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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. It's not hard to guess what is going on, but you really don't want to go to the police unless you are prepared for a heap of trouble. You could make an anonymous complaint to the regional monastic authorities but I doubt they'll do anything. Also, if there is any investigation and you are the only foreigner in the area, suspicion will fall on you as the snitch.

    Yes.. I have no intention to report it or cause any fuss... I want a quiet life here!!! Now that the villagers themselves are getting annoyed with the noise and his attitude.. perhaps they will do something in the end.

    That is why we have had to put our house up for sale.

    Its very emotional to sell it.. as we designed and organised its building ourselves with a Thai friend. We have lovely gardens and lake... but its got too stressful living here for me... I cant stand getting the surprise wake up alarm from the temple at random times.

    I know its not typical temple style.. as I lived by a very lively one for 7 years before and it was nothing like this one... also when I go out because of the noise I pass about 6 other local temples.. and they are not acting like this with the music volume or ranting.

  2. I wish the monk in the temple next to my house would worry about what people thought about his behaviour.

    In fact, no one goes to the temple anymore because of him.. all the villagers are scared of him. I can't understand why there is nothing set up to regulate the monks and what they do at each temple. Seems they can do whatever they want.

    He does not go out to collect alms anymore.... but instead get his food delivered by someone in a big expensive shiny black truck.

    The 2 monks then spend the day sitting around listening to loud Thai pop music.. or watching TV.

    A few times a week they turn the loud speakers on the max volume (at 5.30am) which actually HURTS our ears.. so we have to get in the car and go out.. They don't play Buddhist music... they play the Thai pop songs.. some really bad old ones!!! This laste for several hours, bufore they do about 15 minutes of chanting and its ends.

    Yesterday he was DRIVING a truck up and down through the village for some reason.. while a group of Burmese workers were busy in the temple grounds with chain saws cutting down two 100 year old rain trees, driving off with big logs in their pick up trucks later that day.

    A few time a week he will rant over the loud speaks.. telling the villagers how bad they all are. listing all their sins.. like some hell and damnation Christian preacher.

    He orders people over the speaks to bring him more food.. or money.. and shouts at the farmers demanding they keep their cattle away form the temple lake... so the animals can't bath to cool off or drink.

    Now, even of 'Wan Prah' days do one goes there.. but the place is getting a lot of money from somewhere.. as they are always building new things and the amount of lights looks like fairground at night. Any attempt to go inside to look around is very dangerous.. and the pack of large breed dogs will likely attack you... many people have fallen off their motor bikes going past the temple to chased by a pack of dogs biting at their legs.

    I can't get any of my neighbours to tell me whats going on there.. they all change the conversation or make excuses to be going. The all seem scared of him.

    I thought it was a new Monk.. but they say its the same one. Because, for about one year previous to this everything was good.. and the temple was quiet and had a lot of people going there.

    Then his behaviour changed suddenly.. and attendance dropped off quickly. Only a few faithful old ladies and men would go on the special days.. but now even they have stopped going. All very weird.

    As I write this the chain saws have just started up again today! Looks like the last big beautiful rain tree is getting cut down.

  3. There' no agricultural reason to burn, it's laziness.

    they say it helps produce mushrooms, no it doesn't it just burns off the top layer of mulch hiding the mushrooms.

    They say it's better to burn the old rice straw, no it isn't it's better to plough it in and let it rot, providing organic matter for the soil.

    I've been here nearly forty years and they hardly burned at all back then.

    Now it's seen as a quick way to clean up the land, no more mulching and composting.

    the Thai farmers are totally hooked on chemicals and fertilisers.

    I never saw fertiliser 40 years ago, they had buffalo poo.

    This is just another example of the get rich quick mentality.

    You are quite right. They like burning just the fun.. something to pass the time.

    In my area there is no water for the fields now. They could not grow the last crop.. and they will not be able to plan again till the rains come. But the farmers are still burning the fields... why?

