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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 10 minutes ago, Naam said:

    overkill! what are you trying to achieve mate? :ermm:

    even without any insulation the radiation from top will not reach the water surface assuming distance water level > roof is 2.50m.

    I am not sure what the OP is thinking.  What is the point of the 2 insulated roofs is the sides are all open?


    Also why is the thing got to be rain proof?  So when swimming people don't get wet in the rain?!


    OP..  Sounds to me you really want an indoor pool for some reason.


    If you only want shade simply plant a few large palm trees around the pool.. or cover part, or all of the pool, with a wooden / conwood pergola. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:


    Why would babies make other passengers uncomfortable? Most of the time they're likely to be asleep! I thought you might be concerned about babies' safety - not just being selfish!




    They make a really annoying noise, scream and cry loudly.

    They are unhygienic, vomiting all over the place, drooling and shitting themselves and smearing their food and spit all over the seats.

    They stink when the shit themselves

    Their parents clutter the place up with loads for bags, containers and junk they think they need for the baby and keep getting up and down from their seats to get more and more junk out the lockers, or pace up and down the aisle with the screaming baby, getting in the way of everyone.

    They are not good in an emergency and don't understand the safety information.




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  3. 4 hours ago, Ausladyinpatong said:

    The humane answer that has also been shown to be effective elsewhere in reducing stray dog populations is to spay and neuter the animals. Soi Dog have had a lot of success in Phuket and things have vastly improved here. It does take time though and education is important. 


    But that solution would not work here, because


    1.  It requires organization,

    2.  It cost money

    3.  It takes effort and hard work

    4.  That is the best and logical method to use



  4. 28 minutes ago, fasteddie said:

    In my 51yrs of visiting/living in Thailand I have never had a problem with soi dogs, just talk to them nicely and give them titbits and they'll be your friends for life.

    So you carry dog treats in your pockets 24 / 7 do you?  You must smell nice.


    I don't have the time to stop, give a few treats, and have a nice conversation with the 100s of dogs in my area every day.... I am jealous of you if you have nothing else to do apart from having you doggy chats and tea parties every single day you are here.

  5. That woman, and people like her, are causing the problem.. and the suffering of thousands of dogs in Thailand.  


    She says she is caring for them... how?  She gives them food which encourages more to come, she lets them breed and have litter after litter with no thought of finding the puppies homes.  I doubt she take any sick or ill ones to the vet.  Yes, just throw some old rice out for them to scavenge.... let them run loose and cause problems in the village... killing chickens, ripping open bin bags and spreading the mess everywhere (which boots the rat population too), crapping on the road, scaring people, biting people, chasing cars and bikes, fighting with peoples pet dogs, killing pet cats and livestock... barking and howling all hours of the day and night.  Does that equal a good person?


    If anyone was 'caring' for dogs like that in Europe the animal protection societies would rescue the dogs and prosecute the owner for cruelty.


    I like animals, I like dogs, but I think the person who allegedly poisoned the dogs did the animals a kindness and, if the Thai people really believe in reincarnation, helped them to a better life.. as well as cleaning up the village .. hardly a sinner.



  6. Just fix your fence!


    You must have spent more time and money on trying to deter it... and you seem anxious about it.. to the point of killing off your grass and having a raw with a neighbor.


    I fenced in my garden with very cheap bamboo fencing panels.  You can tie it up to your existing fence.  Or you can use the cheap mesh wire.. which you can buy on a roll or by the meter.  Use plastic cable ties to secure it to the fence. 


    Then you won't have to worry about that dog... or any dogs getting in.



  7. 7 hours ago, JaseTheBass said:


    Of course, you contacted Uber and got 3 refunds.

    Sent from my SM-T815Y using Tapatalk


    No I did not.  How will they refund me.. when I paid in cash?  Also I can not get 3 refunds, because if you read my post.. I did not get to ride I 2 of them at all! 

  8. On ‎28‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 11:47 AM, PGThompson1 said:

    Completely different experience that I've had.


    Not sure why you would agree to a price and destination, you put the destination in the app and the price is shown before you order.


    I once cancelled a ride within the allowed time but my credit card was charged, got in touch with Uber and they reimbursed the cost and stated the driver no longer works for them as the driver had charged other customers in the past without any journey involved.


    Last week I got Uber from Bangkok to Beach road, Pattaya, they sent directions to the driver to Jomtien, took another 30 minutes to get to my destination, again, got in touch with Uber and they agreed that they had made the mistake and assured me that the driver would be compensated. 


    Not sure why you would pay for a trip that wasn't completed, I certainly wouldn't. You should get in touch with Uber about your experiences and I'm sure you'll be impressed with their findings.

    The woman was actually getting quite scary.. and we were made to feel really uncomfortable... I thought she was going to flip out of have some kind of nervous breakdown.


    Not sure how it works in Bangkok, but here the price is paid in cash not a credit card.


