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Posts posted by racyrick

  1. 3 hours ago, theoldgit said:

    However, I made a transfer of a tad over £3,000 late on Friday evening and it hit my Kasikorn account this morning, so there was enough in the pot to cover my transfer.

    I was transferring $USD from the USA.

    Maybe it's just from the USA or maybe it's just dollars, but I am confused.

    I just went to the TW cover page and filled in the box-very interesting.

    When I put in an amount over $2,000, it says will arrive on the 21st Thursday.

    When I put in under $2000, it says will arrive on the 20th Wednesday.

    No next day like in the past. Wonder what's going on?

  2. On 2/16/2019 at 1:41 PM, lopburi3 said:

    That can happen if holidays/weekend involved.

    I understand that and with my last transfer, this was not the case.

    Like I said, I have always got my money the next day because I do the transfer on a Tuesday or Wednesday.

    The last transfer, I did a transfer on a Wednesday and it was paid the following Monday.

    When I went to their cover page in the transfer box rate calculation it was very interesting.

    If I entered a value over $2,000, it said the money would arrive on Monday.

    If I entered a value under $2,000, it said the money would arrive the next day on Thursday.

    This scared me that maybe they don't have enough money to cover all the Thailand transfers.

    With some other people having delays before me, I am just a littlce concerned now.

  3. 42 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    The online complaints do seem to be disproportionately from Americans. May be an issue with rhe TW US bank and may also be recent or have worsened in recent years.

    Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    I read the complaints and I must say I am very scared now.

    I know there was another thread a few weeks ago that told of people having problems with payments to their account here in Thailand, but nobody's account was closed and everyone got their money,

    As for me, I made another transfer this month and money did not come the next day as normal. Their was an extra 2 day delay, but they did show that when I made the transfer. They gave no reason as to why it was taking longer to transfer here.

    Needless to say, this makes me very uneasy to use them. They may have some serious issues going on now behind the scenes.

  4. Stop it-you're killing me!!

    I live in Khon Kaen and we have nothing here except Mc D and KFC.

    PLEASE, somebody send me some Taco Bell and Texas Chicken--PLEASE!!

    Oh forgot, no beef and no beans maybe not TC--oh what the hell TC too!!  PLEASE!!

  5. All the above is nice information BUT, the bottom line, it still will be up to the individual IO officer as to their interpretation of the rules and how strict they are 2019 renewals as many people will not have 12 months of international transfers to show since this just became a rule.

    You say they understand and will be lenient this year, but I hardly doubt it and when they say no, you only have 6 months of transfers, what do you do now???

    This is why myself and others will always be nervous about our next renewal extension.

    I am married and been here 10 years and have a son. What if they tell me sorry, 12 months or no extension.

    I don't have 400,000 to put in the bank.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, billsmart said:

    The memo is from Bangkok Immigrations dated Jan 28, 2018...

    According to your documents, even if you do an extension in 2019, you still need to show 12 months of international transfers and that is no help at all.

    That was just introduced and many people do not have 12 monthly transfers at this stage and many just started to transfer now when the new rule came in.

    Are they all screwed? Is there no leniency for transfers that just started in 2019?

  7. 3 hours ago, Pib said:

    So far so good....below is the status of my TW transfer which I funded by USAA Bank Debit (ACH)...that is, TW pulls the money from my bank account via ACH.   


    Now although it says below TW received my money from USAA within 3 hours it still doesn't show on my USAA ibanking.  But that's the way all my transfers have occurred....it usually a day or  two later before the transaction posts on my USAA ibanking which can give the impression the transfer request has not arrived yet or USAA is delaying in releasing the money, but it's just USAA not showing it even as a "Pending" transaction and instead waiting until the transaction completely settles within the ACH system and then "posting" the transaction.  This can give the impression USAA has not received the transfer request yet or is slowly releasing the funds but it's really just the way their ACH accounting system works.  Every bank is a little different with their accounting system/ibanking.


    Now it appears the funds will arrive today...and if they do, I bet I will get a SMS from Bangkok Bank at 2:04pm that the transfer posted to my account.  I will then check my Bangkok Bank ibanking and it will show it posted at 2:02pm. I say that because all my previous TW to Bangkok Bank transfers have worked that way....just a few minutes after 2pm I get the funds posted notification. 


    Now the one TW transfer I did to my Krungsri account that posting notification occur around 1:33pm.


