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Posts posted by grumpyoldman

  1. LivinLos you're talking about Patong Hospital, CM you're talking about Bangkok Puket Hospitol in Phuket town.

    CM those prices seem high to me, but I guess if the service is worth it. Dentistry isn't something I necessarily want going to the lowest bidder, but I know a teeth cleaning at Patong Hosptial is like 200 baht. Basic tooth extraction about the same IIRC.

    I'll have to agree that those prices seem way excessive.

    I bleach once a year, had the molds made a couple years back (1500thb) and when I get the bleaching goo it's 700thb. Four nights of sleeping with the goo filled moulds and walla, bright smile.

    Also, last year had a tooth that was capped disintegrate on me. Went to Bangkok Phuket, they were able to recreate the tooth with what was left using some sort of epoxy, 1500thb.

  2. I have been wondering how the poor girl is doing, whether she is still here or has gone home now with such a dreadful experience haunting her. How do you ever get over something so awful! I feel so sad for her, poor girl :)

    How about the Thai guy that ran away instead of taking a beat down (or getting in some good punches depending on how you look at it) and letting her run away? What a pussy............

  3. Came out of my gate this morning and two Thai ladies were distributing posters looking for their lost pup, Soi Nanachat area of Sai Yuan.

    Seems the little pupster got out of an open gate Friday evening, and then later when the EVA condo group blasted off their massive fireworks probably scared the little pup into a big run to nowhere.

    Looks like a little mini beagle, white with some brown spots. If anyone finds the little guy please go see Tony at Rum Jungle Restaurant.

    Thanks, GOM

  4. Rob, do you think it was gas? if so I cannot see how it can come from running water as in the first pic of the canal. H2S can form from decomposing matter but it is heavier than air & has a rotten egg smell in low doses but as the content increases you cannot smell it which is when it is most deadly.

    I'm at a loss, like all of you, as to what may have caused this. I was surprised the first time is saw how dirty it was behind Laleena. Who knows what has been dumped down that creek.

    My personal opinion was some sort of insecticide. That would attribute to the low acetylcholinesterase found in Jill. And seeing that dirty, nasty canal behind Laleena you can be sure they had some insect problems. Also the half life for insecticides in the body degrade rather fast (depending on the chemical used). Maybe that's why nothing was able to be found. But that's just a possible hypothesis... one of many out there I suppose.

    Anyone have any idea what type of insecticides are used on Phi Phi (or made available from Thailand)?


    I was in Phi Phi Don Village in November just up from Lalleena and there had not been a lot of rain and the smell coming out of that canal was horrendous. I kept my windows closed in my room.

    For sure it was gasses from this that caused the deaths. I was thinking maybe they were trying to treat the water with a chemical and it mixed with cleaning solvents in the water to create the poisonous gas. But after having been right there, there is no doubt in my mind that it was poisonous fumes from this canal that killed those ladies.


  5. It is fantastic, you will find everything you need

    If it is not to your liking it is because you are as

    pompous as you appear just for asking this question

    Whats pompous is you calling him that when he's just asking a basic question.............

  6. Definitely criminal but the situation she put herself in............

    Drunk, having sex on the beach early AM with a Thai guy, just bad decisions altogether.

    But I am not condoning the criminal action, just saying ladies, probably not a good idea to be drunk on the beach at 4AM having sex.

  7. We are considering now a school in Phuket as there was no response from the Krabi residents, if Phuket is not too far it might be possible to attend lessons in Phuket.

    Walen School - coming near you


    just understand this Krabi Forum is very quiet, look at the views compared to Phuket.

    P.S. and reason for edit:

    I just looked at the site and you are much more expensive than similar services in Phuket (just an FYI)

  8. Just to clarify...does this mean the cafe/restaurant is closing and not moving on somewhere?

    I love the Ribs there!

    correct, you'll have to go to Don's Chiang Rai for ribs.

    Try the WAP special pizza (well done so crispy) not only politically incorrect but for sure better than the other thread's Ellis Pizza.

  9. So you are like most Thais, you are only in pattaya for the money, not to spend it like all the others you so quickly trash!!!!!!!

    Money number one, Simon.

    As for that stuff about the 7-11 and your lady, give over. men are men, is there only one place you pick women in pattaya a bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    very insulting to all. my wife got picked up by me in department store. does that make me a bad guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Think pattaya will be better off with out your kind. :)

    I think you have taken Simon's post incorrectly, don't take it so personally. I think he is just relating his experiences more than he intends on bashing.

  10. As I couldn't give a crap about "ambiance", or, "decor" being the rather uncouth person that I am, I'm going to give it a try.

    a friend who has been there says there are no spices or seasonings to the food, making it an overall bland experience.

  11. seems a troll to me............I'm surprised we haven't seen the American sports bashing.......

    First: MLB doesn't start until April, so not going to see much of that now.

    Second: NBA (nothing but Africans) are guys running up and down the floor throwing the ball in a hoop for two, if you get manhandled trying to do that it's called a foul and you get free throws from the free throw line. Pretty simple.

  12. i know it says grumpy old men,,are women allowed to come along,

    I don't know about the fairer sex, I will ask. For myself I think some glamour would be a welcome addition!

    grumpy old women? I would've stayed in the U.S.

  13. I am steelepulse

    rally round the red, gold, black and green then sc.

    On topic I just always find Indian food too expensive. Good thing the one place burned up, I rented the meal I had there, chundered it up at about 3AM

  14. Koh Lanta is quite busy, loads of Swedes.

    Krabi is so-so, the bigger hotels such as The Sheraton are doing well, medium hotels not as well.

    Year-to-year though, Krabi definitely getting busier.

    Cheers !!! Happy New Year everybody !

  15. Google Tonsai at Railei, there are some cheap beach huts there.

    Also, the new Sala Talay at Hat Napparat is very nice but maybe above the budget you listed.

    For a hotel quite near the beach, inexpensive, J Hotel Ao Nang. Ask for a balconey room, great view for a budget rate.

  16. Sai Yuan near me is a dump....literally

    hit and miss on Soi Nanachat off Sai Yuan. They'll be by weekly then not for three weeks, no real schedule.

    Also, they never fail to throw my bin in the water gutter along side the street !

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