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Posts posted by clinique

  1. Shipped all our personal belongings to Chiangmai several years ago - no charges.

    Just received 3 big boxes of stuff, also personal items, last month, again no charge.

    The only thing in 20 years that customs ever had aproblem with was when my mother sent us 2 boxes of wine for my birthday - marked as such.

    The duty they wanted was double the cost of the wine and shipping.

    So I donated the 2 boxes of wine to the Customs officers.

    They smiled, gave me 2 bottles.:o

  2. Medical insurance : I would think it would be a good idea to heep paying my medical health insurance

    back home should i need another hip replacement , or any serious medical procedures done. also

    i always have world wide traval insurance. which has some medical insurance built in.

    As regards dying does it matter where you die, and about getting cancer there is not much you can do about it

    I have first hand knowledge with cancer in my family, nothing could be done no matter what care they got

    Investments. fixed term deposits will have to do for now, 3-3.5% + tax (problem is finding a safe bank)

    This question of getting 6% in OZ puzzles me, i thought you had to show that you lived there to open a bank account in Australia

    As i have never been there i don't know but, i did look on the internet and i was under the impression you had to live or work there to open an account

    I did ask the question here before, someone was to ask their bank in Australia, is there such a thing as a non resident bank account?

    I shall await the experts on TV to advise :whistling:



    Hi Pat,

    I was one of the posters who talked about Oz bank deposits.

    You can open these accounts with offshore banks. As you were coming to Thailand I recommended youopen one wiht a bank in Singapore due to good banking regulations, reputable banks , government guaranteed deposits, low tax rates, etc. You do not have to go to Oz to open such an account.

    If you would like more information please let me know or PM me (send a private message).

    All the best

  3. Sorry, double post.

    So once more suppliers hand out shoddy goods and services and then claim the repercussions are nothing to do with them?

    It will continue as well as long as people kiss their ass support them.

    I was fully aware when I made the OP that I was screwed, I just thought I would enjoy the pathetic attempts to defend these type of business ethics with their version of caveat emptor.

    I suspect half the fun of being in business these days is shafting the customer.

    Sorry but I dont see anyone here defending the supplier. They are just pointing out that as the consumer you made the purchase and should therefore know the terms of that service which you bought. Since you told us you made the booking by yourslef for that sector, we are simply letting you know what you should already know, that it is the passengers responsibility to let any airline know if you cannot make the reserved flight on time.

    How have they shafted you ! You were late through no fault of theirs, so you are subject to the terms of issue of their ticket. Simple.

  4. So once more suppliers hand out shoddy goods and services and then claim the repercussions are nothing to do with them?

    It will continue as well as long as people kiss their ass support them.

    I was fully aware when I made the OP that I was screwed, I just thought I would enjoy the pathetic attempts to defend these type of business ethics with their version of caveat emptor.

    I suspect half the fun of being in business these days is shafting the customer.

    Sorry but I dont see anyone here defending the supplier. They are jsut pointing out that as the consumer you made the purchase and should therefore know the terms of that servcie which you bought. Since you told us you made the booking by yourslef for that sector, we are simply lettingyou know what you shouldalready know, that it is the passengers responsibility to let any airline know if you cannot make the reserved flight on time.

    How have they shafted you ! You were late through no fault of theirs, so you are subject to the terms of issue of their ticket. Simple.

  5. In my own experience I beleive Thai media dont do 'investigative' reporting. Its all about gossip, and sensationalism to sell papers, even then the reporting quality is poor to doubtful.

    Mind you in respect of 'follow up' reporting most all media do notdo such follow up. Once the original senational story is written, its forgotton about because they are onto something else to help themsell papers or advertsing.

  6. OP states in his opening post he booked airline C himself. So what does it have to do with either the travel agent or either of airlines A or B. it was not contiguous travel booked thru one source, and it seems likely it was not codeshare. So what recourse does he have to Airline C - none it seems to me. OP was the one who booked theflight, so when he knew he was running late it was his responsibility to contact airline C. Seems straight forward enough to me. Any regular travel would know that, and even non regular surely cant put the blame on someone else for something you booked/arranged by yourself.

