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Posts posted by grumpyoldman

  1. Went to the Ravissimo (I think that is how it is spelled)...Italian place at Fisherman´s Way.

    We ordered spaghetti carbonara, a capricciosa pizza and ravioli. We asked that the spag arrive first, to feed the brat.

    About 30 minutes later, pizza arrives first. Cold. But we were so hungry, we started eating. About 10 minutes later the carbonara arrives.

    Scrambled eggs included. It was so overcooked, no sauce visible, nothing white nor did it taste like carbonara. Egg bits everywhere.

    Ravioli arrived, red sauce extremely salty.

    One of the two owners came by and we discussed the carbonara. He was visible pissed and told us the cook has 10 years experience cooking Italian food.

    Without requesting it, we were not charged for the spaghetti. He did offer us another one or something else and we told him that it was not needed, as our son was already eating the other stuff.

    I wish them the best, but we will not be going back.

    Ate there last night. Seafood spaghetti was very good,pizza's o.k., not as good as M&M's.

  2. Checking so far travel agents can do a much better price on a complete holiday package

    They get a lot better prices than individuals do and still make there profit

    Each to their own I guess.

    No need to guess

  3. Maybe KB and Barka can comment on this one for me since they have been here so long, when has Patong ever been referred to as Patong City?

    A couple of years back there was an article in the Phuket Gazette announcing that Phuket Town was now Phuket City. If I find the article I will post the link.

    Understood on Phuket Town (City) LIK, but I just cannot get "Patong City" on the sign as, everywhere else is just one word.........Kata, Karon, Nai Harn,Bangtao etc.

    More dough for a bigger sign?

    Oops, o.k. maybe Nai Harn is two......but anyway

  4. >>I wonder how much was pocketed on that ugly beast

    7-8 million pocketed, 1-2 mil actually spent on worthless and meaningless sign.

    Maybe KB and Barka can comment on this one for me since they have been here so long, when has Patong ever been referred to as Patong City?

  5. Well, at least they had 9 Million Baht left to build a "Patong City" sign. I wonder how much was pocketed on that ugly beast. :annoyed:

    Exactly what I was going to post, better to spend 9 million on a stupid sign than to make a traffic artery readily usable........Amazing Thailand...

  6. i agree - A1 Restaurant on Nopparat is one of the best in town

    Tried it today, after reading your Posting. Still angry, had mixed Grill, the cheapest Quality of Meat i ever had? Tenderloin Beef must have been water buffalo ? and cooked more than welldone, no way to eat. the Porc over 10 Years old. Took the Meat home for the Dog, even my Bang Keow had Problems chewing it.

    Ok the Price was not too high, but next Time i will be happy to spend more, have good imported Meat in Carnivore, not have to give all to the Dog.

    I had nice fish (in crispy batter) and chips at A1 last week 230B, a nice pork chop (slightly over-cooked, as all pork chops are, but not spoilt) at the Irish Rover 220B and nice noodle soup at Ao Nang Boat Noodle 40B.

    Recently had the tenderloin at Carnivore - tasty, but an eye watering 770B !!!

    IMHO you can get similar quality at the Italian restaurants in Ao Nang and Krabi for about 450 - 550B

    Classic Ao Nang, where it's o.k. that a spaghetti bolognese and a salad is 450..................I get that done in Phuket for 190 and people say Phuket is overpriced........

  7. Amapola, may I first just say your heart is in the right place.

    You mentioned you are already working with an animal welfare group there in Lanta, is that Junie at Time For Lime?

    Stray dogs are a problem all over Thailand, again, your heart is in the right place, and it's admirable that you are making an effort for these animals, you definitely are better than the people who have a dog for four or five years, decide to leave the country and dump the animal either at the nearest temple or abandon it, this happens often.an c

    A big problem animal-wise too is the Muslim contingent on Lanta, they will actually intentionally harm these animals.

