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Posts posted by Crypt36

  1. First of all what is this for fish kind on the picture? They sell them on the local thai markets and supermarkets as well. They weight about 80gr.


    I feed these fish to my cat and dog and would also like to know if this kind qualifies as "fat fish" like Mackerel and Salmon.

    Further more they always sell these eel like fish. Every thai market has this stand with live frogs, turtles, catfish and also a bucket with these alive eel like fish. Are these in fact eels? I don't have a picture.

    Last question is if the Catfish and Saba qualifies as "fat fish" as well.

  2. I think cooked is ok yes. Try google if you want to be sure :)

    It's a really really minor risk though... Even if it's in the meat the chance is small your dogs actually gets it... At least that's what I read. It would be horrible offcourse but I see soi dogs and cats chewing on pork heads all the time and they still live.

  3. I feed my dog chicken, duck, quail, fat fish, beef, lamb, eggs. It's good to combine multiple types of bones, meat and organs from different species.

    Here's a price list of what you'll pay for some of it on average in the supermarkets, thai markets will often have a slightly better price:

    Quail: 175thb /kg

    chickenleg: 65thb /kg

    chickenbreast: 100thb /kg

    lamb: 235thb /kg

    Beefstew: 185thb /kg

    catfish: 65thb /kg

    chicken heart: 80thb /kg

    chicken carcass: 40thb /kg

  4. Aren't we all slaves to our mortgages, cars and mobile phones (I don't have any of these by the way) and isn't a thai worksmen working 7 days a week the worst slave of all?

    I think it's horrible.

    I just hope the girls working in Pattaya do so out of free will and if so they have a pretty good job compared with other salaries isn't it?

  5. Yeah tropo excuse me but blah blah blah. Like I said the 3D effects in Ice Age 3 were amazing and just blew me away and I left the cinema stunned and with an open mouth and they simply messed up in Avatar.

    It's a nice try to see what the future might be for 3D movies with real human beings but it's far from finished. And alot of the 3D effects they threw in were just too lame. Still like I said some of the images like the attacking doglike creatures and an accosional shot of the girl were crystal clear and nice but rare!

  6. I went to see the 3D version as well last night. It was kinda cool but have to admit it was a big disapointment. I expected 3D effects as good as in Iceage 3 but those were far supperior. They're completely different movies offcourse and it's abviously alot more difficult to get 3D stuff with real objects. I think I enjoyed it better in 2D actually but wouldn't have wanted to miss the 3D version because it did was kinda revolutionary and special to see!

    dam_n both version were good... 2D better to follow but in 3D you have these wonderfull clear 3D images but the rest of the screen is often blurred what works against it...

  7. Haha lol no! I listen all kinds of heavy guitar music. Oi, Punk, Hardcore, Thrash, Death and Black Metal and just look normal...

    When it comes to playing the intruments these guys are <deleted> heroes anyways... Shame only a few underground fans have the ears to appreciate it.

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