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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. There are many good schools to learn Thai Language.......and there are also many bad ones!

    Where will you be staying in Thailand? Most of the major cities have many schools. I live in Chiang Mai and we have several including Pro Language, Wallen, and the Chiang Mai University. All these schools are popular with students, but each school is very different in their teaching methods and styles.

    You would be best to go along to several schools and 'try them out' so see which one suite you best. I think all these schools provide a free trial lesson, and they will show you the course material.

    I attend Pro Language and its great for me, so I can recommend that one.

  2. I am a student at Pro Language. Nice people - students & staff. The class I am in has a mix of all ages, male & female, from all different backgrounds. I can't compare it to any of the other schools as this is the only one I have used. But I like it.

    I am also a student at Pro Language. I liked this school the most out of several I tried. I strongly recommend you try a few schools first before you decide and what style you like. Most schools do a free trial lesson too, so make use of that.

  3. ps I believe Pro Language has offices in Bangkok, Pattaya and Chiang Mai, so you may be able to split your time amongst those places.

    That is a great idea. I never thought about about being able to keep my ED visa and also travel around the country! Thanks

    Also like to say I was shocked to see that Walen School is advertising UNLIMITED stay with its ED visas. I know most schools only off up to 3 or 5 years max. I suspect that you would have to keep learning a different language each 3 years, which seems kind of a waste of time and money. Also things like this might stir up some trouble for people (like me) who want a legitimate ED visa to actually 'study Thai language' as I need to speak Thai if I wish to make the most of my time in this country.

  4. Hello,

    Hope you are having good luck finding a good place to learn Thai. I hope you will find it good fun, and its very interesting and challenging language to learn.

    I Studied in Bangkok for 1 year, prior to moving to Chiang Mai. I am not sure if I am allowed to criticise other schools on here, but I did find a couple that were really bad. There are a few schools that are basically businesses to make money from people getting ED visas. I made the mistake of joining one of these, and found out that they had lots of students on the books, but hardly any of them attended the classes. The teachers were not too good either, and the teaching material was not to my taste. I left!

    I have used several schools, and have found the best for me to be Pro Language. I have stuck with this school for over 3 years now and can highly recommend it

    The teaching methods, courses, and teachers themselves are very important. Some schools I found very old fashioned and boring, using out of date materials. I suggest you try a few and then decide. Most will give you a free trial lesson.

    I know the school I attend does part time classes. You can be in a group or private. They are quite a large school, so you will have a good choice of classes to choose from for you level of speaking Thai, and also choose the times to best suit you.

    Good luck

  5. Hi. I attend Pro Language School in Chiang Mai. At my school students only pay once a year for the visa, but you must go every 90 days to report. You can extend the visa for another year if you wish. Here are the details from Pro Language School.

    Student visa courses are available in both Thai and English lessons. Students who register for 180 lessons (Thai course), or 90 lessons (English course), and pay the full tuition fee of 23,000 baht/course will be eligible for a 1 year ED Visa. First, students will get a Non-immigrant ED Visa for 3 months and then a 9 month Student Visa by extending it every 3 months and paying a Government fee of 1,900 baht. The school will prepare all the documents from the Ministry of Education for the students to have the Visa issued from a Thai Embassy and to get it extended at the Immigration on Chaengwattana road in Bangkok or at another Immigration office (Chiang Mai).

    Hope this clears up any confusion.

    I can recommend Pro Language school for anyone interested in obtaining an ED visa. I have been there for over 2 years on this Visa and have never had any problems with it, or the school. Also the quality of teaching and course material is really good.

  6. Sorry, if you don't get the basic facts right then none else you write makes sense.

    Wow. How rude are you? What facts are wrong here? This problem is getting gradually worse over time and the areas getting burnt are also increasing. So in the number of cars and traffic and industry along with population growth.

    Also you need to check you English in that sentence if you are being so picky. And, yes I have read the topic thank you.

  7. I think its disgusting how this can happen every single year and the problem is just getting worst as the population increases and more areas are burnt.