    Its going to be months before they are going to plant rice again. I was surprised they had the good idea to buy cattle to grow up and sell.. which ate the dry grass in the unused fields. But now they have burnt all the vegetation away.. and the cattle have been out there for days now with NOTHING to eat!!!

    The farmers were told NOT to plant any rice.. TOLD every single day on the village loud speakers there would not be enough water. But most of them still planted rice.. and it died.. now they are angry.. they have lost time and money..

    In the past they all had buffalos, or their neighbours had some. They used them to plough in the rice stubble for organic matter. They were FREE to use. No need for expensive tractors and machinery or petrol / gas., insurance, repairs etc. And at the end of the day they could actually EAT the buffalo or sell they young to get more money. They did not even have to buy food for the cattle and buffalo as they ate the vegetation and rice stubble.. so, again no need to burn.

    In the past too, they did not use chemicals... they used the FREE animal dung as fertilizer.. and the decomposed ploughed in organic material. No need to spend money buying bags of plant feed.

    They did not buy PEST CONTROL CHEMICALS. They used DUCKS and their own mixtures made form natural insect repellant plants like ginger and chilli. The ducks swam in the rice fields eating the snails and pest inscets. They also fertilized the fields with their poop. The farmer also got FREE duck eggs and meat from his birds... AND could sell surpluss ducks on the market for even more money.

    Many of the farmers in my village spend their time drinking whisky,.. spending the money they get from the government for cattle de wormers on whisky so their cattle are sick and worthless skin and bones. They gamble the rest of the money away of cock fighting

    They do nothing all day... get drunk.. wander aimlessly around the fields.. burning stuff for something to do.. not just the fields, but piles of plastic and junk as they are too lazy to re cycle it or dispose of it properly. Every day there are 2 big fires of black thick smoke from burning plastic or old tyres in the same spot.. someone goes around collecting this stuff saying it going to get re cycled.. then they just burn it. Everyone can see what they are doing.. but no one cares.

    Farmers have to spend money of fertilizers, chemicals, tractors, gas, new rice seeds, meat, eggs, food.. when in the past these were all either not needed or free! Because they don't want to spend the time looking after livestock... they want quick fixes... now perhaps they have lost their farming skills and would not know how to go back to a better way.

    It would be EASY to stop them burning the fields.. just inforce the law. We used to burn the stubble in the fields in the UK in the past.. now its banned and no one does it ever!!! They now plough it back into the earth.

    Its about the rich people getting more money from the poor as usual. The have the farmers dependant on these agricultural chemicals, new kinds or rice seeds etc. If the farmers went back to how they used to farm the price of rice would go up... as it would not be so mass produced.. and the chemical industry would loose all its money from farming chemicals if they were no longer needed. All the time no one... poor or rich.. cares enough about human life to stop the bruning and pollution.. which causes a lot of sickness and many deaths each year.

    Apathy and greed.

    Phew.. rant over.

  4. Some potential psychopaths in here, cheering on the execution of a dog.

    The soi dog situation is out of control yes, going around and just shooting them though? Have a word with yourselves.

    What is the answer then?

    Most of these dogs are so diseased and damaged temperamentally they will never be able to be re homed or adopted to people.

    They should be humanely destroyed. They are no better than rats really.. its just our human perception about dogs being loving and mans best friend. In fact they are a lot more dangerous than rats.. causing many road accidents and bites.

    I know of some dog charities here in Chiang Maim they try to help the dogs.. but the problem is no better... and their facilities are overcrowded and full of dogs. they have the best intentions but really they don't help the problem at all in the long run.

    I like dogs.. I have 2 pet ones.. they are not allowed to stray out onto the road.. they have been trained to be friendly to people and would never bite anyone. My Thai neighbour collects dogs. Now she has about 10... most are chained up 24 /7 on very short ropes.. howling and barking.. living on scrap metal sheeting, dirty and starving. Why does she not get in trouble for animal cruelty?!

    I feel sorry for the street dogs. No dog should live like that. I see many in my village covered in sores, broken legs, staving or sick.