    Seems TW and its Thailand partner banks of Bangkok Bank, TMB, and Kaiskorn complete the final leg of a TW transfer to a Thai bank in the 1 to 3pm afternoon ballpark.   


    Yea, I expect the funds will post to my Bangkok Bank account today (or tomorrow) a little after 2pm.  I've found the TW status updates many times are overly optimistic (for advertising purposes) regarding actual, final completion of the transfer.  Past transfers have averaged around 2 days.



    Remember, TW can only pull money from your account during normal business hours of your bank.

  8. 5 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    Transfer wise guys says they are partners with Wells Fargo Bank in the USA. But when I tried to link my Transferwise account to WFB their security people went crazy so I gave up. I am sure others have been successful.  


    Transfer wise is not a USA company. UK I think. 

    Did they actually use the words fraudulent?



    I did a test transfer last week using my WF account and no problems.

    I did need a pincode to log in to WF on the TW template.

    • Thanks 1
  9. I hardly would call that a success. That is not what the new rules says.

    Your IO said show me 800,000 and frowned when you mentioned the 65,000 baht a month.

    You should be able to have EITHER 800,000 in the bank method OR 65,000 transferred from overseas every month.

    Your IO contradicts the new rules.

    For those that are using the monthly method, I would not be too happy.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  10. 23 hours ago, JLCrab said:

    That's because I saw this on the UK Embassy - Bangkok website and after the 26 OCT announcement from the US Embassy I made the first trans early NOV 2018.


    UK Stop1.png

    Understand, but what if your renewal was due say March thru August this year.

    You still would not have 12 straight months of transfers when the time came.

    We still need to hope that TI understands this and if they see at least 3-4 months of transfers, they will ok for now with no exceptions starting Jan, 2020.

  11. 20 hours ago, JLCrab said:

    I have now done NOV18 DEC18 and JAN19 65k+ baht SWIFT transfers that each shows FTT in the Bangkok Bank passbook. The IMM folks may say:

    "If that Crab guy can do it, why can't you?" 

    That's because the "Crab" guy was smart and was proactive, while us dumb "lobsters" waited until they officially told us we must transfer from outside the US.

    Seriously, I hope that since this rule was just made that they allow some leeway to those that have just started to do this and let you start the first quarter of this year.

    I am also sure there are many people who don't follow TV and have no clue about the new rule and will really have issues at renewal time. Don't think if you plead ignorance of the law will help.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    The local branch sends everything to the main office in Bangkok. They scan the SF 1199A form and send it to Manila by email. That is how it was done when I opened my direct deposit account.

    But what if you already are receiving benefits to another bank?

    You obviously do not need to fill out an initial set up form, do you?

    I would think you would have would just need to complete a direct deposit service application form and open a direct deposit savings account and fill out and send a change of bank details for your direct deposit or call SSA and give them the new bank details-correct?

  13. 14 hours ago, Pib said:

    You can use Transferwise.  When funding the Transferwise transfer you just select the "ACH Debit" funding option (not to be confused with funding via Debit Card funding).   Transferwise then "pulls/withdraws" the funding from your Wells Fargo account.  


    You are correct you can not use DeeMoney to send money "to" Thailand (no one can).  It's for sending money "out" of Thailand...transfers are funded from your Thai bank account or in cash.  


    Now for Transferwise, it can not be used to transfer money out of Thailand; it can only be used to transfer money into Thailand.   If you have a Bangkok Bank account the Transferwise transfer to that account will appear as an International Transfer which will satisfy TI that the money came from outside Thailand.   If sending to other Thai banks the Transferwise transfer may not appear as an International Transfer.....it may just a appear as a domestic/intra-Thailand transfer....not as a foreign transfer.


    Contact/call Social Security in the States or Manila to initiate the change of bank accounts for Direct Deposit.  But keep in mind to have your SSA Direct Deposited to Bangkok Bank via ACH you will need to have your Thailand address onfile with SSA and ensure the transfer format is ACH "IAT."   Ditto (I.e, Thailand address onfile) for the soon to be IDD direct deposit method.  


    Thank you so much Pib for your help. I do have a Bangkok Bank account that I would use to deposit here.

    I am only interested in transferring to Thailand to meet the new immigration rules.


    As for the change of bank accounts for direct deposit, I do have a few questions.

    First I assume I must open a new direct deposit savings account. Is that all I would have to do at my Bangkok Bank branch?