  7. Sorry mods if not supposed to quote like this.

    The quoted answer makes it clear there is room for "reasonable doubt" - which in most jurisdictions is enough to disallow the 'purported' evidence.

    From Answers.com

    Are emails admissible in court?

    In: Law & Legal Issues [Edit categories] Chiang mai Luxury Homeswww.thelagunahome.com<BR itxtvisited="1">Buy a luxury home/villa/house in beautiful Chiangmai<BR itxtvisited="1">Ads [Improve] abar_a.gif?v=80394 <P itxtvisited="1"><P itxtvisited="1">


    <P itxtvisited="1"><P itxtvisited="1"><P itxtvisited="1">Generally the presiding judge decides what form of evidence can be submitted. <P itxtvisited="1">If an e-mail can be connected to the person without there being any doubt of someone else having sent it, then it is possible it could be used as evidence in some cases. If the e-mail account was accessible to others, it is highly doubtful it would be allowed to be entered as evidence.

    <BR style="CLEAR: left; DISPLAY: block" itxtvisited="1">

    Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Are_emails_admissible_in_court#ixzz1Ekg2qUsq

  8. For the original price you paid this you can remit back out of Thailand usingthe original TT3 (exchange receipt).

    Any amount over that hold back at first. Then in seperate transactions you can remit overseas up to US$20,000- per time to yourself "for personal expenses" under Bank of Thailand regs. Amounts over US$20,000- need an invoice or some other documentation.

    Beware that the 'profit technically is taxable in Thailand if you declare it, so if you try to transfer all your sale price (ie: more than the original TT# amount) there may be questions of a 'tax' clearance.??'

  9. The only placeI know that does these translations in Chiangmai is Teya Language School in Chang Phuak, on the right hand side past Rajaphat University on the way out of towm. Big sign on the front in English. Professional and good fro English but i never needed other languages, butt they do advertise other languages. Tel no. 053.224210 - 1.

  10. "Later in December Mr. X says he do not want to pay us anymore money for the construction, but he want to deal directly with our contractor. I say fine, but if you do that, then you break the contract and we will dismiss the construction contract with you, then you are on your own and welcome to deal directly with our builders."

    From the Civil and Commercial Code:

    Section 389. If performance becomes wholly or party impossible by a cause attributable to the debtor, the creditor may rescind the contract.

    OK. well noted. Thx.

  11. Agreed with gregb. Emails are not PROOF nor are they contractual and in many places not acceptable in court because they can be altered/tampered with by other than the sender. Or in fact they could be sent by anyone using the senders email address.

    For avoidance of doubt and for your own peice of mind a Signed cancellation of contract from X is required.

  12. The airlines in Thailand do not retain the departure card, it should be immigration that do that.

    Non sense - the immigration deskofficer processes your departure ONLINE when you stand in fron tof him/her, he/she then staples the departure card to the boarding pass (the peice kept by the airline) and gives you back your Passport and boardingpass with departure card attached. When you board your flight the airline staff tear of there peice of the Boarding pass with departure card attached and you keep your part of the boardingpass.

  13. Can someone please explain to me how an "arriving" passenger will be detained for "overstay" ??

    Seems to some over reaction on this thraead.

    Since the OP has now explained that they left as a family group it is likely that the IMM officer already processed the departure card online and it seems to me the airline is the one who collects the departure card because it is stapled to the part of the Boarding pass the airline collects when you board.

    Also as previously posted a new visa is evidence that his wife left the country, as is the Boarding pass.

    ANd as for the statement that tracking in Thailand is done by passport number - Not true! It is done by both - ie: passort number ad name, Plus it is done by the TM number - the number on the Arrival/departure card.

    OP, if you cannot get answer from your Embassy (which i think you probably wont) keep all the documentation with you and on arrival go to the Immigration Office (not the counters the actual Office) on the arrivals side and explain your case to the Supervisor. If in doubt be upfront and ask.

    How do I know ? This happended to me on one of my many trips almost weekly to LOS. So I did what i say, went to the Immigration Supervisors office (airside) when i landed back in Bangkok , explained, they looked up computer - answer no problem ! The immigration staff then proceeded to process my arrival and I was out of there through the VIP entrance in about 10minutes.

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