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Posts posted by racyrick

  1. 2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Absolute nonsense. Rates for expat policies from international companies for someone aged 65 - 69 range from 75 - 150K depending n the company, and that's without deductibles.


    No exclusions at all unless you have a chronic pre-existing condition.


    At 66 I pay under 3000 USD a year for 1 million in cover, no exclusions.


    Even at age over 80 the premiums don't hit 300K.

    Can you please give a little more info and specifics? Thank you

  2. 1 hour ago, Pib said:


    As I mentioned in an earlier post the SSA POMS (i.e., policy/instructions for SSA issue) states IDD payments to Thailand must be to a US dollar account at local Financial Institutions.  Or said another way payment must got to a Foreign Currency Deposit (FCD) account at a Thai bank.  You can click on below SSA weblink to see the full instructions/details....but I have included a snapshot to the key paragraph form the POMS. 


    From looking at IDD POMS for various countries, for some countries the SSA allows/sends payment only the foreign currency for a particular country (e.g., Vietnam Dong for Vietnam).  For other countries the SSA allows/sends payment in US dollars only and Thailand is one of those countries.   For a few countries like Canada SSA can seen local currency or USD.   But as mentioned, for Thailand payment must be in USD to a FCD only.





    With above being said and reading up on FCD at a couple of Thai banks such as Bangkok Bank and K-Bank, below are some FCD weblinks talking FCDs.  Assuming FCD accounts in Thailand have similar rules, the Bangkok Bank weblink has more details.  


    FCD Bangkok Bank



    FCD Kaiskorn Bank



    But from looking at the FCD accout info at the two banks and comparing to the current Bangkok Bank special Direct Deposit account for U.S. govt payments, a FCD account will have some similar restrictions to the Direct Deposit account.  For example:


    1.  I don't see where a joint account is allowed...appears to be single name account....just like the current Bankgok Bank Direct Deposit account

    2.  No ATM card.  The Bangkok Bank webpage says such...I couldn't find where it says one way or another on the Kbank website so I'm assuming also no ATM card

    3.  With a Bangkok Bank FCD account you can only withdraw and deposit at the branch you have the FCD account with; not any branch like the current Direct Deposit account.   But for K-bank is appears you can withdraw or deposit at any Kbank branch with FCD services (209 such branches they say).

    4.  At Bangkok Bank the minimum opening balance for a FCD is $1000 and to avoid a $10 monthly maintenance fee you have to maintain a minimum $250 balance.  Kbank says $10,000 minimum opening deposit with a minimum $5000 monthly balance to prevent a $10 monthly maintenance fee.

    5.  You can do some ibanking related to the FCD accounts at both banks

    6.  For incoming transfers...like that incoming SSA payment....a 0.25% (Bt200 min, Bt500 max) receiving fee applies at both Bangkok Bank and K-bank just like currently with the Bangkok Bank Direct Deposit account (or any account).  I do not know if there is any intermediary bank fee like how the Bangkok Bank New York branch slices off a fee also when money flows thru them onto you in-Thailand Bangkok Bank account.


    Anyway, you all can review Thai bank webpages regarding their FCD accounts.  I expect all will be similar.  But if anyone was thinking by switching to the SSA IDD program once it actually becomes available that you be able to have a joint account, debit card, etc., it does not appear so unless banks decide to offer a less restrictive FCD just for folks receiving US govt payments---my money bets that is not going to happen. 


    While IDD will indeed overcome this ACH IAT issue some folks are facing, IDD is not a panacea.   And don't go rushing to Bangkok Bank to sign-up for IDD as they have no more info than we do...do not have an IDD sign up form for Thailand.   They are aware Thailand has been approved for IDD participation but the "details are still being worked out/agreed to between the SSA and whatever Thai banks decide to participate in the IDD."





    Thank you so much for your very informative post!!


    You say to open with Bangkok Bank, you need a minimum opening balance of $1,000. After I open the account, can I take back most of the initial deposit?


    Kbank with the $10,000 initial deposit is way out of my reach. Thanks again

  3. 20 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

    From Bangkok Hospital, turn right onto route 12 and head west. Pass the airport turn and then bear left onto link road that joins the by-pass to Korat. Keep heading south until you see sign to bus station off on your right. This avoids much of the traffic and traffic lights on southbound route 2 in the city.

