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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. Should have a dating section on Thai Visa.... for farang / farang people.  I also would like to meet a fellow farang for a relationship.... but most I meet here are either getting on in years, the younger ones seem to be here for holidays or short work placements etc.

  2. 54 minutes ago, Kabula said:

    It's none of your business if you are a guest!


    Go with the flow, enjoy the country and mind your own business.


    Being critical in a public forum creates hate and there is enough of that now worldwide.

    You are wrong.  We are human beings.... everyone should help to stop things that are wrong... that is our moral obligation. 


    If I see a father beating up his children, or an elderly lady being attacked and robbed by teenagers I should ignore it as I am a guest?  Or a girl being raped in the street... just mind my own business? 


    If I see a dog hit by a car and suffering on the road... I should not help it by taking it to a vet... as I am a guest in this country?


    Maybe if I see you drowning in the river... I will just smile and wave at you... as am a guest and should mind my own business? 


    Buddhism is a religion for EVERYBODY all over the world... not just for Thai people. .so it concerns all Buddhist when they see monks doing bad things which harm and create bad feelings and damage spiritual life of other Buddhists. 


    ... Oh, and I am not a guest in this county... I am a paying customer. 



  3. 12 hours ago, drtreelove said:

    Not so.  That's an incredibly pessimistic statement. With any science there are failures in the process of discovery, but there are many success stories with biological control in Thailand and around the world. It is one method of  pest control within the whole scope of IPM, Integrated Pest Management, and can be instrumental in reducing high-risk, harsh chemical pesticide use. 

    The Thai Dept of Agriculture has a biological control division headed by a PhD entomologist, that has been instrumental in other projects for parasitoid cultivation and releases.  Their office in Chonburi cultivated a mini-wasp that parasitizes the coconut hispid beetle, which they released for some significant control of this non-native invasive pest in Samui and other regions.  


    Those who are concerned about pesticides in the environment should support and advocate for IPM and biological control. 


    For more information search: "biological control of invasive species"

    Wow... do you work for the Thai Dept of Agriculture?



  4. 1 hour ago, Kabula said:

    Be kind to everyone!


    Many people at a young age were abandoned, ignored, mentally abused, lost a parent or both, were never taught right from wrong, therefore have no  boundaries.  


    Many lacked proper nutrition for proper brain development.   Some are autistic and. bipolar.


     My point is, in many cases it's not their fault. 


     When you make fun of them, you are a bully. 


     Foreigners are guests here and therefore they should behave like guests.


     Criticizing monks or any religion in a public forum creates hate and polarization.


     I hate bullies.

    So your idea is let monks do what that want and people just ignore it? 


    Do you think monks can do as they like... have sex, fight, drink alcohol and take drugs and people should say nothing otherwise they are bullies?


    These monks are supposed to be setting an example of how to live to people.  They are respected and trusted.  To do such bad things undermines all that... it does more harm than good!


    Surely the temple where that monk was needs to take action.. or action taken against the monks in charge.. if they are not teaching the novice monks BASIC things like right from wrong.. such as watching pornographic movies on a public bus is a bad thing to do. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

    It surpises me that Thais see monks misbehaving almost on daily basis (in real-life as well as online) but they still insist on getting a monk over for a new house or at a wedding to do some chanting. And they still donate at the temple. Don't they see the problems with buddhism and monks in Thailand or they just don't care?


    Last week at Paragon we saw a group of monks at Starbucks, all drinking a large coffee in the middle of the day...

    Many don't care about what the monks do.  They get them for the new house / business or wedding as a good luck charm and as tradition.. keeping up with the neighbours. 


    Monks in my area regularly drive around in the temple brand new pick up truck.. wearing their full robes.  I have seen monks in the local coffee shops and restaurants eating food in the afternoons, and buying food from local shops. The temple in the village has monks partying, listening to loud base music many afternoons... when they should be meditating.  They are too lazy to walk out to collect alms, and so order the villagers to bring them food and money over the loudspeakers instead.  Other monks are shipped around the villages in an expensive car and let out up the road to collect offerings.. then driven to the next village, as so on, as to maximize what they get.


