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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. So you happy with the UK under the current government. They promised us if we left the EU we would be able to contol the immigration. Under this government...and they have been there a long time now....the immigration is the worst it's ever been. If u keep them you think the situation will improve? I'm not labour or conservative BTW, but you would be made to jeek the current lot and things getting wosse just for imagined fear it will get worse under another government. Something now working you have to fix it. They have had plenty of time to fix it...
  2. The UK is such a mess now. If the people on that demonstration care so much about Palistine then they should go there and fight with them All they are doing in London is sgirring up hatred and tensions, and wasting police resroces and time.
  3. One or two a day. Always one just before bed.
  4. Maybe the chickens got their revenge for all the ones he tortured and killed. Don't Thai's believe in karma?
  5. The religion of Muslims, Jews and Christians is basically the same....they are variation on a common theme.. Abrahamic religion. Because they are so similar they hate each other and are always fighting. Even within their own religions there are different dnominations and sects that bicker.
  6. Oh no thanks! Easter is a pagan festival that was hyjacked by the brainwashing Christians when they were trying to wipe out the culture and religious beliefs of the native people. Christians need to apologise for ripping off others religious festivals! Come on man...use your brain...what have Easter rabbits and Easter eggs got to do with your Jesus? Was he pooping out eggs and had a pet rabbit?
  7. What a bigoted and raciest comment. I, as a transracial person, now identify as Jewish, and I ask you to please respect and accept me as a Jew. Ethnicity and race has no genetic basis. It's a social concept.
  8. No. Not really. Everyone should be free to do as they choose for their lifestyle. I have no problem with people who don't want long term relationships. I was pointing out the irony that some of the straight guys here who are agsist same sex marriage, bexaie they believe marriage should be only between male and female who are going to be monogamous till they die. Yet here are these men in Thailand who are all from failed relationships, divorces, remarried, kids with different women etc. They have not held up those standards that they insist marriage should be and why gay people should not be allowed to marry.
  9. I like how all the 'anti gay marriage' straight guys on here, who act like they want to protect the biblical idea of a monogamous union for life of a man and woman.....are all probably divorced or separated, on their second or third marriage, with kids left from previous ones.
  10. Thank you for that. So it's similar to the LGBQ plus these could be an ethnic groups as they share a culture. In theory I could call myself a Jew if I adopted the culture and ethnicity, or was brought up / adopted as a kid by a Jewish family. I just wish humans gave up their ethnicities and cultures and just got on with modern life and all be one. It's all very interesting but belongs in a museum or history class. These days everyone seems to want to attach a label to themselves and make themselves special or unique. In my younger years people used to say they did not like to be labeled gay, stesignt etc..they are themselves. Get to know the person not have per ideas about them based on their race, religion, sexuality etc.. Anyway. Thanks for taking time to reply to my question.
  11. Yes. Why should I know details of Jewish beliefs? That is why I was asking you so you could tell me. So why so you say you are Jewish if you are an athiest? I can only guess it's because you believe you are from Jewish race of people. But I don't think genetically there is a Jewish race...like there is African, Asian, etc.
  12. So you are not Jewish if you are an atheist. I had Christian parents, but I'm an atheist too. So, I am not Christian. I don't tell people I am a Christian.
  13. Are u a religious person Jimgthing? Do you identify as Jewish because you believe in that God and that religion, or becauss of your genetics / race? If so, do you believe you are part of the Jewish God chosen race? This is my problem with all religions. Each one believes they are the true on and anyone else not worshipping their God or Gods are wrong and will go to hell. I think that of Christians and Muslims, not just Jews. How can anyone give respect to others who tell them they are sinners and will go to hell?
  14. I am guessing you are not a doctor 😂
  15. And the government under Thatcher sold off all our council housing and did not build any more.
  16. They are the ones allowing the extortionate prices of the utilities...so people can't afford to heat their homes! The high prices are more to do with high taxation in fuel and record massive profits for the gas and water companies...which are foreign owned...
  17. A bigger huge strain on the NHS, schooling, housing and the police is the current government
  18. So you didn't shower, and didn't wash your clothes? How did you heat your water with no heating? How did you prevent your water pipes freezing and bursting? How did you prevent condensation and mold? You expect babies, young children and frail elderly people to live with no heating in a UK winter in this day and age? Your idea it to go back to good old Dickensian times when poor people died from cold?
  19. Yes. It's strange that Bob seems to attract negativity from both Thai people he meets in his daily life, AND most of the farang posters on here..... Maybe it's time Bob asked himself why so many people are so often negative towards him?
  20. No. Neither do I. I would not marry someone who did not work or contribute anything to the family apart from in the bedroom.
  21. So....the women age badly....but the Aussie men look so fit and handsome? These days both men and women work...both will have paid for the house, cars, bringing up kids etc...then at say 20 years of marriage, you don't agree with splitting assets half and half if there is a relationship breakdown? How would u feel if the boot was on the other foot? Your wife leaving you for a young gold digging Asian man from a poor country, while she spends all your money on him, and leaves you with nothing? All because you don't look as sexy as you did 30 years ago?
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