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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 2 hours ago, stat said:

    Your post hits the nail on the head! Fusion is not british, instead it is a blend ????

    I am German so it is either Muesli or Black Bread for breakfast, but agreed apart from bread the German kitchen is not great as well as it lacks spices. The italian indian and japanse cuisine tops the world for me. Anyway the funny thing is taste is "learned" while being a kid. The learning determines what you like to eat as well as what music you like to hear. Cheers to the british people!

    I think British food was traditionally good, but later, conscience food and cost cutting, together with American style food, made it really bad...and bland!


    Today, thanks to fusion foods and influence from immigrants and other cultures, the UK have some wonderful food.


    Even the original home cooked pies and mushy peas, fish and chips etc are still delicious.


    The low quality foods came from the 1970 - 90''s in my opinion.  Frozen meals, microwave meals, cheap gastro pub stuff and fast food.  


    Also, people forgot how to cook....or what made a balanced diet, they were not taught by their parents and they stopped teaching it at schools. 


    Thankfully now people are starting to appreciate good food again and are much more adventurous with what they cook. 



  2. 19 minutes ago, Etaoin Shrdlu said:

    Some people prefer not to subsidize religion by being forced to contribute to the cost of ritual slaughter and certification by religious authorities when they buy food items in the grocery stores. Not that people aren't entitled to worship as they choose, just don't force everyone else to support this.


    It is sometimes impossible to find certain products in the grocery stores that don't have halal certification. 

    Yes, and the way they kill these animals is very cruel. 

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  3. I think the answer is to let them in.  See how they do.  The ones that commit crimes get arrested and deported.


    Even better, Americans who commit crimes can be stripped of their American passports / nationality and deported - swapped to the countries the immigrants are coming from.  That way you can get rid of the criminal American people and replace them with immigrants who will be better for society. 


    It will also save money as you won't have to keep American criminals locked up in prison for years.

  4. Swap the cat for a Mongoose?????


    Sorry but nothing much will deter a snake apart from a lot of human activity, which will frighten them off.  They don't like disturbances.


    I keep pet non-venomous snakes and they don't care about lemon grass or other stuff.


    We had a few cobra in the garden over the years.  If you leave them alone they move on quickly. 


    I did have one rear up at the door like yours did.  It actually got driven away by sparrows and other birds mobbing it and dive boning it's head. 


    The best advice to minimise snakes being around your property is to keep grass short, have no places for them to hide or rest (no piles of junk or garden waste etc, so keep everything minimal and tidy with no low busy plants. 


    King cobra feed on other snakes...others cobra species...so a good clean up, making sure there are no rats about to attract the other snakes, will mean there is no food to attract the king cobra.   So do not have car food, or other stuff rats will eat, left out.


    On a side note, if you do have king cobra babies they will quickly disperse away from your place, as they do not tolerate living in the same territory.  Also having a king cobra about will mean you won't have any 'normal' cobra or dangerous snakes about...they will be eaten!





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  5. Seems no one cares.


    Would be sensible to work out some elephant repellents...such as non lethal electric fencing.  Also educate the local people how to act around elephants. 


    Most people are killed when they try to frighten the elephants away by shouting, chasing them with fire, or start shooting at them, so the animals response aggressive in self defence.


    I saw an interesting video on how, in Africa,  farmers are keeping elephants away from their crops  by having bee hives around the fields.. apparently elephants are afraid of bees...of getting stung, so they stay away....plus the bees are good for pollinating the crops and provide extra income to farmers from the honey they make..



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