. I want to see it end also tired of being victimized by bullies using the past to politic power.

       In this case though Poland brought it up so who was to blame this time?

  4. 1 hour ago, oldhippy said:


    What countries take in the most refugees?
    Jordan, which has taken in more than 2.7 million people, was named as the top refugee hosting country, followed by Turkey, over 2.5 million; Pakistan, 1.6 million; and Lebanon, more than 1.5 million. The other top six nations were Iran, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Chad.

    Which Countries Host The Most Refugees Relative To Size And Wealth

    UNHCR compares a country’s refugee population to its overall population and to its global domestic product (GDP). The goal is to evaluate the contributions of host countries.

    Refugees per 1,000 inhabitants

    • Lebanon
    • Jordan
    • Nauru
    • Turkey
    • Chad
    • South Sudan
    • Sweden
    • Djibouti
    • Malta
    • Mauritania

    Refugees per $1 million in GDP

    • South Sudan
    • Chad
    • Uganda
    • Lebanon
    • Burundi
    • Niger
    • Rwanda
    • Jordan
    • Mauritania
    • Cameroon


    The graphic does not include data for Palestinian refugees, who for historical reasons are under the jurisdiction of UNRWA.


    Copy paste is not to clear, you can find better layout at


    This is the legal count right what countries have the most refugees with illegal in the mix. I bet none of these countries would make that list.

  5. On 1/22/2018 at 7:14 PM, foxboy said:

    Unfortunately you will get lambasted for making a statement like this, but what you say is true. The people who migrate away from problem areas are usually the fittest, the smartest, the most dissatisfied and yet the best equipped to stay and make changes to their own country. What they are actually doing is abandoning their countrymen, the weaker, the poorer the less healthy ones who aren't equipped to flee their impoverished nations. So the problems are actually intensified for those left behind. Are we really supposed to encourage this? It doesn't help to solve the fundamental problems, that can only be solved from within.

    Yes no one thinks about who all these young men leave behind and how they live. I am glad you brought this to this thread thank you.

    • Like 2
  6. 13 hours ago, Colabamumbai said:

    Sorry but most Canadians here are too young to remember when the only pot in Canada came from Mexico and we imported hashish from Lebanon, India, Pakistan and or kif from Morocco. I like many others exported it from those countries to Canada, before many of you smoked your first joint. I'm 67 now. My how times have changed $75. For an ounce of good hash.

    Do you remember when Thai  weed arrived. Thai stick they used to wrap the bud around a stick. At the time it was the best..

    • Like 1
  7. I was lucky enough to be witness to a shut down of a business (business's) of one man in Pitsanulok 20 years ago.

     It was humourous in a sadistic way.

      I was invited the night before well having dinner with a high up retired major.I was introduced to the woman who would be a form of mediator. 

     It went like this 4 policemen from Bangkok sat at the table . The owners brother  represented his brother because he had gone into hiding. was across from the police. The mediator sat at the side of the table.

      The police would say something the woman would ask the brother to acknowledge what was said. The brother was sitting there nodding his head in agreement to everything.This was held in the evening and the brother was sweating so much his face was dripping and his shirt was soaked he was scared shitless.I saw humour in it but in hindsight it was a very tense time for some.

      Every thing got setlled and the brother lost it all and came out of hiding in a few weeks. The properties then sat vacant for years.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, pegman said:

    I think after a few years when people get used to the idea of pot being sold legally it will be sold along side of booze. If it is priced too high the black market will stay around.

    Pot in Canada is expensive  Also the best quality in the world.. Hard to believe the legal will be more expensive. But hey it is grass can always grow your own huh.

       The legal growers have been growing it for the last few years developing quality pot. A friend back in Victoria works part time harvesting it .He tells me people are smoking every where already the police just do not bother any more.


    • Like 1
  9. The direction this thread is a perfect example of why there is a problem. 

      Some of us can opening talk about a subject and when some one makes a point the bashers do not like in they come with remarks attacking the posters.   Many guys here need to grow up and lose their narrow minded views. Or at the very least do not pass it on to their next generation.

      They want western charity but do not want westerners. Nice people huh.

      We try and show them the way and all we get is attacked. On the street in forums you name it. Many of us are tired of being targeted just because we know how to live good.and have the discipline to live good.If you would listen you might learn how to live good to and have no complaints. Instead you attack us for trying to help.

      Listening and learning pay big time ask any immigrant family from the 50's in Canada. They showed up withe clothes on their back now they are doctors lawyers teachers you name it . they cam listened and learned not we come we see we conquer.

  10. 12 minutes ago, halloween said:

    hat is your measure, which ignores the factor of choice. Western countries have lower birth rates because their citizens choos lifestyle over mass reproduction, knowing that their children are much more likely to grow to reproduction age. H

    This is the reality that so many miss. Western countries go for lifestyle. We live better because we chose to live better and live to the standard of better lifestyle.

      It appears to me many of the world cannot learn to live the same when trans planted into the  western world and maintain their uncivilized ways.They live the only way they know and refuse to learn. Some TV members are the poster boys for this mentality.

  11. 1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Again, as any geneticist will tell you, the only definition of fitness that makes objective sense in terms of fitness is reproductive success. Is there any evidence that people from Africa have less success in reproducing in Europe than do white Europeans? Generally one of the "threats" that the right wing in Europe touts about Africans is that they have a higher birth rate than do white natives.

    So, if that's true, that would mean that Africans are more fit.

    And why exactly did you refer to the jungle? Do you believe that most Africans live in the jungle? Or until recently, lived in the jungle? Is your researched based on the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs?


    1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Domesticated animals do not fare well in the jungle, and the civilised residents of western cities are suffering the depredations of those less civilised.

    You seem to be stuck on fitness he is talking about something completely different and it appears a level you cannot comprehend or understand.

     There is physical fitness makes you strong but does not make you civilized or intelligent.  

  12. 18 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Really, really bad analogy. You compare mixing species to mixing humans. You need to take a remedial course in biology.

    I think he was trying ti simpilfy it for simple minds but the problem is not just simple minds but ill informed and just plain stupid people he is trying to assist in their understanding of what is really happening. Like he said come back to us in 10years. 

      The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

      We all want to help others but there  comes a time when we get tired of our good will being abused and end it.

     To help others to to help them grow ,develop and prosper,not just feed and shelter them so they can walk your streets and terrorise your home country. When all you want to do is help

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