    People just don't care about it. Its a lazy persons way out. This practice is not in fact hundreds of years old. The burning of rice fields is quite a new idea. Years ago they used to use buffalo to plough the stubble back into the ground. The forest fires used to be on much a smaller scale as the population of Thailand was much smaller before the population boom up till the 1970s.

    They need to change attitudes to the environment and improve education in this area - starting at schools. Educate people to see what a bad effect its having on the environment and heath. The authorities could impose strict fines on people starting fires also designate smokeless zones in urban areas. Its not difficult. But I know Thailand will not do a thing about it as usual.

    This country is beautiful, but in a few more decades much of it will be spoiled with uncontrolled development, urban sprawl and the destruction of the remaining wild areas and its wildlife. Sadly this seems to be the story world over.

    In my village everyone in burning anything and everything from rice fields, to roadside verges, bonfires and rubbish. Also rice fields and orchards are being cut, burn down and filled in for more and more shop-houses and housing estates.

    I can imagine a future here in Chiang Mai when the pollution gets much worse and the effect of public health will be very serious, but still nothing will get done. Money and profit seem more important that human life.

    • Like 1
  8. Can really recommend Pro Language School.

    They are great with the ED visa and are a well know school.

    They also have very good course books and student material. The teachers are properly qualified and have several years experience. Got very friendly and relaxed atmosphere and the staff are very helpful if you have any questions about you visa or the class.

    Because they are quiet a big school, they can easily find a groups or class that is the right level for you, and also can be flexible about the times you want to learn.

    They do a free trial lesson for an hour, so maybe go and give that a go. I really recommend it and have been a student there for over 2 years.


  9. Hi,

    I am a US permanent resident though I bear a Ukrainian passport.

    The tourist visa is for 60 days and I am not sure what would be the way to get a long-term permit. I was wondering if there is a way for

    me to stay in Thailand for half a year or a year?

    Thanks in advance


    Hi. Have you considered an ED visa? Find a language school you like. I study at Pro Language and

    have been on the ED visa for over

    2 years already. I think this school is one of the best and lots of people recommend it. Some school

    are just after you money.

    They are very efficient at the visa application and will help you a lot. Its very smooth running. You will

    be required to attend a minimum

    number of hours in class. You will need to pay the tuition fee which you can discuss with the marketing

    staff there., could be less if you

    go for fewer lessons,

    eg., six months. You'll need to pay this up front to the school. Once you pay the school, the school will

    assist with the necessary paperwork for immigration. The school paperwork only takes a week or two;

    getting the ED visa at the

    immigration office only takes a couple of hours. It's really that simple.

    I really like being on the ED visa because you don't have to leave the country, it forces you to spend

    some time learning the language,

    and an ED visa is extendable for up to a year at three month intervals. The extensions cost 1900 baht.

    Hope this helps a bit!

  10. While I agree with many of your point I would like to ask where your get your fact about certain things:

    "The sexual activity amongst men is disproportionately high due to the bi-sexual tendencies of Thai men, the numbers of homosexuals and the transexuals. Both groups are willing participants with foreign paedophilia "

    WHAT!? Disproportional to what exactly? Most people have bi sexual tendencies to a greater or lesser extent also, but depending on their societies it may not be socially acceptable to practice them. Thai society is more open is these respects to most western societies.

    HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST GAYS, LESBIANS AND TRANSEXUALS ARE MORE DISPOSED TO PARTICIPATE WITH PAEDOPHILIA. Being in the former groups does not mean you are likely to be a child sex abuser any more that heterosexuals.

    "We do have a problem with paedophilia in society. However, I would argue that we have a problem with prostitution, the exploitation of women and the attitude of men towards women. This is amplified in countries like Thailand where we see extreme examples enacted in the most graphic, basic and disgusting."

    You forget to mention the exploitation of men also by the gay sex tourists. Many hill tribe, Burmese and other male minorities or poverty stricken individuals are sucked into the sex trade here. The act of sex is not disgusting, nor is paying for sex, but it it wrong to abuse and take advantage and exploit vulnerable people for sex.

  11. I think the best school (that I have found) is Pro Language. I have been studying with them for over 2 years now and my Thai speaking, reading and writing has really improved a lot thanks to them.

