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Posts posted by PMNL

  1. Is it any wonder that these ignorant red scum fools are poor? They could improve their situation by working and going to school to learn skills that would provide an income, the same as most of us worldwide have had to do. Instead, they choose to spend their time doing this destructive bullshit that is of no help to anyone as they are just looking for freebies and handouts. To add insult to injury, Thailand's schools are delaying the opening of schools that was supposed to occur this week. These red scums are not only lazy and worthless, but they are preventing the decent kids in Thai society from pursuing their own educations. I was elated when I learned of the shooting in the head of scum dung. What outstanding shooting with a direct head shot! Whoever accomplished this excellent work is a silent hero, and this was a victory for Thailand. I would most like to see the fat face and head of Jutaporn, the world's biggest fool, blown apart like a watermelon by an assassin's bullet. Shitowit and his coward family members who have once again fled Thailand to live safely in luxury far away can watch on CNN as his brains are splattered all over his naive red fool followers. This is truly my feelings towards these people. Go PAD!

    Can not agree more of what you said, as a rural back ground person. I know in fact that these poor brainless guys were pulled by nose with lies. The leaders of the villages told them that MR. T will pay 150K per family if they bring him back. Funny enough many of them believed it and follow the red coward shirt leaders. As said, instead of trying to get educated pull themself of the poverty, they are doing every which ways to get free small money from these monky politician. My country would be much better without these unconcious money oriented politicians.

  2. Chiangmai is very hot and dry plus micropollution even for non-Diabetes people, they have problem with dry itchy skin and eyes.

    As you know DM sufferers have poor microvascular circulation causing dry scaly and easily itchy skin plus Chiangmai weather it is definitely make your condition get worse. You should drink load of water, use good moisturizer for your skin( special product for DM) and artificial tear drop for your eyes. Gentle massage for legs and arms help to improve microcirculation. Hope your get better and dont suffer too much.

  3. Hi WT,

    You definitely have chest infection whether it is bronchitis/infected bronchiectesis/COPD with infection.

    It is best to get the doctor to check and prescribe you appropiate antibiotics and bronchodilator and/or mucolytics.

    You have wheezing so it is bronchospasm and the greenish sputum indicate bacterial infection.

    There are macrolide base antibiotics which can be used in penicillin allergic patients but you should only take it under health care profesional advise.

    Good Luck.

  4. I guess your doctor suggested that you should take neurobion for diabetic neuropathy(DN).

    Neurobion is a combination of B1 100 mg B2 200 mg and B12 200 micrograms, it is common used for DN and other type of neuritis.

    The price is high due to manufactured under license of international company ( Merck).

    However there a few generic drugs, which have similar combination of 3Bs such as Neubee forte ( B1 100, B6 100, B12 250) Beromin forte ( B1 100 B6 200 B12 200).

    For B complex by squibb, it is used for vitamin B deficiency, is not effective for your condition.

    Here the active ingradients of Squibb vitamin B complex.

    1. Vitamin B12 ( Cyanocobalamin ) : 2 mcg

    2. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) : 2 mg

    3. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) : 2 mg

    4. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine HCl) : 2 mg

    5. Yeast : 100 mg

    6. Calcium pantothenate : 5 mg

    7. Nicotinamide (Niacinamide) : 15 mg

    Good luck.

  5. Smoker lungs are at higher risk of severe and /or complicated chest infection.

    As the other posters mentioned, it is best to get the dr check it out and give you tretment.

    Have you ever get a lung function test? Eventhough you quit smoke, the damage from past normally does not get better.

    Good luck and quick recovery.

  6. คุณพ่อเสียชีวิตจากมะเร็งต่อมลูกหมาก = Father passed away from prostate cancer

    คุณหมอแนะนำให้มาตรวจ = The doctor advised to get prostate checked.

    I think the hospital staff will understand you when you say Urologyst anyway.

    As Tolley mentioned, you do not need a urologist to do the DRE and PSA test.

    Any trusted local clinic/hospital can perform the simple procedure.

  7. I went and checked out California Wow and thought I would post my experience.

    I met with a membership "counselor" who explained all the fees and such and tried to close me on a one-year membership. The best price I could get her to quote was B12K (CNX only) for one year and she told me I should sign up on the day because the price was increasing to B15K the following day :) I got her to give me a 7-day trial; I recommend anyone joining a gym to get a trial so you can check out the whole experience of the place.