    Thanks for the advice.

  4. It is definitely 3bb. I have the same issue since I started using them.

    On my phone, when I use the wifi at home, I can't get ssa.gov, but when I leave the house and use data from true, no problem accessing the site.

    By the way, you can only sign up on their website for personal info accessed on the computer if you have a USA address.

  5. 2 hours ago, Rdrokit said:

    I have no idea why members do not contact AA Insurance Brokers. They advertise on TV and are very good at finding the right policy for you. I have my car, motorcycle and health insurance with them for the past 12 years. The main office is in Pattaya but you can do everything by email and or phone. They speak English and are owned by an Englishman.



    I use them also and they are very honest and friendly and reply quickly. Bottom line-great service.

    • Like 1
  6. 18 hours ago, Nkpjed said:

    Hi Pikao,


    Luma is one of the companies I have looked at and seem reputable.   But as you say they cover strictly private hospital as seems to be the norm here.   I will give your contact a try tomorrow and see if he can get me in the right direction.   


    Thanks for your help,



    4 hours ago, yosib157 said:

    Like yourself. I have had good service/pricing from Nakhon Phanom Hospital and am currently attending every 2 weeks for an ongoing problem. Doctors and general staff are greatly improved from years ago.


    A friend of mine recently had an operation there and 8 days stay costing 45,000.


     I did go to Sakhon Nakhon Private Hospital 2 1/2 years ago for a serious problem. However NKP have greatly improved so I'll continue going there.


    Back to your question, last week I was waiting around and took a stroll along the corridors and saw an Insurance office. Go to second floor (or first as we call it), turn right and go to the end. I don't know if they have anything like an annual retainer scheme. Everything was in Thai language, but,if you have time, it's worth taking a look. 

    I have LUMA as well. They cover ALL hospitals it's just that they have a "cashless" agreement with the private hospitals so you don't need to pay anything yourself, but with the public hospitals, you must pay first and then file a claim to get your money back.

  7. 49 minutes ago, Larryst said:

    I just went to immigration in Jomtein. Did my 90 day check in, no problem. Then went to the retirement desk and show them my banking information & statements. The letter Verification of Benefits from SSA, with a list of all payments received and a copy of my 1099-R. Not acceptable. A list of payments, I get from the Office of Personnel Management and a copy of my 1099-R. Not acceptable. A bank statement from the states. Showing all savings & saving certificates (way over 800,000 baht) and a copy of all income going into my bank account. Not acceptable. The man in immigration said. 800,000 baht (3 months before applying) in a thai bank or 65,000 baht income a month. Will have to wait & see if things change for applying.

    Did you show monthly deposits in a Thai bank?

  8. 3 minutes ago, blorg said:

    There were probably some people who got the US embassy declaration with insufficient documentation, given that they did not check anything, yes. My point was more that the fact that we have reports that Thai immigration is no longer accepting US embassy income declarations on their own, and the Canadian embassy has reported a similar change, this is clearly a change in Thai immigration policy, not something the British embassy has come up with on its own.

    Where did you hear that Thai Immigration was no longer accepting income affadavits?

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, mommysboy said:

    Thanks.  Yes, I am really on edge.  Obviously it's the stamp in the passport.  I'll sit tight a few days. 


    Actually, we just contacted Hat Yai and there is an English speaking officer who seems empathetic.  Hopefully I will get some resolution.


    (PS: took a few minutes and a few people to even decipher the case number since the scrawl is not at all clear). I have had continued bad service from Surat Thani over a number of years.  All they do is tell me their problems.

    Do not worry. This happened to me 2 times when doing my extension in Phuket.

    I took 2 extra weeks both times after my report back date. No problem.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, elviajero said:

    They won't ask, and it wouldn't be a problem if they did.


    They could ask to see the income going in to your Thai bank, but that isn't standard practice and unlikely to be asked for. The income affidavit should be all they are interested in.

    Thanks for your reply.

    Please note my follow up question above.

  11. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    Most immigration offices do not ask for backup proof for a income affidavit.

    There would be no problem having a joint account with your wife for backup proof of your income coming from abroad or in a bank account outside the country.


    Thanks for your quick reply.

    Just one quick follow up question.

    What exchange rate does Immigration use when looking at your income?

    Do they use the bank's buy rate, sell rate, xe.com etc.?

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