    I had tried another 2 schools before Pro Language (won't mention any names here). They were awful for many reasons. One school had really bad teachers that did not know what they were doing. The school did not care and just wanted students money! The other school was bit better, but the teaching method was confusing and lots of people dropped out.

    Pro Language has been great for me. I study in a small group. But they also do private if you like that. They are reasonable in their prices - very competitive, and somewhat flexible. Because they are a well established school there is no problem with visa applications and they are well thought of.

    Give them a go - they do free trial lessons. Good luck, hope I helped a bit.drunk.gif

  12. Hi, Hope your search for a school is going well.

    Just thought I would think you will like Pro Language School. Its got a very good reputation for both teaching Thai and also for the easy and fast way they handle the ED Visa.

    I have been studying there for over 2 years now and have nothing bad so say about that school. The teachers are great, fully qualified and experiences, and also the teaching material is very good. They can do private classes or small group, and because its got a lot of students its easy for them to find the right class for your level and the times you would be free for study.

    I cant remember the exact price of the school for Visa and Study, but I remember it was very competitive and sometimes they have offers on. Oh, and they also have free one hour lessons for a trial, so you could check them out. Please look up their website on the internet.

    Have fun looking for a school! jap.gif

  13. I would like to recommend Pro Language School for your friend. I have been studying there for nearly 3 years on my ED visa and find it really good. They will process the Visa quickly and I have never had a problem with it. The most important thing for me is the standard and professionalism of the staff there.

    The teachers are all very experiences and properly qualified to teach (which is a lot more than can be said for many other schools in Chiang Mai who would rather employ good looking, but somewhat brain-dead girls, to attract new students).

    The Pro Language School has been going a number of years and has grown a lot, having many students now. The good thing about this is that there is great flexibility for new students in terms of class scheduling and getting into a class that is the right level for them.

    Finally, I would recommend going along to one of their free trial lessons to see how good they are.

    Good luck.

    • Like 1
  14. Hi, I am a student at Pro Language School, and have been there just over 2 years. I can definitely recommend it as a very good school.

    I have tried several other schools before deciding on Pro Language and also have talked to many people who attend different schools. I think I was very luck to find Pro Language. Some other school really do seem to be a wast of money and are just interested in making money, not caring about the students.

    Because Pro Language is one of the original Language school in Chiang Mai, the visa process runs very smoothly and its well thought of by the Thai Immigration. The teachers are all properly qualified and have years of experience. The whole place has a nice friendly and relaxed atmosphere and the course material is good quality.

    They are also very accommodating in terms of class times, days and sizes. As they have many students they have many classes and will be able to put you in one at the right level.

    Go and have a free trial lesson there and see if you like it! Oh and you can also check out their website for costs.

    Good luck in your search.

  15. Hi, Hope your search is going well!

    You raise some interesting points in your question. Firstly, I would like to recommend Pro Language as an excellent school for you. Please just go and have one of their free trail lessons to see first. I have been studying at Pro Language for over 2 years now, both to learn Thai Language and also for my ED visa.

    I can not say how happy I am with the school. I have had no problems with my ED visas - all very smooth and no stress at the Immigration office!rolleyes.gif .

    The teachers at Pro Language are all properly qualified to teach and also have years of teaching experience. Let me tell you that I tried some of the other well knows schools in Chiang Mai and I was shocked by the bad quality of the inexperienced teachers. Some schools just use pretty girls to attract students lol. Also I found that Pro Language had the best course material and books out of the other schools I tried.

    As to the rest of your questions, I really don't thing Pro Language has a mole because I have never had any e mails form other schools, As concerning the christian part, I never have come across this. It would really annoy me too, as I am not into that at allpost-4641-1156693976.gif

    The school is very flexible when it comes to scheduling the lessons. Just tell them what days and times suite you. Because they school now has a lot of students, at lots of different levels of Thai, it should be quite easy for them to find a class for you.

    I understand your worried about getting the ED visa before coming to Chiang Mai, but you don't have to worry about that. I was first here on a O visa and it was very easy to change. But if you would like to do it your way, then I think you will not be disappointed with Pro Language. WPFflags.gif

    Good luck

  16. Hello.

    I would like to recommend Pro Language as a very good school, especially for the reading and writing that you want to improve. They are also very efficient at the ED Visa. I have been studying there for nearly 3 years and have found them to be extremely helpful in all respects. You can study either as a small group, or in a private one to one class.

