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Posts posted by joe84330

  1. was trying to search for a BB/pellet gun to start doing the work of the missing snakes and predatory birds on the island and became curious if anyone has seen (in the past or present) any falcons, hawks, owls,eagles etc. that are known to exist around these parts?

    were they on the isaan workers menu along with the squirrels?

    my yard and house is getting overrun by all of the common varieties of birds and the bastards are flying through my open doors like they own the place. my yard has enough trees and birds to make a falcon happy for generations but it's getting to be a bit much, anyone know where to get a pellet gun around here? i intend to ruffle some feathers.

  2. good luck with your idea gulfsailor. i live on bang por beach and have a good idea which plot you are referring to, i also know that each of my captains are quite familiar with the beach and they have to move around quite a bit to find a suitable place to drop anchor and it's always well offshore. having lived on the beach here for a number of years i can tell you that rocks break through the surface for most of the year and that makes casual boating very challenging. i'd love to have something small like a 20ft hobie cat here, in fact my neighbor has something similar however he hasn't had it on the water one time in the years i've been here.

    doesn't keep me from thinking about it though, all those islands look very inviting...

  3. just back from penang with new non imm b and at the sadao border my visa was stamped with the words Journey Performed. have had many non imm b visas in the past but this is the first time i've seen this stamp. may have to do with the fact that my previous non imm b having been canceled due to previous work permit being canceled but not updated in the computer. anyone seen this before?

  4. kid sailors have it easy these days, when i was a young sailor we had to sail to school, uphill going both directions. and it was always so cold we had to send someone out to break ice off the deck every few minutes or else we'd sink.

    nice to see some good news concerning samui for a change. way to represent!

  5. Just curious, what kind of newspaper for the small English speaing expat community on tiny Samui do people expect?

    i for one expect my local paper to keep me informed of any C level has been celebs that have visited and been bitten by a cat. i do wish however that they would follow up these articles with details on subsequent rabies shots rather than putting it all in one piece.

  6. sat down with the head of the local immigration office today and he was quite clear on the matter, stating that i must apply for the new WP, return old one to previous co. for canceling then proceed directly to a Thai Consulate and apply for a brand new visa. he either had a recent similar request or was a psychic as he had a stack of papers in his hand when i walked in without an appointment and asked my question and he immediately turned the stack of papers over to me and asked me to read.

    basically it said that if there is any change to my employment status, i must leave the country and obtain a new visa, whether it is a non imm or tourist doesn't matter. just go get a new one was his response.

  7. thanks for the response. i received what i assume to be the standard 3 month Single Entry Non-Imm B from Penang back in October. in January I went to BKK and got a 1yr multiple entry Extension which i 90 day'd locally and am now coming up to my second 90 day reporting date.

    are you supposed to wait to file for wp until after you have canceled your permission to stay?

    i'm still a week out from d day and know i can score a new wp in that week, can i just go ahead and apply and obtain the new work permit and then hit my 90 day report as scheduled?

  8. so i had a position with company "A" with non imm b and work permit and am now changing jobs to company "B". company "B" is ready willing and able to facilitate obtaining new work permit and visa but my question is this, since my original work permit was attached to company "A" am i going to have to leave the country for new visa or can accountants here just shuffle the papers and arrange for a new work permit based on my still valid non imm b?

  9. At least Crusty isn't going on about bike riders!!!!!! :). Last night, around 10.00 PM, a friend of mine came off his Harley when a young Thai decided to suddenly turn right, with no indication. He had no lights either. My friend came off, trying to avoid the idiot, clipped the bike and crunched into a parked car. Dislocated shoulder and broken ribs. The Thai driver had no license and was drunk. We all arrived at the accident scene very quickly, followed by Samui Resue ( they did a great job!). And the BIB. A drunk policeman asked me for my license. I asked why. He said your bike, your accident. I explained that the rider had already been taken to Nathon Hospital. He shrugged his shoulders and staggered off. They decided it was all my friends fault. I asked why. "Farang", was the reply. Sometimes I feel like getting my AK47 out and shooting all the bast**rds.... :D

    sorry to hear about your friend. this sounds just like the accident i passed by in maenam on my way home. as it happens, i passed by another motorbike accident in bang por on my way out. the stretch of road between the bophut traffic light and maenam market is imho the most dangerous on the island.

  10. there is a bike shop immediately prior to the "T" junction at the south end of nathon, if you are headed south through nathon that is. i've never stopped in but have walked past many times and they always appeared to have a selection much better than either big c or tesco. wouldn't expect any miracles but at least it's an option.

  11. i've had samui cable for years now specifically because of channels like zone reality, mnet series, fox news and al jazeera and have not had any changes to the channel lineup.

    keeping fingers crossed

    luck must of run out zone is out and outdoor adventue is in, mnet series is out and dmovie is in btw with very poor quality picture. when star was dropped a few yrs ago i went in to talk to staff at main office tit smiles all around.

    dam_n, next time i will have to knock on wood, that always works.

  12. i spent a while looking everywhere here on samui for the same thing with no results, ended up having some hand delivered when i get a visit from the states this weekend. decent and convenient water filtration in my experience, but here on samui..."no have"

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