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  1. I thought they were dressed up as a chicken or Big Bird from Sesame Street.
  2. And learn the language to at least a basic level.
  3. UK government a joke. Told us that leaving Europe they would be able to control immigration... Lied to is that it was Europe's fault UK was powerless to stop immigrants. Well, they lied. They actually wanted to get nfke immigrants...to use the for the massive amount of jobs left behind when genuine legal European people could come live and work in the UK. They also are totally incompetent at stopping illegal immigrants. Dads Army would do a better job. They also love to use the immigrants as scapegoat for their politics.
  4. Are u serious? Yes, social disparity has always existed, but it's at an all time massive high under this current government.
  5. Look like a species of puffball. Don't eat them anyway incase they are not. Not worth the risk when mushrooms are so cheap at the market and they won't kill u.
  6. The report is false and clearly defamation. Thailand should arrest and imprison the people who wrote that report as it damages Thailand reputation.. 😭
  7. And hung parliament.... What planet is this loser on? 🤣
  8. No gay farang living here is going to want to talk to another farang expat to try to hit on them ....Why would they want an old fat loser when they can choose from all the fit, attractive young smiling and happy Thai guys? 😂 .... So dont worry about that.
  9. These people should not be allowed to protest like this, causing disturbance, I sighting violence, and wasting police resources.. It's becsue they are Muslims, nothing to do with anything else. Why aren't they protesting like this for Ukraine or the war in Myanmar? Oh they don't matter as they are not Muslims. Now the government is deporting immigrants to Africa, I would arrest all these protesters and fly the lot of them to Palistine as they want to help their fellow Muslims to badly.
  10. 'Why/How is British English different from American English?' Because American English is just wrong. Even British kids can get is right.
  11. 'Thai wife owning land and leasing it to you' Do it! What a great idea, what could possibly go wrong?! 😂
  12. What, you young people who all insist on driving cars, charging your mobile phones, laptops, and using plastic for eveeythinng? The young ones who are flying around the world each year for holidays and ordering food deliveries to you home every day? Want foods available all year round shipped and flown from all over the world so u can eat a strawberry in December. The older generation...no smartphones or laptops to charge, no plastic bags or packaging,not everyone had a car and people used go cycle or use a bus. Did not fly to go on a holiday etc. Etc
  13. How come God did not protect the Bishop and the other people in the chrurch...i mean it's God's house? The other kids God also did not protect the kid from getting caught and arrested. It's almost like those gods do not exist, isn't it? Yet billions of people are still fighting and killing each other in the name of their religions gods. Humans as a species have not progressed much further than a primative caveman.
  14. Two toads can't make the pool green and dirty. Take them out and release them somewhere else where there is water for them. As for the green pool problem you need to check you filter and the water chemistry.
  15. It's OK. I have a conservatory to grow them in. I plant to grow the again each spring from seeds they make. I was worried the customs would fine me if they see some packets of seeds in my suitcase. I can't get the Thai Basil in the UK, or the winged beans. And the price of the chilli peppers mad...so I though I would grown them myself.
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