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Posts posted by clinique

  1. thanks guys, still waiting.

    just for interest, i was paid in the past US$ to a K Bank account , amazingly it arrived within 4 hours.

    How can there be such a difference of : from 10 minutes - up to 5 days or longer :D

    I did a Swift transfer last week from overseas to my Thai bank. Next day I got a call on my mobile from another Thai bank who said they had my money but I had to complete a form before they would release it to my bank, because it was over US$20,000.

    Is there a chance your money has arrived but it's at an intermediate bank who can't contact you?

    hi, thanks for the tip off, only question now is how to find out which bank.. Surely they would call BBL toge tmy phone number. Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i know TIT. dont assume. I will follow up tomorrow. cheers :)

  2. The chicks at Piggy's are hot and the beer is ice cold, but Pun Pun serves THREE pieces of fish that looked great, a pile of chips and vegetables and salad. I can't remember the price, but nothing there is all that dear.

    If you are really hungry for good food, don't forget to give them a try also. :)

    will do, what time do they open pls ? :D

  3. Toilets south of the 60th parallel and north of Mexico are free, plentiful, and cleaner than many Thai public toilets. You can walk 300 meters in a fancy Thai mall before finding a toilet.

    Only 300metres, you obviously havent been to Central KadsuanKeauw in Chiangmai.... :)

    They have toilets there?

    Yes but they're in the far corners by the car park, about 289 steps from Sizzler, if you can find them. Plan ahead.

    They do also have better (nicer) ones way in the back of Central Store, cant remember if they are on every floor.. still about the same distance,,,mind you could take longer having to push your way thru ALL the shoppers ..!! :D

  4. Just a question for the brains trust !

    Since when is it the employer who cancels the B Visa..... The visa is issued by Embassy/consulate. and is cancelled on expiry by Immigration as far as ever knew/know.

    The work permit , it is the employees responsibility to hand it back to Labor Dept within 7 days..

    Maybe im out of date !! probably ..too much Leo.

  5. DO NOT proceed as planned. Just open an account in the UK before leaving and deposit it there, get a credit card and you can withdraw any money you need here. Once you manage to open an account, you can transfer anything you want here.


    At how much cost to the op in exchange? :)

    If the OP transfers the money to Thailand electronically the transfer costs will amount to anywhere from nothing to perhaps twenty Pounds or more, based on how he chooses to transfer. If he then converts his Pounds to Thai Baht in Thailand he will make large savings over the UK based exchange rates - the spread (difference between the buy and sell prices) in the UK is huge (often ten baht or more) whereas in Thailand it is typically around one baht or so, very cost effective.

    Agreed, the saest and most cost effective way. The othe ris to leave it in yout UK account, get an ATM /debit card on the account. Go to Thailand, open an accountand withdraw by cash advance at the Thai bank in baht ( no fees) from your UK account. Deposit to Thai bank account. Same result. Legal.

    With anti money laundering laws these days carrying cash in such amounts is asking for trouble.

  6. I've been transferring large sums from UK to Thailand for years and only once did it take more than 3 days to arrive. These days it's even quicker than before, and the funds are often in my Thai account within 24 hours - certainly 48.

    The one hiccup I had was when the UK bank erred and converted the sterling into Thai Baht in the UK and then sent the Thai Baht to my account here. This can take up to 10 days as the process takes much longer.

    Fortunately they had a tape of my telephoned instructions which clearly told them to send the funds in sterling, and they compensated me for the late arrival and for the loss on exchange. I suggest you check with the issuing bank, to see if this may be the case with your money.

    These days, I arrange everything through the internet. I Just complete the details on line and the bank remits the funds without needing any further instructions.

    You have to call both banks every day until you get satisfaction on what has happened to your money. Make the overseas bank read out in full the details of the transfer they made, including the currency and details of your Thai Bank account.

    I have known of funds ending up in the right bank but the wrong Thai bank account.

    Good luck

    Heh thanks a lot, didnt think of that. And come to think of it several years ago the same thing happened and it WAS becasue the o/seas bank had sent Thai Baht not $..

    I will check it out.


  7. Ive been waiting for a funds transfer , about $50k, from overseas to my Bangkok bank account, for 7 days,

    BBL says it hasnt arrived , my bank overseas says according to them BBL received it 3 days ago.

    BBL just say "not here yet "

    I seem to have no problem with small amounts under$10k, but the bigger ones seem to take longer!

    ANyone else experience similar ! :D

    Every month, banks like to hold money as long as they can. I pay a bill monthly via direct debit within Thailand and this requires a transfer from HSBC to Bangkok Bank, obscurely HSBC has to issue a cashiers cheque and have it couriered to BB (next door) where the cheque is then deposited into the recipients account - sometimes seven days after funds leave my account, often ten days.

