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Posts posted by joe84330

  1. can anyone verify that dr ning's office still exists in nathon? drove past this area today and couldnt find any clinics or even signs of a clinic on the tesco side leading up to the turnaround.

    Ring and ask them, maybe they moved

    She has closed the Nathon practice for about three months until her new baby is older. She is just using the Lamai surgery next to her house for the time being.

    thanks for that. lamai is a bit far and i've heard of a dr in maenam that is recommended and speaks english to boot.

  2. I have heard that the delivering doc for Nathon is great, but if you don't get a VIP room it can be a tricky thing. I heard the place is not so clean. Is that true?

    I am 25 weeks along and moving from Phangan to Samui in November:) Anyone know about natural birthing options, doulas, midwives or water births on Samui? I saw Thai inter used to have water birth, but doesn't look like it anymore?

    I am excited that the baby is coming soon, but getting nervous to find the right place to deliver and starting to consider Samitivej hospital in Bangkok as a good option.

    Any advice?:)

    And... congratulations to the other parents and soon to be parents!

    not sure why you wouldn't get a VIP room, it doesn't cost anything even remotely significant. the hospital itself may not be polished and smell of ammonia but i was very happy with their service.

  3. Get a private room for her at Nathon hospital. Rooms are fine, view from window very nice and they can deliver a baby just aswell as they do at Bangkok Samui hospital and you won't have to take out a second mortgage.

    (Please don't use Bangkok Samui hospital. They are a boil on the arse of healthcare.)

    i concur wholeheartedly. my first was born in nathon and it went so well that i thought i'd try it again so i'll be back there in 7 months for another deliver.

  4. I had a nice weekend last weekend on Samui. Bought my beer at Tops and stashed them in the minibar fridge. Relaxed on the beach or on the balcony with nice icy cold San Miguel Pale Pilsen. The place was real quiet and service in restaurants was exceptionally fast. Funny watching people sitting down and opening a menu but on being told there was no alcohol available, they got up and left. Where did they go then? Burger King?

    I may be back the weekend of the 30th.

    trouble is many tourists dont know the place works on ' Double Standards ' , IE if they are told it is a ' dry ' weekend, they presume EVERYWHERE wont sell it as the ' law ' states no where can sell, but little did they know all mom and pop stores sell , as well as the bigger supermarkets ( even those they shouldnt )

    put me squarely into the category that votes with my baht, considering i can't vote with anything else. i've walked out of strip clubs in vegas that only sold budweiser and i've walked out of restaurants in samui that don't sell alcohol.

  5. l

    Off Topic a bit, but i keep receiving emails from The Federal Tax Department in America, but i cant help but think you may have a new side line job sending emails for them Big C :whistling::lol:

    Your Federal Tax Payment ID: 01037596210 has been not accepted.

    Plaese, make sure that all inforamtion you have subimtted is crorect and refer to Code R21 to find out the infomration about comapny pyament. Pelase cotnact this page if you have any questions:

    Reutrn Reason Code R21 - The identifciation nmuber you entreed in the Cmopany Identifciation Feild is not functional. Try sedning inforamtion to your accounatnt avdiser using other opitons.

    EFTPS: The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System


    You are uisng an Official United States Government System, which may be used only for atuhorized purposes. Unauthorized modification of any information stored on this sytsem may result in criminal prosecution. The Govermnent may monitor and audit the usage of system, and all pesrons are hereby notified that the use of this system cnostitutes cosnent to such monitoring and auditing. Unauthorized attempts to upload inforamtion and/or change information on this web site are stirctly prohibited and are subject to prosceution under theComupter Farud and Abuse Act of 1986 and Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 and 1030.

    amazing. i've been representing taxpayers before the IRS for over 15 years now and have never seen anything that bad sent out to any of my clients and i've read through literally thousands of documents.

  6. very good point, i think most people would rather have there finger nails plunked out by a rench they endure 1 hr of Thai Karaoke !

    reminds me of the thai guy around songklha who recently went ballistic, killing something like 6 people after having to endure john denver's "country road" one too many times. as a neighbor and not customer btw.

  7. I want to go to a thai establishment run by thais only.

    A fair statement. I know many people who would like to see more local flavour here.

    But why is it that all the bars and restaurants are NOT run by Thais? I mean, the landownership laws, the employment laws, the visa rules, the taxation rules, the local knowledge etc etc etc ...... there are all in favour of the Thais - as perhaps is correct - but yet they don't run all the bars. Why is this?

    the answer to this is so painfully obvious that i must assume you forgot the tongue in cheek emoticon.

  8. Some people are so self absorbed and sanctimonious they will never get a grip of anything no matter how long they live somewhere.

    Anyway, i am not one to get involved in a mud slinging contest and you are welcome to your opinions no matter how narrow minded they might be.

    Have a nice day.

    pot & kettle !

