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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. The army should go around each province and shoot any dog they see on the street.

    I am an animal lover.. I have my own 2 pet dogs.. but I never let them out on their own onto the street to take care of themselves.

    With such large numbers of street dogs in Thailand, spaying and neutering is not a solution simply due to the numbers and cost.

    Some of the dog lovers posts on here are crazy. Taking into you home all the dogs on your street and socialising, training and neutering them is not going to happen. Imagine your house full of 30 stinky diseased aggressive dogs!

    Fines for dogs crapping on the pavements.. wow... do street dogs read now? Do they have money to pay the fines?

    Feeding the dogs does nothing to help... it makes the problem worse as they are able to reproduce better.. have bigger litters of puppies, and more survive to breed themselves.

    People do actually get bitten and attacked and it IS the dogs fault... why some dog lovers think dogs will only attack if the human does something to upset them.

    I have been badly bitten by a street dog... and I was cycling down a street I used every day for 10 years. The first thing I knew about the dog was when I felt it attacked to my leg... it did not bark.. it hunted me silently.

    And, referring to another post on this tread, not every dog on the street has a carer and someone to feed it.

    What is the point of microchipping the street dogs? How does that help?

    We had a pack of street dogs actually attack and kill a young cow last year.. my own chickens got killed by another pack... and several people. including children, have been injured in road accidents when they were either chases by dogs or dogs ran out in front of them in the village.

    Next time you dog lovers go out.. walk, or use a pushbike... see how the dogs in the streets react to you... look at the ones sleeping on the pavements outside shops... look at their crusty skin, infected eyes, see them scratching and biting themselves from fleas.. watch them bark and attack people and other dogs... that is NO LIFE for an animal.

  2. People did not seem to make any plans to save the water.. If so much had not been wasted before there would be plenty left now for domestic use.

    In my area in Chiang Mai people were told to start using water less.. and the farmers were told not to plant rice or crops as there would not be enough water.

    But the farmers flooded the fields, planted rice.. kept flooding the fields.. Then they started to pump water out our village temple lake.. which had a fish farm on it.. which is not ruined. Now the water is used up and the rice is mostly dead.

    People in the village were washing down the roads with water to get rid of dust. I saw people washing down their house roofs and yards. The big houses have there sprinklers on every day for their huge laws... and then at Songkhran more water was wasted.

    Years of damaging the environment by cutting down the forest trees that were on the mountains, and concreting up the ditches and clongs means there is no water retention when it rains now.. When the rains do come the water just rushes off the mountains and through the concrete ditches and is gone. In the past it would have slowly seeped into the soil and refilled the wells.. and the mud and weeks in the natural ditches and clongs held back the water for longer.

    Now its a perfect set up for flash floods and droughts.

  3. This would be considered in Christianity as idol worship.

    All Christians should take note.

    You should take note.

    There is no idol worship it is a spirit house.

    The clue is in the name

    Why should all Christians take note? Do you think your god will burn you in hell for having a spirit house on your property? I thought Jesus and the Christian god were the only true gods and all the other 4,2000 plus religions were wrong and evil? If you don't believe it the spirit house and spirits then whats the harm in having a spirt house on your property?

    I had some crazy hill tribe Christian family 'foundation orphanage' move into my old house.. the wife was not very nice person at all.. and very annoying. She really freaked out when she saw the spirit house like it was pure evil.. and she would not go anywhere near it or even look at it!

    We are don't believe in any religion.. we only had the spirit house as they look nice and to make sure other Thai neighbours knew we respected their culture. So it had not been blessed by the village shaman or had any rituals etc.

    She was really freaked out by it and got herself into a state... We had a little fun saying it was a proper spirit house and the spirits on our land were very active... she told us we had to get a special ritual to get rid of it and we had to take it away or she would not buy our house. Well the husband still bought the house... and we left the thing there.. so I don't know what she did about it.

  4. I dislike this as much as I dislike those hawkers taking wildlife around the tourist areas for money.

    Please leave the bloody things in the wild and get yourself a cat or a dog.

    Don't worry.. these sugar gliders are all captive bred.. and have been for many generations.. they don't know any life in the wild.

    There is no difference keeping one of these than a hamster or rabbit.

    But, I don't think they made good pets.. and I will strongly discourage the OP from getting one.

    I speak from personal experience.. having worked in a pet shop in the UK for many years.

    These sugar gliders are just about the dirtiest smelliest small animals you can keep as a pet.