    The experience overall was negative for the following reasons:

    1. Parking at Central is a PIA even on the best of days, so getting a parking place and then negotiating your way through the mall to the top floor takes some time, both coming and going.

    2. General attitude of the staff is crap and I had a hard time getting my questions answered. I suppose once you get the place figured out, you wouldn't have many questions at a gym so this is a small issue.

    3. The lockers are too small for a helmet to fit inside unless you use one of those useless pudding bowl style skull caps. This is a deal-breaker as I always ride a bike.

    4. The locker room is big and clean but really uncomfortable and crowded. There are groups of dapper young chaps hanging around chatting and checking themselves and others out - if you know what I mean. I'm not a homophobe by any means, but in a gym, get changed, showered and get the fug out.

    5. I asked for a towel and was told that if you want to use the gym's towel service you have to pay an additional B3K per year or supply your own towel(s) :D I've had many gym memberships and never been asked to supply my own towel.

    On the plus side, they have lots of quality free weights and machines and cardio equipment. They also have rooms for aerobics, spinning and yoga if that's what you're into. Also, if you like hanging around the mall, I suppose that could be a plus.

    I definitely will NOT be joining this particular gym.

    Lucky you did not sign the contract with them then,went there just to check it out and turned the 7 days free trial offer down. Still receive irritating special offer from them by phone now and again. I was told by their present members that they were stupid to signed up life contract with FOS gym.

  8. You can get it done at many local clinics and hospitals as well as the big private hospital.

    They will send the blood ( EDTA) to RAMA Hospital ( Poinson Center). The results will be reported,normally, in 1 week.

    Preventive medicine is not something new but not many people here can afford it here in CNX, there are lots of healthy/wealthy clinic that you can check every single chemical level in your body in BKK by the way.

  9. Microlife is also a good brand. BP AQ1 30 memmories is handy and very reasonable price. See many people use it and they have no problem.

    You should be able to buy it for less than 2K.

    As many posters said you have to take some med to control your BP, there are plenty of other medications to reduce blood pressure if Betablocker is contraindication.

  10. Up to you, however bit childish on your part. You are seeing democracy in motion, one should be proud to see the interest at the grass roots.


    I don't understand why all these foreigners have a problem with a bunch of poor subservient people trying to get at least a little bit of freedom and honey flowing their way. I guess they just want to keep poverty and oppression, so they can be cooperatively wealthy and free?

    I do not think anyone wants anybody to stay poor, you are absolutely wrong in this case. If you understand what they are talking about on the the redshirt stage, I wonder if you would say what you said. " cut the PM head and use his blood to wash our feet!" " The PM is as cruel as Hitler he wants to kill the people" " If you do not reopen PTV you can pack and leave the country, there is no place for you" This is not not proper media, is it? It will encourage violence and break the emergency state at the moment.

    If someone is talking about helping people out of poor in this country then Mr.Abhisit is doing his job,he provides education (15 years free education) and a long term financial solution for the farmer by pulling their shark loans into the bank loan while MR. T just gave one million Baht to each village so that the poor uneducated farmers can loan money to buy unneccessary stuff for their life(like motor bike for their son to ride without helmet, LCD TV,Sterio!). Poor people, they think they can "Touch" the money but can you see?? It is just the trick to buy vote by using government money. I wonder if the protesters are trying to help the people out of poverty or helping someone to stay supper rich!

  11. There is a simple treatment for acid reflux that you mention, you need to see GI doctor and get the gastroendoscopy done first to establish the correct diagnosis. As you mentioned you have had suffered with acid reflux for quite long time, which can cause barrett/s esophagus, your problem could be anything ulcer,tumor,or just gastritis. If you do not wish to get it done here, then get it done back in your home country. If gastroscope find just ulcer or gastritis, the treatment is really easy with PPI, even if they find certain infection such as H. pylori, treatment is easy as well.

  12. I guess you had chang on empty stomach then took ponstan(NSAID). Both Beer and NSAID irritate the stomach,especially taking with no food.

    You problably just have acute gastritis and yes the small vessel on the stomach surface bled and caused hematemesis( Vomit up blood). Normally at hospital they would do gastric lavarge to see if there is any active bleeding and give Proton pump inhibitor(PPI) to reduce acid production in the stomach.

