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Everything posted by LivinLOS

  1. The fact that the systems they design, implement and use, generally fall far short of the ability they conceived they would have due to inept design and administration.
  2. Thailand is cheap.. For low quality.. Thailand is not cheap.. For luxury goods, or items. Had this debate 100s of times but if your saying Thailand is cheap, what your saying is you don't spend money on fine goods and higher end luxury items much.
  3. But cheap whores and scruffy beer bars might not be the biggest temptation to multi millionaires anyway..
  4. You do understand that some people can live without whores and open beer bars though yes ?? Obtaining alcohol is zero issue (in fact usually cheaper than Thailand on decent non local stuff).
  5. Here we go.. Stage 2 of how a military government mindsets pans out for foreigners.. Remember all the pathetic yellow supporting farangs a few years back, cheering on the ridiculous whistle blowing anti corruption protests, led by of all people Suthep (you need to be utterly clueless about this country to champion Suthep as an anti corruption campaigner). Every single one of those supporters played a role in this, every single one of them should be shamed for the support of a military coup and the support of the removal of democratically elected governance in favor of centralized military power.
  6. Malaysia MM2H policy was a solid offering.. For less than 75K USD deposited in a Malay bank you could purchase 2 homes outright (one on land one condo in the city I think) import 1 luxury car for your own personal use (x years not sold) or buy a local new car entirely tax free that alone would save the entry cost and a whole slew of small but welcoming things like you get a local ID card which allows local pricing on tickets attractions, tourist stuff etc. Their local non local pricing systems are ones which far more clearly operate to a fair structure of resident non resident not just 'looks like me, doesnt look like me' as applied here. All in all the Malay offering was fairly strong and leagues ahead of what Thailand is proposing. They have just gone and changed all the requirements to far higher income levels but there seems a lot of pushback from senior Malays so its not fully clear if that will be kept or not.
  7. its still east of hainan.. All these news items saying its going to hit Thai region wed Thursday seems wildly in advance.. Its moving about 15 kmh and so it looks like Fri sat before it get to Thailand properly. https://www.ventusky.com/?p=17.3;103.0;5&l=rain-3h
  8. Agree a payout to the insured.. Which is what will likely happen as Heng will almost certainly have better, deeper, cheaper connections to the tuning industry that can rebuild that project better than the insurer can.. So they do the numbers.. Its insured for 10.5.. Or they can give heng the car and 5 or 6.. and he has it ground up rebuilt to as new and gets his car back. It will be back on the road eventually one route or another.
  9. Since the additional restrictions on used imports the value of classics and the elite performance items has just spiked.. 10.5mil for a 1600 hp R35 is conservative. 10 even 12 has been recent trades on mostly stock ones. One like this is pick a number unobtainium. Likey the nicest example in the country and unreplacable legally. I am confident it will be ground up rebuilt, the economics of that process stack up.
  10. Thats exactly what R35s are going for.. Even R34s are going for 6 - 8 ish now. And yes the car was modified, they dont make 1600 bhp stock. If your going to comment on Thai car markets. It helps to have some actual relevant knowledge to share.
  11. the clinic which dispenses the shots is on is the bus.. the people wait outside before and after the shot..
  12. If they didnt ban it.. do you think they would have obeyed social distancing ?? Record deaths in September on Phuket 3x the April to August totals in a single month. Not exactly a poster child for success in viral control are they ??
  13. You can cite evidence.. Where did the current and BY FAR most server 3rd wave originate and gain traction ?? Illegally operating nightlife. Or you could see this study (VPN needed oddly) https://www.texmed.org/TexasMedicineDetail.aspx?Pageid=46106&id=54216 Which lists bars right up there as the highest risk category for transmission.. Or of course you could accept that anyone but an idiot would understand that bars and drunk people provide precisely the kind of environment that is near worst case for viral transmission..
  14. But people getting drunk has been shown to be proven vector and high risk.. Drunk people dont wear masks, socially distance or pay attention.. They have no way of stopping alcohol sales turning into drunk people.. The police are unable and unwilling to do anything about this. Its very obvious why the ban exists, because they know Thais are not able to enforce guidelines only binary on / off situations (even those not much).
  15. What no massive pent up demand ?? But the TAT said....
  16. Its not wrong.. The 'facts' are that the UK only accepts vaccines from as well as a bunch of info about mixing etc.. So they accept UK, USA, Canada, EU, Australia, NZ, Japan, Israel, Korea, Taiwan.....etc etc etc.. Hell Even SIngapore and Malaysia make the list.. Thailand doesnt !! FACT !!
  17. 'easily policed'.. LOL.. Ahh yes.. Easy money... Thats exactly the point..
  18. I think they have got lucky with the weather this time.. Major storm came through and caused the surgewaters.. But its calmed down and not stayed solid so that surge could well be absorbed in the central plains and not build up a wall of water they cannot deal with.. If the next few days stay 'ok' in the north and central, and thats how it appears, they should just get away with it.
  19. Because it cuts out the middlemen, owners, and rent seekers.. That girl made a million baht in 3 months.. and she isnt crazy hot.. Once the top tier gogo hotties get that system worked out and realize they can get 100s of 1000s without bothering with the actual hard work of dancing and screwing tourists.. What happens to the scene ?? Get ready for the cost basis to scale exponentially. I was predicating this years ago.. In fact tried and failed to get someone to code me a kind of P4P dating site with user incomes back in +- 05..
  20. In the context of NHS perhaps.. In the context of border control its clear.. Theres no recognition of vaccines issued outside of trusted distribution systems.. Thailand is not trusted.
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