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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. By a witch hunt that did not apply to Bill, Hillary or Joe.
  2. Agreed. But it worked for Thaksin. The statute of limitations should be paused when the defendant leaves Thailand and resumed when they return. That way the Red Bull absconder might face juctice.
  3. Be honest if Bill Clinton, Hillary and Joe 's dealings where subjected to as much legal overkill and minute scrutiny as Trump's there would be hundres of charges against them. Veterans and the majority of Americans understand this and ignore the hype from the Kamela camp.
  4. The law enacted by the British is no longer. applicable in the UK or other civilised counties. Woman in parts of India and several Muslim countries are afforded little in the way of human rights. Children are forced into arranged marriages with older men. Because the man has a marriage cetificate it's a form of rape nontheless.
  5. If they have some money left a presidental candidate has some bargain watches for sale.
  6. Volunteers have a choice and should be lauded. Elephants in captivity have no choice. They are not Volunteers
  7. Another Pue Thai politician fleeing abroad to avoid justice. The PM agrees does she? Well does she have any option. Remember her Father and Aunt condone such actions doing exactly the same thing.
  8. Lots of u turns and dirty dealings since the cash inducement was promised. Take the money and run.
  9. reading instructions via Line. From guess who. Oh it's Daddy
  10. I beg to differ. Johnson has many misguided supporters in British politics.
  11. Boris Johnson is a proven liar and a cretin. The only reason he has voice in British politics is the abysmal performance of labour under Keir Starmer
  12. Putin is obsessed with power and capable of anything.
  13. It's amazing Trump is still a forerunner in the run up to this election. Every dirty trick in the legal book has been thrown at him attempting to imprison or bankrupt him. This may have been overdone to some extent and Americans object to that. Well enough of them to win an election... maybe !!
  14. I agree with some of your comments. However i see no reason why a long term resident should not take advantage of fee visa exempt entries if he chooses to do so. No 800/400 thousand baht tied up. No 90 day reports. probably no tax on foreign income.
  15. in truth every one should be a swing voter. Silly voting for the same party every election even when the candidate is spouting policies you are not happy about.
  16. Another misguided dog lover probably out feeding soi dogs
  17. makes you wonder what the winner had to do...
  18. This man is proving to be an enemy within Briish policts. Wanting to re join the EU and having to repay thousands in inconceived freebies. As a former top ranking King's prosecutor he should know better. The British people have been lied to by a two faced lier
  19. He stopped for a snack having the' munchies 'after his joint and the police pounced.
  20. A fully employed cleaner at a condo would not earn 600/800 baht per hour. However if you employ a cleaner to do a one off cleaning job the price is negotiated before hand.
  21. Lots of items you have in your home are a fire risk. Usually settees and mattresses as an example.
  22. very true but 'swifties'do get three hours of entertainment. Not so looking at a hippo' in a zoo
  23. Quantity not quality should be the new TOT slogan
  24. Dispells the rubbish reports that the Trump marraige was on the rocks. Good for her. Another spell as first lady coming up.
  25. I agree the tragic number of fatalities was due to the illegal gas cylinders. If this makes thr insurance invalid the bus company is responsible to pay compensation.
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