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Posts posted by Crypt36

  1. No way I'm moving out and everyone is once more very friendly. As I said basically the problem is solved except for broken pride and the fact I at that point never felt more alone in this country. Basically this treatment was very racist. Especially the emergency lines that just hang up on me, ridiculous.

  2. One week ago I woke up in the middle of the night because people were fighting (as in screaming, not fysical I think) in the hall of my condo. I had no idea who it was but I just slammed my fist against my door 3 times and asked if they could "shut up". Next thing some idiot starts kicking and screaming on my door. It didn't last too long and when I had put on my shoes he was gone and I went down to get security. They came up with some local boys and I got back to bed. 5 mins later the idiot is in front of my door again kicking and threatening me, when I opened up my door he tried to punch me in the face through a hole he made in the mosquito net of my steel security door. He missed and I got spit in the face twice we cursed and I slammed the door shut. I didn't see the guy before but now it turned out to be one of the security guards who I'd seen fighting with the girl living acros me already several times in the past weeks. The second time he came back their was also at least one other security guard standing in the hall doing nothing.

    I felt threatened and called the police (tried 5 numbers) but they all hang up on me, even the ones that did speak english. So I got dressed and went to my local police station in Pattaya. The officer was very friendly and really interested in everything about me except what happened. He send me home and told me an officer would meet me at the condo but this never happened.

    I'm not going to make a fool out of myself so I never went back to the police offcourse. I did went to the condo management to ask how it could be a security guard on duty tried to kick down the door etc on duty and why the other guards didn't help me out and were just watching. They told me they'd fix the door and look into the situation. They didn't fix the door and the guy is still working here. The girl across the hall is the daughter of the office where I rent and her mom promised me to fix the door for free. Offcourse they have no idea who the guy is what is not true offcourse because I've seen them together several times.

    If I wouldn't have locked my security door after I went down to get security and gor back in I would have got beaten up at least, probably not by the guy threatening me but by the other security guards.

    Next day also the tire of my bicycle got stabbed in the night.

    So, well.... The guy still works here and sais nothing to me. I got my tire fixed for 100thb and my door is being fixed. Problem solved I'd say.

    However offcourse I am pissed of and don't understand why the police won't respond and the condo management doesn't fire the guy what would have happened in Holland for sure. Does the condo loose face too much or something? I would really like to know how people who lived here for a long time and maybe have a thai wife or something think about this.

    Also offcourse I do realise it is my own fault and will never ever bang my door again for silence nor will I call the police when I see fights, accidents or genereal mischief. This apparently is not Holland...

    PS: I don't even know why they were fighting in the hall. I thought they were relatives or maybe her boyfriend but she clames she doesn't know him even though I had seen them fight before and heared them in the hall more frequently. Maybe it's about money? Maybe he's a part of the mob next to being a security guard and that's the reason police nor condo do anything? I'm a noob, I don't know this society.

  3. Today I went to see the "dog hotel" of Muang Ake vetenarian. It was a dark humid room without any windows with a fan in the middle on the first floor. Two sizes of cages for big and smaller animals. 120thb a days for my cat and my 10kg dog 140thb a day.

    I would leave them there for 1 or 2 days but not with the utmost best feeling if you catch my drift.

    So does anybody know a more expensive pet hotel in Pattaya?

  4. Anyone who has ever been to Pattaya beach will probably have seen some chards of glass and bottles laying around in the sand... Not a pleasant sight with all the children and common barefooters around! I never go without a decent pair of shoes on my feet.

    Especially with the low tides and especially the south pattaya part is covered in bottles of which many broken. Now I wonder who and when is this being cleaned up?!

    Does Pattaya have a crew of beachcleaners that goes around at certain times?

  5. I always hear of this weekend market on Soi Bukhao but I have never seen it... Where exactly is this market being held? Which days? Near Pattaya Klang or Pattaya Thai end of the street? Something nearby that can help me find it?

  6. I'm looking for a decent cat and dog hotel near Bangkok. I live in Pattaya myself but seriously doubt I will find a good adres over here. I had them stay over at the hotel of a local vet once for 2 days but got them back all shaking and disturbed. They put them in tiny little cages and feed them and that's it, same thing all over town.

    Hope someone knows a good place with people who actually take good care of them.

  7. My cat will love that! Will try Frontline as well... She had the injection as well as Revolution drops in her neck but I took off another 20 this morning nevertheless...

    Crypt36, my apologies for an attempted reinterpretation of your 'mites'; I though it was a failure in communication from your vet. Now I know exactly what you're talking about... those little almost globular things which are an early stage of tick development. Yes, Frontline's the thing. I don't know what your dog is, but the Frontline must reach the skin, where it sinks in and provides long-term protection. If the dog is long-haired or has dense hair, you need Spot-On. If it is almost hairless, the spray is fine. I once had to deal with a major infestation of ticks when I had an Alsatian (I could pick 100 off him any day), and Frontline dealt with it.
  8. She has never had fleas before. She did have ticks a while back but it's the mites what is the problem. Just those horrible little mites. They're too small, I can't get them off her, I can't spot them in her fur?! I need something that kills those rotten mites! Something I can put her feet in after walking what will kill their eggs and themselves. I already wash her feet every time but that doesn't help.

  9. Everyday I walk with my dog on the "parkinglot" of my condo three times since there is no where else to go nearby. It's all cement and tiles but nevertheless her feet get stuffed with mites and ticks. The doctor gives her this injection below but I doubt this is healthy to often. Does anyone know how often you can give this to your dogs? What is everybody else doing to prevent their dogs from getting this? I only have a small room and I won't be letting her out the door anymore when this continues.


  10. I'm looking for a good but cheap hotel for my dog and cat. Hat to get my visa and got them back weakened and shaking after 3 days. I don't know if they're to blame but I share ain't going to try it again. My parents their dogs always came back happy and barking after staying in a hotel for a while.

    Who knows a really good place where they actually care and have some courtyard for them to play or something? I payed 100thb a night for each now, I can get a room for myself at this price so I think this is more then reasonable. Preferably in Bangkok, I live in Pattaya myself.

  11. I was so happy when I just got True in my condo 3 months back. The so promissing new internet provider. And it worked! Always online and good speeds.

    But for the past 3 weeks it's down all the time! Never long but dam_n often. Like 4 times a day. And the speeds in the evening are horrible now whilest they were just fine when I just subscribed.

    Anyone else having the same problem?

  12. Sure go somewhere in Pattaya, you might get lucky... I got VERY unlucky and wouldn't recommend anyone to visit a Pattaya dentist. No decent dentist would accept a job in Pattaya, sex tourism capital of the world. Great place for a holiday but do yourself a favour and take the bus to Bangkok for 113thb and pick a top clinic.

    These are some good Bangkok clinics where they will have good and modern equipment, something you will not find in Pattaya!

    Bangkok International Dental Center (BIDC)

    Bumrungrad Hospital - Dental Center

    Dental Hospital

    Thantakit Dental Clinic

    Silom Dental Building

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