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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. A Pattaya city official outraged by poor quality constuction work. Follow the money trail and check work under constuction before final payment would help.
  2. The original owner the land donated it to the temple. There are reports the land should not have been sold to make a golf course. Not the first time Thaksin linked to shady land deals.
  3. He must have enjoyed his many years in Prison. He seems hell bent on a quick return.
  4. Many people conspired to keep Thaksin from the main prison population. Not least the doctors and prison officials. I hope they are all convicted however Thaksin returning to jail is pipe dream.
  5. I have a small carcanoma legion on my face cheekbone that requires removal. Can anyone recommend a surgeon in Chaing mai
  6. Absolute rubbish report. Every obstacle legal and otherwise has been used to prevent Trump running for Office. Do you really think the bad losers in the Harris camp will accept defeat without more dirty tricks. I Think not!
  7. People in many countries are leaning to the Right to vote against uncontrolled immigration and Muslim domination in many cities
  8. Toothless... Yes too many countries with a veto incuding Russia and too many countries not paying their share. Don't worry it's on Trump's agenda
  9. Russel's a bit out of shape these days to be promoting Muay Thai.
  10. Nothing to indicate that in the post. Relating your past experience perhaps
  11. Better to arrest drunkards in the airport lounge than on board the aircraft.
  12. Two lives ruined over a drunken argument. If they had been on weed they would have hugged and laughed it off.
  13. Resist the easy way out do not risk an overstay record in your immigration data base. Apply for extension. I read a case of an Elite visa application declined for two days overstay four years previous.
  14. Joe Biden is flying overhead to offer support. But don't worry true grit Americans will battle a way to the polls to vote for Trump
  15. 96000 thousand of top range BYD 'made in China' Ev's leading the charge back to the dealers after major recall
  16. No suprise there Novachok poison is the cowardly underhand way Putin deals with his detractors at home and abroad.
  17. The Catholic priests in the UK and beyond have no credence after years of abuse. Caholic priests are in no position to lecture anyone.
  18. Prawit's day in politics is done. Leave him in the black hole he has dug for himself.
  19. The law in Thailand is 'An Ass' Officials convicted of wrongdoing are moved to an inactive post. Killer dogs are moved to another location. Thai problems are hidden not solved.
  20. He should make his apology in court before sentencing and deportation.
  21. The gold shop soi Rungland pattaya will accept any currency any amount
  22. They should do but don't risk your life on them doing so
  23. the Trump era has another four years coming up. Your dream of utopia is on hold
  24. Have the bus owners complained to city hall.?? We must ensure the zero dollar tourist buses have no obstacles in their path.
  25. If you are concerned why don't you start a Harris supporters thread? . Worried about Trump supporters response
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