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Posts posted by clinique

  1. Does anyone else out there think it would be an idea to set up (subject to legal checks) a local Fund for farangs, amongst ourselves,,,basically it could operate like a Building Society but on a private basis.. No Thai banks involved.!!>

    As a retired banker/fund manager it seems that foreigners could get together as there are 2 related problems here in LOS;

    1) lousy deposit rates,

    2) inability/difficulty of foreigners to borrow for property,,,

    A community Fund would solve both issues..

    Monies lodged for deposit would be lent to other foreigners for property purchase. Rates for deposits and loans set by a Board of Trustees.

    Anyone interested , lets have your comments, feedback..Thanks.

  2. They did'nt use to do that. It's been happening for 2 yrs now.

    Was the lady taking the money and serving you the owner or just a worker. Is it a farang run resto or Thai. Is it in a guesthouse area or not.

    Thais generally do not tip. ( Unless that has changed)

    My experience is Thais now begin to thing the farang should pay a tip. Like we owed it to them.

    Seems like this lady was trying to have one over on you, a newcomer. 'Polite' restos won't do that.

    Would be interested to hear from others their experience.

    I find the introduced Western 'tipping' consciousness growing over the last couple of decades here, is quite unbecoming and destructive to the character and culture.

    Tippingin Thailand is NOT western introduced,, patronage of service workers is part of the culture..

  3. Hillside 7, 8, 9 at front of Payap...

    3-5,000- baht a month.. all facilites available..inet, phone etc,, clean and easy access..

    utilities for 1 person maybe 1000- 1200- permonth..

    mobiles can be got for 900 baht and prepaid cards at any amount up to you.. use 12-call by AIS has best coverage,,

    good luck..

  4. Northwheels is definately the best, they will meet you at the airport. never any hassles with insurance or whatever, , used them for over 10 years..

    Driving in CM is no problem a slong as you dont get "jai ron"

  5. What an excellent idea "just drive it over the border"

    I am sure the nice customs officers will just wave me through and not ask to see any paperwork or duty receipts.

    I think I might ship my Porsche out here and just drive that over the border as well.

    Really, !! dont suppose they would mind me bringing my fleet of Bentleys either.. :)

    So naive,,,, thailand does have laws and police and borders.....

    and i agree the Mafia wont like it even if you are joy riding....

  6. Boris, there are too many Thai accountants as it is. A career in Thai finance is not advisable.

    Teaching English, hospitality and tourism management.. perhaps.

    To be honest I don't really know why anyone would want a job in Thailand. Even my Korean friend, married to a Thai, in my university received a 9 million baht loan for his prospective company and he hasn't even graduated yet.

    Do tell ??? How ? Must have collateral !

  7. You say you are a tourist .

    I never heard of a tourist have to make a visa run. they go back home after a while.

    Get areal visa if you have genuine reasons to stay in Thailand

    what is your problem? when we first came here we didn't know how long we wanted to stay for our year holiday and had to do a visa run to get another tourist visa. Tourism is a genuine reason to stay in Thailand

    yes it is, but not to get an embossed card from aThai bank..

    OP Take a van..they are cheaper than renting anyway..

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