    I have been bitten badly by a street dog once... and it was nothing I did. Dogs will bite for no reason we can understand sometimes. despite people on here saying dogs only bite when humans do something wrong. Also rabid dogs will bite simply as a result of the disease. No one has to upset them or kick them.

    I was riding my pushbike.. when suddenly there was a large dog attacked to my leg.. making me fall of my bike.. My leg was badly bitten and blood was pouring onto the floor. I never saw the dog approaching or did anything to upset it.. it never even barked or growled.. it silently 'hunted' me.

    I was on my own and had to frighten the dog away.. and then cycle back home bleeding before my other half took me to the hospital. That dog needs to be destroyed.. its not a friendly harmless doggy like some dog lovers seem to think all dogs are.

  5. I think he did the right thing. It was a dangerous dog.. it probably bit a lot of people... and it could seriously injure a child or spread rabies.

    It does not seem cruel to shoot it dead. It would probably be more cruel to let it live as a stray dog on the streets to be kicked about by people, get into fights with other dogs.. got no vet treatment.. and eventually die a slow and painful death.. if its does not get run down by a car.

    They are a danger to people. not just aggressive ones.. but they casue a lot of traffic accidents when they run into the road....

  6. in Sanpatong they have a saturday market also called buffalo market. when i go there usually there are one or more turkeys for sell....they are located in the back of the market on the right hand side of the road where they sell roosters, chickens and other small animals....

    Great, thanks for the advise.

    What time is it best to go... I know they start really early there. Its quite a distance from my house near Doi Seket.. and I am not naturally an early riser!!!

    Do you happen to know if they have different chickens breeds there besides the fighting cocks?

    I don't drive, so am going to ask a friend to take me... they will not like getting up so early too. ha ha.

  7. They sell them in my local fish market, not as food but for releasing as Buddhist merit.

    Hi.. thanks for the reply.

    I have seen them.. but they are the native Malaysian Snail Eating turtles.. they are nocturnal and spend their time buried in the mud underwater... so if I got them they would just swim to the bottom of my pond never to be see again.

  8. Thailand is classified as a "developing" country because it is politically incorrect to call it a corrupt, backward dysfunctional country.

    The reference to "first class" hospitals and to the presence of cookie cutter shopping malls as an illustration of the country's status, would be funny if not for the fact that those making such claims actually believe it.Sadly, the people making the claims are not qualified to offer an informed assessment.

    A large concrete structure holding retail units and fast food purveyors is not an indication of an advanced society. Universities, green spaces, affordable housing, effective public transit, environmental quality of living space, a viable economy and a solid infrastructure are all characteristics of a healthy society.

    The hospitals of Thailand that meet developed world standards of quality are few. They are inaccessible to the majority of the population.

    Thailand has lots of universities... Huge areas of national parks (127 of them) and forests for 'green spaces'.

    Housing is very affordable.. out in the countryside you can even build your own without all that expensive planning permissions and regualtions.

    Transport is better here than in the UK.... the Song Taews are very cheap.. and regular. You can get almost anywhere on them.. so don't need a car. In the UK the bus and train service is bad.. If you live in a rural village its likely there is no public transport service there.. and taxies cost a small fortune. Even regular bus services outside London.. are only a few busses each day and only stop at set stops. They are expensive and dirty and you are likely to get mugged or attacked by teenagers on them.

    Much more living space here too.. All the houses in my village have lots of land... you can go walking in the mountains.. and even the sizes of houses on the new style Moo Baans are bigger than those you get on the estates in the UK.

    Seems the Thai economy is doing well... better than the Euro.. just ask Spain. And research the European Debt crisis.

    I would rather go to a government hospital here than go to a National Health Hospital in the UK.. at least here there are staff and no super bugs to kill you. Having had many family and friends in the UK tell me horror stories about their care.. and I have seen it myself... allowing people to starve to death in the hospitals as they can't feed themselves.. and putting off their operations.. going on strike.. and letting people get worse and worse.. not changing their bandages or leaving them in soiled clothes for hours at a time.....