    As you said you made a full recovery, I think the problem then had resolved itself. My personal opinion, I would recommend you to take PPI for a couple weeks to make sure that all the inflammation in your stomach will be clear up 100%. Talk to you doctor about it, it do no harm just to consult the doctor.

    In another subject, doxycyclin has a nasty side effect on GI upset and sometimes diarrhea,should you be taking that in long term? There is an option of using cream and lotion for acne, in this case,there would be no systemic side effect from doxy.

    Good Luck

  13. The reason that the first doctor did not prescribe alloperinol for you in the first place because it would aggravate the attack, but I do not know why he/she told you to stick with colchicine instead of cut down the dosage of alloperinol. Colchicine is not so bad however, it is better to take a few colchicine rather than NSAID type of medication when acute attack.

    Like the other posters said to becareful with what you eat/ drink. Low purine food is recommended for gout sufferers and avoid alcohol in order to not trigger acute attack. To be honest I do not think you can do anything much with the first doctor, it seems he/she stopped your alloperinol because the lower level of uric acid, for colchicine continuous treatment...No idea.

    Good Luck.

  14. Get Hep A and Typhoid from UK.

    For JE, Hep.B,Rabies you can get them here in Thailand with reasonable cost ( All about 6000-7000 Baht full course).

    There is no need for anti-malarial unless you go to the bush near Thailands boder ( North, Isan,South).

    Hep C is your choice , it is only blood and sexual trasmission though.

    Friends from UK were given JE for 180 quids/person, you can get 1500 baht/person here in thailand with the very same vaccine.

  15. Please get the doctor to check you out first, as I mentioned there is always contraindication in any tablets.

    Do you know your creatinine level?? Potassium?? Have the doctor listen to your renal arteries (by placing the stethoscope over your mid tummy and listen to the tubulent flow/bruit) If not i do not recommend you to start treatment online even though i am professional health care myself.

    Get yourself check with doctor first, there are quite a few things that you need to check :

    Kidney function BUN/creatinine

    Sodium and potassium

    Lipid profile+/- blood sugar


    Chest xray

    Secondary hypertension ( Which has specific cause) can be treated so rule out that first before starting treatment.

    Good Luck.

    I always prefer ACEI/ARB+Thiazide unless contraindicated anyway.

  16. This is my personal opinion I would like to share with you.

    If the cut was dirty and the doctor stitch it up then there is a reason to take prophylaxis antibiotics.

    In your case, it is a clean small wound( I believe) that was done under sterile technique at the hospital with probably cauterization as well,I just do not think it is neccessary.

    Again, it is just my opinion.

  17. It is so true about thai female have low lood pressue in average. I have seen many slim thai ladies have blood pressure around 85-90/55-65 mmHg with no prblem.

    Most of the healthy people with low blood pressure have no serious illness but a few of them has specific cause of diseases such as hypothyroid, adrenal gland disease, pituitary gland disease. How old is she? Any symptom with weight gain? fatigue?slow response?constipation? If you know irregular period?history of heavy bleeding during child birth?? proximal muscle weakness( at upper arm but forearm function normally)?

    The dizziness however could caused by anemia, did she test for that?

    If there is no all those related symptoms and blood test show normal haemoglobin,haematocrit, sodium and potassium then there is nothing much you can do.

    Just tell her to get up slowly.

    But talk to your doctor and get those ruled out first.

  18. I use(d) Diovan 160 mg. I stopped as it was like 1200 per month. Any generic alternatives? My doctor has a pharmacy and only tries to sell me imported BP medication. Any advice given I will check with my doctor, so no fear to give me your opinion.

    I just want to ask him an informed question so he does not bull$hit me, again.

    Loranta by Siam pharmaceutical is similar to diovan but much cheaper.

  19. It looks like I win the cheap contest. I take an ACE inhibitor called Anapril. A box of 100 20 mg foil wrapped tablets cost me 300 baht. I break them in half and the doctor told me to buy the 10 mg next time and break then in half. My blood pressure is normally about 120/72.

    Thats amazing! But I wonder what the effect if any would be if I changed over from Amlodipin?

    And maybe anybody know about hydrochlorothiazide?

    It it possible to use it with amlopine?

    It is a fine combination as long as you do not have gout / hyperuricemia.

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