    Do you have a budget to make some fliers? Take a cute photo and post about? Otherwise I would check in with Junie (if you haven't already) and ask her the best way to proceed. Cheers, GOM

    Unfortunately I don`t know the girl`s name - the red haired...) well I just don`t know whether there are expats living on the island - I mean whether fliers will make sense... I can compile a flier with a picture and text, but I`m tight on budget.

    thank you that you reacted!!

    Junie at Time For Lime runs an animal shelter on Lanta.

    Definitely not a girl, I'd say she's closer to 50 years old (sorry Junie if you see this, just guessing!) and last I saw her she had brown hair.

    Sure, understood on the budget, but if you have not contacted Junie yet, do, she'll have good input for you.

    Best of luck to you. Cheers, GOM

  8. I've been fueling at this place for years and a couple things I've noticed:

    Yes, they get some newbie fuelers in who see you aren't paying attention and of your 1000b, 500b might go in the tank, 500b may go in their pockets, but after those attendants pull that a couple times, they are usually gone pretty quickly.

    Fuel trucks putting the wrong fuel in the tanks- about a year ago they had regular fuel in the diesel and diesel in the regular, muckied up quite a few cars. Two weeks ago I fueled up there and the bike started gagging and quitting on me,I think the gashol was mostly hol, quickly shot a bunch of 95 in there and all was fine.

    But overall after 5 years of fueling there weekly, I can think of only two times I had a problem. But yes, OP, recently they have been having supply problems, don't know what that is all about.

  9. Amapola, may I first just say your heart is in the right place.

    You mentioned you are already working with an animal welfare group there in Lanta, is that Junie at Time For Lime?

    Stray dogs are a problem all over Thailand, again, your heart is in the right place, and it's admirable that you are making an effort for these animals, you definitely are better than the people who have a dog for four or five years, decide to leave the country and dump the animal either at the nearest temple or abandon it, this happens often.

    A big problem animal-wise too is the Muslim contingent on Lanta, they will actually intentionally harm these animals.

    Do you have a budget to make some fliers? Take a cute photo and post about? Otherwise I would check in with Junie (if you haven't already) and ask her the best way to proceed. Cheers, GOM

  10. Hi GOM, it's further back than McDonalds, on the other side of the road, near to Luna house and Tittl Guest House.

    What details are missing from the web-site? I've just done a new design, so it's possible that I've omitted something. The online availability/booking engine seems to be working OK.


    Gotcha, thanks Simon.

    I think just a litle .jpeg map might be a good adition to the contact us page. Just a suggestion, otherwise the site is helpful.

    Cheers, GOM

  11. why not practice that admirable Thai trait of tolerance?

    That's one of the biggest problems. Idiots get away with being idiots in Thailand because of that. like the people I saw on Kao San Rd a while back. They bought some beer from the 7/11 and then plonked themselves down at a table in a bar and started drinking their cans. All the Thai staff just looked at them in amazement, but not one of them could tell them to leave. Had they cought me on a bad day I may have tipped them out of the chairs my self.

    People have this wierd notion, that because they're on holiday, they're the boss and anything goes, so instead of being more polite than they normally would at home as I would when abroad (No that doesn't make you a prude) they behave in ways they wouldn't dream of back home, which is the biggest lack of respect and f~ck you to the local people imaginable.

    BTB, when the time comes you need to reinvent and come back with a new nic I think "Pit Bull" would be good. Once you sink your teeth into one of these threads, you leave them in shreds. Hey that rhymes.....

  12. In a perfect world, the Phuket beaches would only be populated by young, hard bodies that came straight off of Bay Watch (preferably all of them non-smokers).

    But, old people do exist and some of them even like going down to the beach.

    For all those people who themselves are outraged, or, outraged on behalf of the Thais, why not practice that admirable Thai trait of tolerance?

    Ah man, now I'm geting self conscious, you think my slight Goodyear tire over the sides of my boardshorts is adding to the obscenities?