    They only show information on what you need to do when you open or just start receiving benefits.

    They ask you to fill out a direct deposit sign up form-open a savings account for direct deposit-direct deposit service application-copy of passport and social security card and they send all info to SSA.

    SSA has my Thai address as that is the only one I have.


    Thanks again so much for your help, time and patience!!

  14. 12 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    I don't understand the first part, "will NOT allow me to do a wire transfer or a transfer to another bank account unless it's in my name" since your Thai bank account should be in your own name?


    If your Thai account is nto in your own name, or is a joint account with someone you will have to open a separate bank account in your name only anyhow in order to meet Imm requirements.


    If what you mean is that you have an account in your name but your bank will not let you use Transferwise, you can still do a bank to bank transfer via SWIFT code.


    Also I beleve there was a recent announcement that SSA would start doing international direct deposit to Thai banks, if so and if SS is your only income, problem solved once that comes to pass.


    Changing SS deposit can I think be done online if you have a "MySocialSecurity" online account, many of us have been unable to establish one as it requires a US address that can be verified with US credit bureaus (i.e. just having a US address you can use, won't work, if the credit bureaus don't have any record of you at it). In that case you will have to go through SSA in Manila. Email them and they'll send you the necessary form.

    Thanks for your reply. First off, Wells Fargo online will not allow me to do an international wire transfer AND they will not allow me to do a wire transfer UNLESS I have a domestic bank account with my name as the holder. No SWIFT transfers.

    The ONLY way I can transfer online with them is using ZELLE, which is useless unless someone has a ZELLE account.

    I will just have to wait for the IDD thing, but I am worried that Immigration will give me problems if my transfer is not done from overseas and the clock is ticking. My extension is due in July.

  15. 25 minutes ago, mojaco said:

    I used Transferwise to set up and withdraw funds from my Wells Fargo account without any problem.  You cannot *send* from Wells Fargo, but Transferwise can *pull* from Wells Fargo.  Just start using Transferwise and go through the process to allow Transferwise to have the details of your Wells Fargo account and it is easy to set up.  Then you can *pull* as much from Wells Fargo to a bank in Thailand as much as you want.


    Thanks for the reply, but you feel safe giving them your account bank details which allow them to "pull" money even without your consent?

    Paypal has the same set up and I got ripped off one time, so I am very hesitant to give anyone my bank details that allow them to withdraw/pull money from my account.

    In case I decide to pursue this method, how do I find out about this method and get signed up?

    Sorry for the dumb questions, but I really don't have much net/online knowledge or savvy.

    Thanks again!!

  16. HELP!! I only have a Wells Fargo account in the US. Online will NOT allow me to do a wire transfer or a transfer to another bank account unless it's in my name. I can ONLY transfer money using ZELLE.

    Therefore, I can't use TransferWise, Dee money etc.

    Right now, I know my only option is to have my SS deposited to a Bangkok Bank account, which is currently not the case.

    Also, possibly the IDD into Thailand when it begins.

    Does anybody have any other options for me to use? I am now scared to death!

    Also, how do I change the deposit of my SS from my current bank to Bangkok Bank in the US?

    Can it be done online, can I call the US SSA office or can I just call the Manila SSA office?

    Thanks so much for your help!!


  17. 18 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    The have already started it if you don't have a income letter or cannot get one.

    Read the example given. If it is the first time you have used the money going into they will on want to see one month but they might expect you to have it done since day one of this order since you have applied for an extension before.

    But the problem is that it was not a requirement to have an international bank transfer before this order came into effect.

    You only needed to show income being deposited to your account each month and never stated it must be an international transfer.

    I have always just deposited the money in case they asked for backup proof and copies of my bank statements etc.

    I can show deposits every month, but I will just start to make the international transfer this month.

    I hope this will be ok. I have had 10 marriage extensions already.

  18. On 12/29/2018 at 9:45 AM, keithet said:

    I'm amazed that there is still no letter in the mail. Today is the last day for post before the long holiday. I recall always getting the cola letter 2nd to 3rd week of December. 

    Normally I write on the letter what date I received in the mail. I did in my "still alive" letter.  I believe was June 17. That one is the most important because only have 60 days to reply and send back. 

    The SSA will send another form out in September if they did not receive a reply from you. They send a final reminder in November. If nothing is received, your benefits will be suspended starting 03 February.

    • Thanks 1
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