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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 4 hours ago, drtreelove said:

    Nobody is going to get serious health problems from using  Chaindrite Crack and Crevice according to label instructions. 

    The 2 active ingredients are pyrethroids, and are minimal toxicity for mammals. Just don't get overspray in your Koi pond, it's toxic to fish, and don't spray plants in flower or bees could gain contact while foraging. 

    It's always better to find organic program compatible, integrated pest management solutions.  But pyrethroids used for spot spraying are very effective and the least of your worries for toxicity to people and pets. Don't spray the entire property. Follow the ant trail back to where they come out of the ground or crack or crevice. Spot spray there. 

    IPM first line of defense is sanitation, clean up food sources for ants and cockroaches so they aren't attracted to your kitchen or dining room in the first place. 


    You believe what they say on the label?


    Would you spray it on your cheese sandwich and eat it?  Read these before you do....




    Overview of human health and chemical mixtures: problems facing developing countries.





  2. I hope they shut down Facebook here.  I hate seeing most of the population addicted to it... constantly taking selfies and posting them.. and photos of their food!!!  It's madness and making people very shallow at dumb.  The amount of time people spend on the site.. if they spent that time doing something constructing their lives would be much more meaningful and fulfilled. 

  3. 3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

    I have three dogs now (sadly lost one last December :sad:), but all four suffer(ed) from skin problems in one way or another - and I can assure you that they do not have a bad diet and I take very good care of them!  None of them have/had mange mites.


    Similarly I know other people that also take very good care of their dogs, but still they suffer from skin problems.


    Hence my conclusion that its possibly due to the hot/humid climate.

    OK.  That is your experience.  I know many people.. in fact the vast majority, who have dogs and none have any skin problems.


    I have also have 3 dogs, and they have no skin problems.  I have seen dogs with mange a lot in the village, and with the Thai dogs that are chained up or locked in cages 24 / 4  and never taken to a vet. 


    What did the vet say was making all you dogs get skin problems?


    Often feeding raw diets will really help dogs with skin and teeth problems... as these days most of the problems are related to the commercial dry dog food ingredients.  Maybe give that a try and see if they improve. 





  4. 3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Agree - as a kid (in the UK) we were given a staffie (by a show-dog breeder) as the staffie had skin problems, so he was not suitable for dog shows.  We were so lucky to receive this 'gift', as he was the most wonderful dog - loving, loyal, intelligent etc., and decades later I still miss him.


    MANY dogs here in Thailand have skin problems, including mutts.  I suspect its because of the hot/humid climate?

    Mostly it's because of the mange mites.  Also bad diet and people not taking proper care of them.... nothing to do with the hot / humid climate.



  5. 38 minutes ago, sappersrest said:

    its fly infested crap why would my Thai doctor tell me not to eat it I think people who say you must eat food from the markets are inverted snobs

    How do you know the food you get in other restaurants is not worse?  You have not seen the rats running about in the kitchens, the way the staff handle the food with cross contamination and not washing hands or surfaces.


    I had a friend who worked in a well know supermarket here... she told me that it all looks clean and healthy for the customers, but go behind the scenes and there are rats, dirt and unsafe food preparation going on.


    Also, where do you think the restaurants buy their food from?  The get it from markets or macro...


    Market food is cooked fresh each day... in restaurants the food is often stores for days.. maybe in bad conditions or incorrect temperatures. 


    I have eaten food from markets and street stalls for 10 years nearly every day... and NEVER been sick from it.  I was sick from eating at Pizza company though with bad food poisoning!!!!

  6. Lots of snobbery here about eating food from the market.   I suspect form people who have no experience eating this food, or people they don't like Thai food, preferring to eat pizza and steaks at farang restaurants. 


    I eat food from the market, not for saving money, but because it's delicious, there is endless variety, it's interesting to try new foods that you can't get in restaurants, I prefer Thai spicy food to Farang food like pies and pizza.  Also I can go with friends and buy a variety of things, go home and share the meal together, which is a nice social thing to do. 


    I like to chat to the people selling the food, practice my Thai language.  Most times I will eat at the market and have got to know many people and make new friends there. I don't have to sit in a more formal restaurant and get bored to death by other farangs telling me their (often made up) 'exciting' life stories, and about how much money they have and how big their house is.


