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Everything posted by racyrick

  1. Just received my second request form today after not receiving the first one.
  2. I too just got my second request after not receiving the first one.
  3. I am in exactly the same situation as you. Never received first or second mailing, but it looks like someone just received the second notice today. His comment is above.
  4. Well, it's now November 14th and not a single report that anyone has received a second form 7161 or 7162. Very weird. I wonder if SSA has changed their procedure for this year. Of course, no updated info from SSA.
  5. Same as you. Did not receive this year after always receiving them in previous years. Horrible way to have to deal with this issue. No clarity from SSA stateside or Manila and have to wait to see if your benefits are suspended to see if you were the chosen one not to receive this year.
  6. This whole mask thing is absurd and became this way because of politics. Asking someone to wear a mask is no different than having a dress code at a restaurant, theatre, club, concert, play etc. Stop the frickin politics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. With almost all people saying their forms were not delivered until October, you would think that almost everybody would receive the second mailing. As of now, not a post of anyone receiving the second mailing. I never received the first mailing of both forms 7161 and 7162.
  8. Is there ever a good time to call the SSA or any US government agency? The call will only be as good as the agent who handles your call. Please let us know what they said. Thanks! PS- I never got the first mailing of the 7161 or 7162 forms. Still waiting on the second mailing.
  9. Thanks so much!!!!
  10. Yes, please dig up the special phone number. Thanks!!
  11. With the SSA, you never know. Did you already mail your forms to Wilkes Barre and just faxed for security? I ask because most people got their forms in July and I would assume you would have already sent them back.
  12. Exactly, I felt the same way. I still don't know why nobody has faxed the form to the SSA when they said you can and gave the number in their press release. I would fax, send to Wilkes Barr and scan and email to Manila to cover all bases. I don't trust anything and sure don't want my benefits to be suspended and go thru hoops to get it back.
  13. Everybody keeps talking about their tracking issues. Why hasn't anyone faxed their form to SSA like they said in the press release?
  14. I noticed on the SSA press release when they announced they were going to start mailing the 7161 and 7162 forms again that they listed a fax number you can use to send the forms. Did anybody fax their form to SSA?
  15. I did not receive either form 7162 or 7161 I get for my son and I live in Khon Kaen. I see many people did get their forms. I am curious, did anybody else not receive their forms or am I the only one? Thanks
  16. thanks, already went to DLT and also got my health certificate. One last question, did Immigration ask for a copy of the ID and/or Tabian Baan of the owner of the house? Did they ask for a lease? I was hoping all I need is my TM30. Thanks again.
  17. How long does it take at Khon Kaen Immigration to get a certificate of residence for a driver's license renewal? Also, does anybody know of a clinic near Mittraphap and Maliwan Road where I can get a health certificate as well? Thank you
  18. As i posted above, I have not received either 7161 or 7162 as of today. I live in Khon Kaen.
  19. Just FYI, I still have not received my forms 7161 and 7162 here in Khon Kaen. This is the first time in 7 years I did not receive my forms. I am very concerned. Any other people still missing forms in Khon Kaen? Thanks
  20. I am looking to replace a very old wall A/C in my bedroom at the house I rent. I can't spend a lot of money, but I want a good unit. Need 12,000BTU. What brand or brands to you recommend to buy here in Thailand? A lot of people said to stay away from the Thai brands or cheap brands and stick with name brands only. Thanks for your help in advance.
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