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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. I would go with 2 different ideas.


    1.  Legalise it... and every other drug.  Let people do what they like with the drugs... some people will use them responsibly, some people won't use them... and others were mess up their lives.  Personal responsibility.


    2.  Ban all drugs.. even alcohol.  This would be a big shake up of society.  But after a few years people are going to be a lot more healthy and accidents and crime from drugs would be far reduced.


    I can't see how its logical to pick and choose what drugs to legalise or ban. 



  2. 10 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

    In your opinion of course.

    I understand now you are only posting on this thread to argue with people and have no real interest or knowledge of the subject.


    You lost my interest when you stated you did could not care less about stray dogs.  Weird why you keep arguing about it if you have no interest in the subject.. and why you are even posting on this topic in the first place.


    Let us know when you bitches have puppies that need rehoming.  Because I can't believe you have no male dogs in several miles of your property... because a male dog will travel considerable distance to reach a female in heat.  Good luck with that one. 



  3. 7 hours ago, mogandave said:



    "Live and let live"

    I don't care much about stray dogs, I don't want to feed them, I would rather they weren't there, but I don't want to kill them, nor do I want to interfere with people that do want to feed them.

    The dogs don't bother me. They don't chase me, they don't snarl at me and they don't bite me. I do not have a problem with the dogs, so see no need for a solution.

    Hey, maybe the dogs can sense which individuals hate and want to kill them and those are the people they chase and bite.



    You don't care about stray dogs? 


    But you can see there is a problem, right?  You can see many street dogs are suffering? 


    You think dogs have magical powers to know which people want to don't like them.. and they are fine to go bite and chase people who don't like dogs?


    Live and let live?  So that is your attitude to life.... just don't care about things that don't directly affect you?


    So I get from you post your solution to helping the stray and street dogs is to ignore the problem?  That seems to be what I get most of the dog 'lovers' and feeders attitude seems to be.. pretend they are doing a good thing and helping the dogs.. when in fact they are doing the opposite and making the problem worse. 

  4. Question to the dog feeders...


    What is your solution?


    We have heard of many of you how much you love dogs and get on with them better than other human beings.  We have heard that you think feeding every stray dog you come across is what you want to do... and what others should all do...


    But, we have not heard what you think is the best way to get rid of the stay dog problem?  Or are you really happy to keep the suffering, mangy, diseases ridden, injured, aggressive and dirty dog population growing and growing until we can't move in the streets for them piled up to our necks? 







  5. Feeding the dogs will lead to increased population of dogs... due to more puppies being born and surviving into adulthood... and then they also reproducing.... so more people come to feed more food... etc.. and the problem will increase.


    The solutions is easy and clear.. and I can't understand why its not done.


    Simply spay and neuter all the dogs found on the streets.  This would be the end of the problem.. people can still feed them and care for them... no more puppies and the dogs will die out eventually due to age.


    People can't say money is the issue.  Temples are overflowing with money in most places.. and the people who spend money on dog food and feeding the dogs used that money to get them 'fixed' then that would save money in the long term.


    Its irresponsible, selfish and lazy of people to simply drive around dumping food on the street for dogs.. then going home with a glowing feeling of doing good.. while the poor dogs are living miserable disease ridden and dangerous lives on the streets.  These people don't really love the dogs at all.. they love themselves!!! 

  6. I would like to know also.  My large pond has been great for 3 years.  But a few days ago I had to go into it to fix the fountain in the middle... and in doing so stirred up a lot of smelly sediment from the pond bottom.  The next day 2 of my koi fish were dead floating on top... I can only assume it was toxic stuff, or bacteria killed them from the sediment.  I wish I just left it alone now!!



  7. 6 hours ago, Bluespunk said:


    As for your psuedo analysis of myself and laughable claims about the current younger generstion's attitude to racist traditions... don't give up the day job. 


    Likewise as to your inability to comprehend what racism is.


    Fine by me. Some things should never be forgotten. 

    What is it with all your aggression... calling my opinions laughable and telling me I can not comprehend what racism is. Maybe it's you who are looking for racism where there is none... and making a point to bring out bad feelings between people of different colours.....