    I don't have a family here, so it's not worth the time and money to buy all the ingredients for meals myself, cook them, wash up, and have a lot of uneaten wasted food about.


    The cheap price of buying the food from the market is just an added advantage.  Usually a main meal (curry or meat dish etc) and a huge portion of sticky or normal rice, will set me back only 45 baht. 



  7. Poor things.  Can't see any hope for them in Thailand waters realistically. 


    Protecting wildlife here is a very hard thing to do, as most Thai people see animals and nature as something to either kill and eat, or destroy for quick profit. 


    Where I live there was a lot of forest and wildlife.  Now, only about 15 years later most is gone, trapped, shot, eaten, and the forest burnt and big trees cut down.  There was a colony of parakeets too... until the locals trapped them all to sell for pet birds.  Very depressing.  The laws are here, but as most laws in Thailand, they are not enforced.


    Perhaps teaching the younger generation about the value and beauty of their wildlife, to make they proud of it and appreciate it, would be better solution in the long term, but I think that will be to late for these creatures.



  8. 1 minute ago, Pdaz said:

    Life is what you make it. What more ? Work harder..

    Some people don't have the opportunity to work harder.  Perhaps they are severely disabled, have some crippling disease, are trapped in poverty with oppressive and controlling governments, etc.


    Your idea about simply working harder will improve your life, while true for the average Westerner in a modern society, is far too simplistic a view for the world as a whole.



  9. 8 hours ago, Ryder88 said:

    so according to you the op has to go out shopping , a walk and basically change his/her life around for a bunch of rude obnoxious screaming animals..pathetic cowardly advice.

    You think Thai children are 'animals'? 


    He only has to wait about one more week and they will be back at school.  He is going to have high blood pressure and give himself a heart attack if he gets so worked up and angry over some children playing.


    It's good advise on my part.  At the moment he is obsessing about it and making the situation worse in his mind.  The only person who is suffering is him, because he is over reacting and over sensitive to what is going on. No rational, normal person is going to such extremes as he is doing over the noise of children playing in a public swimming pool. 



  10. 1 hour ago, Sooo Upto Me said:

    Lets hope this makes the international news around the world.

    Once again it just shows the Thai male scum that are total thugs & cowards.

    And all the bystanders who done nothing to help the old lady are just as bad.


    'Thai male scum'.... hmmm , so you think this kind of disgusting behavior is unique to Thai men?



  11. 12 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

    As noted by you, " it happens all over the world "  why bring in the Americans into the conversation?   I thought we were talking about Thailand? because it happens all over the world should that mean we should accept and keep silence because this isn't our country?  I guess if we do speak up we should then " go home? ".

    What?  Where did I say we should accept it and keep silent because it's not our country?!!! 


    What are you reading into my comment?  I have no even said anything about us having to 'go home if we don't like it'.


    I was replying to a poster who says he can't wait till his daughter grows up so she can get out of Thailand as thinks this kind of violence only happens in Thailand. 




  12. 5 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

    jak.....some parts of America vs everywhere in thailand?


    how do you feel about the civil war in the Deep South?


    Use specifics or your response is meaningless.....

    I have not got the time to research and quote crime statistics for the entire USA.  Lets just say all the large cities in the poorer areas.  It's all over world not just Thailand. 





  13. 1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

                           I'm glad I went through emotional heartaches earlier in life.  They were painful, but I like to think I learned some things.  Namely:  don't get too attached to anyone.   Not a lover, not kids, not an authority figure.  I'm more callous now, but a lot less vulnerable to emotional shipwreck.  


                        It works the other way also.  For example, a few times, when I've sensed a woman was getting too emotionally wrapped up with me (thinking/hoping I would be her b.f. or husband), I pull away.   Better to pull away earlier, when there are less attachments, than later, when it could be tumultuous. 


    Ben Franklin supposedly said sagely; 'neither a borrower nor a lender be.'


    I could twist that to; 'neither a heartbreak nor a heartbreaker be.'

    You are missing out on a lot in life if you stop yourself falling in love, and, won't let others love and care for you.


    Everyone gets heartbroken a few times (sometimes many) in their lives.. that part of being human... but also on the other side of the coin is the great feeling of love and being loved. 





