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Everything posted by LivinLOS

  1. The way the question is asked implies you dont yet know the lie of the land in visa 'solutions'. For now you can likely continue to get ongoing covid extensions due to an 'inability to travel' but these are going to be case by case, end at some stage, and are hence always a worry and not stress free. If your not over 50 or married to a Thai (or working here, joining the monkhood or other such classes) you start running out of legal options fast. You can pay 500k for a 5 year elite visa... Its actually not a terrible deal but you need to be sure your staying long term.. If your working and earning online you could go totally legal and pay Thai taxes etc via a BOI registered umbrella payroll (eg shelter sponsoredworkpermit etc) but this then means you need to pay real taxes, if you earn anything worthwhile (and you have to to qualify) you end up paying a fair amount for the legality. Lots more than an elite visa but you are then fully legal to work. In your situation people often start learning Thai, really or half assed for the visa, to get an ED visa extension 90 days at a time. People (in chiang mai) also get the military assisted 'self defense school' visa for hand to hand combat lessons. Amazing what money spinners pop up for the army once the junta takes control huh ?? People also pay agents to assist in obtaining volunteer visas, dodgy but happens..
  2. Yeah I have access to a married extension and of course once I turn 50 I can do retirement options.. I have a few ways I can go. I just like the get the visa, come and go frequently for 5 years, one visit, keep doing it out to 10 years.. That sounds pretty low effort if you travel a bit. Did they tell you to come back and show you still had the 1.8 (or 1.5 or whatever) in the account a year later.. And how did you time that if you were in out of the country ?? 2 OX folks I asked didnt do this, and didnt even know they were supposed to do this. I have no idea if that will make problems at the 5 year mark. They thought the obligation was just 3m at issue and visit again at 5 years.
  3. I meant local insurance company.. Incountry extension needs to be in the data base.. OX can keep travelling each year, so your supposed to be in the data base but airports don seem to check ?? and you can continue with a non local insurer ??
  4. Sorry had a brain fade I thought that was OX in the OP.. Possibly as I assume the OA MUST use a local company for extension.. Its the OX visa and its insurance I am interested in and for a frequent traveller like myself (pre covid but to restart again this year) the appeal of a 5 year visa (2x) and nearly no local interaction is v high.
  5. Theres a grey area after year 1 where your supposed to have a local company to provide the insurance but if you travel annually, then your interactions with immigration are only border controls (for the first 5 years) so I hear that if you are not getting an extension incountry you can use any insurance ? I am quite curious how these work in practice as I am now about 18 months from geezer visa territory..
  6. You would be surprised how terrible those inexpensive resprays are and how badly they age.. Why would an owner accept a sub standard repair and the associated loss of value. Theres a reason the high end shops dealerships and insurance use cost way more, they do a proper job..
  7. A crappy shoot over the top respray is about 40k these days.. A full car bare metal seals and everything quality job as per insurance needs could run over 80k per car.. If metallic and any issues ++
  8. Because the guy walked up and poured glass of water over her when she was sat eating (did not appear loud or drunk etc). Just a chicken <deleted> act from someone who then showed what a coward he was as soon as his target of attack stood up to him.
  9. I can absolutely say with 100% experience this is not the case when a Thai dies..
  10. Thats a direct debit, which is instigated by a registered business set up to deduct any amount they like.. I use it for electric internet etc.. But that doesnt meet this need. Automated transfers.. At least with all the banks I use, can only ne set up for a couple of years.. Until recently only 1 but now with kasikorn 2.
  11. The sudden availability and local red carpet treatment of this option. provided by the military base just sprung up, after the military took control of the country.. No connection of course, just random timing ????
  12. again.. 15 years into the future ?? Kasikorn just raised the auto transfer from 1 year to 2.. but thats a fraction of the time line he is asking for.
  13. I cannot set up automated transfers online from my bank greater than 24 months in advance.. What bank are you using that can set up automated transfers 15 years into the future ??
  14. Set up as a trust outside Thailand with the transfers in automated.. Thailand doesnt accept trust laws and bank auto transfers get iffy after a 2 year set up time..
  15. If half a million usd locked into a 'approved investment' is not in your remit, then the 'sufficient investment' is not in line with thier expectations.
  16. Did you bother to even read the story... The whole point is he tried to use the apps, and the drivers have to cancel because the tuktuks mafia will beat them up and or trash thier cars if they dare come pick up a customer.
  17. What always seems to be missed in this discussion is there is already a totally clear avenue in the land code for wealthy investors to own one rai for thier personal home.. Has been for decades.. Only currently the investment amount is 40 million, so basically this is just about adjusting the eligibility levels.
  18. Well half a million USD invested (not in the home) and 80k USD per annum income for the under 50s and 250k usd invested and 40k per annum for the over 50s means most will just howl how its not for them..
  19. He does.. He counts his money monthly to ignore it. The visitor / end user pays... The hotels are trapped and can do nothing but comply.. The locals get easy jobs doing very little each day and acting as the collectors.. and the local authorities all split the kickbacks that come up the chain and have private armies and purchasable local resident voting blocks for local elections. Theres no upside in stopping this, the only ones who pay dont count.
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