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Posts posted by clinique

  1. Where I come from there are only banks,hedges & trees along the road!

    Footpaths in any shape or form are an absolute luxury.

    Stop being such a whinger!

    It's going to be interesting doing a post count to see who has taken this seriously and missed the sarcasm!

    You talking about those two way roads in the south of England where somebody has to back up for an oncoming vehicle?


    The only difference between a place like this in England, as compared to a similar soi in Chiang Mai, is there would be some 16 year old Thai on a scooter flying along at 80 KMP.


    please oh please,,,DONT tell the Thais about these one way roads with hedges and trees ..and NO footpaths..... some planner will think its the new way to go......

    thats all we need.. :)

  2. agreed , has to be th emost Farang unfriendly drinking establishment in town,,

    the security are rude and abrupt,, even aggressive,,, they are off duty cops,,

    when they got nasty with me after i refused to apy the 300 baht (we were carrying 3 bottles of booze in as well, which they wanted 200 each as corkakge) - i spoke to them in Thai and asked then what their names were,, they asked why ?,, i whipped out my phone and replied " so I can call your boss and ask him if its Ok for me to enter ??

    noting the 'friendly ' looks on their faces we decided to leave any way ??

    avoid it like the plague..

    The problem at Fabrique and some similar places is that they got too many Farangs that didn't know how to behave properly, so the 300 baht fee was to keep the Riff Raff out.

    If you were bringing three bottles of booze in, and you weren't expecting to pay corkage, maybe they reckoned they weren't losing out anyway, espescially if it was Vodka or a spirit that doesn't require mixers.

    dont have the problem anywhere else..

    and methinks its to keep out those who dont want to buy ANY drinks,,,since the 300 coupon is exchangable for drinks,,,

    there were 10 of us - 9 Thais,,we would have probably spent 2-3 k on mixers etc...

    will never go again...

  3. caf,

    thank you for your feedback. it was the non-constructive comments we were talking about, apologies if the ego seemed to be running high, unintended !

    we have tried (but perhaps not made clear) to make clear this would be a 'community' fund established, regulated, articled/constitioned, managed, operated by the community it represents , or members of that community. it is not , and is not intended to be an investment advisor product or scheme, whereby money is raised for some scheme in a " Far Off Island of Good Breaks" (ie: non-existant). we mentioned that again in our last post.

    we welcome all comments, including critical, as this will provide a base of concerns that need to be addressed before the project moved forward. and before any money was mentioned.

    if you have comments as to how we can alay the concerns you mentioned please let us know, or any other input you may have be welcome too.


  4. agreed , has to be th emost Farang unfriendly drinking establishment in town,,

    the security are rude and abrupt,, even aggressive,,, they are off duty cops,,

    when they got nasty with me after i refused to apy the 300 baht (we were carrying 3 bottles of booze in as well, which they wanted 200 each as corkakge) - i spoke to them in Thai and asked then what their names were,, they asked why ?,, i whipped out my phone and replied " so I can call your boss and ask him if its Ok for me to enter ??

    noting the 'friendly ' looks on their faces we decided to leave any way ??

    avoid it like the plague..

  5. Clinique i am sorry to see you are getting some very harsh words, honestly, assuming you are doing this in "good faith"(as i think you are)there are many dangers that make people decline your very good idea and untill you came up with some sort of "bullet proof" demonstrable solution, i doubt you are going to get many subscribers (if any at all), one of the main problem is the actual protection investors are going to get in this semi-savage undeveloped country, not to mention the political instability that can one day lead us all somewhere else (either willing or unwilling), it's really like a big gambling to invest here, you spotted a market that have a great potential but is also at great risk, so if you really believe in it, do your "due diligence" and see if you can make all this work in a legal way, it's not going to be easy but i am sure that if you find the right way (if there is one) the rewards will be worth all the time you spent on it, a very good luck to you!

    Thank you ,, at last a professional response..

    I doubt there is a"bullet proof" solution to anything in this world that we currently live in..

    However investigations to date , legal and practical indicate there is a strong potential for this.

    Also, this is not a case of an 'investment adviser' wanting anyones money and running it off to Channel Islands on Island of Dreams (ie: non existant) in the Pacific,,,..... its a 'community' fund - agreed by, rules set by, managed by, overseen by, executed by, the local community itself...

    we accept perhaps our initial string was lacking somewhat in detail...

    negative feedback and sarcasm does not deter us.

    thank you for your input..if you dont mind as things progress will keep you informed..


  6. thanks again for the input,

    this was meant to be an offer of a "community" type service.. obviously the sense of community is not quite up to it !


    Nice idea but like everyones basically said they're afraid of loosing money. Maybe if you started it up on a small scale yourself and it was shown to work and be running for a few years with out mishap more people might be interested. Right now i'd not put anything for sure though, for countless reason

    Thanks for that.

    We had considered what you suggested,, untill we read the feedback on TV which more or less says that foreigners in CM are not worthy of lending to.

    Borrowing to buy property is a normal practice (hence i do not agree with some posts saying the opposite) BUT the ability and more importantly the attitude of borrowers towards reapyment is paramount !

    Based on what we have feedback on TV we have stepped back as it appears the borrowers would either have no ability or the wrong attitude..

    However we do not believe that that can be true for the entire Foreign CM community ??

    Any more thoughts ?

    Ofcourse the last thing we want is to end up in legal battles with defaulters,,even though the lending criteria would be very strict and monitored/managed by a local 'board'


  7. Sorry but I am confused..

    The cashiers dont "ring up" the prices - they are scanned ...so if the prices were wrong its the STORES fault..

    AND BTW this does happen in big stores which is part of their modern "scanning and scamming" technique. Theprices are shown on the shelf only, not the item itself,,

    and by the time you get home and check the bill you have likely forgotten the shelf price anyway..

    Secondly, i agree with another poster, if you were overcharged by the cashier she would have to make up the shortage, if any,

    Also, there have over the years been previous posts about carrefour doing this,, so I am not surprised...

    My Thai partner always checks the receipts, store and restaurants, and watches the items being entered on the cash register.. safety.

  8. They never fail to surprise me ten times more than the predictable sorts I encounter back in Australia. Mostly the surprises here are good.

    There's a sense of humour that's quite unique here. That's what I like about the people here in Thailand. Everyday there's ten times more things to laugh about, because it's ten times less predictable, and so are they. :)

    yop,, fully agree with that,,,gets my vote !!

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