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Posts posted by grumpyoldman

  1. OP, are you English or American?

    You refer to "the insignificant soccer game" which leads me to believe you are American as I believe the English call it football, no? Also, hard to believe any Englishman would consider a football game insignificant......

    With that in mind, do the English refer to the ball itself as a soccer ball or a football?

  2. V interesting stuff..thx all,,maybe I've been here too long and getting paranoid but given your views plus the 'strange' behaviour of the staff at the tesco aeon bank I'll certainly avoid that atm in future..dam shame 'cos it used to save me that pesky 150 baht charge!

    Last year Siam Commecrcial Bank started a 20thb charge when you were using your card outside the province where your SCB bank account is. Can't understand, still in Thailand, but costs 20thb to use the ATM as soon as I leave Phuket.

  3. Same bank company, same kind of machine, the thing used to swallow cards regularly outside of a local restaurant we all used to go to here in Phuket.

    Didn't ever hear of any scams, people used to have to wait around for a truck to show up to open up the machine.

  4. Get into the classifieds of the Bangkok Post, to the travel section. You'll see boards there of companies in Bangkok advertising a bunch of destinations, find the cheapest for LAX, then contact. I think Nilton Travel is who I have used off of there the past few years.

    Be aware that they really ding you for one-ways, if you plan on coming back at all, might be worthwhile to get a RT with an open return leg.

  5. After all the good reviews of the "Family" my wife and I had lunch there yesterday. I had fish and chips. The longest french fry was about one and a half inches long. The rest were real greasy and tiny...I was really hoping for a real shwarma with a mix of lamb and other meats. Nope just a few pieces of chicken and tons of lettuce and very little of the special white sauce that helps to make a good shwarma. With all the hoopla over this restaurant I will give it another try thinking our visit was just a one off.

    For sure just a case of ordering the wrong thing.

    Order the schwarma plate, ask for an extra pita. I've never been a big fan of the white sauce (a sort of yoghurt?), I prefer the spicy sauce.

  6. Hurrah! Is the beginning of the end of tarts' bars and their repugnant clientele creeping down from first, Patong then on to Karon and Kata, snaking their way past Chalong Bay and then despoiling the once very lovely Rawai, the last bastion of a Not Being Bothered By These 'Types' beach area? Like to think so but very much doubt it.

    Yes, men drinking and cohorting with the ladies, quite horrible............

  7. Old Samkong is good, never tried the new one, and you get what you pay for, if you want great great steaks go 9th floor

    9 th Floor is indeed very very good but you pay for it.

    Don't forget to ask for the table at the wondow for the view :)

    Getting to the 9th floor has always put me off on this place.

    Wouldn't say the safest part of Patong, when I got in the elevator, didn't want to touch anything, expected to find a used condom in there..............elevator, building and environs not to my liking.

    But, get past all that and yes, I've heard the food is good and expensive.

  8. I went to Subic Bay with a local driver, looking for a resort to stay but left the same day back to Manila, far most depressing beaches and resorts ever seen :bah: Really disgusting there, no sand beaches but brown gravel. Terribly overpriced bamboo huts (starting 1.600p per night) too crappy and filthy I won't allow my dog stay in it.

    Completely agree...and is that pathetic monkey still housed in that tiny cage at the Blue Rock Resort!!! Animal cruelty at its worst...for that reason alone, I would never stay there. Baloy "Beach" is hardly that...dirty coarse sand and not much of it and filthy water worse than Pattaya's.

    Did not see a monkey in a cage at Blue Rock, I for sure would have said something to the owners if I had.

    bangkokcitylimits, good for you! She looks cute.

    Overall Subic is not a beach destination, as far as food goes, some good Expat restaurants in AC, The Cajun place is excellent, Zapatos has some good Mexican, but Filipino food itself, I'll agree with you guys, other than barbecue, pretty terrible.

  9. I don't know if you have noticed but Thais can sleep through anything, they are not affected by noise.

    As one poster has mentioned, they'll see it as you are the one with the problem. Confronting these people and making a scene is a good way to get killed.

    By some good earplugs or move, those are your options.

  10. I went to Subic Bay with a local driver, looking for a resort to stay but left the same day back to Manila, far most depressing beaches and resorts ever seen :bah: Really disgusting there, no sand beaches but brown gravel. Terribly overpriced bamboo huts (starting 1.600p per night) too crappy and filthy I won't allow my dog stay in it.

