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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. That's the problem. We need to find alternatives to oil Anyway they amount tod oil used in these medical things is insignificant compared to the environmental impacts of oil used for fuel, for example.
  2. Please don't grow your food in oil. That's not gonna be healthy to eat.
  3. No. There are many species of animals that change sex as they mature or at different life stages. Educate yourself so you don't make yourself look ignorant.
  4. Because a percentage of British people have some deluded and perverse pleasure in anything to do with their unelected, outdated and entitled family of Germans who lord it over them....living a super rich lifestyle for doing sweet FA, while they have to struggle even to pay utility bills or feed their own children.
  5. So the results just show that mostly more women are saying they are bi sexual than preciously. It's good that these days people feel able to be more honest about their sexual feelings. The percentages were probably the same for all the other generations before them, but society made it harder for people to be honest about their true feelings, or they repressed them out of shame or learned morals from religion or society in general.
  6. Yep. It's any Isreal concerning the war on Palistine. It's not about being anti Jewish people who live in Ireland.
  7. Funny. Around the world British people are portrayed as having the worst teeth and dental hygiene. Often in cartoons for example British characters or shown with crooked teeth or buck teeth. The dentistry in the UK is actually very bad. One third of people there have no access at all to dentists. People are resorting to pulling their own rotten teeth out at home.. It do not think you should be proud of the state of British people's dental care. Lol
  8. And then you probably will get charged with animal cruelty here in LOS..while the netizens are going crazy about some farang killing an elderly ladies pet dog.
  9. Sorry this is not right. https://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/extinction-countdown/worst-invasive-predators/
  10. Haha. I would feed it to my snake. Seriously though, he need to get it treated if it's living in his house and his pet.. He also needs to get it fixed so it won't reproduce.
  11. Someone found my post confusing.....is it one of the monkeys family? Actually, I wonder what would happen if it was a few farangs using the sling shots at the monkeys?
  12. Yes it's cruel. But it's not likely to do serious harm to the monkeys...and it will deter them from returning and becoming a serious pets.
  13. In my mind cats are vermin, and the world's most damaging invasive species, possible exception of rats. However, if you take and care for any animal (even a rat) you are then responsible for it. So you should take it to the vet to get treatment.
  14. It was the reason we left after 16 years. It's not been like this since forever as some people would like unto believe. As the years go on its getting worse...because of the increase in population, cars, farmland, etc etc.
  15. Come on. Where are the posters saying......why do they have to have a women's days..because we don't have a men's day. Why do women want special treatment and more rights than men? Haha
  16. No. The government does not want to help anyone apart for itself and it's rich friends. It uses minorities for its political ends.
  17. I just do not know where to start to answer your astonishingly ignorant and misguided questions.... So I won't. How on earth you could think a rainbow flag is sexualising children is beyond me.
  18. It's about being proud of who you are, and not being ashamed about yourself if you are not straight. For people like you, who are straight, of course you are not ashamed or afraid to be yourself in public. But for LGBQ plus people they can be made to feel like they are immoral, inferior or disgusting. The rainbow flag, being displayed in a openly publc place, can give comfort and confidence to any of that community that may be getting bullied, or having problems accepting themselves as who they are or want to be. Having the flag around also gives straight people awareness that that LGBQ plus people exist and are part of their society. Many posters in here seem to be saying they are fine with LGBQ plus people so long as they don't have to see or think about them, and so long as they hide everything about their community away out of sight...well...if you think aboht that, it's not being on with gay people at all! Fine of you don't want rainbow flags in classrooms, but by your argment you should not have any flags of anything, countries, religions, clubs and societies. And then how are kids going to learn about the real world they are living in?
  19. Seems like the conflict will never end as neither side will be happy unless they wipe out the other. None are interested in any agreement or peace. It's become down to extremist religious views on both sides, and they have lost any common sense. The only solution is let them fight it out and for one side to wipe out the other if they won't compromise.
  20. I my country the parents would face legal action for child neglect / endangerment. What parent would allow a 12 year old to ride a motor bike...add the extra younger children on the back... and out at midnight!? I bet they were not even told to wear helmets either.
  21. The headline and article are very misleading. They are not a British couple. This story is making out it's a British couple who have moved to thailand and gone totally off grid, farming for income and giving up their jobs back in the UK. Any real British couples trading this will soon realise that is impossible. Foreigners can not own land in Thailand and they can not work as farmers. End of story.. The story should be that a British man hooked up with a Thai woman and put his money in her name to build her a house and buy her land which he now has no rights to of they seperste. I wish them both luck. They have a nice house in a beautiful country. But the guy is spinning his story to be fiction and to mislead people for you tube views.
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