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Posts posted by Crypt36

  1. Thais for Life bookshop in soi yensabi, thousands of books, 80 baht per book with a 40 baht discount when you return and exchange for another book, all proceeds go to the charity.

    This is so funny since it hasn't been there anymore for at least one year..... If anyone knows where it went let me know.

  2. http://www.fisica.un...tions/5772.html

    Check these time tables. If the water goes as low as 1m or less the beach becomes huge instead of that little strip we normally have. Currently it gets down 1m almost every day but some weaks and even months of the year we don't get this lowtide at all so cleaning is not possible.

    Now take a bag, go up on the beach in front of Pattaya Klang / Central Pattaya road. Make sure you're on the wet sand where people swim at the high tide and start walking towards walking street. Just 15 minutes a day. Fill a bag and go home...There's containers up on the boulevard every 100m.

  3. Good work, it is a shame the people who probably watch you every day cannot see beyond the end of their little noses.

    If you were to organise a beach clean up I would be happy to join in, it would not make one ounce of difference but maybe being seen to make a difference may spark some notice and debate in the land where "image" is such an important thing.

    A Beach clean up would be useless. As I said you clean it up and it's back the next day. I've been doing it for 3 months and it's useless. If you want to help do the same I do. Pick up glass with a bag for 1 hour a day.

    If 3 more people would do what I do Pattaya beach would be glass free period.

  4. I don't know about jellyfish season but I haven't seen alot of dead jellyfish laying around so I'm sure you'll be fine in the water. We all swim in Holland and there's jelly fish 100 fold compared to over here... I spot maybe 1 dead jellyfish a day on the beach here so there's not many.

    Never swim when you're drunk period. Further more Pattaya doesn't have dangerous drifts or waves like a french ocean has so swimming at night is just fine. The beach is clean except for all the glass so wear shoes.

    The water appears rather clean to me but I did smell like oil on 2 occasions but I do visit the beach every day.

  5. I have called that number 1337 and got an english speaking woman from the city office. She would make notice of my story...

    It's not that bad on Pattaya Beach actually concerning other kinds of rubbish. Some tin cans yes. But no bags or other kinds of stuff.... JUST GLASS?! I think it's the thais themselves who sit there every night and leave their bottles.

    I actually had some thai come up to me 2 months ago. He told me he was from the city office and identified himself with a card. He asked me if I was cleaning the glass up every day and "not many thai people clean up the glass" and if he could take my picture, which I refused being pretty pissed he wan't <deleted> pickin it up himself instead of hearassing me.... When I walked up 5 mins later with a new bag he stood there with his camera filming me... I was pretty angry... And because of this I seriously doubt my call will make a difference...

  6. Well it's everywhere.

    The South Part is worst because I don't pick it up over there... Also the water doesn't draw back as far as the north part of the beach with the lowtide.

    Zone :Asia/Bangkok

    Here you can see the lowtides.

    Now with the lowtide check the large pools on the north beach. On the south part of the beach you won't have much difficulty spotting bottles in case you have eyes. Just walk the wet part where the water has drawn back with the lowtides.

    North part it's apart from the pools of water worst where you see the "branches in the water" those little rivers / deltas where the water has flewn back with the lowtide, always "fresh" broken glass over there and it's where people stand and swim with the high tide.

    What's 1337 for number? People who live here might now how far the water draws back with the lowtide, I doubt those beachowners have the duty to clean up during those 2 hours around noon currently, and that's the only time you can see how bad it really is.

    Apart from the pools and the "delta" part the north side is pretty clean actually because that's where water gathers all of it.

    P.S. I don't know how to explain it the "delta" part.... It's at the border between the dry and the wet sand with the lowtide where the backing water made all those little rivers, it's a 1-2 meter strip.

  7. With the high tide you won't see that much except for some frequent shards of glass, most already worn down by the sand, not that big of a problem. What you might not know as that the part where you swim is just covered in F*****ng glass?! Mainly those big pools left behind with the low tide and where the water makes all these delta's when pulling back from the beach. I've been gathering on average 3 bags of glass every day for the past 3 months. Every f****ng day, good for 400 to 500kg of bottles and broken glass.

    It's ridiculous?! I am pissed off and I've had it! You clean a part of the beach and the next day it's all back again and the next and next I am sick of it.

    And noone else is doing it period. Maybe a beach chair owner picks a bottle once a day if it might be in reach of his toe from his last chair but no way he'd ever pick up the broken glass, no just a bottle in reach.

    Where do I go? They have a mayer here right? Someone with on office and clerks to get angry with?

    Maybe other people could do the same, it would help.

  8. I hear I should give my cats and dog something to prevent them from getting worms and heartworms in particular.

    I suppose I can just treat fleas, lice and ticks whenever I see them... Anything that should be taken care of besides the worms?

    Taking my animals over to a vet every month would be a rather long and expensive trip I'd rather avoid, can these things be solved with a pil or liquid in their food instead of injection? What kind of product do you use?

  9. Let's say I want to go from Carrefour in Pattaya to Ekamai in Bangkok.

    I want to cab driver to wait for 20 mins and then take me back to Pattaya.

    Where do I get my cheap taxi and what would I be paying him?

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