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Posts posted by PMNL

  1. Hope this document help.

    I do beleive that you all know that you can not just change your own medication.

    YOu need to discuss with specialist to switch the treament regimen.

    The thai governemnt pharmacy have been making generic Anti-retroviral drug under CL ( Compulsary License).

    so the meds are very cheap and affordable for most poor thai patients and non-thai citizen.

    For example GOPvirs30 should not cost you more than 1700Baht(Max) at any hospital.

    If you are paying more than that, you are robbed!

    You may get the medication at any thai redcross at cheaper rate, of course with prescription letter.

    Good Luck.

  2. Almost every single medication are available OTC in Thailand including blood pressure medication.(except sleeping pill and chemo tablet!)

    Candesartan is available OTC here ( Blopress) but it is very expensive as an imported medication.

    You may use other ARB alternative as they have them in generic here ( Loranta, Tanzaril).

    If your blood pressure is under control and you have no other problem and you wish to continue your prescribed medication, you can buy it at any chemist.

    If you are not sure about other problems( Heart/kidney/Dyslipidemia), you may consider seeing the doctor fisrt and follow his/her instruction and treatment.

    Once on ARB in long term, kidney function and potassium level should be tested occasinally.

  3. hallo.

    so you can get ixiaro in thailand? i thought they only used jevax. i would really appreciate a fast response. i need to decide which one to buy in the next hour. (and will take the second vaccination in thailand).

    thanks in advance!

    No there is no Ixiaro in Thailand at the moment. Jevax is very safe and widely used in Thailand and asean country without any serious problem though.

  4. Andrea,

    The price Lifer mentioned is the price for A colonoscopy with anesthesia is about 15,000 - 17,000 baht

    The price I mentioned is the price under Valium and Morphine, which is common practice.

    If you are afraid to get hurt and want the procedure to be smooth as a sweat dream then choose the option with anesthesia.

    You may send an email to ask them how much does it cost without anesthesia. I do not earn any out of promoting them them just want to provide the information right.

  5. At Sriphat costs13K without the color picture.

    The photo is good for the future reference but 3000 is a bit too much for just a few photos.

    They will give you a full report with all explanation plus pathology report(if there is).

    If money is not matter,Ram is a good choice.

    If you do not want to waste a couple thousands then Rajavej seems to be better.(in my opinion)

  6. So far I have seen the medical bills from Ram, It is a minimal double of the price you can get outside.

    The worst one was medication for chronic infectious disease, they are triple of the price and yes with 10% discount, it works out to be 250% profit.

    Ram is great hospital just not a good place to get medication.

  7. If the Ram is 12K then it is worth doing it there,as brommers said you will get your interior printed out in color.

    At Rajavej, it is about 12K but only report on paper no picture. It is good to have the print out for the future reference.

    By the way, if they find nothing wrong internally with you at RAm and then tell you to get it done every 3 years...it is another scams.

  8. Miodo,

    When look up on internet for diabetic diet, look for food/fruits with glycemic index : The lower the better to control diabestes.

    Avoid all kind of too-sweat fruits such as yellow mango, pineapple, lychee, longan, mangosteen, grape,durian etc.

    Certain fruits such as watermelon,guava,banana, green apple can be consumed at limited amount ( Again check Glycemic index).

    Eat more vegetable meals such as Salad with light /low cholesterol salad dressing.,steamed vegetable with gravy, vegatable soup., whole grain meals, whole wheat bread( not too much).

    Avoid any kind of fried food,high cholesterol, high saturated fat. When buy any food produc from the store , have a look at the lebel on the products' container, if there are more than 2% of saturated fat , a few grams of cholesterol then that is not a good choice for you. Eggs, seafood, chips,cheese, butter, magarine, bakery products are high cholesterol.

    Beetroot,garlic black pepper etc are good for cholesterol.

    As I saw you mentioned on the other thread about avoiding medication, you may try on the diet for a few months and get the blood test done again if the fingure drops by 30-40 % then it is good and you may continue with your diet regimen.

    However, it is good advise from the mod ( Sheryl) that you might need to get the stress test done too, if the EST turns out positive. It is recommended that you take statin for primary prevention of ACD.

    At the end the choice is yours.

    Good Luck

  9. Out of the blue I got the message that my sugar (126), cholesterol (304) and Triglyceride (758) are way too high.

    What is your LDL (bad cholesterol) reading and your (HDL) good cholesterol reading?

    Low HDL to high trygliceride ratio is important to know.

    The doctor prescribed me Bezalip 200 mg and Aspent 81mg.

    I've been told that I have to take medicines for this condition for the rest of my life and I'm still quite a young fellow in my fifties.

