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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. Maybe the skinny ones have lots of internal parasites like worms, from eating raw meat stuff like laab dip or raw prawns.
  2. If anyone knows personally from experience of a good lawyer in Phuket I would be very grateful.
  3. Thank you for the advice. I am sorry I did not make myself more clear about it. They have messed us around for so long now we are totally lost. It been aboht 3 years now. They are supposed to be paying us back on a buy back scheme...not rental. This was after we told them we would take the to court for breaking their initial rental contract.. So they offed to buy back the condo and we accepted. They made about 4 payments then it all went wrong. We have all their contracts and signed agreements. They don't answer our calls or emails. We flew down there and the hotel staff obviously know nothing aboht it and when they phoned the owners they said they were not available. We are going back to Europe to live next week after this got us down for so long. So anything we do will have to be from there now using a laywer here. Honestly.we contacted many lawyers in Phuket and none but one got back to us, and I got bad vibes from that one.....i think they would take our money and drag it on knowing they could not win..and they also did not answer calls or emails or get back to us on many acxasions.
  4. We did that. We threatened them with legal action. They promised to pay and then we just got one payment. Then nothing again for 4 nonths now. So we got a lawyer and they got them to send her copy of the shanote. Then only one half payment and a story of them being unable to pay due to no tourists. Now nonmore payments. Finally came to have to take them to court, but the costs quoted from the lawyer was crazy and they did not answer our emails or answer the phone for days /over a week at a time, as they were 'too busy' . I got a feeling I would just be throwing good money after bad and did not trust them. We contacted several other lawyers and none got back to us..
  5. There is a chonote but it had no ones name on it as no one has taken ownership of it.
  6. It's a hotel. There are 6 separate blacks of rooms, a big restaurant and reception, and 2 swimming pools. Also a beach bar. The land was bought by a farang / Thai business that owns a couple more such hotels in Phuket. Best Western Hotel was supposed to run it, but they pulled out. So now it's a private hotel.. Be bought our condo as freehold. The file was only a certain number of the condos were allowed to be farang owned...the rest Thai.
  7. Honestly that is pathetic. Tell you what.... Learn to read and speak Thai and then go look at some Thai forum or listen to groups of Thai people at a bar..... We are all the same. And, to be fair, your post on many threads make you come across as not too nice person yourself.
  8. So now they will be drinkkng beers from plastic cups and the beach and sea will be littered with them. Nice.
  9. Would do. But we have no blue book. They never registered it it in our names. We saw a black and white photo copy of it from when they went to And office to register...but that does not have our names in it...and it was never completed. Said it would e complete on last payment. Well, we did last payment and then nothing. All we have are the receipts of payments. 3 months now and no money fron them...desoite our contact. We are moving out of Thailand now...they spoilt it for us. Just trying to forget about it. Can't even put a friend in it...as the hotel has electronic swipe cards.. I would have loved to go down there and ruin the room and flood the place... And clear out all our furniture.
  10. For me it is balance. Often, people with too much wealth and money seem to go off the rails and have mental health problems, addictions, and act like jerks. Also, how can they know if their friends or the people that they share their life with really care / love them for themselves or for their money? Also I know of plenty of rich people who are grumpy and miserable and hate human beings....probably because they can become self centered. The again, living in poverty is hell...no opportunity to better your life with education and no privaligeas. NO security for health or if things go wrong. It would be paradise of everyone got the same amount of money and the extremes of poverty or mega rich did not exist.. Being materialistic definitely does not make people happy from what I've seen. They always want more and are never satisfied. If I could choose i would have enough money so I did not have to worry about health costs, food and housing, bills etc. And some left over for nice holidays around the world occasionally.
  11. You clearly do not understand the difference between feeling sad and the medical condition of clinical depression.. Perhaps just do a quick bit or research before you post something like this.... so you don't sound ignorant and stupid. ????
  12. OK.. So how did you overcome the depression yourself? You believe you know more than trained, qualified, experienced doctors...... from things you watched on You Tube? And you are giving advice to people with depression not to seek medical help and just look on Google for a natural home remedy? Seriously.......?
  13. That is very unlikely to happen if you followed the advice I gave. People are more likely to get bitten when they act scared, run away, or start acting irratically by waving sticks or trying to hit the dogs.
  14. Seems many here are confusing feeling depressed / upset / down (which every human goes though sometimes) with clinical depression (which is mental health disorder). Being depressed or low due to traumatic or bad things happening in your life is normal and can be overcome over time. Here the advice about getting out and about, diet and exercise will help. 'Real' depression usually has no immediate reason. It can happen to someone who has the best life, is active, healthy, social and fulfilled. Once it strikes the sufferer will spiral downhill. It is not cured by morning walks or getting a puppy or taking vitamins. It needs professional medical help.
  15. See a psychiatrist doctor. It's not a normal thing to have repressed anger... Especially to the degree it will make you flip out and murder someone for a trivial reason..
  16. Maybe don't have repressed anger. That's not healthy to repress emotions.. When I get drunk I am never angry...i just want to go to sleep. Repressed snooziness.
  17. Yes. They get to know you. It's also about how you act around them. If you are calm and act like you are not bothered by them they usually just get bored and leave you alone after the initial barking. I hate these street dogs, and am annoyed at the people who allow large packs of them to form and do nothing about them making problems for everyone. However after 15 years loving here, and taking my 2 small dogs on daily walks around the villages....we have never been bitten. Most of the time it's all noise and show on the dogs part. Next time you go to that temple go with someone else, or at least carry a long bamboo cane. You don't have to hit the dogs or threaten them with it... Simply having it will deter them....and if there is a serious problem you can simply raise it up in the air and they will back off. Remember it's best to ignore the dogs and oretent they are not there...just keep a sneaky eye out. If they are not getting a rise from you they will get bored and stop.
  18. OP... I gave up on that a long time ago, So me and my partner got married back in my home country, and we are moving out of this place to live there again. I am sorry to say, don't hold your breath waiting for them to legalise same sex marriage here, especially now, with the current people running the show.
  19. They say these books are their holy books and the word of God and you can't question it. I like to remind religious parents of this: Leviticus 20:9 Hsre god tell parents it is okay to kill their children of he curses them. I wonder how that would hold up in court...you know, we don't want to offend religious peoples rights to follow their religious books teachings.. ????
  20. I was brought up strick Christian. Know bible verses off by heat. And my brother is a church leader. You said it yourself.... How it's interpreted. Religions are manipulators and manipulate their rules and teachings. Better off without them.. I don't think you can have any other interpretation of commands to smash babies heads against the rocks..or none believers will go to hell.... .when that is what is clearly written in these books.
  21. What? Have you read them? They are all on about hell and punishment, damdarion and eternal torture. They tell their believers to go out and either convert people to their reigion or kill them...smash babies heads on rocks, force raped women to marry their attaxker. Their gods also kill and smite the enemy nations and lands of people who don't believe in that religion.
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