    And why does a country have to have a democracy to be considered a developed country? You really think that America and Europe have no corruption? http://economyincrisis.org/content/political-corruption-on-the-rise

    In the UK we only really have the choice of two political parties that are basically the SAME. And they promise so much.. but seldom deliver it.

  9. Does anyone have any pet turtles they want re homed?

    They must be pet red eared sliders.. NOT NATIVE WILD TURTLES.

    I used to have 6 pet ones I bought when they were about one inch long.

    Over several years they grew huge and lived happily in my lake. I liked to watch them swimming about and sunbathing.. they would come to me for food.

    I moved house.. and had to leave them behind.. as my rented house had not pond.

    Now I have my own place and have built another small lake.. and am missing seeing turtles swimming about in it.

    I can only find tiny ones at the pet shop.. and I think my koi fish would eat them.

    I was thinking maybe some people on here have got some turtles that have grown too big for them.. and I can offer them a lovley safe home.

    I live in Chiang Mai.


  10. I am a breeder of exotic and pet birds.. and in the UK worked as a zoo keeper looking after many parrots and other birds as part of my job.

    I strongly advise against using a leg chain on any bird.

    This is because there is a very high chance the bird will injure itself.. either breaking its leg or damaging its hip.. The chain can get tangled around something.. or if the bird flies off suddenly.. it will hurt its leg.

    You should only let the bird out of the cage when you are there to supervise it. then its pooping or chewing wont be so much of a problem.

    Make sure its cage is large.. so it can at least fly from one perch to another.. and provide toys and food in ways that make the bird work for the food.. keeping it occupied.

    Better still build a flight cage or aviary in your garden and get it another bird friend. The bird will be happier in that environment.. and you can get much enjoyment watching them flying about and watching their fascinating natural behaviours.

  11. I live in a rural village in Chiang Mai.... there are often big packs of feral / street dogs running about. Some nights the howling and screaming they make reminds me or some kind of horror movie. I have seen them killing another small dog.. a cat... and even a cow. They used to get into my property and kill my chickens and ducks in the night.. breaking into their pens... until I walled in my garden. Going out to scare them away they would turn on me... and it took a lot to get them out.

    The village temple has several large breed dogs.. which every day chase and snap at people passing on the corner... Over the years I have heard and seen numerous people ... including a family with a baby.. come skidding off their motor bikes as the temple dogs come running out at them around the bend.

    I have lived in Thailand 8 years.. and I have been bitten only once in all that time... this was not from a pack of dogs.. or a dog acting aggressive...

    This dog was silent and actually the first thing I knew about it was when it was latched to my leg and pulled me off my pushbike.

    I was so angry I chased the dog and followed it into the owners house.. the owner saw me and hid in the house.... she was having building work done and lots of other people were in the yard watching me. I am afriand I made her loose face.... but she just made me so mad as, when she eventually came out she looked at my leg and said it was not serious and was doing the smiling laughing thing. I think she hated being shown up in front of her lower class workers.

    I cycle every day.. so meet lots of dogs... I know the ones that are making noise and barking are not the ones that will bite. Its the sneaky ones that make no noise that are the real danger.. they are hunting you... and they don't want you to know they are there.

    I like dogs.. but I don't like the way I see many kept here. My neighbour has several dogs on very short chains in her yard .. they have no food, water and live on rusty metal sheeting... they are kept like that 24 / 7 and every eveing they all bark and howl for hours. I have tried to be nice.. tried to feed the dogs.. said I would take them for a walk.. told her they could run around free in my garden... etc.. but the owner won't accept any help.... I don't understand why she even keeps these dogs.

    The best advise when you come across a pack of barking dogs in the street is to just ignore them and keep walking and acting relaxed. Carrying a stick or rock will get them all worked up and ready for a fight.

    And no one can carry around a stick or rock or water gun with them every day all the time when they are walking about.

    Having one rock to throw is useless... throw it and one dog... the rock is gone... now you have one angry dog and all its friends to deal with and you have no weapon.

