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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. I practically lived out side most of my life. I sailed all year round with out a hat because it would blow off while racing. Now I have skin cancer on my scalp.I advise any one coming to Thailand to wear protection. Hat's sun screen you name it use it.

    • Like 2
  2. Being me I did it the hard way. But you can do it this way also if you like.

      I showed my monthly pension's individually( I get a letter annually showing what the pension's will be next year) . 

     My investments  and what they provide me each year.

      Lastly I had a photo copy of my tax return from the previous year.

     Worked for me got the letter.from Embassy.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Djw6 said:

    Or maybe, the Chinese guy acted as he/they do in China and got what he deserved.

    That is why most bars do not allow Thai men in. 

     The Thai guys like the cash the girls bring home but do not like to see how they get make it. Hurts their delicate little ego's. To realize they live off a woman who gets played with in a bar.

     It is a bouncers job to keep control in a bar not some one off the street.

  4. 1 hour ago, Happy enough said:

    watch it again and you will see the yank soldiers. not great camera angle but they are there and did a good job against those watch sellers. maybe the watch sellers thought everyone would jump in to help them but not this time. jolly good

    You are right about soldiers being there but the part I found fake was the article stating it was 6 soldiers and 2 thai's All you can see most of the time is thai guys not 2

    • Confused 1
  5. 40 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    I wonder if 'gofundme' and similar organizations actually check anything before allowing their site to be used to ask for contributions - cash?  Anybody know about this?


    From what I can find it seems the 'gofundme' organization takes 3.9% of the contributions raised, this needs further checking.  3.9%, if that's true, of every 'event' is a sizeable amount of money.


    Checking the 'gofundme' site I discovered it's basically impossible to talk to the actual organization, no phone number and I can't find an e.mail address to message them.


    Strange stuff.


    Different point, has anybody found any mention of the rtp being actively / officially involved in any way with this cae?



    If what you say is all true. "gofundme" would be a great place to do some laundry huh. Put up a fund raiser and wash all your money through it.

    • Like 2
  6. 8 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    A few points to make here.


    It`s obvious that John created this thread because he`s seeking someone to take over the Pun Pun but doesn`t want to go too much into his private affairs. This thread is really an ad to sell his business and also as an informative to let his regular customers know he`s selling up.


    Another point, there are going to be those who will try to contact John just to pry into how much he is selling for and why, time wasters. Saying your wife (which probably means you) want`s to buy the business purely out of sympathy is a load of rubbish. Someone will only make an offer for the Pun Pun if believing it`s viable and will make a good living and profit out of the deal, not from the kindness of their hearts as a charity job.


    If you are really interested in buying the Pun Pun, then why don`t you visit John in person? I am sure he is there on most days. The same applies to anyone else who maybe genuinely interested.

    I cannot just go where and when I like to sorry. I have a health problem that limits my travels. To go to Chiang Mai to talk personally would have to come once an we have established whether or not there is a possible sale. . I cannot believe this thread. The more it goes the more it appears as pure crap.What is the reason you guys are so offensive to others ?

     Most replies are aggressive,offensive and attack genuine people posting. My first post to inquire about his state of health was met with being called an idiot and prick. 

     Now you come on and tell me to travel with my ill health and judge my interest . Travel is also hindered because we have a 2 month old stepdaughter  who needs taken care of.

     Chiang Mai must have gone down hill a lot since I was there last.


    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
    • Haha 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Dante99 said:

    Telephone company problem?  His phone broke? He accidentally hit the wrong key when typing the number? Knowing him I think him intentionally giving you a bogus number is very very improbable.



    Well just tried it again just now was informed by a machine the number I called was not correct.

      The wife felt sorry for him and wanted to see if we could help by buying the business.

     I sent him a private message telling him the number was no good never got back to me.

     He may be a great guy, but in this thread him and his friends are coming off a bit weird.

  8. The wife told  me to check about buying. I send John a private message he replied with a phone number the number does not work. This is getting weird in my opinion.

      Every one so defensive. 

     People say he just wants to sell and move on. I can understand that. But when some one looks into buying he gives a bogus phone number.

      I give up on this thread and will probably not look any further into being the new owner.


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