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Everything posted by racyrick

  1. Just curious, did you contact Manila to see if your form was received and scanned? What did they tell you to do now? Did they say if your benefits are being suspended?
  2. Good advice. I checked my online account and it shows green color and Active. It also says next payment due February 03. Stress gone!! PHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. If you think that makes no sense, they ask me every time for my passport when I am making a credit card payment!! What the hell?????? Thailand!!!!!!
  4. Are you the representative for your son's benefits? Also, did you get form 7161 this year from the SSA? Thanks
  5. I received my COLA letter today-Khon Kaen.
  6. Thanks so much. Worked-fax done!!
  7. What hours is the fax line open? I asked because I tried a couple of times and the phone would not answer. Thanks
  8. Glad nobody is having a problem accessing their online account. I was just posting of a release that Wells Fargo issued. Please don't shoot the messenger.
  9. I never received a first or second notice of Form 7161. I never received a first notice of Form 7162 BUT, I did receive the second notice. Very frustrating to say the least.
  10. Thanks for your replies.
  11. Does anybody know of a place in Khon Kaen where I can fax to the USA? Yes I know nobody uses a fax machine, but this definitely has to be faxed and I can't do it online. I have literally been to 26 places from copy shops to hotels etc and only 1 place could fax but only inside Thailand. Thanks in advance.
  12. Sorry for the honest human error aka mistake. This is not false news. Here is the URL - https://www.wellsfargo.com/online-banking/updates/ We Are Updating Our Online Access Agreement We are revising the OAA with updated terms and conditions, effective November 30, 2022: Updated Section 1(a) (Description), to clarify that the Service is based in the United States and is intended for use by customers located within the United States, and that accessing the Service from territories where use is not permitted is prohibited.
  13. Sorry for another post but, just found out the date for not being able to access and use online services outside the US is Nov. 30th.
  14. Just found out the date for not being able to access and use online services outside the US is Nov. 30th.
  15. Glad to her and thanks for taking the time to give an update!
  16. I am only talking about Wells Fargo and it was either info on a monthly statement at the bottom or was an email sent a couple of months ago that starting Nov. 20th you would no longer be able to use online banking from outside the US and could also no longer be able to access online account from outside the US.
  17. You were able to log in successfully and use online banking? Did you use a VPN?
  18. Can you log into your account from Thailand? I heard that starting this week, you can no longer access your online account from outside the US.
  19. I heard though, even if you have a US address on file that starting this week, you can no longer access your online account from outside the US. Is that true?
  20. I also heard that starting this week you can no longer do any online banking from outside the US and you can no longer log in to your online account from outside the US-True??
  21. Also got the email today and logged in to make a copy so I can use this for Immigration in case my notices get lost in the mail.
  22. I can sure feel your frustration, but I'm glad you got it all sorted out. Thanks for your posts as it helps all of us.
  23. Sorry to hear of your troubles. This whole SSA is soooo screwed up and inefficient! Unfortunately, some of us will probably have our benefits suspended in February and will have to go thru hell to try and get them back. Very unsettling especially when this is the only income for some of us. I wish everyone the best and if anybody ever finds the magic pill to make everything ok, please let us know.
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