    I have seen them in the city, buying vibrating massage chairs from shopping centers, buying more expensive mobile phones that I could ever afford, all handling wads of cash (they are not supposed to even touch money).   I lost all respect for most of them now.  I used to think it was a beautiful and respectful religion, but here in Thailand it has become a joke... with the main concern being gathering more and more wealth, and also power over the general population.







  6. 30 minutes ago, Keesters said:

    My parents would have split up if it hadn't been for the kids.


    That kind of thoughtfulness doesn't seem to be around any more. Divorce or split and let the kids be bounced back and forth seems the rule now. No wonder we have so many badly behaved kids around these days.



    Children rowing up in a household where the parents are not happy together, arguing and fighting, that is not a healthy environment... and not fair on the children.. causing them great physiological stress.


    It would be better for the parents to separate... and then get on with their lives.. and the children have more happy parents! 






    How about lemons and grapefruit?  I can's seem to find lemon or grapefruit trees anywhere. 


    One of my friends has a strange kind of lemon tree... the lemons look like the small lines you get here.. but have yellow skin and are greenish inside.. but taste exactly like the big lemons.


    I miss eating grapefruit.... but can't stand the texture of pomelo. 


    I have 3 varieties of lime that are doing very well... lots of fruit most years.. and the trees are growing very fest and healthy.. with no special care.. simply planted in the ground in full sun.





  8. 5 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

    I live in rural Thailand and can assure everyone that I cannot find any labour for 500 baht per day plus free beers at 6pm. And there are no layabouts that I have seen.

    I have been offered some Cambodian labour after all the house and business projects are finished. (ie when it really starts to rain)

    Thailand is not going down the drain. At least not in the rural areas. Thriving is how I see it.

    Meanwhile my wife and I must try to finish the new duck yard fence and coop on our own. sigh 

    You are doing something wrong.


    I have gardeners, a cleaner and sometimes people to cut the fruit trees... and 500 baht is the normal price.  No problem finding people to do some work.


    But, there are also some layabouts in the village.. but mostly due to being alcoholics.


    But I don't think Thailand is going down the drain at all... its doing very well.


    Meanwhile 4 people are busy in the garden cutting grass and weeding... at 500 baht each for the day... and there is 2 rai of land for them to do.  (I also got someone to build my chicken coop and bird aviary for a very good price.



  9. 5 hours ago, fruitman said:

    You need some pet who eats all them, maybe chickens or ducks will do?


    Cycada's live underground for 17 years before they come up...isn't there a way to get them there in the soil?

    That's a good idea.  My little dog likes to eat the adult Cicadas when they crash land around the garden lights.

  10. 11 hours ago, madusa said:

    You wait till the big fat rats bite your babies then you don't think i am cruel anymore. Homemade guns are illegal in Thailand? How much the fine? The loading of the gun is a long process you can't do much harm to human, the police should know.

    I don't have any babies or older children... but have lots of friends and family with babies and I don't know any which have been bitten by a rat.  I would not leave my children in your care if you let them get bitten by rats on a regular basis.


    If you can't do much harm to a human with a home made gun... and you think the police should know... why don't you go to the police station and inform them about their ignorance?


    As for rats attacking you chickens.... I can only assume you were not looking after your birds properly... they need a predator and vermin proof coop and run... and you should not have rats running about anyway, unless you have spilt feed and other garbage laying around you place.. which is also a sign of negligence. 


    Lazy, dirty, messy people are the reason there are so many rats about.  Keep everything clean, tidy up, don't leave food and garbage everywhere, and you will have ZERO rats to worry about.  Surely that's easier, cheaper and less time consuming than going to the trouble of making home made guns and nailing live rats to wooden boards?


    But, maybe it's less fun for you to get perverted pleasure our of shooting animals heads off and torturing them to a slow death? 





  11. 59 minutes ago, madusa said:

    They had caused the "Black Death" in Europe during the 13 century didn't they? The Plague they deserve the torture.

    Humans caused the 'black death' in Europe... as they were living in filth and squalor... walking about in their own crap and did not have any sanitation or understanding about hygiene... also creating the ideal home for rats to breed and multiply. 


    It was the fleas on the rats that caused the spread of the disease, not the rats.. and those fleas also lived on peoples cats and dogs. 



  12. 10 hours ago, smotherb said:

    Another case of the home owner who buys near an airport and then complains about air traffic noise.