    They constantly urinate over everything.. then walk in it.. spread the urine on their paws and spread it around on every surface, cage bars, your sofa and your arm. You are left with everything a sticky smelly mess.

    Sure they are very cute.. and usually friendly... but the mess in not worth it. They also need a specialised diet.. which includes a lot of wet or moist fresh foods.. which makes them poop a lot of slushy smelly poops A LOT.

    Stick with the hamsters, gerbils or rats.. they are much cleaner and easier to care for.

  5. Imagine, I have worked in your business for many years. I have worked hard and make you lots of money and found you new customers.. I am well liked and have many friends in your office.

    One day the boss come in... and tells me to get out I am fired. I am shocked and ask why? He says because I am gay.. and he is protecting the Christians that work there from my immoral sinful ways.

    On my way home I stop into a shop to get some food (no cakes)... and at the checkout the woman tells me she will not serve me and tells me to leave the shop. Everyone is looking. I ask what the problem is.. she points to a cross over the door and tells me they don't serve gays in their shop.

    On the way out a group of teenagers have vandalised my car.. and they start shouting abuse language at me.. faggot, queer, puff.. and I am afraid they will attack me.. no one comes to help me.. I get in the car and drive home.

    That evening my brother comes over with his wife and 2 children. One of the children is upset and says he does not want me to go to hell... I ask what he means.. he tells me that in his church the minister told them that gays are evil, and God hates them.. they will burn in hell and be tortured for all eternity in fire.

    Do you Christian people who support this law really think this is right?

    If your Jesus was in that shop.. or working at that office next to me... what do you think he would think?

    I think is nothing to do with your religion.... more to do with the kind of person you are... and maybe you are not such a nice kind loving Christian as you pretend to be... and you will pass on your world views on how to be cruel to other human beings to your children and family.

  6. The dangerous fleabag has had justice- he's dead! Animal cruelty offences in Thailand only seem to apply to dogs, I've seen pigs killed in villages stabbed and battered, nobody's bothered though, nor about legal cruel sports, nor the disgusting sights in every market, It just seems to be dogs that gets the soppy brigade upset, yet they have no solution to the soi dog problem.

    You are correct.. but this animal cruelty law is very new... and just starting to get a few cases through... so its going to take time to evolve into what it has the potential to be.

    I too see so much cruelty to animals here.. from people mistreating their dogs and cats, farmers not getting medical supplies for their livestock or feeding them enough, rooster fighting, etc etc etc.

    Then there are the profit making 'hidden' animal abusers.. like the elephant camps, tiger kingdom, monkey school, crocodile show, snake show... they keep the animals, most stolen from the wild, in tiny dirty cages.. often with no adequate shelter and the wrong kind of food.. and again no vet care.

    But we are not that much better in the West... our animal cruelty is for the most part hidden from the public.. like the factory farms and medical experiments. Some countries even still allow circuses to use animals in their shows. Lets hope things change in the future. But its going to be very slow.. as everything is here.

  7. That dog was a danger to other people.. it already bit a child.

    As for the owners saying they were going to 'try' to rehome it after Songkhran.... well there is no proof they would actually do that.

    If that dog bit a child in the UK it would be put to sleep (in a more humane way) and the owner would be prosecuted.

    In this situation the dogs owners are at fault... leaving their dog tethered with no shelter, food and water on a busy street 24/7.

    Thailand needs to change its attitude to these street dogs.. they are so dangerous... not only for biting and attacking people but also for crapping all over the place, making noise, causing traffic accidents by running into the road, destroying refuse bags and spreading litter around the place, killing peoples chickens and livestock, attacking pet dogs and other pets and being a general annoyance.

    Its also a sad and hard life for these dogs.. with no treatment for diseases or accidents.. and no proper diet.. just look at how many of them are skinny or covered in mange. They are also subject to cruelty by people who kick and hit them with things.. because they are being a pets. When they get sick or old they suffer long and agonising deaths.

  8. all i have to say is thank god for the misogynists, misfits and misanthropes out there with their insecurities.

    after 20 years in thailand, i have come full circle.

    give me a motivated western woman with her own life over another thai dependent any day.

    personally i enjoy lying in bed discussing literature or world affairs with someone who can answer.

    so, you keep it up and ill keep meeting women who are relieved that im not a sexpat <deleted>


    Some men over here don't want to have conversations or even get to know their Thai women... because either they don't care about women.. only for sex, or they are very dumb and would not be able to engage in any sort of meaningful conversation with anyone anyway.