    We did not pay the driver the full amount (sorry should have said), just what we thought was right for how far she had too us.


    After the 3 bad experiences in a row, that is why I am reluctant to use them again.  And I don't have any problems with the Songtaews (and they are cheaper) so I have no real need to change at the moment.

  9. If you are in walled moo baan housing development, then they have more rules about stuff, so you might have to re home you chickens.


    If you are in a Thai village, with your own plot of land, then there are no rules.. and you can have whatever ou like.


    Out in my village is noise noise noise almost 24 / 7.  I actually go into Chiang Mai city sometimes to get some quiet!


    My neighbours have a collection of about 14 dogs, which constantly howl, bark, scream.  There are chickens and roosters all over the place... crowing throughout the night.  There are people playing loud base music for parties or just for fun almost every day and night.  Then there is the temple and village loud speakers blasting out ear splitting stupid music several times a week.. sometimes at 5 am!


    So in the end I joined the fun.  I have about 20 chickens, roosters and guinea fowl.  I have 2 dogs.  I used to worry about the little one barking a lot.. but since no one else cares about their neighbours here I just let it bark now. 


    It does seem very petty and out of character for a Thai person to complain to a neighbor about anything.. they usually are not bothered with anything, and don't like confrontation.  Perhaps there are other issues going on and the chickens are just an excuse to cause bother? 


    And, 2 bantam hens are not going to make any noise.. except sometimes when they are laying an egg.. but that is not even every day. 


    Tell them you will get rid of the chickens and replace them with a couple of rescue dogs that have howling problems, or some screaming parrots!  Then they might decided the chickens are better.



  10. 4 hours ago, JimShortz said:

    A huge problem with Songtaews is that by 6pm they are all heading home, leaving us without public transport in the evening. Useless! 


    I refuse to use Tuk Tuks because I despise haggling with thieves. The first price they offer is basically attempted theft, and after that I want nothing to do with them. Many would rather sit on their lazy <deleted> for hours and rip-off the odd victim than really work for a living. They are also, hot, uncomfortable and dangerous. Hell, you can't even see out without bending double...


    I have found Uber to be cheap (even with a good tip), super fast pickup (2 or 3 minutes is common), nice cars and nice drivers, and will always take you directly to where you want to go.  What's not to like?  ?

    I agree with what you have said about the tuck tucks and songtaews. 


    But, my experience with Uber taxis have been bad.  I used them 4 times and 3 times were very bad.


    1st.  Ordered on.. waited.. arrived on time, got in.. then the driver basically told us to get out because he did not want to take us to our destination as it was too far.... pretended he did not speak any English...and even through I can speak good Thai, he still refused and we had to get out onto the hot street and call another one.


    2nd.  Another one arrived.... late, got in, agreed price and destination.  After about 10 minutes in heavy rush hour traffic she starts huffing, sighing, puffing and generally acting annoyed.  Keeps muttering loudly that its too far, not make any money, too far,, huff, huff.  She is very unfriendly and nasty atmosphere in the Taxi as she gets really mad in the traffic.  Then says she thinks she can not take us.  Says there are songtaews at a market we pass and stops the car.  Basically refusing to take us anymore.. we have to pay her full... even though we are far form our house.. and get out and get a songetaew.


    3rd.  Taking a friend to the airport.  Outside his condo.  Call Uber Taxi... against my advise.  On phone shows time to pick up is 10 mins.  Waiting and waiting.. on the location screen we can see the taxi in our area driving around and around in circles... even though the streets are quiet and its a very easy area to find your way about.  Still waiting in anther 20 minutes.. still see taxi driving in circles.  Then we have to walk about 20 mins to Big C to get a songtaew to the airport.. and that drives so slow we nearly miss check in time.


    4th time.  Got one back from the airport to friends condo.  All good. 


    So in my experience they are not reliable, can have rude and a bit frightening drivers too.


    Probably in the city itself from A to B will be OK, but then you are paying more than you would in a songtaew so I don't see the point, apart form having some air conditioning in the taxi. 

  11. 7 hours ago, Lizard2010 said:

    When i used to use the red songtaew  i would say where i wanted to go

    Ask for price  always was 100 baht

    I say i live here then they drive away

    This what i can Non Existent Customer Service

    Plus so many tuk tuks and red songtaew  spewing out pollution daily

    No wonder we have such bad pollution here in Chiang Mai

    Where is the Government when it is needed to clamp down on these

    You must be doing something wrong.  I use them almost daily and the price for anywhere in the city is 20 baht. 


    If there is no one else on it.. so its like a private one, then I will pay more... up to 40 baht.


    When I got the yellow or green ones out of the city, the price is always about 14 - 16 baht.


    Maybe you are getting one with only you on it.. and your place is a bit far away?


    I have found most of them have very good customer service.  Often the driver insists I sit in the front with him where they have air conditioning.  Its a good chance for me to practice my Thai language and the driver to practice his / her English.