    Did you not know your bedroom window was fronting his farmland?

    No, this is not like that at all. 


    We have lived in this area 10 years.. were very careful to choose the land.... it has been rice fields as far as the eye can see since coming here 20 years ago.  These buffalo were never on this land.  It was just rice fields.  He has been the only farmer to stop growing the rice, and start a buffalo farm... the only one in the entire area!!! Just very unlucky. 


    My point was that the farmer has a huge area of land.... why choose to put the stinking wallow right smack bang up to our back wall only 3 meters from our bedroom?  I could get angry and think he did it on purpose as a way to make our lives unpleasant, but I would only be annoying myself, when it's more probable he did not even use his brain or think about it might annoy us.  Maybe the land there is the lowest part.. so the water is easier to keep there?


    Anyway, we have our house up for sale now... so hopefully we can move.. but I know the housing market is very slow theses days.  We built this house intending to live in it till the end.. but can't stand this stench! 


    In the mean time, I will go to the Tessabaan office and miss out the Village Head Man.. as another poster advised..  I have taken photos of the wallow and how close it is to our house.  Thankfully today has been lots of rain.. and filled it up a bit.. and the cooler weather has made the smell reduce a lot... so maybe can have the windows open tonight the first time in months.

  13. 45 minutes ago, Pacificperson said:

    They say revenge is a dish best served cold. Three years is a good cooling off period. What did you do to upset him?

    He was initially worried that us getting this land would mean he could not get access to his rice fields.. although he has 2 ways into them already.  He still has a very wide access way down the side of our land, where he has built his hut and we did not take any of his access away.   


    Maybe something happened about the land in the past... maybe he wanted it or used it, have no idea.  He was always walking through it.. and when we drained the pit (pond) to fill it in he was there taking away all the fish (all small grey thing)... maybe he put them in there... who knows?  We also have lots of big fruit trees... maybe he got money from selling them... as no one looked after the land... it was really overgrown when we got it. 


    Actually now I think about it he is very annoying lol.  He blocked up our drain pipes twice with straw so our septic tanks flooded... and used to collect every single small bit of concrete, stone, leaves and sticks from his field and line them up along our back wall. 


    But I doubt he did the buffalo wallow on purpose.... actually he seems to have put them in the way of the rice harvesting machines.. which had to go the long way around this year.  He just seems generally awkward to everyone.. even our Thai village neighbours have nothing to do with him.  He is very old now.. so maybe not too many years left to worry about the situation. 



  14. Throwing money at a woman does not mean you own her! 


    If some farang are stupid enough to chuck lots of money at a woman.. they will happily take it... and then don't be surprised when she goes off with someone else.


    If you can't trust your partner, have to bug their phones, spy on them, and set up situations to trap them....... then why are you even in that relationship!!!!!



  15. Thank you all for the replies.  I will go with my Thai friend to the Poo Yai Baan and ask if he can do anything.


    Decided not to even ask the farmer... he was a bit nasty with us when we first moved here 3 years ago.. but since then he is more friendly.  I don't think he can speak Thai very well... he must be over 70 and just speaks the Chiang Mai language, so its hard for me to understand him.


    Also, the poster who was concerned with some other farang on the other side of the fields... don't worry.  There are hundreds or thousands of Rai of the fields.. and only orchards and farms around the edge... it's very rural where I live... that is why I was annoyed he put the stinking mud wallow smack up to the wall next to our bedroom.


    I'll let you know what happens.. if anything..

  16. My house backs on to a huge area of rice fields.  This year the old farmer closest to our house decided to give up the rice and start farming buffalo.


    Problem is he has made the buffalo mud bath / wallow right outside our bedroom window, despite the fact he has about 20 or more rai of land.


    Now the smell is disgusting... if I open the bedroom windows (like I used to do at night) the stench is overpowering and makes me nearly vomit.  The last few weeks have gotten worse as the water level has dropped as the other rice farmers get ready to harvest the rice. 


    The smell drifts constantly across our garden and pool and we are unable to relax outside as the breeze wafts over the smell of buffalo shit and piss, and stagnant muddy water.


    When anyone comes to the house they comment of the smell.... it's very annoying.


