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Posts posted by grumpyoldman

  1. Ricky's in Kata may also. I'll re-post here if he does.

    It is nice to post something about your mate.

    But if you don't have any information please don't

    Its a forum and ScubaBudda is not breaking any rules of posting on it.

    PC, don't you love the moderator wannabes? Yeeeeeeesh.................

  2. Welcome to Phuket and 'paradise':bah: :bah: :bah: ...get used o it

    I say he mistakenly took you for someone else, or else just a nut job.

    Nut jobs not being solely a Phuket occurrence ESB7 and BTW, where do you live?

  3. Since Don's is gone, i don't see too many club owners that will consistently get up early morning to have them on.

    Especially in a club/bar atmosphere.

    I think we are destined to watch the games on channelsurfing dot net

    Works for me.

    ps. Hopefully someone will have a Super Bowl party though.

    Go Eagles!

    Yo FH !

    Freebird Bar Chris has opened a sportsbar at the three way in Nai Harn, where the no-go defunct Latinos fiasco used to be.

  4. He was probably high on ya ba

    Also, that Rassada District is notorious, he might have followed you out of there hoping to clip your wallet if and when you went down.

  5. Curious that this is in "fun, entertainment and Expat Life".............................

    On another note, had one of these high on speed and steroid maniacs from Birmingham sneak up and knife to death an American serviceman who had kicked his ass in a fair fight here in Phuket earlier in the year.

    Complete coward and pussy.

  6. "Too many people who defend this so called Pearl of the Andaman do it through rose colored glasses"

    Yep, let me shine up my rose tinted glasses and get abused here for saying that I like living in Phuket................

  7. Chill Out is as pretentious as it gets - come on...a Wine Bar in Aonang????!?!

    Try A1 - best Xmas Dinner in Krabi.

    I have to agree with your assessment of Chill Out. What are those people thinking? Completely out of place.

    A1 does have excellent food, you might check with Jeanette of Jeanette's I have to imagine she'll have something.

  8. get IRS Form 2555 from their website (get the EZ version). It explains it very well. It's pretty simple to file. I've done it during years I qualified.

    Ignore the post about needing a work permit. The folks go on about that also would say you need one to trim your own fingernails or do your own laundry as they also meet the definition of "work".

    I second this.

    Typical of the posters here to change the topic, unless I misunderstood you and you were asking about a work permit matter? Not.

  9. LOVE this thread..................

    Need to get all the wanke_rs and complainers that are here in Phuket, outta here ! One of you is probably the one that came up on me on the road with a bike so big you needed to take the whole lane, and then whistled in my ear as I'm just trying to get across the street with my laundry as I have done the last 5 years........

    The poster that remarks about the water quality at the beach, what time of year was that? Understand wind and water movement do ya? How's that water quality in Pattaya?

    I think the OP nailed it on the head, he'd rather have cheap beer and girls than go to the beach, Pattaya suits him better, no worries.

    Keep up the Phuket bashing, for sure Pattaya needs you, go now, why wait!!!!

  10. Hey there,

    just back from a couple days in Ao Nang myself. As I am there regularly, some observations which will also be on topic, too lazy to open a new thread.

    -first, not sure about the poster who said no girlie bars, there is RCA which is where all the bargirls who have washed out on the BKK-Patong-Kata-Rawai circuit have moved to. Nothing special there but there it is.

    -food options in Ao Nang now very expensive as they have (at night time)removed all of the carts in front of the McDonalds mall, and my noodle soup guy who used to be out front of the minimart has been moved around the corner, and a different family is running it. Lo and behold, 5thb more (35thb for geow teow), but still pretty tasty.

    -night market is Krabi town, and I really recommend the OP take an evening over there for dinner and shopping. Shopping in Ao Nang is a joke.

    -Sunset on the Ao Nang beach wall mandatory, pop a big Heineken from the 7-11 and watch the sun dip behind Phang-Nga.

    -daytrip over to Railay is in order for sure, I think one poster already recommended that so I second.

    -OP I'd be curious about a follow up report, please repost with your observations and what you did.

    Cheers, GOM

  11. terrible, in Thailand jet skis appear to be cursed, something to be avoided along with the scam as described in another post

    Shame Thailand your tourist will soon be depleted and people will stop coming to your country on holidays as they will get sick of being scammed by thai people who are dishonest and trying to rip of the tourist with jet ski scams trying to keep there deposit.