  12. I just came back from a holiday in Phuket. Going to and from my hotel every day I had to pass an elephant camp.

    It was so sad... I saw the same baby elephant chained up in a tiny compound swaying side to side and looking depressed.. it was never taken out of that small room, next to a busy road, all week.. and had to put up with lots of tourists touching, poling and slapping it all day, while its trainer was pushing it about and pulling its ears.

    Another elephant was kept chained up all week outside a wooden shack. It was an adult and looked really thin and dirty. No water and just a few wilted piles of grass on the muddy floor. This one was out of sight of the tourists and spent its time swaying side to side and pulling on its leg chains.

    I can't understand how anyone can allow animals to be treated like this... and how most people don't care or are too stupid to see the suffering that the poor elephants have to go through all their lives.

  13. One thing im very impressed about when i visit my inlaws is the behavior of their dogs, they will never take food or step on the mats when Thais are eating.. They will never bite any 2 or 3 year olds that tug at their ears or tails, and they are BIG dogs and about 5 of them. They are the most disciplined creatures ive seen.

    However, to get them like this ive watched the younger ones have a very vigorous upbringing. If they step on the mat or do something wrong, they get kicked hard! Usually they learn fast and know who their bosses are. And the rest of life is problem free...

    Lets not forget animals dont understand english, they understand REWARD = FOOD and WRONG = PAIN

    Im not saying its right to punch or kick animals, but it works...

    Hitting or otherwise abusing animals to train them is cruel and there are no excuse for it.

    I have 2 dogs here in Thailand and have never hit them or scared them... they are very well behaved and socialises.. never go on the furniture, never chew anything, are always friendly to people young and old, good with other dogs, and never kill or chase my chickens.

    Animals do understand commands you teach them.

    Using force, pain or fear to train an animals is the lazy way.. and damages the bond between the animal and people.

  14. I always seem to be unlucky with my 90 day report at the immigration Promenada.

    The 1st time I went at 1 m... was told all the numbers had been used up.

    2nd time (the next day) went really early... still did not get seen till gone 3 pm.

    Yesterday I went at 7.45 am.. the 90 day line was really long... I knew I would have not got a number or at best not got seen till the afternoon... I did not want to wait in that boring place all day...

    So I went in the visa service shop thing next door and the girl got my 90 day in less than 10 minutes.. for only 300 baht.

    In the old place in the city I used to get the 90 day really quickly and never had any problems. I can't drive as I am partially blind and have to rely on friends to take me there.... so next time I am going to try the on line reporting.

    For your 300 baht you could have had a nice breakfast at Rim Ping's "Bistro" and seen a movie. I'd rather do that than give the money to G4T. Did you ask yourself how it is that they can jump the queue to get your report done in 10 minutes and what you're doing by supporting that?

    Yep... it seems fine to do that 300 baht thing. Its worth the money not to waste me day waiting around in that palce.

    Its only 300 baht.. I am sure most farang can afford that.

    Supporting it seems a good idea... its providing a good service... if you take your logic about supporting it is bad you could also argue....shopping at Rim Ping's supermarket is bad... have you though about how shopping there is putting local small shops out of business.. and importing all those overpriced produces is harming the environment?

    I am not into watching movies as I am partially blind so don't get much enjoyment from them. espically the run of the mill mass produced badly acted boring American stuff which is the majority of farang films here. lol.

    I was only reporting my experiences at the immigration office for 90 day... as was the purpose of this thread. I did not expect to get attacked for doing something immoral by using a visa service.

  15. I always seem to be unlucky with my 90 day report at the immigration Promenada.

    The 1st time I went at 1 m... was told all the numbers had been used up.

    2nd time (the next day) went really early... still did not get seen till gone 3 pm.

    Yesterday I went at 7.45 am.. the 90 day line was really long... I knew I would have not got a number or at best not got seen till the afternoon... I did not want to wait in that boring place all day...

    So I went in the visa service shop thing next door and the girl got my 90 day in less than 10 minutes.. for only 300 baht.

