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Posts posted by PMNL

  1. So in conclusion we agree standing water is a no-no Guppies or no guppies - anyone heard of anything one can take to help prevent it? immune system boosters etc.?

    There is nothing (vaccine) to prevent Dengue Fever at the moment.

    Keep yourself away from mosquitoes and stay healthy by eating,sleeping well and of course good exercise.

    Take some supplements like high dose vitamin C when you feel weak will also help to minimize the damamge when get infected.

    There are still lots of infected people around town up to now.

    Good Luck everyone.

  2. Now the question begs; what exactly do we put in stale water to kill the eggs? Can I put bleach in there? What should I do? I have some decorative vase and a small cement pond that are of concern to me.

    I really wish Thai's (and some farangs) would get over their liking for standing water - it's everywhere - bowls full of dead (ish) water with tons of Mozzies flying around - and feral pigeons bathing in them - it would help just to not have these breeding sources all over town.

    I'm nearly over of my Dengue thing (thank Buddha!) my white blood cells dropped below the 100,000 mark - and the other thing I really noticed was wet bed sheets every morning - and the smell - quite revolting - you could almost scrape the sweat off - it was not 'normal' everyday sweat but a sticky, cold slime almost. That and exhaustion - zero energy whilst the body fought it.

    All I could do was sleep, take vitamins drink liters of pure water - drink vegetable soup and... wait. Horrible.

    They say if you get a strain - it's unlikely you will get it again? is this correct (or wishful thinking?).

    I think you meant to say the platelets dropped down below 100,000, the white blood cell count in dengue fever is normally lower than 5,000 with lymphocyte predominate.

    Drinking water is good to rehydrate yourself but electrolyte fluid is better in order to keep sufficient fluid in the body circulation system.

    High dose vitamin C and other medication such as anti-nuasea tab is good as symptomatic treatment.

    If anyone has high fever for a few days with headache, body aching without any specific source of infection, it might be it. Go see your doctor and get some blood test done.

    You may just get the complete blood count to screen whether it is likely to be dengue fever or you may get Dengue IgM for the specific test indicating recent infection ( normally after day 5 of fever to get positive results)

    Once you get infected with one strain it is unlikely to get it again but it does not mean you will not get any other strain cos there are plenty of them.

    It is a simple disease to contain if you know what you are dealing with and get appropiate advise and treatment.

  3. Now the question begs; what exactly do we put in stale water to kill the eggs? Can I put bleach in there? What should I do? I have some decorative vase and a small cement pond that are of concern to me.

    If you keep vases or little ponds with plants in them then you have 2 options. (1) You can put a few small guppies and they eat up the the eggs or larvae (not sure which). (2) I stayed at a GH for awhile several years ago and instead of using fish, she preferred to put some special sand (I think) in her very large vase pots to kill the eggs or larvae. I don't remember where she bought this.

    For many years thai health department have been dispensed the Abate sand (1 % Temephos (Abate) sand ) to put in the still water containers to stop the breeding of mosquitoes.

    You may find this at most of the chemist/local medical institutes.

  4. I think you need to reduce the dosage gradually but consult the doctor first.

    Some people need to continue taking medication even though the blood pressure is low such ad old MI, Aortic aneurysm,old ischemic stroke,certain co-kindey disease.

    Talk to your doctor and find out.

    good luck.

  5. B12 shot is used for certain types of anemia and peripheral neuritis. It is not medication normally prescibed for colds.

    B co injection is widely used amongst thai doctors and with the cost of 70 baht, I think you have had the Bco injection.

  6. Similar situation.

    Planning on retiring, with Thai wife, some time soon, to Petchabun area.

    Does anyone know whether the following medications are available in Thailand, whether there are any generic equivalents, or where I can order them (Bangkok?):

    1. Ivabradine - (Trade name: Procoralan)

    2. Valsartan - (Trade name: Diovan)

    3. Rosuvastatin - (Trade name: Crestor)

    Many thanks


    As sheryl said, Ivabradine is only available as expensive orginal made (Coralan).

    Can you not take Beta- blocker instead?? You may want to discuss with your cardiologist if procoralan can be replaced with beta-blocker(such as carvedilol,nebivolol).

    Generic Carvedilol and Nebivolol are available at a very reasonable price.

    Coralan will cost you a fortune unless you do not mind to spend ~5000-6000/month for the three medication.

    Good Luck.

  7. James24,

    What is the actual problem, we are talking on here with very little information.

    You may not need the CAT scan, who knows.

    Get a decent advise and get yourself fixed.

    Good luck

  8. Get decent consultant and discuss, you may only need some blood work and ultrasound.

    I do believe you do not need MRI eventhough i do not know what was the problem.

  9. If they can not find anything on you by physical exam then imaging study will do.

    Why dont discuss with the doctor. You may only need just an ultrasound not the CT scan.Good Luck.

  10. Kim Eng Securities (opposite Airport Central) - they top the turnover tables on SET currently.

    For exectuction they are all pretty much alike using the SETTRADE platform - fees are regulated so no difference who you chose - just be very wary of EVER taking investment advice from a (Thai) broker!

    Kim Eng is the best, Agreed.

    However try www.scbsonline.com they provide demo for you to try fisrt.

  11. If he is thai, why not get the treatment from government hospital free of charge.

    Then you only need to buy glucometer and test strip for him.

    All the insulin,pen/needles even alcohol can be given at free of charge at his registered hospital.

    By the way, Is it DM type 2 ot Type 2??

    If it was type 1 which is insulin deficiency then he definitely needs Insulin.

    If it was type two and his renal function/Kidney function is normal then it is medication to reduce insulin resistance.

    There must be a reason why the doctor put him on Insulin injection, please make sure what it was.

    If it was the kidney failure, then it is understabable for the choice of insulin injection and the 3 years that the doctor mentioned probably meant until your partner's brother reached the stage of end stage renal failure.

    Not to second the doctor diagnosis and treatment, I just think that this is a serious condition and it should be understood by the patient and his family.

    Good Luck.

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