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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. The question of Australia as a republic has aways depended on a mandate from its citizens. Nothing new here. Until there is a referendum the politicians in power should at the very least have the decency to shake the hand of our visiting King.
  2. The older generation of 'doo gooders' have allowed the country to be overun by illegal immigrants. Only yesterday an additional budget of 500 million was allocated to their welfare. At the same time Muslims are obtaining a foothold in local communities and politics. As the older generation are making such a mess of things it's little wonder the younger generation are voicing some opposition by turning to the right of British political opinion.
  3. Starmer has no shame. Sleaze and corruption exposed in his first 100 days may be only the tip of the iceberg.
  4. 'Totally unaware of investor's hardship ' Con man to the last. Hope some of the investor's friends manage to visit you inside your prison.
  5. Harris is toast. She is the major factor in Trump's favorable poll ratings and wll secure another term for 'The Donald '
  6. I hope the customer left a decent tip so the driver was not out of pocket by a technical glitch
  7. Pheu Thai are the party of politicians evading justice by leaving the country to evade justice. Following the example set by the de facto leader Thaksin and his family.
  8. faults on both sides. However as the family knowing the deceaseds absolute need for life saving equipment should have made sure the arrears where paid.
  9. This handout was a vote winner for Phue Thai and ensured Thaksins return. However the difficulty in administration has resulted in many disgruted voters
  10. I think you did a good job and suitable for the location where you want a sink.
  11. The standard of available ladies in massage parlours and go go bars has diminished in recent years. Your friend has the right idea. Perhaps best viewed at some distance from a speeding Honda wave.
  12. Russian assassins have proven to have a direct link to Putin.To seek the elimination of his personal critics Most other assasinations are carried out by deranged individuals.
  13. Every year they have a solar car challenge race in Australia. Custom cars some built by students travel hundreds of Klm at decent speeds. I hope you find a way to power you car like they do. Good luck.
  14. Can you imagine the police, dogooders and free speech advocates have allow a Muslim led demonstration supporting a terrorist organisation to prevent a UK politician giving speech.
  15. Boris is without scruples and proven liar. Hower he did deliver Brexit. Currently the poor performance of politicians of both parties may unfortunatly allow him to return
  16. There was no complaints about the food from the special VIP wing of the police hospitial for privileged inmates.
  17. Anyone divorce a western wife come to Thailand fall in love and marry a younger Thai lady and then be coerced to be on a short lease is a wimp.
  18. Trump was persecuted in the courts for paying a hooker. Bill Clinton however got off light after having sex with an employee in the oval office and lying repeatedly that he was innocent. Many people have been cancelled by 'me too' for far less.
  19. Pre curser to allowing Casinos. The current Thaksin led politicians vote for anything that increases their money grab
  20. Russia carries covert assassinations in other countries. The UK should allow Ukraine to attack Russia with western supplied weapons.
  21. Sounds like an accident waiting to happen and he must have good eyesight spotting a lady worthy of his attention while riding by on his honda wave.
  22. Muslim men have contempt for woman in general and western women in particular. Pity he's not alive to face his accusers and justice.
  23. Goodness knows where the watches he's selling ate put together.
  24. Harris is the best thing to happen to the Trump presidential bandwagon.
  25. No one sought the extradition of her convicted father or her Aunt who is still evading justice living in the UK.
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