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  9. Because your dogs are dirty and barking you want to get rid of them?!!!

    If they are outside dogs it does not matter if they are dirty.

    If they are barking find out what that are barking for and change it. Dogs that bark all the time are unhappy with something.. maybe because you have them penned up 24/7?

    In the states you have shelters that are full of dog and most of destroyed... this is because there are so many people like you who just get bored with the dogs and treat them like throw away items.. not living things.

    How hard is it really to take care of 2 outdoor dogs? Just give them food, water and space to run about.

    This kind of thing.. and the advise about dumping them at a temple make me mad.

    If you really can't be bothered with them you should wash them.. take a few photos and advertise them around your area.. in the shops, on Facebook and on Thai Vias as needing a new home.

  10. Because allegedly there is proof that men are willing to go and get dressed up in women's clothing (which is not the same as transgender) in order to BREAK THE LAW, people think that having another law to break will solve that problem.

    There are laws against robbing houses, but criminals still do it. So, it's probably not a good idea to leave your front door open. Keep it closed and locked, and you're less likely to get robbed. It's common sense.

    There are laws against stealing cars, but criminals still do it. So, it's probably not a good idea to leave the engine running when you run into the corner shop for five minutes. Turn off the engine and lock the doors, and it's less likely to be stolen. It's common sense.

    This poorly thought out pile of horse manure is opening the door for increased attacks on women and girls. Rapists other sexual offenders are certainly going to take advantage of this, and it's women and girls that are going to suffer the horrific consequences.

    The good people of North Carolina have come up with a common sense approach at crime prevention.

    Law makes it illegal for transgender people to use female restrooms........

    Straight pervert dresses up as women and enters female restroom to molest women and little girls.

    How has having a law making it illegal for transgender people to use female restrooms stopped him?

    Please think about this... as you don't seem to be able to grasp this simple concept.

  11. So a pervert straight guy... dresses as a women to get into the ladies restroom to attack them.

    This will happen with or without it being legal for trans people to use the female restroom.

    There is no link between allowing transgendered people to use the female restroom and sexual attack of women and little girls .. or sweet little puppies and kittens for that matter.

    The only reason to deny trans people to use women toilets is for discrimination, fear, or ignorane of transgendered people.

    And I am constantly surprised about some straight people think TLGB community has some kind of secret political evil plan to take over the world and control straight men..... this view is a sign on mental illness in my opinion.

    Next you will be saying that TLGB people should not be allowed in the same room as women alone.. or be teachers or have children! Can't you see how ignorant and bigoted you seem? If you are really like that I feel very sorry for you to have a life where you live in fear and anger of people who don't pose you any threat.

  12. America no longer requires is African American citizens to use non white water fountains any more.

    Trannies choose to wear dresses.

    No one chooses to be gay, straight or transgendered. Sexuality is built in.

    Are you telling people they are not allowed to choose what clothes to wear? Should women be allowed to wear jeans?

    Are you implying black people can't help being black. and they would choose to be white if they could?

    And what is the TLGB 'aberrant political agenda'? It is not about politics its about basic human rights.

    You posted links of straight male sex offenders in dresses that attacked woman.... and as people have told you that has nothing to do with transgendered people using womens bathrooms. These evil men are still going to attack women with or without transgendered people being legally allowed to use female restrooms.

    In fact, these sex offenders are just as likely to attack the transgendered person too... and transgendered people face a real risk of physical or sexual attack when using the mens restroom. Do you think that is acceptable?

  13. In the UK it is a VERY offensive word to call a gay person.

    Its just the same and using the 'N' word for black people.

    People who are not in minority groups can not really understand how hurtful and upsetting these words are if people say them to you.

    Some people have said people can call them what they like... but that is because they are not in a minority group and have not been attacked, beaten up, discriminated against and bullied for what they are.

    Have a bit of empathy for other people! Just because a word is not offensive in your country does not mean it isn't in another place. Learn a few very offensive Thai words and use them on Thais... then when you get into trouble.. tell them its not offensive in your country.. see how that goes.

  14. Taken from the OP:

    said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "They're going to claim trans people are sexual predators

    Well, I'm not claiming that all trannies are sexual predators, but it would be interesting to know what percentage of sexual offenders have this transgender fetish as their primary psychological sexual disorder.

    Being transgender is not a fetish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet a very low percentage of transgendered people commit sex crimes as heterosexual men! Men are the problem.. straight men are the ones that rape women. Not gays, not lesbians, and not transgendered people.