    In the old place in the city I used to get the 90 day really quickly and never had any problems. I can't drive as I am partially blind and have to rely on friends to take me there.... so next time I am going to try the on line reporting.

  16. Its not surprise to me... its nature... people are usually not 100 percent straight or 100 percent gay.....

    Its good that the younger generation don't see the world in black and white. There are always shades of grey in all situations.

    Seems the only people that have problems with ideas about peoples sexuality is because of their religion.

    People don't choose to be gay, straight or whatever... but people DO CHOOSES THEIR RELIGION.

    People who are not religious don't need to follow religious rules.

    As for people saying gay and lesbians are over represented in the media... I think those people are blind to others around them.

    The media also has very sexy looking people.. fit and healthy... wealthy and funny.... perfect people... but that does not make real people in the real world become like that... just take a look at the general population next time you go shopping. Not many look like Hollywood superstars or models.

  17. Your monk is bullying the whole village. Is there anyway to remove him? Is there a supervisory group for your temple or an oversight group for temples in general?

    Not that I can find.. I have looked on line and asked Thai friends.. but seems that Monks can do pretty much as they please.

    Its interesting that the villagers have actually all but stopped going there now.. even on the Buddha days..... which seems to make him more angry and ranting on the speakers.

    Maybe the Thai way of not giving him any food or money will work in the long term.. I hope so!

    People used to stand outside their houses to give him the offerings early in the morning.. but I have not seen anyone doing that the last few weeks. Maybe they are getting annoyed too.

    No one here would talk about the problem.... any light hearted or hint at the noise coming from the temple was met with a quick change in conversation, or, an awkward look and an excuse to leave.

    I think they are scared of him.

    I don't know what caused this change in him... he is very old.. perhaps getting a bit of dementia? I thought maybe it was a new monk.. but they all say its the same one.

    Got woken up at 5 am this morning.. so took the opportunity to go for a long pushbike ride.. nice and cool then.. and good exercise.... so some good is coming of it.

  18. This is true Thainess and all of the BS that goes with it. Again, for the idiot that keeps telling us to go back where we came from don't tell us again. I listen to the Pui Yai Baan and his nonsense announcements sometimes 2 times per day including music before and after the announcements plus the noise pollution from the Wat is really a drag. I bought this place 14 years ago for my retirement and can not move again. When I first bought the property there was no noise pollution. Real Thainess is a real drag.

    I agree with you 100 percent

    When we scouted out this area for our house we did it over 2 year.. I used to go there morning and evening... there was the normal Thai noise.. nothing dramatic... but the temple was always quiet.. even all last year, the only time it was noisy was at festivals.. and that noise was nothing compared to the volume now.

    My old house was much quieter... there are quiet places in Thailand. We lived there 7 years and no noise problems. There was a temple near our last house also.. a very lively one.. we used to go sometimes... and the parties were fun.. but they were not several times in week all year!!

    AND the idiot telling us to go back to where we came from... seems that's his answer to any problem.

    We are not Thai nationals... we are immigrants.. we are all different.. but we are all human beings.. Thai or Farang. When another human being is doing something wrong to you... the answer is not to let them keep doing it, or go away and stop complaining about it... otherwise things will never change.

    We must respect Thai culture.. just as we should respect all cultures.. and Thai people respect our culture too... but most of these problem are nothing to do with culture.. they are about selfish, bullying, or just ignorant people not giving a toss about anyone else... its nothing to do with being Farang or Asian... its about respect for others.

  19. We have lived in our new house in rural Chiang Mai for about 1 half years. Up till now everything was lovely... sure it was a bit noisy.. but that's Thailand...

    Loud noise from the village speakers making announcements.

    Neighbour collecting dogs which bark in a loud frenzy for 3 hours each evening... closing the house doors and turning up the TV you can still hear them.

    Neighbour across the street playing loud bass music from 9 am till 5 pm 7 days of the week.. which we can hear throughout our house.

    Roosters crowing in the middle of the night (I even have my own roosters).