    One of the best things about this school is the teachers are all properly qualified to teach, which is not always the case in other schools. Another plus point is they are very good at finding the right level for you. They would make sure you are in a class that is appropriate for your level of Thai. I have found the course material to be a very good standard.

    One a last note, I know that they offer many options for the days and times you would like to study. Because they are an established school and have a lot of students, it is easy for them to schedule you into a class for the days or times you want to study. I used to study just on a Saturday for 6 hours each week, so I know its quite possible to study at a weekend like you want to do.

    Please check this school out. Its really worth it. I tried several schools and found this to be far the best. Oh, they also do a free trial lesson for prospective students, so perhaps you can go and give them a try.

    Good Luck


  17. Hi,

    Have to disagree with the last comment. Pro Language School is a VERY GOOD SCHOOL in Pattaya, and NOT too expensive. You can check them out on their website, or better still just go in when you arrive in Thailand. They will be happy to give you a FREE trial lesson.

    As you can already speak and read some Thai, that will give you a great head start. They run a range of classes as different levels, and you can start a new one on your own, or join in with a group at any stage.

    I have been to this school for nearly 2 years and find it GREAT. I have tried various other schools, but had some problem or other with each of them. Pro Language has been fantastic from the start. The best thing about them, for me, is the quality of the teachers. They are all properly educated and qualified to teach, have been there a number of years, and are friendly and confident.

    Really some of the other schools were awful in that respect. Also Pro Language they have good teaching material and the courses are very organised and well though out. Each lesson follows and builds from the previous one. The books they provide your with are also very good.

    Please don't let people put you off going to a school when you get here. You will be surprised how a good school will improve your Thai speaking, and reading very very quickly. I was!

    Hope I have helped you a bit. Have a great time in Thailand and enjoy your stay.

    All the best.

  18. I am currently studying a Thai cours with Pro Language and I am verysatisfied with the school. I tried a couple of other schools before deciding on which one and choosing Pro Language was a very good decision. She will be able to choose a private one to one class, or to work in a small group. Many of the other schools only offer classes in large groups, which I did not find productive for me.

    Its very important that she choose a good school that is able to get her the Student Visa easily. Pro Language has been established for years now and I have always found the Visa application to run very smoothly. The staff are really friendly and helpful, and the teachers are very professional.

    Another note about Pro Language, is that the teaching materials are very 'user friendly'. The way its organised means that they can take time to explain in detail anything that she might not be grasping well. Also they are very open to gearing the classes around the individual students needs.

    On a final note, i found them very good for scheduling the classes around times to suit me, and also they are very good at putting you into a class at the right level for you.

    Please recommend Pro Language to her. I am sure she will not be disappointed.

    NB The teachers are all highly qualified and have good teaching experience at Pro Language. Some of the other school I went to had very poor teachers, who were nervous and did not know what they were doing!

    Hope this helps you.

  19. They are Japanese Bantams, various colors. One seems to be a mix breed rooster, but he is very friendly and likes to be picked up and petted, so i wont be parting with him.

    I am still having no luck finding any more. I think i will have to sadly buy another PAIR and then i will at least have 2 hens. Then they can hopefully breed. I am just too impatient and really don't want another rooster!

    what kind of bantams are they just out of interest

  20. I want to get some bantam hens to add to my flock, but am having REAL difficulty finding any in Chiang Mai.

    I would like about 5 hens. I had some chicks, which matured into 4 roosters and one hen!!!!!!! , so am desperate for more hens.

    I have found some at the pet market near the airport plazza, but they don't look very healthy and he will only sell them in male female pairs. Also tried the market behind the big Tesco, but again he would only sell me pairs. Don't need any more roosters!

    Thank you if you can help me!

  21. Hi. I think i might be able to help you with your situation.

    I can recommend a language school in Chiang Mai called Pro Language.

    I have been studying there myself for over 2 years and found it very good. I did try a few other schools and also private teachers. I really don't recommend a private teacher, as its so difficult to find a good reliable one.