    Another problem is that some overseas banks, particularly UK banks, seem to need approval from some source and in some cases before they can transfer funds to Thailand - I imagine it's all part of the anti money laundering scam, er, procedure.

    hmmm, didnt think of the money laundering thing,, mind you a thai friend who works at a car dealer told me she had 2 farangs waitign for transfer to pay for cars and they were waiting longer than me,, she said the government was "double checking where it (the $) came from" ???

    does that mean it could be stuck somewhere ?

    Surely my o/seas bank would tell me if that were the case ? Yes / No ! :D

    Never had such problems with BKK Bank, actually I regard it as the best and fastest one when it comes to handle foreign transfers.

    You could give a call to the number 02-6857777, to contact directly the office handling the swift, they are very helpful!

    speak to them every day, at least once from home and once from my local branch of BBL.

    Cant say I ve had the same good experience with them. Each time I do use them it seems to be a c..k up !!

    I will go back to using K Bank - sending $ , if sent in the early morning arrives in my account same day - hows that fro servcie.. AND no reason it shouldnt either,,

    mind you theres all this new money laundering stufff...

    thanks anyway. :)

  8. Ive found at an ATM it is dependant on your cards daily limit AND how many notes the Thai ATM will give you at one time.

    If you go inside and get a cash advance there is no fee and you can get up to 300k baht . Thats at BBL< SCB< UOB

    NOT K Bank - their max is 20,000- baht per day either ATM or over the counter. ( why i dont know!)

  9. Ive been waiting for a funds transfer , about $50k, from overseas to my Bangkok bank account, for 7 days,

    BBL says it hasnt arrived , my bank overseas says according to them BBL received it 3 days ago.

    BBL just say "not here yet "

    I seem to have no problem with small amounts under$10k, but the bigger ones seem to take longer!

    ANyone else experience similar ! :D

    Every month, banks like to hold money as long as they can. I pay a bill monthly via direct debit within Thailand and this requires a transfer from HSBC to Bangkok Bank, obscurely HSBC has to issue a cashiers cheque and have it couriered to BB (next door) where the cheque is then deposited into the recipients account - sometimes seven days after funds leave my account, often ten days.

    Another problem is that some overseas banks, particularly UK banks, seem to need approval from some source and in some cases before they can transfer funds to Thailand - I imagine it's all part of the anti money laundering scam, er, procedure.

    hmmm, didnt think of the money laundering thing,, mind you a thai friend who works at a car dealer told me she had 2 farangs waitign for transfer to pay for cars and they were waiting longer than me,, she said the government was "double checking where it (the $) came from" ???

    does that mean it could be stuck somewhere ?

    Surely my o/seas bank would tell me if that were the case ? Yes / No ! :)

  10. BBL branches open 08.30 except in shoping malls which open the same time the mall does 10 or 11. Advantage of the mall branches is thye stay open till 20.00 (8pm)

    Other banks some open at 09.00

    Some branches close at 3.30pm , some 4.00pm, some 4.30pm -who knows why !

    Not bad clinique..... on board 2 days and 31 posts + per day avg....... would you like us to send over Meals on Wheels so you can have a bite.???



    yeh sorry, boring weekend,,,,,,,,missus :) was away (??)

  11. You can also bring in the money in cash and get a receipt at the airport that you've brought in the money...this can save you a lot of money in exhange rates as many of the money exchange shops in Bangkok gives a better rate than the banks!

    One of my clients brought 1 million DKK into the country and saved 80,000 DKK in the exchange....this is around 500,000 THB - quite a bit money to save at the exhange!

    Does this "receipt" work as a Foreign Exchange Certificate as far as theland department is concerned - for condo purchase ?? Just wondering.

  12. You mentioned "condo insurance"...all condominiums have insurance policies, and it would behoove you to check with the condo management company regarding them. Too, the coverage will probably be different if you're a renter, rather than the owner.

    that only applies to the condo buildng and common areas, anything inside your own condo walls you must insure seperately.

  13. If you are really concerned, then take your lease agreement (hopefully with a copy of the owners id card, title deed and tabien baan - if not just the lease) to the local Amphur, and speak to the guy in charge. Farangs normally get priority treatment and the head guy will be happy to talk to you.

    If he isnt, go next door to the police station and tell them.

    BTW - the title deed will tell you if the property is mortgaged - mind you the bank is under no obligation to tell you the status of the owners loan.

    If the property is owned by a company you can go to the Commerce Ministry and get a copy of the company docs including the shareholders names and directors names.

    Expect surprises.. and a gratuity here and there wont go astray..

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