    Loud music from parties, funerals, trucks selling stuff... and the list goes on. Its all part of living here... I accepts it and it does not bother me at all.

    But now a noise I can't put up with... it is literally torture!

    The temple (just a few hundred metres from my house) has started playing ear splitting music at 5.30 am several times a week.. the noise goes on until at least 10 am.

    I have never heard such a loud noise in all my life. We are jolted awake in the morning.. shocked.. the music hurting my ears and the walls vibrating.. the water in the cup next to the bed wobbling about.. our pet dogs running to hide under the bed.

    If you dare open a window the noise amplifies.. you can feel your bones vibrating and it really does cause pain in my ears!!!

    Now, even I might accept this, even if I don't like it, provided its only a one off.. or for special religious festivals.. but this is NOT.

    The Monk turns the loud speaker to maximum volume and plays Thai pop music, or old country music, rarely monk chanting. He then often repeats it in the afternoon or evening... usually giving an hour long rant about how bad and evil the people in the village are, listing all the things they do wrong.. like letting the buffalo eat the new planted trees, staying up late, drinking alcohol, etc.. and how they must bring better food and more money to the temple.

    I thought it would stop after a few week.. but several months on its still going on and I can no longer stand it.

    Even the villagers are getting annoyed.. But they won't act because they believe you can not question what a monk does.

    Attendance at the temple has dropped off.. and most Buddha days now NO ONE goes to made merit.

    There is no way I can stay in the house when this noise starts up. I have to go out. I am loosing sleep and feel stressed and on edge... there is no way of knowing when he will decide to turn on the speakers and give out the next few hours of torture.

    This can't be right? Its not religious. Its not peaceful or mindful.

    Putting ear plugs in will do not good.... cutting me ears off will do no good.. I can not tell you how powerful the noise is... so no one say put you head under the pillow or put some music on.

    Now I have decided to sell the house and move to a different area.

    Its so sad as we have put so much effort and love into this house.

    just go and cut the speaker cables in the dead of night.. Do it so they short together and hopefully blow the amp!

    I wish I could... I went to look but the speakers are really high up scaffolding tripods and the cables to them are at the very top and go out from there to the roof of the temple.. no way to get near them. I think the monk must have thought about that one!

  20. We have lived in our new house in rural Chiang Mai for about 1 half years. Up till now everything was lovely... sure it was a bit noisy.. but that's Thailand...

    Loud noise from the village speakers making announcements.

    Neighbour collecting dogs which bark in a loud frenzy for 3 hours each evening... closing the house doors and turning up the TV you can still hear them.

    Neighbour across the street playing loud bass music from 9 am till 5 pm 7 days of the week.. which we can hear throughout our house.

    Roosters crowing in the middle of the night (I even have my own roosters).

    Loud music from parties, funerals, trucks selling stuff... and the list goes on. Its all part of living here... I accepts it and it does not bother me at all.

    But now a noise I can't put up with... it is literally torture!

    The temple (just a few hundred metres from my house) has started playing ear splitting music at 5.30 am several times a week.. the noise goes on until at least 10 am.

    I have never heard such a loud noise in all my life. We are jolted awake in the morning.. shocked.. the music hurting my ears and the walls vibrating.. the water in the cup next to the bed wobbling about.. our pet dogs running to hide under the bed.

    If you dare open a window the noise amplifies.. you can feel your bones vibrating and it really does cause pain in my ears!!!

    Now, even I might accept this, even if I don't like it, provided its only a one off.. or for special religious festivals.. but this is NOT.

    The Monk turns the loud speaker to maximum volume and plays Thai pop music, or old country music, rarely monk chanting. He then often repeats it in the afternoon or evening... usually giving an hour long rant about how bad and evil the people in the village are, listing all the things they do wrong.. like letting the buffalo eat the new planted trees, staying up late, drinking alcohol, etc.. and how they must bring better food and more money to the temple.

    I thought it would stop after a few week.. but several months on its still going on and I can no longer stand it.

    Even the villagers are getting annoyed.. But they won't act because they believe you can not question what a monk does.

