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Posts posted by PMNL

  1. If you talking about cramping during the period then try Ponstan.

    Same group as diclofenac but more effective in menstrual pain.

    Take 500 mg every 8 hours, best aftermeal and drink lots of water.

    There are also local made look for mefenamic acid on the label.

    Another suggestion if the pain is so severe and she has lots of blood.

    I suugest that she go see the GYN to check if there is any other problems hiden.

    It could be choccolate cyst, ovarian cyst etc.

    Good luck.

  2. I have to admit that I'm rather disturbed by this thread.

    There's nothing wrong about seeking or giving advice. But we have so many of these lay people telling this OP what he MUST do. That's a lot different than saying to someone, "Well, here's my experience."

    We're not talking about heat rash here. We're talking about drugs that control/regulate blood pressure, heart rhythm, and so forth. A bunch amateurs telling people what they must do in dropping or adding such a drug can lead a person to heart attack and/or stroke...conditions that could kill or lead to a life of disability.

    Seeking a little advice online about such things...fine...but for god's sake spend a few baht and go to a qualified doctor. Your life may depend on it.

    Just felt that I need to explain : It is a professional advise here.

    There is no need to take any advise from me but incase the OP have to wait long to seek the second opinion.

    Then He has to do something.

    Sorry if the so confident statement bother you.

    But I know what I am taking about.


  3. so far as I know there is no contraindication for Fexofenadine.

    there is a few S/E which you can google.

    Telfast is a brand name made by sanofi-aventis, quite expensive since it is imported.

    Fexofast-180 and Fenafex are local made with good quality with cost effective.

    When you buy, make sure it is 180 mg which you can take once a day. The 60 mg tab you need to take morning and night.

    There is another good one called Aerius,desloratadine.

    It is active metabolite of loratadine ( second generation of anti-histamine).

    It is once a day tablet , very effective in allergiv rhinitis but very expensive too.

    After taking telfast or aerius or cetirizine,you still have problem with running nose.

    There is a combined tablet Telfast-d, Zyrtec-D and Clarinase and clarinase24.

    They are combination of anti-histamine with decongestant.

    My experience, I prefer Clarinase 24, which can be taken only once a day and control the symptom all day long and does not make me sleepy.

    Telfast-D is not bad just need to take it twice a day.

    Good Luck

  4. I will have a second opinion. Thanks all of you.

    But one mistake, I do not take both enalapril and zestril, they are the same stuff. I use 5 mg amlodipine and 20 mg enalapril, in Europe known as Zestril, also known as Zestoretic which includes a diuretic.

    My lipids are low. But I will have a full checkup in Udon including ecg and stress test.

    There is one more reason to slow down the enalapril. I am due for a hip replacement and the nsaid pain pills (celebrex e.o.) do not go together with enalapril. But I hear that morphine is a good alternative. Or not ?

    Long term use of celebrex is not good. You may try tramadol for your hip pain.

    You can take enarapril as low as 5 mg a day but should never stop it.

    At least two of three pill you should keep up with it once you had TIA/Ischemic stroke.


    Since you only take enarapril and Amlodipine (no zestril) , then you should stop amlodipine.

    hope to hear your update with the second opinion.

  5. Agreed with zzdocxx, Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis.

    Does he have distended tummy, big breast?

    He looks jaundice to me from the photos which means the liver has almost totally failed.

    It does not seem to be many choices for him now.

    However, if we are correct here, there are quite a few things he must avoid.

    Make sure he eat more soft diet, less meat and more fruit so that does not get constipate because there will be toxin accommulate in his body and can not be detox by the liver, he then will end up with encephlopathy.

    If he has fever with stomach pain. Seek urgent medical attention.

    If he vomit up blood or passing black smelly stool, go to AE.

    I wish him luck.

  6. Hi Prajak,

    I would like to share some advise.

    Please stop one of the ACEI(Enarapril or Zestril), I can assure you it will do you good.

    You now have orthostatic hypotension/ Hypotension. You have to stop one of them.

    In normal curcumstance, If people with Hypertension can control their blood pressure by Lifestyle Modification by JNC7

    in which you did one of the suggestions,weight loss,then the number and dose of medication can be reduced to maintain blood pressure ~120/70 mmHg

    However which one to be cut off is crucial.

    For your situation, you had TIA and are active smoker, according to statistic the chance of recurrent stroke is high.

    Drug of choice for you would be ACEI ( To lower you blood pressure by dilate the arterirs)AND Aspirin( Secondary prevention of stroke by prevention of platelet clumps). There is no need for two ACEI which you are taking ( Enarapril and Zestril) though. You can stop one of them.

    Another one tablet that lots of physician add for they patients with TIA or previous stroke is Statin.

    You should ,as said above, get you lipid profile tested. Cholesterol, Triglyceride, LDL, HDL should be ontained.

    If LDL is > 130 mg% ( recently prefer less than 100) you might need to take statin as well.

    ECG and Chest xray should be done annually. Exercise stress test is good to check if blood flow to your heart is compromised.

    In long term using ACEI, Creatinine and Potassium should be tested occasionally.

    Hope you seek medical attention quick if you do not want to discontinue one of the ACEI, you blood pressure is too low.

    Good Luck.

  7. you are right, I actually did it and found the number is not exist.

    Tried the email, no answer as yet.