    Is there an alternative to these medicines or are these medicines my best option ?

    Doctors first jump to medicine. Always the case.

    Youl could try modifying your diet first, and if it doesn't work, then go to meds.

    Hi Miodo2009

    Your lipid profile are way too high as you have mentioned. You probably suffer from dizziness or light headache as well??

    How is your blood pressure? what is your weight and BMI?Do you smoke? If you do smoke, have high BMI, and high blood pressure(over 140/90)then it is very risky for stroke and heart attack.

    Sorry did not mean to scare you but those numbers are really high and you should take immediate action which is definitely medication plus life style modification. Once your cholesterol drop, you may consult your doctor to reduce the dosage of medication you take.

    If you doubt about the lab results, you may get it done ASAP and tell them to do direct test on LDL because your triglyceride is too high so they could not calculate LDL-C. ( Google LDL calculation)

    Most of doctors would prefer statin group over other lipid lowering agents unless coontraindication/allergy off course.

    For alternative treatment, Plant sternal, B3, Fish oil are good. Becareful with B3 though, it can cause hepatitis as well. You may need doctor/health care professional advise on starting dose to minimize the adverse reaction.

    Avoid high saturated fat products,Ssea food, eggs, high cholesterol food,fried food. Steamed, BBQ, Griiled, Boiled food are good. Lots of vegetable and whole grain meals are helpful to lower your cholesterol.

    Avoid too much sweat fruit due to high blood sugar. You may want to read about DASH diet which is recommendation for high blood pressure but it is excellent advise for high cholesterol too.

    Reduce your weight if you are over weight,regular aerobic excercise will help you burn the sugar and cholesterol as well as lower your blood pressure.

    When you are on Statin, liver function test should be checked every few mounths.

    Lots of people on statin for years with no problem. Do not wait.

  10. Peaceblondie
    I consulted my professor of neurology, who monitors me. I've now had 3 strokes. He now has me on 75 MG of Apolet and 300 mg of Aspent.


    You've had 3 strokes?

    When did they happen?

    All were minor and temporary. 2007, 2009, 2010.

    Glad to hear the last one was just minor ischemic stroke for you PB.

    Fast recovery!

  11. Hi PTL

    Universl Health Coverage or 30 baht card or gold card is a health care system for thais, similar to NHS in UK just thais do not have to pay one baht out of their income/salary. Every single thai can access the treatment at registered hospital for free of charge. For emergency they can go to any hospital including many private hospitals for emergency treatment, once they are clinically stable, they will be transferred to their registered hospital. The quility of the treatment is not quite good due to the working overload of medical staff and the budget per head per year(2400b/y but actual payment to hospital ~1500 B/y). There are limitation on medications and certain treatments such as original drugs(even though the generic ones do not work for the patients) Haemodialysis (pay 500B extra). Selective surgery is normally long waiting list. Over all it is acceptable for most non insured thais as it is free. However for that reason they often abuse the system by making unneccessary visit such as simple cold, simple dyspepsia and work related non threatening backache. The more workload for medical profession, the more substandard treatments.

    For employee(thais/farngs), there is social security health system which the emplyee participate on monthly payment ( 5% of salary max:750B/m). You can choose private hospital as a registered hospital with this program but you can imagine what is the quality of the medication are used on OPD case basis according to the money they get paid per head per year(~2000B/head/year). For inpatient, they are pretty ok. Limitation on certain things though such as a number of heart surgery ( who wants so many??). It is quite fine in general anyway.

    Hope this help.

  12. You can not deny that Seh deng was brave and spoke his mind. He had no two faces like other red leaders. He was not WENG.

    He admitted that he did it all for Thaksin not for any (BS) democracy while the other redhead keep lying about democratic motivated activities.

    He spoke the truth that the military are so weak and can not perform any duty.

    unfortunately he served the wrong person, the person who does not give a <deleted> for Thailand and its people. the person who is coward cruel and selfish only think of his own arse and money! The caward who can cut the part of his motherland to trade with the neihbor oil/gas license.

    For Seh Deng,Instead of dying in duty as a hero, poor man he got shot as a dog that the owner did not care about him.

    I do not mean anything bad toward the dead man please do not take me wrong.

    My condolescence to Nong Dear the poor lady who lost her beloved father.

    RIP Seh Deng.

    In another subject concerning the day he got shot:

    On the day he got shot, Payap Punget,the coward red shirt who invaded Chula Hospital said seh deng told people to take him any hospital but not chula.

    I might be wrong, but as seh deng got shot in his head, his brain got swollen and comptess the brain stem,he stop breathing right away. How the hec his mouth was still working why his brain shut down? It is again show the mentality of Reds to use evey which way to blame their enimy is wrong.

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