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Posts posted by Crypt36

  1. If it keeps restarting something is wrong. Even if the harddisk is missing, damaged or some system file is missing it will give you a black screen not reboot.

    If you are able to acces the bios and boot from a cd make sure you have backups of all your files and know where to get your drivers later on (win7 has that all set up for you if you're lucky)

  2. Dammit! I knew it the moment the movie started I should have taken the 3D ticket... I loved Ice Age in 3D but all the other 3D flicks I've seen sucked and actually ruined the movie... Didn't know this one would be digitally animated :)

    Guess I'll have to go see it again...

  3. Hmmm yeah wel if it keeps rebooting in the bootscreen you can't load a cd for a setup or anything as well... Maybe some badly connected hardware or even broken. I would personally firmly put all the parts back in place first, then ask a forum.

    I'm sure the pc dealer can fix it for you!

  4. So does Pattaya have a place for Metal fans as well? The Slayer/Marduk kinda stuff not Metallica!

    it's more of an Eagles' nest here...

    Tsss pussies haha that figures in Pattaya :)

  5. I really didn't know there were more then one energy suppliers in Pattaya but I've been paying 6thb a kwh the past year and now in my new condo I only pay 3 thb for gouvernment energy?!

    Crap that's half the price?! So how many suppliers are there? And why would anyone pay 6thb instead of 3thb?!

  6. I'd use a pc forum.... I don't trust anyone else with my pc but me. But maybe I just don't like hiding my porn haha!

    When my pc software is going weird I format and reinstall windows... It's the best solution in any case anyways, keeps everything going smooth.

  7. Well depending on how often you would buy a Mcdonalds burger you get get to pick up girls for free my way and you'll be able to actually do something with them untill you die.

    Hehe the Knuckleburger as an eye opener instead of closer :)

  8. Was busy doing other stuff in my new condo but I found that shop today, thanx!

    It's across the street from the Ayudhya bank about 300m from the Dolphin roundabout on Naklua Rd. It's a framework shop, big sheets are quite expensive but they have small cutting leftovers in the back.

  9. It's real easy. You go to Foodland and buy their Cracked Grain bread 60thb. Now you head over to Carrefour where you buy 1 pot of Realmayo 60thb and 1 Heinz Mustard 60thb. Now you pick up 1 chinese cabbage 10thb and 3 tomatoes 6thb. Now buy a 200gr Knuckle steak 60thb and head home.

    Bake the Knuckle Steak and cut it into 2mm slices. Put some mayonaise on the bread, add up some steak slices, add up some Mustard and sliced tomatoes and cabbage on top of this. You can also add pickles/onions and cheese if you like.

    Now for about 250thb you can make alot of fuc_king burgers which taste 3 times better then any burger sold in this town. They're also 6 times as cheap and 100 times healthier. What else do you want?!

  10. I did used to make alot of rice but more indonesian, japanese and chinese style ingredients... I don't like spicy food and can't stand it neither do I like the fish sauce (nam pla?). Pepper, salt, garlic, gingerroot, Soysauce, Teriyaki and Oystersauce is what I use. Lot's of stuff like Spaghetti and Bami I would make in Holland but not over here because I can't get decent ingredients unfortianetely.

    But I got kinda tired of rice 24/7 for months so now I just eat my bread and cook/bake my potatoes, veggies and meat with salt and pepper.

    there's so much stuff you like to eat back home and can't get here... It's kinda hard sometimes but I'm used to it now, it works the other way to though!

  11. I used to eat them all the time when I just got here... The small and the big grasshoppers and the small white worms they call Rot Duan (fast train) are my favourites. Even ate one of those scorpions once :)

    But I get diarea from street food all the time so I don't eat it anymore.

  12. Yes this happened to me twice and it can happen at any ATM anywhere in Thailand. What happens is that the ATM doesn't have enough bills. Just use the big machines and never those little ATM boxes... Policy is you'll have it back in 20 days and my 12.000thb and 20.000thb came back in exactly that time.

  13. Been to the market on friday and saturday, no idea if it'll be opened on sunday as well. Every shop I visited had it's own specialties and low prices in something! I can recommend all of them and you're bound to find something in the next the previous ones didn't have.

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