    Forgot he had a website there are more contact information here:


    [email protected]

    08-5412 7515

    Can try that info, he is German but his English is perfect.

    Thank you Spacemand,

    MR. PMNL got hold of Khun Frank and had a talk with the english teacher who apparently has a teaching job there.

    Still not come to the point of starting the the lession but thanks for all your help!


  8. I'll bet the blood test is more accurate.

    Just a brief postscript. "PSA blood tests and False Positive results."

    According to US The National Cancer Institute most men with an elevated PSA level turn out NOT to have cancer ; only 25/35% of men who subsequently have a biopsy actually have cancer.

    It seems a biopsy is the only sure way of finding out. And if you're over 65( I think) or thereabouts they recommend not to bother, as its usually so slow gowing the patient will probably outlive the cancer' Not too sure about that age threshold.

    I doubt the PSA test is intended to be a definitive diagnosis for prostate cancer. A finger in the rectum, even less so.

    PSA is, as you said, not a definitive diagnosis for prostate cancer. PSA is intended to use to evaluate if prostate biopsy would be appropiate.

    Normally if PSA is more than 4 ng/ml, prostate biopsy is recommended.

    About 20-30% of the cancers whose PSA is less than 4 ng/ml. How do they know if those who have cancer without Digital Rectal Examination(DRE).

    Just a link here for more information: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/457394-overview

    Apart from checking you know where, DRE is sometimes used to detect colorectal cancer too.

    Is that off topic?? back to topic then.

  9. Before taking any tablets, you should go see the doctor and get per rectal examination to make sure it is the Prostate enlarged.

    Get the blood test done to check your PSA level to evaluate if you need biopsy to rule out malignancy.

    If you have BPH and PSA in the the acceptable range then you can take the tablets.

    The common prescription drug to reduce the size and symptom of BPH are Proscar ( original) and firide 5 mg ( good local made).

    The other that would help in short term ,while you are starting the Finasteride, is Ucholine.

    Best answer would be, go talk to the doctor first.

    Once again, do not take those tablets if your PSA has not been done.

    Very good advice. While I think self-prescription of some medicines is appropriate in some situations, when you're possibly playing with cancer, you'd better not mess around.

    BTW, I was in that ideal group you mentioned, and the drug I am on is Cardura. Quite effective, although the first 6 weeks of diarrhea every day was quite disheartening.

    As you might know, cadura does not effect on PSA but it is advised to always check it out before starting any trial on yourself.

  10. Before taking any tablets, you should go see the doctor and get per rectal examination to make sure it is the Prostate enlarged.

    Get the blood test done to check your PSA level to evaluate if you need biopsy to rule out malignancy.

    If you have BPH and PSA in the the acceptable range then you can take the tablets.

    The common prescription drug to reduce the size and symptom of BPH are Proscar ( original) and firide 5 mg ( good local made).

    The other that would help in short term ,while you are starting the Finasteride, is Ucholine.

    Best answer would be, go talk to the doctor first.

    Once again, do not take those tablets if your PSA has not been done.

  11. There is a few surgeon you might want to try. They speak reasonable english as I remember.

    Dr. Surakran at Khon kaen Hospital. He is very busy at trauma center there, ask the nurse at emergency station to find out about his schedules.

    the other surgeon is at SRinakarind hospital, KKU, please go to AE and they will find the doctor for you.

    Good Luck

  12. My apologies, thought you were joking!

    Does it feel like scratching?? Heart burn?

    Do you have any problem with your stomach?

    Could it be GERD?

    Well if it is not and still the pain is bad specially night pain.

    Have you consult ENT Dr recently.

    I would not recommend anything just to stop the pain but find out what it is.

    Good Luck.

  13. For Muscle strain/back strain

    It is quite good(proper one) but you must tell them to do it soft to moderate pressure.

    It is even better with the herbal massage.

    I do not know what do they call in english but it is a ball of herbal bag that they steamed it first then use it to massage along you back and shoulder.

    The fact is : the Heat open up your blood vessel and clear up all the inflammatory cells as well as some of the herbs possibly enhance this effect.

    Once the blood flow is better, the inflammatory cell are less, you feel better.

    There is partcular place in CNX called Shewakomaraphat. They are pretty good.

  14. Hi

    Thx a lot but you guys have to stop using all these words like NSAID COX2 and and and i dont have a clue what it is :)

    Well i got 10 retard tramal and 5 ambufen, they should last me about a year i think will only be taking pills if i really have pain.

    Thx again

    Just for your information:

    NSAID : non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

    Ibuprofen is one of them, the side effect is gastritis,best to take with/after meal and drink lots of water as Sheryl mentioned.

    Celebrex/arcoxi are two of them but better generation( selective COX2 inhibitor= It only blocks the enzyme COX2 to stop/reduce inflammatory process)

    It does not stop the Cyclo-oxygenase 1(COX1)which produce the mucus to line the stomach.

    If your stomach is ok and you had no problem with taking aspirin, the normal NSAID will do you good.

    If not, better to take COX2.

  15. Does anyone knows which is the best painkiller for sore throat?


    You cant be serious, can you?

    I will try to give answer anyway.

    If the sore throat caused be the Freezing aircon in another thread, Take Kamillosan M spray.

    It is a wonderful combination of a few herbal extracts, taste very strange in the first use but very good for sore throat.

    Try it! Good Luck.

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