    I am not saying to forget bad things that happened in the past... but we have got to learn by them and move one with life.  Otherwise nothing will change.. and all the problems will still be there forever.


    Go out and ask you black friends if its such a big deal to them if you dressed up a black celebrity and used make up to darken your face....


    If you can't understand the difference between dressing up innocently and the 'black face' racism of the past.. with the white gloves, googly eyes and stupid 'oh mamma' act, then there is something lacking in your comprehension of what racism is... not mine.





  8. Bluespunk.....What if you were going to a fancy dress party? Why wouldn't you darken your face if you are dressing as a black person?... you would look rather daft as a black person with a white face, lol.

    Black, white, purple, what does it matter?  If  you would say that white people should not be allowed to dress as black people.. why?  Surely that is a very raciest thing to say. 


    You seem to be the one with the hang ups about things being raciest... and you are not even black yourself!  These days the younger generation does not associate dressing as a black person as an insult to raciest connections to the 'black face' of the distant past anyway. 


    It's people like you that are making this issue, and keeping the raciest aspect alive... poking at a wound to stop it healing.





  9. 10 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    If you want someone to play a person you find one who resembles them.


    If they don't resemble them exactly but they can fulfil the role then fine, but don't resort to ''blackface''.


    It would be racist if someone was denied a role they fitted because of their colour.





    But you just said the employer should only employ people with the correct skin colour for the job... that seems wrong.


    I see no problem with putting on make up to make a white person look like a black one... same as painting your face to look like a tiger, clown or anything else.  People are so sensitive and make up problems where there are none indented. 


    Next people will be saying ladyboys and drag queens should not be allowed to make up as women.. as that is offensive to women.  Or, at a fancy dress party no one can put on a ginger wig and a wear a kilt as that is offensive to Scottish people. 


    If my black friends wanted to make up to look like they had white skin I would think it was funny.  These days we are supposed to all be the same and equal... so there should be no problem. 





  10. 12 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

    Only plant that I can think of that is a nitrogen fixer and maybe a good substitute would be clover, but, where would you get it?

    seems to arrive on its own... it did in my garden.. most of the lawn is clover and other weeds.


    OP.. you can get a creeping plant that has small yellow flowers that look like buttercups, from the plant markets.  Its sold as a bedding / ornamental flowering ground cover plant.  It grows really fast and stays low.. only requiring strimming over if it gets too deep.


    Sorry don't know the name.  There are 2 kinds from what I have seen.  One is darker green hairy leaves and bigger flowers.. this one grown really fast like a week.  The other is smaller with more yellow / green flat smooth leaves... and this one hugs the ground very closely.. but I found that one was slow to get established and I had a problem with weeds growing up through it... not so the other one.... nothing grows through it.. as its so dense. 



  11. 1 hour ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Are You Lost in the World Like Me?



    A sad fate for three or four year olds of any nationality.

    Thanks for that music video... that is how I feel sometimes..  Often I am with a group of people, say out for a meal, and they will be poking away at their phones most of the time.. and not talking to each other or noticing anything going on around them.  I then look around and see other people, families and kids on other table all doing the same.


    The one time it makes me feel sad is when I see a young couple out for a romantic meal or a coffee in a nice place.. and they are just sitting opposite each other eyes on their phones... when surely that time in their life is one of the best to be interacting with your partner... (they are probably swiping through hundreds of photos on some dating apps looking for the next 'better' boyfriend as people seem to never appreciate or be happy with what they have'.  I hate how society has become.



  12. Think the money thing was a mistake.  I have had too much money given to me many times, also people forget to charge me for things.. so I have to call them back to tell them.


    I have also been short changed a few times....  I learnt the problem was that the cashiers sometimes were not that bright.  Giving them small change to round it up.. to get less coins back, for example really confused a lot of them and that is when the incorrect change would be given. 


    Now I just hand over the notes and don't try to mess about with helping them out.... and since then always the correct money back.. just heavy pockets full of coins!!! 

  13. 43 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    the war on terror needs to be re thought. persisting with the current methods are not going to achieve anything.