    Do I have any right to complain about this?  It would be fine if he moved the wallow over to the other corner of his land.  I don't want to upset him.. he is old and it is his land.... But I have to do something, because the number of buffalo are gradually increasing along with the smell, flies and mosquitoes.


    Thanks for any advise. 

  17. OP... why are you so interested....


    ''I just believe he may be fooling himself rea. his true lifestyle preferences and feelings''    ??


    Do you want him to want to have sex with you?


    Different people like different things sexually.....  why are you so concerned with the man's sex life?






  18. 18 minutes ago, ThaiWai said:

    This is tongue in cheek right?  Certainly as an adult you know there are no gods and magic and spirits?  Yeah this is a joke, has to be.  You had me going there for a minute.  555 good one!

    I have a spirit house, even though I don't believe in gods and ghosts and the rest.


    I just think they look pretty and are an interesting part of Thai tradition.


    I also like to have one to annoy the Christian missionary's that sometimes dare to venture down out street, but they soon avoid my house.. after a told a few I worship Satan and tried to convert them.. boot on the other foot, poor man was really scared and could not wait to leave 55. 

  19. Sorry OP... you have to get used to it.  This is what things are like in Thailand.  Quiet places are very rare.. even in the countryside.


    I live out in a small rural village.. up north.  I have noise every day... and I mean sometimes ear splitting noise so we have to leave the house at 6am and stay out all morning if the village temple starts up its loud speakers.


    On a bad day here is the schedule to look forward to...


    5am - 10am.  Temple music (Thai pop music) and ranting monks.  Have to leave the house.  Hurts the ears.. walls and windows vibrating.. no ear plugs, sleeping in windowless store room or TV on Max volume will help.


    10am - 6pm.   Swimming pool for school kids opens up... constantly screaming children, loud base music, gangs of teenagers racing up and down the street with loud exhaust pipes on motor bikes.


    6pm - 8pm.  Next doors neglected chained and caged up dog collection starts screaming, howling, barking and yapping until the owner feed them.


    8pm - 1am.  Parties, parties, parties, loud base music... even when far off.. base beat travels over the rice fields to our house.


    During this time there are also..


    Blasts from village loud speakers,

    Drunk neighbours base music form their pick up truck in the garden,

    Trumpets, drums, hysterical group laughing, Bollywood music from the Hindu meditation place,

    Full volume radio music from Buffalo farmer and his wife who have built a hut overlooking out swimming pool.

    And the various country noises like crowing roosters, packs of fighting dogs in the street, etc.

    Oh, and not forgetting the twice a week outdoor dance / keep fit group base music down the street.


    So, OP you don't have it so bad!!!!  Don't think country living is any quieter than the city.  In fact, I often escape to the city for the day to get some quiet time and relax.



  20. It's back.. but lost many channels.... hope they are going to give me a price reduction. 


    Also look like more channels will go... as some show now more TV listings later in the week.. just blank.



  21. 3 hours ago, JAG said:

    It would appear not. Facebook was how she was traced and contacted.

    My point remains, it is, for the younger generation in particular, a comprehensive and constantly used means of communication. Telephone and mobile networks can be tapped and recorded, emails and letters can be intercepted and read. The drive to gain control of Facebook is just another manifestation of the perceived need to manage and control what people think and say.

    Facebook exists. Banning it, whether for political reasons or those of personal taste would be like the Luddites of the Industrial Revolution. And about as effective.

    You are right there.... and so am I.  Seems Facebook has dumbed down most of the younger generation making them so stupid that they can't even have a phone number for their own mother and don't know how to contact her in an emergency. 



  22. 24 minutes ago, JAG said:

    It has its uses.
    On Monday last a grandmother and two grandchildren from my village were injured ( thankfully not seriously) when hit by a car outside a local market. Everyone was running around trying to work out how to tell their mother about it - she was working away.
    My daughter sat down, traced her on Facebook and told her.
    I'm actually rather proud of her, she is 11!

    The point is that Facebook and Line are simply the primary communication means for her generation. I'm sure people moaned and ticked about how shallow and meaningless communication and life had become when email, mobile phones, telephones, and probably even the penny post were introduced.

    None of these people had the telephone contact number for the mother?!


    I don't remember anyone thinking telephones or email were shallow and meaningless.. and I don't know anyone who spent hours ever day all year using them... unless for business...   they are not the same thing at all.



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