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Posts posted by clinique

  1. I love Bangkok in the late winter especially during demonstration season. The distinct aroma of the Gestapo (brown shirts) is about as people everywhere draw lines and take sides. It's all good by me. Easy to ride my Bicycle around Bangkok for a change. It's really sad though. Too bad that the best deal that the Issan people can get is from a guy like Thaksin. Yellow shirts just want a steady supply of debt slaves to polish their Mercedes, their gemstones and their marble floors. Yellow shirts want a steady supply of untermenchen whores so that they can rip off the tourists who come here to experience "ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK". The yellow shirts regard the red shirts as something akin to animals to be used up washing yellow shirt underwear, building yellow shirt sky rises, and maybe serving as a Mia Noi for a few good years before tossing her back to the rice fields from where she came. I watched Thaksin improve the lives of the Issan people bit by bit year by year. For those of you who don't know, it is the Issan people who put the SMILE in "THE LAND OF SMILES". Thaksin got them out of usurious interest rate debt enforced by corrupt (yellow shirt) money lenders. He paved their roads and improved infrastructure in those impoverished Issan villages. Ask a few yellow shirts if they have ever even been to Issan and they'll laugh at you with disdain as if Issan is not really even a part of Thailand. Certainly, Issan people are not real "Thai" people in yellow shirt eyes. You have no idea the material improvement that Thaksin orchestrated in these hard working peoples lives. Thaksin got a health care scheme that gave people real access to actual affordable medical care. Guess what? People who had been previously dying from easily treatable conditions got to go to a doctor, see a surgeon, be hospitalized and treated instead of abandoned. Let me tell you something Mister, You save someones life and or get them out of lifelong debt to a yellow shirt loan shark you'll really impress them. They will vote for you over and over again no matter how corrupt you might be otherwise. Is Thaksin SHREWD, dishonest, corrupt? You betcha! Is he any worse than ALL the others? At this point, I think NOT!

    hmmm utter nonsense, what proof do you have that the evil yellow shirts were praying on the poor as loan sharks, and no one forced these people to take out loans with crazy intrest rates.....if your not smart enough to realize that its not possible for you to repay a loan with high intrest rate, or to bother figuring out how much that loan is going to cost you over the term you deserve to be poor. Stupid people are stupid people the world around.

    hel_l id like a 10 million usd loan, but i know i dont make enough to pay it back,

    and you obviously have no appreciation of how country thais have to live,, they have no access to banks, and often their income is meagre,, the only place to go is the loan shark...which could be easly resolved by the government "requiring" banks to service these people - but the bangkok elite wouldnt want that ..so first poster is 100% correct and your elitist reply is just that..

  2. He's one hel_l of a crazy stuoid dude who will stoop at nothing to swindle as much money as he can from the Thai people.

    He will get wht he deserves one day, or at least I hope he does.

    perhaps, and your opinion, but that is not how the 'people' see him, those people that have ordinary everyday thai lives,, he gave them hope , health care and recognition...

    He did not borrow billions from overseas as agovt and then increase all taxes which the average working Thai has to pay back,,, which is what Abhisit is doing,,,ie; petrol tax increaes and land transfer taxes (from 0.1% to 6.7% ????.)

  3. yes Bill97 i think the same way..

    another thing is with Mobile phones available at 950 baht for handsets and the service providers, AIS, True etc providing promotions,, It is relatively cheap here to make calls from such a mobile...

    my service with AIS charges me between 3 to 10 baht a minute for overseas (depending on country i am calling) - very reasonable after the exorbitant costs ive seen in UK, US and Australia...

    obviously more expensive than a calling card,,, but still cheap..

  4. Thanks for the replies everyone.

    I want to get an account opened as soon as possible and I'll have a look into the banks suggested.


    just a note; if you want to use LLOyds TSBASia or ICICI - they are located in Singapore.. it is likely you will have to go to their Singapore office to open the account !! Doubt you can do it in UK ? as they are different operations (jurisdictions) under the same parent umbrella..

  5. saijo denki are the best air cons.. we have had inour house for 10 years and with regular servicing we have had not one problem.. they operate very well, are efficient electricty users, and maintain good temperatures around 25-27..

    we decided not to buy cheaper units as heard many stories of having to replace them after 18-24 months..

    another point is ,, as it is comingto HOT season,,the retailers will begin to jack up the prices... happens every year.. so BUY NOW>>>

  6. Probably a loose ball but... I live/work in Singapore and do not have a Thai wife (it seems all other posters are in better situation). Is it possible to get a home loan for property in Phuket if I am not Thai resident?

    I called Bangkok Bank branch in Singapore (I heard they used to give Thai mortgage to Singaporeans) but they said they stopped this deal about 2 years ago.

    Any other legitimate options for a home loan? We are looking at 10mln property and can put 20% deposit.

    try these guys, they do loans all over , they helped us..


  7. MAybe try one of the serviced offices.

    CAn get their virtual service for 4-5000- baht per month; and work from home /anywhere.

    They will give you dedicated phone line and transfer/answer all calls for you. You have prestige adddress, mail collection etc .. Used it for many years..

    We found it a big saver, as we could route o/seas calls thru them, and because they ahve international system between their brances (Regus that is) the call ost was extremely low..

    extras - you have to pay for BUT only when you use it,,like meeting rooms etc..

  8. use everyone and trust no one, i would make sure that as many people as possible are aware that the property is on the market, use estate agents, the web, telephone poles, big signs out of the property, talk about it with as many people you can starting with friends, etc, good luck with it :)

    hi, sound like you know what your talking about..

    any idea where i can find a 'sample' Sales Contract - preferrably in Thai and English translation..

  9. My personal experience with using real estate agents is a total waste of time and energy. They will have properties listed on their website, and they don't exist when you want to see them. I think this is because they either don't update their websites, and don't take off properties that are no longer available. Other's will have books in their office with listings, and they can't deliver on showing you the properties. Others will make a time for an appointment and not even bother to show up for the appointment or call to let you know they are canceling the appointment. Others will show you what they have--it probably won't be in the area you want, the price you want to pay, or even basically the type of accommodation you want.

    I have found that going around with a Thai, and calling numbers on the outside of gates and houses is the best way to find a property. It takes a lot of legwork and time, but in the end, if you are patient you will find what you really want.

    thanks for that dear,, but we are selling not buying,,

    anyway your message still probably applies..

  10. we were talking to a large group of Thai gay friends of our friends yesyerday. They told us they wont be taking our friends there unless they really insist.. because a) they (the Thais) dont like the entrance to the hotel (too public) :) they think it is too expensive.. aparently some places in Lanna Lavender a bottle of Red Label was priced at 2000- baht with no mixers. At other venues in CM a 1 litre can be got for 800-900 baht...

    also we read on another thread that the hotel has many Thai guests astheir room rate is "below the 800 baht threashhold". but poster abovepbcm says their rates start from 1150- ??????

    which is it please ???

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