    Bangkokcitylimits, a little dramatic and over the top. I stayed at Blue Rock last year and yes, the beach is not so nice, sand is sort of a cross between brown dirt and sand. Room definitely run down for the price, but "won't allow my dog to stay in it"(?), are you Paris Hilton with her diamond necklaced chihuahua? C'mon!

    The floating bar is fun for a night or two, and the bars are up on the main road, selection of girls not as good as AC.

    Subic is for wreck diving, so if you are not into diving probably not worthwhile. I stayed at Blue Rock last year, this year will stay at Sheavens, looks like the rooms are a little newer.

  11. They seem to be dropping like flies in that area.

    Nigel from Anchor Inn.

    The bloke from the European Bar.

    The bloke from Grand Prix Bar.

    Eugene from the restaurant opposite Blue-Fin.

    Anyway, may all of them RIP.

    KB, thanks for the clarification.

    My mind's eye had Nigel from Anchor as Tony. Didn't know about the guy from Grand Prix, talked to him a couple of high season's ago.

    Ditto on RIP to all

  12. Cost of living is about the same as the USA. Foreigners can own property outright and there are no restrictions on how much.

    There is no real financial advantage to living there, things cost about the same, but it is much like Thailand in the regard it is very laid back, beautiful beaches, you can do what you please, and no one bothers you.

    Jaco, for me, has everything. Great food, clubs, lots of real beach bars, easy to get around, only a few hours from the states, incredible women, no real language barrier.

    Id be there if I wasn't busy here and when/if i get sick of Thailand thats where I'm headed.

    Ahhhhhh Jaco.

    BillR you're bringing back memories for me.

    I was there in 1994, surfing, great surf, surf all day eat tacos and party at night. I'll never forget coming out of a club about 3:00AM, stumbling over to a taco stand where on the counter was a jar of what looked like chopped salsa, peppers galore. I scooped some good sized dollops on my tacos, saw some people sort of looking at me and when I bit into that taco, wham! Whatever was in that jar was fermented and spicier than anything here in Thailand. Habanero hell. GOM was truly the fire breathing dragon.

    Back on topic, yes I would say a lot of Central America has much to offer, Puerto Rico too and since it's part of the U.S. you can own.

  13. Sorry cneuy3, I don't get to Patong enough to know who would be open that time of the morning showing sports.

    I know there are a lot of stumbling drunks coming out of Tai Pan, with Mrs. Right-(now) in tow !

    I don't know where you are staying but here is the TV info, it's on the ASN network which is part of the UBC package and it is also on Truevisions 3 which is part of most of the local cable packages including my Rawai cable, channel 24 (if I remember correctly).


  14. O.K., I'm not going to try Kallots, back to the Breakfast Hut.

    Very disappointed because I feel the quality in Kallots Restaurant wasn't as good as it was and I really did have high hopes for this Breakfast Hut.

    hmmmmm....my breakfasts there are usually great.

    Oh well, to each their own

  15. I agree with U Grant on this one, which is why I tend to favor Mexican cuisine prepared in a place where millions of Mexicans live and plenty of authentic ingredients are available ;)

    the Puerto Nuevo-style lobster (incredible),

    As in just over the border from CA in Baja?

    Yeesh, the lobsters there were fished out by the early 80's and the cooking style was dropping them in oil..............must be a different Puerto Nuevo, common name.

  16. Now all I do is just save all my money, spending s little as I can here in the local economy and counting the days until I leave this so called Pearl of the Andaman.

    Those of us who get tired of the Phuket bashing crew that comes out in threads like this are counting too............

  17. OP, I'm from the beach in California too, and have a suggestion for you.

    Come on over on a two week vacation, spend one week in Kata/Karon and one week in Pattaya and decide for yourself.

    It's been a long time since we had a TV "pissup", give us all a headsup when you come over, we'll organize a TV get together and have some drinks.

  18. I eat at breakfast hut every single morning and have for about 1 year and I always got actual toast and never some baguette slice. You are thinking of Morning coffee, they have the baguette slice, not toasted.

    I think you maybe right.

    Breakfast Hut, Morning coffee; easily confused.

    Why can't these people come up with an easily memorable name?

    Dang KB you're on the Forum here at 12:30AM? No drinks at Laguna huh?

    O.K., I'm not going to try Kallots, back to the Breakfast Hut.

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