    Perhaps we should ban men form being anywhere near womens toilets.. and not let them look after little girls either. It is often said that all heterosexual men are potential rapists......

    So you men... how do you like to know women think you are a potential rapist? Fell nice? Agree?

    Some people are idiotic!

    "So you men... how do you like to know women think you are a potential rapist? Fell nice? Agree? "

    I'm 78 years old. I would be honored if some pretty young thing thought I was a threat to her innocence.

    Some arguments are idiotic!

    You know there are a lot of OAPs. that are perverts and have been arrested for flashing in public and molesting little girls...

    You would really be honored if some young girl thought you were being a threat to her? Not so honored if she went to the police.

  15. Taken from the OP:

    said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "They're going to claim trans people are sexual predators

    Well, I'm not claiming that all trannies are sexual predators, but it would be interesting to know what percentage of sexual offenders have this transgender fetish as their primary psychological sexual disorder.

    Being transgender is not a fetish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet a very low percentage of transgendered people commit sex crimes as heterosexual men! Men are the problem.. straight men are the ones that rape women. Not gays, not lesbians, and not transgendered people.

    Perhaps we should ban men form being anywhere near womens toilets.. and not let them look after little girls either. It is often said that all heterosexual men are potential rapists......

    So you men... how do you like to know women think you are a potential rapist? Fell nice? Agree?

    Some people are idiotic!

    Some people are idiots. You are guessing that transgendered people commit a low percentage of sex crimes, apparently to rebut that they are predators. Ok. I get it. Good for you. But then you go on to indict an entire gender for some equally idiot speculation- males do this, do that, etc. Slice it, dice it, call it what you want, but you have offered no more in your post then what you object to.

    However, what you offer would be really interesting if you actually found numbers that, adjusted for percentage of population, revealed what you say is true. It may be. You might be right. But the post was, well... idiotic. You just did the same thing you objected to another doing. Feel nice? Agree?

    Sorry, I was actually being sarcastic... my post was aimed at the men on here who keep saying transgendered people are going to rape women in public toilets and flash their private parts at little girls... .. and that they are perverts and who think they dress up as a women as a fetish.

    And, or course transgendered people commit less sex crimes that straight men... I don't have to look that up.... its stands to reason because they are such a low percentage of the population vs heterosexual men.

  16. Taken from the OP:

    said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "They're going to claim trans people are sexual predators

    Well, I'm not claiming that all trannies are sexual predators, but it would be interesting to know what percentage of sexual offenders have this transgender fetish as their primary psychological sexual disorder.

    Being transgender is not a fetish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet a very low percentage of transgendered people commit sex crimes as heterosexual men! Men are the problem.. straight men are the ones that rape women. Not gays, not lesbians, and not transgendered people.

    Perhaps we should ban men form being anywhere near womens toilets.. and not let them look after little girls either. It is often said that all heterosexual men are potential rapists......

    So you men... how do you like to know women think you are a potential rapist? Fell nice? Agree?

    Some people are idiotic!

  17. The arguments against transgendered people using women's toilets are based on ignorance and fear... and some stupidity or just bullying.

    Women and little girls are not likely to be molested or attacked by transgendered people.. Its HETEROSEXUAL men that do these evil things. A pervert heterosexual man who is determined to attack and molest women in public toilets will find a way to get in.. with or without wearing a dress/!!!

    As for people saying they don't want their little girls to see a man peeing.... that is not going to happen is it if you think about it? In a female toilets there are no urinals.. people go into PRIVATE STALLS AND SHUT THE DOOR.

    And its normal for people to actually pull up their pants and fasten their jeans / skirt BEFORE they leave the stall, right?

    The argument that transgendered people are in the minority so its not worth spending money on separate toilets is also flawed. Disabled people have their own toilets.. they are in the minority... and would anyone suggest their little girl does not want to see disabled people using the restroom? Will you tell them to wait till they get home?

    Quite frankly, most mens public toilets are disgusting... most heterosexual men are not know for their cleanliness. Maybe its an animal thing, like a dog peeing up trees.. and the smell in there is like a zoo.

    I can understand why most transgendered people would not want to go in there to freshen up and put on some make up!

    And what about heterosexual men attacking or molesting transgendered women who use their toilets? Its very dangerous situation if there are a few drunk men in there and they see a attractive female in there on her own.

    Gay men have to use the male toilets... and they don't go around molesting the straight men.

    Until ignorant people can change their views the idea answer is to have either unisex toilets or a restroom specially for transgendered people.