  14. Wait, this can't be right, that there is a problem with street dogs in Phuket?


    I remember reading a thread a few days ago in here when people were saying the spay and neuter operation was a great success in Phuket and Phuket dog control, welfare was the best in Thailand and was a leading example that the rest of the country should follow!!!!


    These dog rescue people and dog care charities don't seem to make a dent in the street / feral dog population.  They would be better simply collecting the dogs and feeding them into a meat mincer. 






    Hmm.  How long have you lived in Thailand?  You do know its the school summer holidays and the children will go back in a couple weeks?  You know Thai people don't care about noise, in fact they love it, the louder music, screaming parties and motor bikes the better... and the fireworks. 


    The teenagers at you pool can not be making screaming noises 24 / 7.  I suggest you go out for a walk or shopping or something when you find yourself getting angry... that would be a better way to spend you time than working yourself up about it and recording it, reporting it to the staff, etc  and will help you relax a bit. 


    Also I am sure your condo pool will be closed at night.. so it's not like the noise is keeping you awake at night.  I knowing most teenagers, I doubt there are in the pool much before midday, so they won't be waking you up at 6am either.



  16. What's this about giving your girl friend an allowance?  She is not a child needing pocket money!  Next time get a woman who has a job and can pay for things herself.


    Pay for a girlfriend, pay her each week an allowance (to stay with you) and then be surprised when money becomes an issue with your relationship... when that is all the relationship is based on, seems a touch naïve.







  17. I think it is just the season.  Many of the other birds will have migrated, or are breeding now.. so on nests.


    If the doves are annoying you, try getting a plastic owl and fixing it up on your house or wall.. that usually freaks them out!


    Also, obviously, don't put any seed out to feed the birds.. as this will encourage the doves to come for dinner.  If you want to see different birds.. feed fruit like banana, papaya, etc which the doves don't eat.

  18. Whey don't they just remove all the wildlife and cut down all the trees to make expensive hotels?


    Also the coral reefs are getting destroyed so fast they will be gone soon too.


    Good job of some greedy humans, and ignorant tourists.


    Years ago Phuket was a beautiful place, with lots of nature, even tigers.  Now it's getting wrecked... very sad. 



  19. Those poor starfish look so frightened and stressed out!!! 


    Seriously though, what is wrong with society these days, they have their priorities all mixed up... Now it's such a crime that causes such OUTRAGE if someone puts a mindless invertebrate in their head? 


    It's not like she is chopping them into bits or putting them in a sandwich or on the BBQ.  I bet they went back into the sea after the shot anyway... it's not going to kill them or traumatize them for the rest of their starfish lives is it!


    I remember collecting starfish, crabs and shrimps form rock pools as a kid in the UK.  I hope they aren't going to make that illegal there too.


    There should be OUTRAGE about all the pollution, plastic rubbish, over fishing and reef destruction by boats and human activities, not a girl picking up a common starfish.


  20. There is no formula.  And, as can be see from all these different replies, everyone has a different idea about what they want from a relationship.


    Do what you like, you only have one life!


    You just go to ask yourself what you want from a relationship, love, sex, companionship, a partnership, friendship or anything else.  It all depends more on peoples personality more than what age they are.  I would say one thing, however, is that if someone you choose if very young they are likely to naturally want to try different partners before they settle down for lifetime with someone, even if they think they don't at the time.. that's human nature.



  21. Sorry but baldness is a natural condition (apart from if you have some serious medical disease).. It's not part of our modern lifestyle / polluting our bodies etc.  If that was the case, why did human men go bald even in the earliest historical records, and why do tribal or nomadic people with older cultures that still exist today (who eat all natural wild food) still have bald men in them?  Also other primate males go bald with age.. just look at chimps.. and they are living a natural lifestyle in the jungle.


    Anyway, nothing wrong with having no hair.  In fact, its very sexy for many people, so perhaps people don't need you 'help' with this?


    Oh, and you seem to have forgotten to attach the links to the scientific research that you mention....



    Starbucks Coffee is not a healthy natural food by the way and its very acidic forming in the body.. so watch you hair does not fall out again.

    Most people DO NOT take calcium supplements.. in fact I don't know any one who takes them, so maybe you mean a few people take calcium supplements?


    Finally, where are you 'before and after' photos so we can see when you were bald and now see you lovely head of hair, or are we just required to believe you?




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