    Attendance at the temple has dropped off.. and most Buddha days now NO ONE goes to made merit.

    There is no way I can stay in the house when this noise starts up. I have to go out. I am loosing sleep and feel stressed and on edge... there is no way of knowing when he will decide to turn on the speakers and give out the next few hours of torture.

    This can't be right? Its not religious. Its not peaceful or mindful.

    Putting ear plugs in will do not good.... cutting me ears off will do no good.. I can not tell you how powerful the noise is... so no one say put you head under the pillow or put some music on.

    Now I have decided to sell the house and move to a different area.

    Its so sad as we have put so much effort and love into this house.

  21. On a similar vein

    I have started seeing crows in Songkhla province..
    I don't remember seeing them in years past
    I was wondering how long it will take until they make their way up from Penang biggrin.png

    Interesting. I see a lot of scarecrows in the fields in Ranode, but no crows. I wonder if they are being used to scare off other kind of birds. My understanding is that crows are a lot smarter than most other birds, so I doubt that is the case.

    I have to admit I have run over a few pigeons while driving recently. I don't have the impulse to break for them as I would for a dog or a cat, but I think that is because in the past they always flew out of the way at the last moment.

    But it really makes me wonder what they are doing pecking about in the middle of major thoroughfares like Kanchanawanit Road. What possible food source could be attracting them out there?

    Anyway, the plan (if I ever find time) is still to catch a few and feed them to my dog. That won't make a real dent in the overall problem, but at least it'll be good for my dog, which isn't getting enough protein. I will of course try to kill them as humanely as possible.

    That's not a good idea to feed them to your dog... they probably will have tape worms or other internal parasites that could infest you dog... and if you can't afford to buy meat or proper dog food for your dogs protein... then you are going to buy de wormer for you dog... probably.

  22. Human beings are ever blind to their own shortcomings, always preferring to condemn another species for situations directly brought about by indolence or neglect.

    We are more likely to get diseases from other humans, our pet dogs and cats, or the food we eat, than to get a disease from a pigeon.

    Ask yourselves this, who do you actually know has got a disease off a pigeon? Now who do you know has had food poisoning, a cold or the flue.. or even chicken pox or an STD?

    Pigeon waste does not corrode buildings.. its a neutral pH, not acidic. There are not fleas on them that will bite humans... all their parasites that only live on birds. We can not get pigeon pox, canker, or feather mites.

    People say there are too many of them... but there are far more humans than them.

    People say they make a mess... but look at the rubbish, filth and destruction humans cause.. look at the litter and dirty water in the cities and countryside.

    If people clean up.. stop throwing food waste onto the streets, and stop feeding the pigeons.. their population will naturally go down.

    If you have a problem at your house with pigeons in the loft, on the balcony etc, then simply fix the holes in the roof, put up some cheap bird netting or pigeon spikes and problem solved... if you keep killing them off more will just come to replace them.

    For most people, the city pigeons are nice to see... watch how many people feed them and take photos in Chiang Mai park. They pigeon clear up the food waste on the streets.. so there is less foot about for rats... if the pigeons went there would be a lot more rats running about.

    For many children living in the city they are one of the few 'wild' animals they see.. and they can be used to teach them about birds, nature and how to respect other living things.

    And finally, cruel methods to kill another animal ... (peas of a thread)... are inhumane... the bird would have a very slow agonising painful death... and to get pleasure out of that shows a sick mind.

  23. have a huge logan tree in the garden which is very healthy and getting larger by the day!

    Its not causing any problems and is really beautiful... but someone told me I must cut it right back or it will drop branches in any storms.

    I was hoping to just leave it to get as large as it could... I like the cover it provides and its a nice shape. It well away from the house and not near anything that a falling branch can damage.

    I am not interested in getting fruit off it.. as I have about 8 other smaller logan trees that produce a lot of fruit.

    Can I just leave it to nature.. or are theses trees too domesticated and need chopping back?

    Also what does everyone do with the cut branches. I can't get anyone to take away my mango tree branches!!!


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