    Your police department is an absolute joke these operators should be stopped from doing business and this needs to happen ASAP as there are many good people in Thailand and these type of people should be exterminated from operating businesses.

    I am so sorry for this couple that had this accident but I am commenting on a previous post about the young Irish tourist in Pattaya that were scammed vfor 18 thousand baht for damage to a jet ski that they did not do and when they said they would not pay the operator pulled a knife on him.


    The authority's in Thailand need to exterminate these pests out of the industry.

    Tiger4 a tad overboard, pardon the pun, but where I do agree is the element that scams people out of money in false pretenses.

    Some family friend's kids had the same happen to them 2 years ago in Patong, 36,000thb later the thugs who had surrounded one guy, in the face of a beating the women had to go get the money.

    Absolutely right that in order to rent one you have to show a license. New industry for Ao Chalong. "Sure you can rent this jetski but first my brother Somchai is going to ride you to Ao Chalong (200thb) then take a lesson (1000thb) get your license, and come back and pay 800thb for half an hour".

    Bye Bye Jetskiis..........

  12. There is one certain thing. No thais saw a white jazz and definitely no thai saw someone walking in on the propriety especially at midnight where most of them are either sleeping or drunk. It's just to be cool and interesting. Like a game of telephone where the guy nobody cares about changes the words on purpose just to get attention.

    Sad thing though.. thats why i dont want to know any low paid expats in thailand, lots of them will be envious and steal.. If they were any clever they wouldn't be on a bad job, so they are definitely dumb enough to get into steal mode

    It has to be a very, very low percentage of farangs in Phuket that would stoop so low, don't you think?

    I mean, compared to other parts of Thailand, Phuket is not cheap, if you had a low paying job wouldn't you do that in a lower cost scenario?.

    If you look at the Bangkok Forum, there you see threads about farangs down and out living on the streets, committing suicide cuz it's gotten so bad, etc. I could see those guys getting desperate, but desperate in Phuket?

    Just my opinion, cheers, GOM

  13. Yeah, the tickets on silkair are running around $500 each.

    However, I just do not want to run the risk of getting my fuse lit in some way by tiger. Given my past experience, I'd give it a high probability.

    Singapore air wins either way we go.


    Have only heard good things about Sing air, so if comfortability on that flight is massive for you, you're right spend a little more.

    Enjoy. GOM

  14. minimalist: cant afford nice things, tells himself he is happy with crap

    real minimalist: lives in a first world country's forest, hunts for pleasure and food, reads books.

    if you're one of the 90% of posters in the bar scene, you're again really far from a minimalist.

    Don't see where going to a bar fits in, I definitely draw the line at the cheap beers though, no Archer or Leo for GOM.

    As far as your definition ilyelol, I think you are off, won't need to get you a dictionary as dictionay.com covers that for us.

    My point is, if you don't flash, you don't draw attention.

    Definition below doesn't seem to have anything about first world forests.........................................funny......

    World English Dictionary minimalist (ˈmɪnɪməlɪst) dictionary_questionbutton_default.gifn 1. a person advocating a minimal policy, style, technique, action, etc

  15. Actually, I've learned that the Krabi-Sing leg has been cancelled at various times. Friends of mine had their "daily" flight cancelled for three days in a row and never got a refund, ended up driving to Phuket and buying another set of tickets on a premium carrier.

    At the end of the day, it would have been far better to have gone directly to Phuket and driven down and back.

    That's worse than bus service...sorry to throw cold water on the idea.

    Strange, as I met a couple of ladies from Singapore in Ao Nang in October that had gotten for 300$US roundtrip Sing-Krabi AND four nights in the Red Ginger Resort.

    Cost wise for sure a direct Sing-Krabi is best, I mean how long are you on the flight anyway, you think it's going to be that uncomfortable?

    FYI- when I was in a metered cab out of Phuket a couple weeks ago headed home, I asked the cab driver fare to Krabi, 2200thb. With a couple of quick sidestops for some tourist viewings, you could probably get that done for 2500thb. Cheers, GOM

  16. Lets just end the thread on this.

    Move away from rawai, drop 90% in chances of getting robbed.

    So we've gone from bashing ausinpatong, oops I mean bangtaoboy, to bashing Rawai?

    Been in the same house for over five years now, even leave the doors open for when the maid comes, never been robbed.