    There are far far more cars, trucks and motor bikes on the roads than songtaews or tuk tuks.  Also mostly the songtaew will be full or have a few people on it.. so that is better for the environment than each person going in their own car of bike... kind of like a car share back in the UK.



  12. Thailand can be the new 'hub' of male suicides online, OR, it can have one of it's 'crackdowns' on posting suicides online.


    If someone wants to kill themselves and post it online then that's up to them. It's not like can be fined or put in prison after it! 


    If other people copy it, also up to them. Why hide this stuff from the population.  If people are so shocked and upset about someone killing themselves, then perhaps that is a good thing and will make them do something to help other human beings, rather than living in some dream world where this sort of thing never happens and only cute kitten and puppy videos are on line.





  13. Where do you live?


    I am in Chiang Mai... there is a small zoo near my house in Doi Suket.... they breed Ostrich and often have the fertile eggs for sale at about 200 baht each.


    I have bough a few in the past and made huge omelets... the taste is just the same as chicken eggs... but the shell is really thick and hard to crack open. 



  14. Wow... your pond is super deep!!!  That is too deep to grow any aquatic plants.


    For a natural pond you are advised to have a shallow pond.


    I used a pond liner... been in there many years and no problems.  Cheap and easy to do.  Probably less harm for the environment that digging up clay form some place destroying the habitat there, then the petrol and energy needed to transport such heavy material a long distance.  You will also need so much of It in your huge pond.. and you will need to make it extra thick to protect it from your ducks and geese digging into it with they bills and sharp claws. 


    I did see a video on you tube... when someone used some kind of clay membrane material.. which came in a big roll... to line their large pond.  Try doing some searches on there.  Think they were in Chiang Mai.  That might be stronger then the liner or just straight clay. 



  15. 38 minutes ago, manarak said:

    does anyone know the precise wording of the Law in this matter?


    ladyboy breasts are neither genitals nor "female breasts", I'd be interested in knowing what they could be charged with

    Yes... and they can't legally get married as they law recognizes them as men.  So how come it's illegal for a man to show his 'breasts'.. I see some farang men walking around with no top on who have bigger breasts then these ladyboys.. and they did not have to pay for expensive surgery either!



  16. 23 hours ago, Jai Dee said:



    I usually get mine from Makro, but most grocery stores have it too.

    Tesco Lotus, BigC, etc. all carry it.


    I have attached the MSDS for the product... I would hazard a guess as to say that it is very harmful to pets.

    It is very toxic and I am very careful to be upwind of it when spraying so not to breathe any fumes or get it in my eyes.

    A thorough wash of the hands after use is also advisable.

    The most obvious effect of its toxicity is the number of dead cockroaches you find in the vicinity the following day.


    You might want to consider that you are going to get more serious health problems from using this stuff so often around your property... than from any ant or scorpion stings! 


    I did a bit or gardening this morning.. putting up new bamboo fence... in just over an hour I had already met with a tree snake jumping at my face, 2 scorpions, several spiders, angry hornets, huge black ants enjoying stinging my arms, and an inquisitive buffalo.


    I think I am hardened up to most of the average creepy creatures.  Lost count of the number of times I have been stung by scorpions, wasps, hornets etc.  See lots of snakes too... even 4 banded Kraits this year... and countless (harmless) sunbeam snakes. I was even bitten by a snake a while back (but he was my pet ball python who mistook my hand for his rat dinner). 


    I did have a thriving bee nest like the above posters photo.. until one of the villagers climbed over our wall and stole it for the honey. 



  17. How come all these Buddha footprints are huge... I did not know he was a giant?


    Also how come there are only ever one huge footprint... not 2 or more?  Did he like to hop about miles at a time?


    And, Buddha never came to Thailand in his life travels... so how come there are his footprints here?


    Finally, when people find these footprints, do they quickly destroy the area of its forest, concrete everything, put up huge expensive temples and start begging money and 'gifts' off people.... all of these things being totally opposite to Buddha's teachings?



  18. 2 minutes ago, BigDaddy66 said:

    Please stop counting the dead.


    You guys understand nothing.


    You are going to kill all the fun. They already stopped the topless girls and the funny water canons.

    Go outside to enjoy a bit instead of mourning home about others fun.

    OK, so I can say that to you if your child, partner or other family member(s) get killed during this festival by some drunk driver or massive safety negligence?

  19. On ‎14‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 5:03 PM, puipuitom said:

    What I never could understand: why, when God / Allah or whatever name, who is unlimited powerful, could create the entire universe, needs simple HUMANS to punish those, who insult Him.

    or.. does this Diety does not exist, or has close to zero powers at all ?

    You are right on there.


    The god or gods are either so weak they need tiny humans to do their work, or they don't care about people blaspheming as they don't take any action.... OR maybe, just maybe, they don't actually exist.... as it seem a bit suspicious they don't actually do a singe thing ever! 



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