    Pro language has very good quality teaching materials and structured lessons. They also have many small groups, all at different levels. I think you will be more motivated in a group, rather than private. Although they also do private lessons too!

    I have found them to be very flexible with the days and times for study and they will do their best to fit the lessons around you needs,.

    They do a free trial lesson too, so i think its a good idea for you to go along and try it out and also discuss your situation with them.

    I can say i am very very pleased with this school and my Thai speaking and reading are very good now. The lessons are enjoyable, which motivates me, as i am quite a lazy person lol.

    Ok hope i have been some help to you. Good luck.

  22. Hi,I have been studying at Pro Language for 2 years now.

    Ican say it’s very good indeed. I had tried some other schools, includingthe Wallen one, but found this one to be the best by far.

    Ihave had 2 different teachers there, and they were both excellent. Ithink the school is also very good for student visas and I have never had anyproblems at the immigration office.

    Hopeyou give it a go. I have not heard of any other students being dissatisfiedwith it.



  23. Hello,

    I study Thai using various materials. I find the most beneficial one to be actually going to a well run language school several times a week, combined with using the language yourself every day.

    The problem is finding a school that suits you! There are many bad schools out there, as you will see by reading these forums. I have been very lucky and found a great school called Pro Language.

    It sounds to me like you have some ideas that you would like to develop with your learning that many schools do not offer. I would advise you to think about doing a course of private lessons at Pro Language. You will see they have very modern, interesting and clear structured lesson material. You can add to this with ideas of your own, as the teachers are very flexible and they school does everything it can to make learning Thai fun and interesting. The school has been running for many years so the teachers have lots of experience.

    Using books to teach yourself is very time consuming and you will find you will make many mistakes with the tones and pronunciation of the works. Using computer CDs and tapes might be a better idea, but again, as you have no REALThai person to give you live feedback about your progress, you can also makemistakes, and once they are ingrained into your brain, they are often hard to put right. (well they were for me lol).

    If you immerse yourself with Thai friends and use the language in everyday situations,such as at restaurants, shopping, talking to local people, watching Thai TV etc, then you will find your Thai will improve quite quickly and you will subconsciously learn new words.

    I really recommend you go to a school and don’t try to teach yourself. The school gives you discipline to learn and also proper structure and immediate feedback of your progress. The Pro language school also does fee trial lessons, so may be give that a try.

    Hope all this help you. Good luck!

  24. Hi,

    I also can really say Pro Language School is great. I have been studying there for over 2 years and they have a very good reputation. They keep very good books and have a good reputation with the Thai Immigration Office also, so you are very unlikely to get any problems with an ED visa if you wish to get one.

    I have been to several school to try them out, and the teachers in the Pro Language School were by far the best. They are very friendly and there is a relaxed atmosphere. They are also able to schedule classes to meet the times you would like to study.

    They also have very good learning material and you can choose private or groups classes.

    Give them a go!

    Hope you enjoy your time here.


    I agree with the previous poster that Unity and other schools that use the union-method are good places to study. I studied in Piammitr myself. It uses the same books as unity.

    If you want to study less hours per week and the student visa is important, I can advice Pro-Language. It's probably the least bad school of all school that are in the student-visa business. They have great books, but you'll not reach the same level as you can reach you can reach at school with a union program.

    It's great that you look for experiences from people that actually studied in the different schools instead of being tempted to follow advertisement you find on the internet. I recommend that you search for the messages of Tod-Daniels.

    Tod-Daniels has written high-quality reviews of many schools and he is a valuable and respected on the forum member for doing so.

  25. I think Pro Language is one of the best schools here in Chiang Mai.

    I know people have had problems with other places such at the university. I have been at Pro language for a good few months and am very satisfied with this school. I am also on an ED visa and had to go to renew for a year last week. No problems. The staff and teachers are really helpful and make the visa applications easy for the students.

    Check out their website. They are reasonably priced and you can check them out at the school as they do free trial lessons too. They have good teaching material and will see what level of class will suite you the most. I also know that they do group classes too.

    Good luck and hope you enjoy your time in Thailand.

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