  13. I don't particularly like seeing Thais scratching the back of their eyeballs, even in restaurants.

    I don't particularly like watching them squeeze their blackheads using their motorcycle mirrors.

    Don't like seeing wrinklies and crumblies in skimpy attire? Don't look. Simple innit?

    I'm gonna have to agree with KB here.

    One more on the Thai phenomena, picking the nose.

    I'll be talking to our Thai secretary, and without even thinking about it she just starts digging for gold, up to a knuckle in her nose. I find that as offensive if not more than granny boobs.

  14. Hi Simon,

    I'm in Krabi fairly regularly for business and I stay at J-Hotel for these reasons:

    I'm not but 300 meters from the Ao-Nang beach wall where I like to sit and take in a sunset beer (simple walking distance).

    They give me an ocean view room with a big bed and massive bathroom.

    Room has a deck to enjoy ocean view.

    Low season 500 a night high season 800 (on availability).

    How do your rates and amenities compare?

    Thanks GOM

    prices and booking www.krabihostel.net

    Have a good Sunday

    Hi gougouluxembourg,

    I had checked the site already, didn't give me all the info I needed. You have a nice day too.

    Simon - I'm still trying to figure out where your hostel is, as I am not familiar with where the post office is. Are you on the side with the MacDonalds mall, or the Krabi Resort side? Can you give me another sort of big marker, resort or restaurant? Thanks, GOM

  15. [ESB7 you must have a motion sickness problem a little more sensitive than most.


    Some of us get seasick snorkelling...

    That's crazy talk, once you are in the water you are moving with the water...............................one motion, not multiple.

  16. I would try the major airline carriers, particularly Singapore Airlines. They have daily flights from Singapore to J'Berg. Thai only fly BKK/J'Berg 3 or 4 times a week. Emirates could also be a potential source. I think the internet has made agents redundant in many cases.

    Not in Australia, You can get a lot better deals through travel agents than you can through the airlines

    to any holiday destination in the world.

    I am hoping there be one or two travel agents who do the same thing here

    Good morning PC.

    In the Bangkok Post in the classified section is a travel page. This is where I scan the travel boards for inexpensive tickets to the U.S. when I go to see family every year. Basically they are ticket consolidators, buy up tickets at a cut rate, resell. Not sure if I have seen promotions for South Africa, but I'm sure one of those travel agencies can hook you up.

    I've used Nilton travel the last couple years, nice thing is you can take half a dozen email addresses off the boards on the page, send your itinerary to all, and they will get back to you, pick the best one for you (times, cost, layovers, etc.)

    Grab your Sunday Bangkok Post today and check it out. Be sure to do a wine country tour, SA is producing some excellent wine these days. Cheers, GOM

  17. Hi Simon,

    I'm in Krabi fairly regularly for business and I stay at J-Hotel for these reasons:

    I'm not but 300 meters from the Ao-Nang beach wall where I like to sit and take in a sunset beer (simple walking distance).

    They give me an ocean view room with a big bed and massive bathroom.

    Room has a deck to enjoy ocean view.

    Low season 500 a night high season 800 (on availability).

    How do your rates and amenities compare?

    Thanks GOM

  18. I was at Nai Harn yesterday, saw just and many young things in skimpy bathing suits if not more thumbsup.gif

    You can always look away if they are elderly, and frankly it's the open European attitudes that they bring to Thailand, can't really do much about that.

    Best you start going to secluded beaches so as to not start our Sunday mornings out with wanking over nothing.

    BTW it's "you're" and we'll look forward to "your" next post which most likely will be a Tuk-Tuk complaint thread coffee1.gif we've never seen those before............

  19. There's no word to describe how awful Kuta is.

    I'm actually not sure when Kuta ends and when Legian starts, but I find Legian not really that much better, though that for sure it's not as bad as Kuta.

    How about just a long weekend to buy a couple surfboards off the beach? Does Kuta still have endless surfboard rental guys all on the beach there?

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