    Yes.  The current methods seeming to be.... 'show them they won't win by being united and having prayers and candle light vigils'. 


    People have to stand up to bullies.... simply ignoring the problem will not make it go away.. in fact it will make it worse as these sick people will keep resorting to more and more drastic action to get some response out of the rest of us. 

  14. 18 hours ago, Laab Muu said:

    If you think that blowing yourself up at a concert mostly attended by children is a brave act, then your definition of brave is very different to mine. It was an absolutely cowardly act, far from brave. Maybe you are cowardly too though, and so see this act as being a one of braveness? It could explain it, though I don't know you.

    I think it must take bravery to blow yourself up.... I would be terrified and could not push the button.


    But in this instance being 'brave' is not a noble or heroic act.  Don't confuse being brave with being noble or good.  Being brave is not always a good thing... as idiots, lunatics and mentally deranged people can have no fear and be very brave....   I think that was what the OP was meaning.  A coward would not have the strength to kill explode himself. 


    But his actions were evil, misguided and disgusting... no one can argue with that. 





  15. On ‎16‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 8:02 AM, Johpa said:

    You want to learn Central Thai and not Kham Muang (Northern Thai). If you happen to settle in the north then you can slowly learn some words and phrases in Kham Muang. But everyone understands Central Thai and fewer and fewer people speak Kham Muang outside the rural areas. 


    You probably don't want to become like me speaking mostly Central Thai with a mix of Kham Muang words thrown in because I never learned the correct Central Thai word. Let us just say I don't get the most respect from Central Thai speakers when that happens or when I have to ask about some common Central Thai word.  This happened on my last visit regarding the word "สัปดาห์" (week) a word I last heard in my Thai language class back in the 1980s but never heard up north in conversation during the intervening decades.

    You sound like me!  I was forever getting the my Thai teacher angry when I kept putting Northern words into my Thai sentences.... she thought I was doing it to be funny... and the class got really confused... but I really thought they were Thai words!!!


    I have also met several elderly Thai people here in my village that can not speak Central Thai at all..


    The North language is totally different to the Central.... OP... its not different tones!!!!  Kind of like English and Welsh instead.


    But, you want to learn the standard central Thai language... because you will be able to speak it all over Thailand, and most Thai people in the North understand it 100 percent anyway. 


    The poster saying about Thai people he knows speaking formally... that is weird, and to me it would seem very impolite or off hand.. like they were trying to prove a point about something... it is not normal at all in everyday situations.  Don't be confused thinking formal language means polite language.  Formal language is reserved for formal situations for a reason. 

  16. On ‎24‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 11:13 AM, Kadilo said:

    You might get a bit more credibility if you could even spell racist before you start speaking about other people's intelligence etc .

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    You might also get a bit more credibility if you could spot your mistake in your sentence.  Also you might be seen as less petty and boring.  After all this is not a spelling or grammar thread.  If you want to start one up then feel free.


    And, are you hinting that you don't agree with me?  Are you one of those people who thinks Muslim's are a race? 



  17. 4 minutes ago, nontabury said:

    Since when did Islam or the followers of Islam become a race?

     There's 's me thinking it's an intolerant and deadly cult,masquerading as a religion.

    When people tell me I am raciest for being against Islam and Muslims... I immediately stop wasting my time talking to them.... they clearly have no intelligence to even be talking about such things... and no understanding. 


    They need to look up  the meaning of a 'race' of people, and then look up what 'religion' means.. before they even start to talk to others about these matters. 


    It would be the same as saying.... if someone does not like Christianity.. they are raciest?  If they don't believe or accept fortune tellers.. they are raciest!!!  lol. 

  18. 2 hours ago, Yme said:

    Some people shouldn't be allowed to own animals (or have children) 

    Who are you referring to... someone here?


    Sometimes dogs will fight.. bite each other... because they are animals and we can't control them 100 percent 24 / 7.


    In the case of this dog its only got a small wound on the neck.. which it had for only 2 days.  Its not got broken bones or suffering form cancer of some serious disease.


    The guy is asking us what is best to help the dog... which shows he cares about it and is going to help it.



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