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Everything posted by LivinLOS

  1. https://www.scmp.com/news/world/europe/article/3162762/coronavirus-deltacron-discovery-not-mistake-says-scientist-who
  2. How is it not thier fault. They assured everyone that if they would be allowed to open they would respect all the rules, maintain the distancing and order, etc. It was thier job not to be 'overwhelmed'. They got what they wanted (opening) and did none of what they promised and were obligated to do (because it had a cost).
  3. on phuket they have given up.. Elsewhere its still up to the local authorities, as ever theres no single policy or clarity.
  4. So the media will livestream a walk down bangla rd at 10pm will they ?? All just lip service and announcements.
  5. You are aware government officials qualify for special deals, low interest loans etc.. You are aware that most police as government officials use these services heavily ?? This ariticle is talking about the private debts of the Thai police force..
  6. The zoos job in a setting where people and animals are mixed is to manage that interaction safely. The individual should not have been in a position to act badly and the interaction managed appropriately.
  7. clearly not well enough to manage visitor animal interactions.. Evidently.
  8. Theres also many cases posting on social media who are testing positive (with no instructions or contact info) and then.. nothing happens, no one calls them, no one tells them what to do, they call hospitals who dont call back, they are trying to self report and theres no working system for what happens next.
  9. The 'zoo' is just as culpable as the raging idiot who harmed the animal. Taking the money, over loading the capacity, nt having handlers and staff trained and able to protect the animals welfare during the interactions. But hey what do we expect ?? When people complain about labels like developing or 3rd world, because theres cheap asian cars and malls, its the subtler stuff that tells you.
  10. Its in the link from the OP "Anutin also specifically referred to implementing a January 10th cutoff date for those arriving on Test and Go, a previously discussed issue of much contention on social media. Under this proposal, if one arrived after they would need to do the Phuket Sandbox or quarantine under regular multiple-day quarantine programs"
  11. I always thought safe deposit boxes.. Mail box reception.. and associated small storage lockers was a great business model for Patong / west coast phuket.
  12. Very difficult.. In general the banks have a limited supply and they are held for the best (thai !!) customers only.. I was refused multiple times or offered to join a waiting list as a face saving exercise when I kicked up a stink.. Then when I happened to have a few million THB in the bank I asked again and amazingly one was free !! Held that for many years now.
  13. Its called the wormhole theory of inflation by whom ?? A google of the exact phrase gives 0 results, an incredible achievement in todays world ???? Why does it take so long to feed through.. Partly the velocity of money, partly that the currency created remains sterilised and without leaking into the money in circulation initially.. Partly because the people who gain access and are closest to the fount are the wealthy already, the bankers, the financiers, etc. These class of people are less likely to need to convert that cash into staples thier cost of living is not determined by the price of pork.. This is why it shows up initially in Manhattan condos, classic car auctions, art and wines, etc etc.. This is precisely why the luxury market and things like finite collectables are the canary in the coal mine. So the rich have too much money and the places they park it rise.. Yes that exactly the mechanism I am describing. It takes a while for the lag time of that low velocity money in elite hands to spread into the general prices.
  14. Arab spring kicked off over the price of bread.
  15. Lumber is back up you need to keep a closer eye on the charts if you want to make those claims.. Pork.. Sugar.. Coffee.. Corn.. Soft Ags.. Just watch what happens as the energy costs feed through the supply chain through fertilizers and into end unit costs.. One of my businesses is seeing 15 - 20% input cost inflation hitting in the last 3 - 6 months as my supplier struggled to hold it down until it broke. I passed that straight on to my customers as will they.. This decade will be the story of inflation.. The headline of this thread is just one example. I personally think late Q1 Q2 theres a strong chance in a headfake of an apparent reduction in inflation as supply chains finally start to catch back up and possibly we get past the covid panics a little more, that will probably have the transitory crowd and jim cramers of the financial funny pages crowing and present a superb commodity buying opportunity if it happens. It will be a headfake though, look at M2 (>20% pa for last 2 years).. Look at CB balance sheets the big five from $20.4bn to $32.5bn from Feb 2020 to current (billion price project ended years before this current expansion). The fed cant raise rates as they jawbone, 5% rates and the entire us tax base is just paying the interest, and a huge proportion of the companies crumble under debt loads, hence they are politically hamstrung as to raise rates to get ahead of the issue they would crash equity markets sparking a global recession, so they simply wont. Inflating it away is the only tool they have so that just means they will simply remain behind the curve as a stagflationary cycle takes hold (already here if you look) blame will be placed on 'covid' not where is actually lies in CB monetary policy.
  16. As I said in the post.. Inflation first finds its way into financial products.. Seen stock markets ?? Seen Crypto ?? Seen PE ratios worldwide ?? It then moves to real things (real estate) and initially 'things' in the luxury world, seen collectible prices ?? Art ?? Classic Cars ?? Over time it spills out to wage and product in the general markets, as is now happening.. THATS where the inflation has gone. It takes time for the effects to work through from the cause.. But I already said this, you seem to have trouble reading it ??
  17. Highly recommend this place.. https://pool-villa-mali.com/ Its in the siam royal view compound so no street dogs, easy walking, nice beach access etc.. Had a great stay there with our 2.
  18. Single commodity ?? PPI CPI ?? These are indexes (high manipulated ones in the case of CPI).. Check commodity baskets and indexes.. Lumber, metals, energy, all WAY up... And specific causes.. I addressed it.. Rampant central bank money printing and low interest rates. Cause = Effect.
  19. I agree.. Its on my radar and I think there could be some decent near term short potentials.. On the flip side it feels like this variant could blast through society relatively quickly, and in a few months burn out.. Leaving a population with enough immunity to really get into some proper recovery not this new normal nonsense.. Theres a good chance this is the last blowoff of the covid experience that actually shuts down things.
  20. Global inflation.. Central bankers push low interest rates.. speculative bubbles increase.. Initially seen in asset price rises stocks, realestate.. Then collectables, classic cars wines.. Then manias and froth, crypto.. Tho theres a good argument that this is in reaction to the expanding money supply (but certainly NFTs, digital rocks, etc) and gradually into general prices, wage inflation, etc. Earlier this year I posted on a budgeting thread that you need to budget in your mind for the value of your nestegg to halve every decade with movements of inflation and FX and if it doesnt you were doing well but that was the buffer.. Some very confident poster jumped in that this was 8% inflation (actually 8% total) and that inflation was 2% and how wildly out this was.. Here we sit.. official inflation is >6%, realy price rises >10% Euro area PPI hitting 16% recently.. We are about to witness an epic period of inflation, 50 years after nixon severed the Gold window keeping fiat currency to some kind of tether we have launched into the greatest period of synchronized monetary expansion the planet has ever seen. This has happened time after time, to countless empires and civilisations. This decade is going to be a wild one to watch and some will make out like bandits scooping up hard assets on the other side while most will be wiped out.
  21. And the suggestion will be price controls which reduce supply or subsidy which prints money and devalues the purchasing power..
  22. 97 all over again.. Late stage booms fueled by cheap credit..
  23. We live within a clan based society, where social groupings, tribalism, nationalism, xenophobia, and allegiance to the group is more valued than individual right or wrong. Like it or hate it.. It 'is' and it will not rapidly change..
  24. Endemic corruption in all levels of society.. A police force whose primary income is from being paid to tolerate law breaking.. ..and surprise surprise.. We have overloaded trucks on the road.. How did this happen I see them ask themselves ??
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