    And finally, I can never understand why a man wearing a dress brings out such feelings of disgust, fear and hatred. Its just a dress or skirt.. its only fabric.. its not a Nazi uniform. Women these days dress very much like men.. with jeans or shorts.. but no one gets upset about that calling them perverts.

  18. I used to love the temples and the Buddhist traditions of this country.... That's was until I saw what was going on at the temple near my house... It seems the Monks can do just about anything they like.. there is no one to oversee or check on the temples.. each one is able to do as it pleases. Everyone will turn a blind eye to bad behaviour and conduct and will not talk badly about them or complain... as they have respect / fear for monks.

    Now it makes me angry seeing really poor people give their money and food to people who are not grateful and who don't need it..

  19. If it comes to my village.. or the neighbouring ones.. the money is likely to go into the hands of a few select people... rather than actually help the village population.

    Last month we got money to improve the water supply..... well, someone in charge skimped on the materials and the job was a disaster. When they found out they used all the wrong sizes and cheap stuff they wanted to know where the rest of the money was.... and we found out it has somehow just 'disappeared'. Now we are worse off as the water supply is breaking all the time and the water is dirty... the temple is giving away chemicals to add to our house water to make it safe to bath!!!!! And this is staying like this for the foreseeable future.

  20. People seem to be doing nothing to try to conserve the water..

    In my area people are washing down the roads with water trucks, farmers are pumping out the temple lake to get water to the rice fields. Big houses have there sprinklers on every day for their lawns, people washing the house roof with water to cool down the house, and now they will start the Songkrhan water festival....

  21. Please do not support the people selling turtles at Gad Luang. The temple turtles and box turtles are protected species and its illegal to do what they are doing... all the turtle species in Thailand are under great threat from over collection and habitat loss. Please don't support this cruel trade if you don't want to help them go extinct.

    Any turtles you buy from there are likely to die anyway.. as they have been stressed and kept in such poor conditions with no food or water for a long time. I made a mistake of 'rescuing' a box turtle from there... it was covered in leaches and had respiratory infection... and sadly it died. That's what opened my eyes to the cruelty there.

    If you like turtles stick to the common and easy to keep red eared sliders... which are actually an invasive species here.. so you could probably go out and find some in ponds around you area.. and they are not protected by law.

    The other species you could try are the Chinese Softshell Turtles. They are bred commercially for food in huge numbers and are very inexpensive to buy.. they are very interesting and amusing to watch in an aquarium. You can get the normal olive coloured ones, or the albino ones.. which are stunning. they are super active and interactive with people. just watch your fingers and they like to bite!

    The pet shops you went to near airport plaza are the best ones to get these. They only get them when they are available on their order lists. I have put in a request for Chinese Golden Tread turtles, another beautiful and easy to care for captive bred species. (I am friends with one of the shop owners there). I bought some of the Golden Tread turtles off him a few years ago, but had to leave them at my old house in the lake as I moved and had to live in rented for a while.. so no space for them. Miss them!!

    At the moment I have an albino softshell, red eared sliders, and wild Asian snail eating turtles that came to my lake on their own (now the rice fields have dried up).. and find all their own snails in there (they will die if you try to keep them confined as they wont eat commercial turtle food or food others than aquatic snails.). I think they will leave again when the rainy season comes.

    Never buy the pig noses turtles as they are all wild caught and approaching extinction in the wild. There are no captive breeding to supply the pet trade.. and I suspect the ones you see here have been illegally smuggled to Thailand. Plus they get huge and aggressive when adults.. and get sick easily in captivity.

  22. I have no idea how you could think this has anything to do with racism or homophobia.

    Its just bad service.

    Call the company and ask what the problem is with they delivery to you.

    If they don't improve get another water company.

    Get used to this sort of thing here.. its the norm.

    From my experiences you will either get fantastic over the top good experiences or services.. or really bad annoying and frustrating experiences.... there seems little in the middle lol.

  23. What a mess people get themselves into.... and all for selfish reasons. I think surrogacy is wrong.. and it should be illegal.

    There are so many children needing to be adopted.... why not adopt?

    As for them being gay or straight it does not matter. True love is what is the most important thing. There are plenty of straight parents that should not be allowed to have children, the way they treat them.

    And, what couples do in their bedroom is no ones business apart from theirs... and straight people get up to just as much kinky stuff as gays!!!

    I feel sorry for everyone in this case.. I think the surrogate mother should stick to her agreement.

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