    But.................I believe the reason is that I live pretty minimalist, no dogs or fleas !!! Lotsa a chinchoks and tokays though ;-)

    Sorry to hear the story OP, hope you can get the heirlooms back. GOM

    that was quite pointless

    You're not gonna get robbed if you are poor, thats kind of obvious

    There was a time when I was a kid and Dad had left us that I was poor for sure. Older brother, sister and myself had to get jobs, I scrubbed pizza pans at the local pizzaria, I was about 9 years old I guess.

    We'd pool our money and cut coupons, could only buy at the supermarket what we had coupons for.

    Maybe that's why now I don't feel the need to have a whole bunch of fancy things, happy with my life.

    ilyelol, can I buy you a dictionary? There you might learn the difference between minimalist and poor.

    Cheers, GOM

  17. Depends on if you are planning on spending any time at all in Phuket or if you are just looking to go direct BKK-Krabi (?).

    For sure closer to 2 hours time Phuket ground transport to Krabi.

    That being said if just going directly to Krabi, no need or desire to be in Phuket, then fly BKK-Krabi.

  18. Lets just end the thread on this.

    Move away from rawai, drop 90% in chances of getting robbed.

    So we've gone from bashing ausinpatong, oops I mean bangtaoboy, to bashing Rawai?

    Been in the same house for over five years now, even leave the doors open for when the maid comes, never been robbed.

    But.................I believe the reason is that I live pretty minimalist, no dogs or fleas !!! Lotsa a chinchoks and tokays though ;-)

    Sorry to hear the story OP, hope you can get the heirlooms back. GOM

  19. there is not 1 bar along the way to naiharn, aside from shrek bar and cheers bar which you'll pass in 2 minutes, A few restaurants, then naiharn lake. it is a 15 minute walk, down a SMALL hill. I walked it today. Are you people really that lazy?

    You're right BillR it's not far, and even the other way to Rawai beach walking is only a ten or fifteen minute walk.

    My problem with the advice of Shrek apartments is for the same price the OP could get a decent little bungalow/house with an internet connection. Why would you want to live in those dumpy apartments where you can probably hear your neighbor fart, not to mention holiday types that might be blaring their techno music at 5:00Am on a return from ICON.

    Nahhh...OP get here, book for a week at Green Valley Resort Nai Harn, and find yourself a permanent crib once here.

    Cheers, GOM

  20. Hi Paul,

    my advice is not to punch debit card numbers into any site on the internet. With all the people scamming numbers you don't want anyone to have direct access to a main bank account of yours.

    I keep a Kasikorn bank virtual credit card account separate from any of my other bank accounts, don't even use the same bank for savings and debit matters.

    The Kasikorn bank card works great on the internet, I book Air Asia tickets all the time, use it to buy stuff off Amazon.com for my family and friends in the U.S., makes Christmas a snap from here in Thailand, and no Thai exorbitant shipping charges.

    Anyway, Kasikorn makes you jump through a couple loops, you have to create a security phrase but once set up, works like a charm.

    There's my 2 satangs worth on the matter.

    Cheers, GOM

  21. Hello RCA, I would go with nattymatts recommendations and stay in Ao Nang. There is a wide range of accommodation from budget to high end resorts. I actually live in Ao Nang. Koh Phi-Phi is not as nice as it used to be and I did the day trip 2 weeks ago as I had friends visiting me from the UK. I also lived on Koh Jum for two and a half years. My school friend Ray has a resort there but again there is a wide range of resorts to choose from 300- 6000 baht per night. It is very unspoilt so go there before it gets overdeveloped.You can get there by songtel but its a nice trip on the Krabi- Koh Jum if the weather is kind. I would not recommend you take the motorcycle to Hot Spring / Emerald pool unles you are a very experienced motorcyclist. The standard of driving in Thailand is nothing like the Uk. Hope this information is a help. Kind regards johncfarrow.

    Love the Freudian slip there johncfarrow, gave me a good chuckle.

    RCA is the girlie/katoey bar section of Ao Nang.

    OP-no way riding a motorbike to the hot springs and Lanta, gonna get yourself killed. Whats the lure of the hotsprings anyway, already hot here and you want to jump into even hotter water?

    Do the islands from Ao nang, do a daytrip to Railei from Ao Nang, then jump a van share to Lanta morningtime and chill in Lanta.

    Be sure to find some relax time, you're on vacation. Constant running around, boats-cars-airplanes will make your vacation go even faster.

    Cheers, GOM

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