    :lol: Normally I'd agree but to be fair carmine has it spot on this thread. ;)

    Yeah lazy useless bar owners should bugger off home and stop working from lunchtime until the early hours of the morning seven days a week. Bloody chancers so they are.....:crazy::crying:

    Probabaly did a little. I just think it is ridiculous farangs thinking they are doing thais a favour employing them, farangs are the ones preventing repeat custom, if you travel such a long distance expecting a thai experience and all you get is farang bars... what exactly is the point in going? I want to go to a thai establishment run by thais only.

    i feel the same way when i go back to the states, i only buy coffee at shops with american staff and the guy making my burger better be fat, missing some teeth and holding a beer can otherwise i really don't feel like i'm getting the real deal. obnoxious foreigners are always meddling in my authentic experience.

  9. sorry, don't have any number either for the bus or the bus company. it is however located opposite the old seatran ferry pier and you will always see the VIP buses parked there. just look for the huge purple SCB bank sign, it's adjacent to the small ticket agent shop with a large sign on the front of the building that says "samui bus station" or bus stop something like that.

    the ladies in there that i have dealt with in the past do speak passable english so just tell them you want the mini bus to haad yai and you should be there by 2pm.

  10. combined ferry and mini bus ticket to haad yai is around 450 ba

    Last time I did this it was normal bus (not uncomfortable but not VIP or a minibus) and bus stopped at main bus stop at Had Yai only, bus was slow got there around 5.30 if I remember correctly after leaving at 9.30am, onward travel motorbike taxis, did I miss or is there a faster mini bus to Hat Yai?

    sounds like you took the normal commercial bus line that stopped in either surat thani or nakhorn sri thammarat before going to haad yai. if you ask specifically for the mini bus to haad yai the only stops you will make are for fuel and food and everyone on board gets to choose their drop off point.

  11. shouldn't take 25 years of living here to make it obvious that thailand does not recognize the rule of law. any advancements towards that status will not come because a foreigner stays mute when laws that are passed which only serve a select group of vested interests are selectively enforced but rather when the local population is taught to think for themselves, question authority and accept responsibility for their actions.

    doesn't matter to me what kind of business you run or what country you are in, misguided legislation and random enforcement do not create stability but divisiveness.

  12. any and every tour/ticket agency in haad yai will sell you a bus ticket to langkawi. if you leave on the 7am ferry you'll be in langkawi around sunset.

    is that a boat / combined ferry ticket? is it easy to get a bus from Samui to had yai?

    yes, and it's very easy to get from samui to haad yai. go to the bus station on nathon beach road, it's very easy to spot as it is the one place where all of the big vip buses park. combined ferry and mini bus ticket to haad yai is around 450 baht. once you are approaching haad yai city limits, the driver will ask everyone where they want to be dropped off, i usually go to robinsons department store, there are at least two ticketing agencies around the corner, each offering tickets to langkawi. you could tell the driver Kings Hotel just as easily, the ticket agents are then in full view and robinsons is across the street.

  13. Have just heard bars can now open tonight,all night.So do they run these rules sitting around drinking thai whisky,thinking its a good idea at the time,then perhaps some pressure to bear makes them rescind it.Truly how can you run a business with such uncertainty.

    Why cant the authorities make a reasonable decision that does n't inflict penalties that are unreasonable and stick with it................surely its not too difficult.

    Who says they can open?

    khun ngern

  14. for home use. anyone have any recommendations? been using dtac here for years and i don't want to switch providers and even more importantly, don't want to switch homes. tucked into a small cove though so signal drops regularly, many times it shows my calls bouncing off of a tower on koh phangan just to call someone on samui. hoping for another option rather than just standing on my front porch...

  15. I bought in very heavily around 12,400 per Thai baht gold so at 19,000 I am not complaining. But like I said it was at 19,000 when it was $1/33 baht...and gold was way below todays price.

    Yeah well you know that amazing American administration that was voted in a couple of years ago, well they havent finished milking the Americans of their wealth yet, the deception continues and my guess is this 'reset' is going to take a little while to reveals itself in all its ugliness.

    What I find amazing is your conjecture to blame the Obama Administration for the failures of the Bush Administration; President Bush robbed America of its wealth long before President Obama was even a candidate for office, so if you want to link Americas financial crisis to the appreciation of the baht against the US dollar, then let's get to the heart of the real deception, which were the failed policies of George W. Bush with his propaganda war in Iraq that has cost America billions in IOUS to the Chinese government, as well as his failure to reign in the excesses of Wall Street with its international ponzi schemes that cost the American taxpayers billions more in TARP and TLGP (rescue) funding which led to the biggest financial crisis in America and around the world since the Great Depression; his generous tax breaks for the rich, and job losses under his two terms in office that were the worst on record since World War II. The ugliness, as you like to frame it comes from anyone who has the unmitigated gall to blame the guy who is attempting to extinguish the fire as the arsonist who started it; but true to the talking points of the republican party, deny the truth and embrace the lie.

    bu bu bu bush

    baaa baaaa baaaa

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